
Summary of the resource. Only used 7 times in the database, click here to see them

Access Rights:
Information about who can access the resource or an indication of its security status.

Bibliographic Citation:
Our reference database has a few digitized books in our collection. This comes in two forms a number that uniquely identifies a book, and a link to said book.

Someone who helped with this item.

The person who created the resource.

Only the Newspaper index has them searchable by date range, however there are many items that have the date as just the year, or year/month as YYYYMM or for example: 199101, or as text as in August 04, 1962. We are working on updating the dates so the are more easily read and searchable.

Date Copyrighted:
Date of copyright.

Date Created:
Date of creation of the resource as inputted by us at the library. There is an o:created property that the system uses to order search results, that one works off of when it was added to this new version of the site.

Formally notes field.

The Dublin Core™:
Metadata Initiative, or "DCMI", is an organization supporting innovation in metadata design and best practices across the metadata ecology. (Website)

The size or duration of the resource.

Friends of Friends:
FOAF is a computer language defining a dictionary of people-related terms that can be used in structured data.(Website)

The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource.

Has Part:
A related resource that is included either physically or logically in the described resource.

The link from the old site.

Format of:
A related resource that is substantially the same as the described resource, but in another format.

Is Format of:
A related resource that is substantially the same as the described resource, but in another format.

Is Part Of:
A related resource in which the described resource is physically or logically included.

Is Referenced By:
A related resource that references, cites, or otherwise points to the described resource.

Is Version of:
A related resource of which the described resource is a version, edition, or adaptation.

The material or physical carrier of the resource.

A statement of any changes in ownership and custody of the resource since its creation that are significant for its authenticity, integrity, and interpretation.

An entity responsible for making the resource available.

Information about copy rights held in and over the resource.

Rights Holder:
A person or organization owning or managing rights over the resource.

A related resource from which the described resource is derived.

A name given to the resource.

The nature or genre of the resource.

International Standard Book Number

Library of Congress Control Number (similar to ISBN)

Where in our library this book sits.

document number.

Website link associated with the item.