Postcard Collection
Item set
- Title
- Postcard Collection
- Description
- Over the years the library has acquired a large number of postcards through donations and purchases. Those that are not part of another collection are in the general postcard collection.
Browse Items
Rear view Maple Leaf Mill, Government Elevator & Niagara Grain & Feed Co [Company] Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
On the north shore of Lake Erie, on the Welland Canal -
Front view Maple Leaf Mill, Government Elevator & Niagara Grain & Feed Co [Company] Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
On the north shore of Lake Erie, on the Welland Canal -
Plant of Canada Furnace Co [Company] Ltd [Limited] Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
Welland Canal in foreground, mounds of coal line the bank of the canal ; a very large steel structure is in centre of image, ; sign for C F Co Ltd attached to top of first steel structure ; a large lake boat (laker) is docked underneath the steel structure ; -
Grain Elevator Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
Massive brick building more than four stories high ; a large steel structure is attached to the near side of the building ; railway box cars from Great North West and South Western Pacific are under the steel structure ; -
Maple Leaf Flour Mill Port Colborne Ontario
On the north shore of Lake Erie, a large lake grain boat is docked on the near side of the first building ; smaller buildings line the bank of the canal and larger ones in background ; -
Government Elevator and Maple Leaf Milling Co [Company] Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
On the north shore of Lake Erie, a large lake grain boat is docked next to the Government Elevator (left) Maple Leaf Mill is right ; -
Canada Furnace Co [Company] Plant Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
Welland Canal in foreground, mounds of coal line the bank of the canal ; two very large steel structures in centre of image, small hoppers can be seen within the steel structures ; sign for C F Co Ltd attached to top of first steel structure ; -
Government Elevator and Maple Leaf Flour Mill Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
On the north shore of Lake Erie, a large lake boat is docked next to the Government Elevator (left) Maple Leaf Mill is right ; -
Maple Leaf Mill, Government Elevator & Niagara Grain & Feed Co [Company] Port Colborne Canada
On the north shore of Lake Erie, from L-R Maple leaf Mills, Government Elevator, Niagara Grain & Feed, canal running through centre of image and railway tracks to the left ; -
Plant of Canada Furnace Co [Company] Ltd [Limited] Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
On the north shore of Lake Erie which is visible in the foreground, smoke stacks and mounds of coal ; a lake boat in distance (far right) and a tug boat is (centre right) -
Maple Leaf Flour Mill Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
Factory buildings located at edge of the north shore of Lake Erie ; grain elevator visible in front building and a grain lake boat or freighter is discharging its load ; any lake boat is in the background (right) ; -
Plant of International Nickel Co [INCO] Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
Distance view of the factory buildings and smoke stacks ; grass and trees surround the plant -
Canada Portland Cement Co [Company] Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
Long view of the factory surrounded by grass -
Entrance to Welland Canal Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
The third Welland Canal as it passes through the centre of Port Colborne, stores and businesses (left) ; canal bank and hydro poles (right) ; lock bridge (centre) -
Cottages and bathing beach Sunset Park near North Bay
Five small cottages are shown on the edge of a lake ; large trees surround the cottages ; canoes are beached in front of two of the cottages ; -
Residential street North Bay Ontario
Shows tree lined street with houses obscured by trees ; hydro poles (left and right) -
When in North Bay visit "The Chicago" the only air-conditioned restaurant in the North
