
extracted text

war ; invaded Canada ; could not take it ; and
got a peace,—by which they lost their former
privileges. How ludicrous now appears the following rhapsody of an American government.
editor :—" Canada must be conquered, or we
shall stand disgraced in the eyes of the world.
It is a rod held over our heads ;' a fortress
which haughtily frowns upon our country,
and from which are disseminated throughout
the land, the seed of disaffection, sedition, and
treason. The national safety and honor and
glory are lost, if we do not win this splendid
prize." There are some Americans, however, who
will find consolation in the concluding words of
Mr. Thomson's book. " The operations of
the American armies," says he, " were, at the
commencement of the war, not quite so successful. Defeat, disgrace, and disaster, in many
instances, followed their movements ; but the
struggle was eventually closed by a succession
of achievements, which reflected the highest
degree of lustre upon the American name,
and ranked the United States among the first
and most independent nations of the earth."
As the reader has already had detailed to him
the " succession of achievements," by which
the United States have acquired so high renown,
it is unnecessary for us to comment upon this
climax of American gasconade.



No. 1.
District general order.
District head-quarters,
Kingston, 25th November, 1813.

HE major-general commanding, and president, having
received from major.general Vincent a report of the very
gallant and patriotic conduct of lieutenant-colonel Bostwick,
and an association of 45 officers and men of the militia of the
county of Norfolk, in capturing and destroying a band of
traitors, who, in violation of their allegiance, and of every
principle of honor and honesty, had leagued themselves
with the enemies of their country, to plunder and make prisoners the peaceable and well disposed inhabitants of the
province, major-general De Rottenburg requests that colonel
Bostwick, and every individual of the association, will accept
his best thanks for their zeal and loyalty in planning, and
gallantry in carrying into execution, this most useful and
public spirited enterprise.
The major-general and president hopes, that so striking an
instance of the beneficial effects, of unanimity and exertion in
the cause of their country, will not fail of producing a due
effect on the militia of this province. He calls upon them to
observe how quickly the energetic conduct of 45 individuals
has succeeded in freeing the inhabitants of an extensive district
from a numerous and well armed banditti, who would soon have
left them neither liberty nor property. He reminds them that,
if so much can be effected by so small a number, what may
not be expected from the unanimous exertions of the whole
population, guided and assisted by a spirit of subordination,
and aided by his majesty's troops, against an enemy who comes
for no other purpose than to enslave, plunder, and destroy.
By order,

lieutenant A. D. A. G.





No. 2.
From colonel Murray to major-general Vincent.
Fort-George, Dec. 12, 1813.
Having obtained information that the enemy had determined
on driving the country between Fort-George and the advance,
and was carrying off the loyal part of the inhabitants, not.
withstanding the inclemency of the season, I deemed it my
duty to make a rapid and forced march towards him with the
light troops under my command, which not only frustrated his
designs, but compelled him to evacuate Fort-George, by
precipitately crossing the river, and abandoning the whole of
the Niagara frontier. On learning our approach, he laid the
town of Newark in ashes, passed over his cannon and stores,
but failed in an attempt to destroy the fortifications, which are
evidently so much strengthened whilst in his possession, as
might have enabled general M'Clure (the commanding officer)
to have maintained a regular siege ; but such was the apparent
panic, that he left the whole of his tents standing.
I trust the indefatigable exertions of this handful of men
have rendered an essential service to the country, by rescuing
from a merciless enemy the inhabitants of an extensive and
highly cultivated tract of land, stored with cattle, grain, and
provisions, of every description ; and it must be an exultation
to them to find themselves delivered from the oppression of a
lawless banditti, composed of the disaffected of the country,
organised under the direct influence of the American government, who carried terror and dismay into every family.
1 have the honor to be, &c.
J. MURRAY, colonel,
To major-general Vincent, &c.

No. 3.
From the same to lieutenat.general Drummond.
Fort-Niagara, Dec. 19, 1813.
In obedience to your honor's commands, directing me to
attack Fort-Niagara, with the advance of the army of the
right, I resolved upon attempting a surprise. The embarkation
commenced on the 18th, at night, and the whole of the troops
were landed three miles from the fort early on the following
morning, in the following order of attack :—Advanced guard
one subaltern and 20 rank and file; grenadiers 100th regiment;



