Canadian geographic [magazine].

Canadian geographic [magazine].
Equinox is merging into Canadian Geographic with the September 2000 issue.
Bibliographic Citation
Ottawa : Royal Canadian Geographical Society, 1978-
ONF VIC ADULT 20030102 PERIODICAL 0301 MAG PERIODICAL :(year)Jan/Feb2003 0 Jan/Feb2003
ONF VIC ADULT 20030102 PERIODICAL 0301 Storage REFMAG PREF :(year)Jan/Feb2003 23 Jan/Feb2003
ONF VIC ADULT 20030304 PERIODICAL 0303 MAG PERIODICAL :(year)Mar/Apr2003 0 Mar/Apr2003
ONF VIC ADULT 20030304 PERIODICAL 0303 Storage REFMAG PREF :(year)Mar/Apr2003 23 Mar/Apr2003
ONF VIC ADULT 20030604 PERIODICAL 0305 MAG PERIODICAL :(year)May/Jun2003 0 May/Jun2003
ONF VIC ADULT 20030816 PERIODICAL 0305 Storage REFMAG PREF :(year)May/Jun2003 23 May/Jun2003
ONF VIC ADULT 20030626 PERIODICAL 0307 Storage REFMAG PREF :(year)Jul/Aug2003 23 Jul/Aug2003
ONF VIC ADULT 20030905 PERIODICAL 0309 MAG PERIODICAL :(year)Sep/Oct2003 0 Sep/Oct2003
ONF VIC ADULT 20030908 PERIODICAL 0309 Storage REFMAG PREF :(year)Sep/Oct2003 23 Sep/Oct2003
ONF VIC ADULT 20031104 PERIODICAL 0311 Storage REFMAG PREF :(year)Nov/Dec2003 23 Nov/Dec2003
ONF VIC ADULT 20031203 PERIODICAL 8710 REFMAG PREF :(year)Oct/Nov1987 23 Oct/Nov1987
Item sets

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Items with "Bibliographic Citation: Canadian geographic [magazine]."
Title Class
Bruce Peninsula National Park
Howe, Marguerita
Operation Clean - Niagara River in Crisis