A red brick building with an art deco entrance to the restaurant, port hole windows ; a large sign running the lengthwise down the building advertises restaurant and soda fountain ; a horizontal sign above the entrance advertises the air-conditioning as being by H H Lock and Sons Toronto ; -
The Erie Belle Chippawa 1911
In background left is shown the original mouth of the Welland River where it joins the Niagara about one mile above the famous cataract ; to the right are shown the man-made Hog Island and channel dug in 1827 ; the smoke stack in the background is from a factory on the American side of the Niagara River -
Tourist Home Of Mrs M W Schrader Bridgewater Street Chippawa Ontario Phone 3519 Ring 22
A two story brick home surrounded by trees and garden ; a dormer window set into the roof line and awnings on each of the windows ; -
Boating at Chippawa Ontario
Five canoes are shown boating in Chippawa Creek, The MCR [Michigan Central Railway bridge is in the background ; Left front canoe inlcudes: Thomas Greenwood, Louise Ackerman, Mrs. Greenwood; Left Upper Canoe: Thomas Downey & unknown; Upper right canoes': Hardy Gerber & Deak Greenwood ; tw small motor boats are shown tied up at the boat house centre right ; -
View of Welland River from Old Manor Camp Niagara River Boulevard Canada
Welland River seen from the old Macklem House -
Trinity Church Chippawa Ont [Ontario]
Ivy covered one story stone building with central spire and bell tower surrounded by trees -
Old Erie Belle in harbor Chippawa Ontario
The schooner Erie Belle is docked in Chippawa Harbor (background left) ; a small boat house is (right) ; the small motor boat in the foreground was built in Port Burwell & registered in 1873 ; the Scott family of Buffalo are in the motor boat -
Canoeing at Chippawa Ont [Ontario]
Two women identified as Helen Rapeljie in the stern and Eleanor Bukator in the bow paddling in Chippawa ; electric railway poles in background ; verification of identity provided by Eleanor Bukator February 9 1975 ; in background can be seen the old mouth of Chippawa Creek which has now (2008) been filled in and is known as King's Bridge Park ; -
A few of the many boat houses at Chippawa Ont [Ontario]creek
Small boat houses along the banks of Chippawa Creek ; boat house extreme left belonged to Walt Gorings, extreme right belonged to Gilbert McMicking then Herman McKenzie ; the largest boat house one in from the right was the club house ; -
Cummington Square Chippawa Ontario
Shops stores and business in downtown Chippawa ; Village of Chippawa Town Hall (centre left) ; Royal Bank of Canada (right) ; horse and buggy is outside the bank ; two men are posing in the centre of the image where the bandshell was later built ; -
Frenchman's Creek Bridge Bridgeburg Ont [Ontario]
Small narrow stone bridge ; various men and children are posing on the bridge itself and women and children are seated near the creek bank by one of the bridge supports ; -
Macklem St [Street] Chippewa sic [Chippawa] Ont [Ontario]
View of residential houses on Macklem Street ; two small boys are in foreground playing with home made carts or tricycles ; trolley poles at right ; -
Old Manor Camp Niagara River Boulevard Canada
A large stone house ; central steps leading up to main porch with four large pillars an automobile is parked on the driveway ; side porch and verandah to the left ; out buildings to the right ; a large road side advertising sign (bottom right) reads " Old Manor Camp Tourists STOP 150 years old visitors welcome" another sign to the right of the road side sign advertises "Old Manor Restaurant" ; the Niagara River Boulevard/Parkway runs across the bottom of the photograph ; -
Bathing at Chippawa M C Ry [Michigan Central Railway] Bridge in background
Two men holding onto an overturned canoe in Chippawa Creek (foreground) ; boat houses (right ); Michigan Central Railway [MCR] Bridge in background -
A part of the Norton Co [Company] Plant Chippawa Ont [Ontario]
Rows of small residential cottages built for workers at the Norton plant ; dirt road is now the Chippawa Parkway ; newly planted maple trees ; -
Georges Cabins Main Street East Chippawa
Two panoramic views on one card ; view 1 - top small white cabins clustered around grass and flowerbeds ; view 2 - lower - main entrance tor registration, advertising for coffee shop sign on tree in front of buildings ; -
Norton Co Cottages Chippawa Ont [Ontario]
A row of small cottages built for workers of the Norton Company in Chippawa, sometimes called Norton Village; note the newly planted maples; Dirt road is now the Chippawa Parkway -
James Street Incline Railway Hamilton Ont [Ontario]
View looking south up the escarpment to the Mountain View Hotel at the top of the James Street Incline (Hamilton and Barton Incline Railway) ; (right) entrance gateway to “Ballinahinch”, the mansion built in 1849 for A.S. Kennedy, a prosperous Hamilton dry goods merchant ; -
James Street looking north from Bank of Commerce building Hamilton Ont [Ontario]
Large grey stone building with clock tower left (possibly old City Hall) ; streetcar bottom right ; -
Scottish Rite Cathedral and Club Hamilton Ont [Ontario Canada
Red brick building with turrets and large windows behind a wrought iron black fence ; small bare trees line the sidewalk ; -
Bridgeburg looking east Buffalo in the distance
View of Fort Erie and Bridge in distance ; view is bordered by crests of the Canadian provinces, Newfoundland and Labrador is not included so date must be prior to 1949 ; central crest reada "Honi soit qui mal y pense" translated "Evil be to him who evil thinks" -
Historical residence Bridgeburg Ont [Ontario]
Bertie Hall in Fort Erie ; two story residence with outside porch with four large columns ; water hydrant in foreground ; -
Central United Church Fort Erie Ontario
Large brick building with narrow frontage surrounded by trees ; stone steps lead to main entrance in central tower ; -
Customs House from Peace Bridge Fort Erie Canada
Stone building with ramp leading to entrance surrounded by chain link fence ; flag pole and antennae on roof ; -
St. Paul's Anglican Church, Niagara Boulevard - Fort Erie
Large brick building with highly sloped roof, incorporates standing tower with gothic arch window to the right ; steep steps lead from the waklway to the church entrance ; gravestones in the surrounding cemetery and four small trees in front of a stone wall in the foreground ; -
New high school Dunnville Ont [Ontario]
The large brick two story school building has a large area of open land around it ; the main entrance has a small tower which holds the flag pole ; as a small shed is to the left and snow is on the ground ; a single male dressed in winter clothing is in the centre of the photograph ; -
Jarvis Street Bridgeburg Ont [Ontario]
Jarvis Street at this time is a dirt road, there are stores on the left and also the right ; in the distance on the left and right can be seen residential houses ; hydro poles are located on both sides of the street ; -
Peace Bridge at twilight linking Canada and the United States at Fort Erie Ont [Ontario] and Buffalo NY [New York]
Reverse reads Commemorates 100 years of peace between United States and Canada. Cost $4,500,000. Length 4,900 feet. Dedicated by Prince of Wales and Vice-President Dawes on August 7 1927. Accommodates 3000 autos an hour ; -
Knox Presbyterian Church Dunnville Ont. St Paul's English Church Dunnville Ont [Ontario]
Knox Presbyterian a multi gabled brick building with central bell tower, snow on ground ; St Paul's a brick building with the main entrance offset to the left directly underneath a large bell tower, snow on the ground ; -
Section Riverside Tourist Camp King's Highway No 3 Dunnville Ontario Canada
Seven very small cabins nestled among the trees and grass -
Post Office Dunnville Ontario
Post office building with clock tower , flag on clock tower ; clock set to 11:45 am and sign on left side of building reads "Dominion Public Building" sign above entrance "Dunnville", sign above door "Post Office" ; residential houses behind the building to the right ; what looks like snow in the bottom left quadrant is in fact damage to the photograph ; -
Public school Dunnville Ontario
Brick building with flat roof and central portico ; snow on ground ; -
St Paul's Anglican Church Dunnville Ontario
Brick building with bell tower surrounded by bare trees ; snow on ground -
Roman Catholic Church Dunnville Ontario
Brick building with central tower surrounded by trees -
Byng Bridge near Dunnville Ontario
Byng Bridge in background ; bridge leads from Dunnville proper to the area of Byng ; Grand River in foreground; -
Lower Grand River Dunnville Ont [Ontario. Canal and Locks Dunnville Ont [Ontario]
Title 1:Lower Grand River Dunnville Ont [Ontario ; Title 2: Canal and locks Dunnville Ont [Ontario] -
Looking up the canal Dunnville Ont [Ontario]. Grand River Bridge Dunnville Ont [Ontario]
Title 1: view of the canal and bankside buildings ; Title 2: View of the Grand River Bridge -
Bird's eye view showing Grand River and Long Bridge Dunnville Ont [Ontario]
Grand River and shoreline in far distance ; one large building (left) and other smaller buildings (right) -
Bird's eye view looking east from Monarch Knitting factory Dunnville Ont [Ontario]
View taken in winter shows mostly residential houses with some larger buildings ; snow is on the ground ; -
The Grand River Dunnville Ontario
View of the Grand River with an island (centre background) and the shore in the distance (right) ; left there is a small dock and a small boat steaming toward the dock ; -
Post Office Dunnville Ontario
Post office building with clock tower , flag on clock tower ; clock set to 1:20 pm and sign on left side of building reads "Dominion Public Building" sign above entrance "Dunnville", sign above door "Post Office" ; horse and wagon at left side partially hidden by building ; -
Victoria Hotel Dunnville Ontario
Cars are parked in front of the hotel ; there are awnings on each window and a sign for a restaurant in the hotel is at the far end of the building ; -
Centre Business Section From Lock Street Dunnville Ontario
Business section of downtown Dunnville, many shops and stores line the streets ; cars are parked on all sides ; -
Bank of Hamilton Block Dunnville Ont [Ontario]
The large downtown block fills the entire image ; a group of men are gathered outside the bank in the centre ; snow is on the ground and a sign "Skating tonight" is attached to a hydro pole to the right of the bank ; -
GTR [Grand Trunk Railway] Station Dunnville Ont [Ontario]
The railway station is to the centre left of the image ; a boxcar can seen to the extreme left partially hidden by the station ; snow is on the ground ; -
GTR [Grand Trunk Railway] Station Dunnville Ont [Ontario]
The railway station is in the centre of the image ; a train and passengers are to the right of the station ; passengers are waiting on the platform ; a horse and cart and a horse and buggy are also in the image ; -
Port Maitland near Dunnville Ont [Ontario]
Gazebo like structure in foreground, two men standing beside it ; windmill to the right of the gazebo ; large building in background mostly hidden by gazebo has sign reading C D Martin ...; -
Evergreen Point Cabins and camp, 1 mile west of Dunnville Ontario Highway No 3
Cabins are shown in the background ; picnic tables ; Imperial dealer sign on pole ; sign advertising Heated Cabins ; -
Band stand in Central Park Dunnville Ontario
Military cannon in foreground -
War Memorial Hospital Dunnville Ontario
Large residential looking building with wrap around porch set in gardens and trees ; -
Business section Dunnville Ontario
Royal Bank of Canada (right) ; Drug store (centre background) name not readable ; Rexall Drug store sign (left on side of building) ; another drug store possibly L J M Mee? (bottom left) ; cars parked along the street ; -
Business section at the Gore Dunnville Ontario
Colberry's Drug store (left) ; Royal Bank of Canada (extreme right) ; Rex Cafe next to bank ; cars parked along the street ; -
Victoria Hotel and Chestnut Street Dunnville Ontario
Victoria Hotel is building on the right ; a sign for Milo's Restaurant (right centre); The Queens Hotel can be seen in the far distance at the end of the block on the right ; Left side of the street is the Canadian Bank of Commerce Building ; cars are parked on both sides of the street ; -
St Paul's Church Dunnville Ont [Ontario]
Card was mailed in Dunnville Ontario on May 29 1907 to Miss N Peer Niagara Falls ; message reads "why don't you write or come up. Are you at N Falls or where are you? and what are you doing? Hope you are well. E H " ; -
Motoring on the Grand River at Dunnville, Ont [Ontario]
Card was mailed in Dunnville Ontario on January 4 1909 to Mrs Susan Peer Niagara Falls ; message reads "Dear mother, am going down to Aunt Hannah's tomorrow so do not expect to get home before Saturday. I phoned Mrs Parker so it is alright to go over and stay a few days. I will be home to go to work on Monday. Trust you got home alright. I did not mind the drive at all. Hope you find them all well at home.Affectionately Angus. Did not see Charlie again. He promised to come down Sunday but did not. I suppose he went home. -
The Park, Dunnville Ont [Ontario]
Gazebo in centre, two small children left -
Central Park Dunnville Ont [Ontario]
Card was mailed in Dunnville Ontario in 1910 to Miss N Peer 108 Park Street Niagara Falls ; message reads Dear Lyn & Mother, How are you getting on! how is little Joney boy. Will go to Wainfleet late next week don't know when I will be down. Drop me a line. Love to all your loving Aunt Nan" ; -
Harbor and piers Port Maitland Ont [Ontario] Dunnville's lakeside resort
Foxing on front of card -
Partial view Dunnville Ontario, Grand River in foreground
Crest of the British Empire reading On whose Dominion the sun never sets bottom left corner -
Broad Street looking west Dunnville Ontario Canada
Crest of the British Empire reading On whose Dominion the sun never sets top right corner -
T H & B [Toronto Hamilton & Buffalo] Railway Station Hamilton Canada
Card was mailed in Niagara Falls on June 29th 1911 to Miss Muriel Russell, 117 ? First Avenue, Niagara Falls, Ontario ; message reads arrived home all o.k. about two o'clock, tell Mama we will write soon. Helen Dore ?" ; -
Highfield School (playing hockey) Hamilton
Card was mailed in Winona Ontario on November 14th 1910 to G B Pattison Esq. Manufacturer's Life Insurance Company, Toronto ; message reads "Would it be convenient for you if your sister arrived on Thursday and stayed till Friday afternoon Nov 18th? If not, why say so. Family all well and frisky. Yours etc. H Pattison ; -
The Federal Life [Building] James Street looking north Hamilton
Card was mailed in Hamilton Ontario on March 14 th 1910 to Mr T G H Pattison Winona, Ontario ; it is a change of business address card from a dentist ; it reads "Removal notice. F Hansel Dentist. has moved to a more modern office in the Federal Life Building corner of Main and James Streets, one block west and one block south of his former office. Take elevator to Room 40" ; -
Rustic bridge Dundurn Park Hamilton Ont [Ontario]
Card was mailed in Winona Ont on November 24th 1910 to G B Pattison Esq, c/o Manufacturer's Life Insurance Company Toronto ; message reads "Unavoidably detained so neither Vi nor I went down. Hope you'll not be disappointed. Shall we see you on Saturday? Don't know whether Dad got the tickets or not. Will not be over for at least 3 weeks. Got a supply job for that time. M E Pattison" ; -
Royal Hamilton Yacht Club, Hamilton Ontario
Card was addressed to G B Pattison Esq, 269 Jarvis Street Toronto but shows no sign of ever being mailed ; message reads "Nevermind about the rubber tubing, G's brother woke up and sent some. H E P" ; -
T H & B [Toronto Hamilton & Buffalo] Railway Station Hamilton Canada
Bottom right corner damaged -
The court house Hamilton Canada
The building in the background (left) reads "Coronation ..." -
Looking north from mountain, West End Incline Railway Hamilton Ontario Canada
The tracks of the Incline railway (centre) -
King Street East looking east, Royal Connaught on right, Hamilton Ontario Canada
Many different kinds of cars lining the street -
King Street East looking west Hamilton Ontario Canada
Pantages sign to the right and many different kinds of cars lining the street -
The Kids' Paradise Grimsby Beach, The Pride of Canada
Boating and swimming at Grimsby Beach on the edge of Lake Ontario ; Crest of the British Empire reading "On whose Dominion the sun never sets" top left ;