royal artillery, with grenadiers ; five companies 100th regiment, under lieutenant-colonel Hamilton, to assault the main
gate, and escalade the works adjacent ; three companies of the
100th regiment, under captain Martin, to storm the eastern
demi-bastion : captain Bailey, with the grenadiers royal Scots,
was directed to attack the salient angle of the fortification; and
the flank companies of the 4 I st regiment were ordered to
support the principal attack.—Each party was provided with
scaling ladders and axes. 1 have great satisfaction in acquainting your honor, that the fortress was carried by assault in the
most resolute and gallant manner, after a short but sp riteil
The highly gratifying but difficult duty remains, of endeavouring to do justice to the bravery, intrepidity, and devotion
of the 100th regiment to the service of their country, under
that gallant officer lieutenant-colonel Hamilton, to whom I feel
highly indebted for his cordial assistance. Captain Martin,
100th regiment, who executed the task allotted to him in the
most intrepid manner, merits the greatest praise; I have to
express my admiration of the valour of the royals, grenadiers,
under captain Bailey, whose zeal and gallantry were very
conspicuous. The just tribute of my applause is equally due to
the flank companies of the 41st regiment, under lieutenant
Bullock, who advanced to the attack with great spirit. The
royal artillery, under lieutenant Charlton, deserve my particular
notice. 'ro captain Elliot, deputy-assistant-quarter-mastergeneral, who conducted one of the columns of attack, and
superintended the embarkation, I feel highly obliged. I cannot
pass ol er the brilliant services of lieutenant Dawson and
captain Fawcett, 100th, in command of the advance and
grenadiers, who gallantly executed the orders entrusted to them,
by entirely cutting off two of the enemy's piquets, and surprising the sentries on the glacis and at the gate, by which means
the watch-word was obtained, and the entrance into the fort
greatly facilitated, to which may be attributed in a great degree
our trifling loss. I beg leave to recommend these meritorious
officers to your honor's protection. The scientific knowledge
of lieutenant Gengruben, royal engineers, in suggesting
arrangements previous to the attack, and for securing the fort
afterwards, I cannot too highly appreciate. The unwearied
exertions of acting quarter-master Pilkington, 100th regiment,
in bringing forward the materials requisite for the attack,
demand my acknowledgements. Captain Kirby, lieutenants
Ball, Scroos, and Hamilton, of the different provincial corps,
deserve my thanks. My staff-adjutant, Mr. Brampton, will
have the honor of presenting this despatch, and the standard of
the American garrison ; to his intelligence, valor, and friendly



assistance, not only on this trying occasion, but on many
former, I feel most grateful. Our force consisted of about
500 rank and file. Annexed is a return of our casualties, and
the enemy's loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners. The
ordnance and commissariat stores are so immense, that it is
totally out of my power to forward to you a correct statement
for some days, but 27 pieces of cannon, of different calibres,
are on the works, and upwards of 3000 stand of arms and
many rifles in the arsenal. The store-houses arc full of
cloathing and camp equipage of every description.
J. MUM( AY, colonel.
His honor lieutenant-gen. Drummond, &c. &c. &c.
Return of killed and wounded in an assault of Fort-Niagara, at daybreak, on the morning of the 19th of December, 1813.
General staff;-1 officer, wounded.
Royal artillery ;-1 staff, wounded.
41st foot ;-1 rank and file, wounded.
100th foot ; - 1 lieutenant, 5 rank and file, killed; 2 rank and file,
Names of officers killed and wounded.
Killed-100th fool ; —Lieutenant Nowlan.
Wounded;—Col. Murray, commanding, severely (not dangerously).
Royal artillery ;—Assistant-surgeon Ogilvie, slightly.

lieut.-col., and deputy-assistant-gen.
Return of the enemy's loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners, who
fell into our hands, in an assault on Fort-Niagara, on the morning
of the 19th of December, 1813.
Killed ;-65.
Wounded ; —1 lieutenant, I assistant-surgeon, 12 rank and file.
Prisoners ;-1 captain, 9 lieutenants, 2 ensigns, 1 surgeon, 1 commissary, 12 serjeants, 318 rank and file.

J. HARVEY, lieut.-col., and dep.-adjt.-gen.
E. BARNES, adj.-gen. North America.

No. 4.
From brigadier-general IVI‘Clure to the American secretary
at war.
Head-quarters, Buffaloe,
Dec. 22, 1813.
I regret to be under the necessity of announcing to you the
mortify ing intelligence of the loss of Fort-Niagara. On the
morning of the 19th instant, about four o'clock, the enemy
crossed the river at the Five mile Meadows in great force,




consisting of regulars and Indians, who made their way undis.
covered to the garrison, which, from the most correct informa-

tion I can collect, was completely surprised. Our men were
nearly all asleep in their tents; the enemy rushed in, and commenced a most horrid slaughter. Such as escaped the fury of the
first contest, retired to the old mess-house, where they kept
up a destructive fire on the enemy until a want of ammunition
compelled them to surrender. Although our force was very
inferior, and comparatively small indeed, I am induced to think
that the disaster is not attributable to any want of troops, but
to gross neglect in the commanding officer of the fort, captain
Leonard, in not preparing, hieing ready, and looking out for,
the expected attack. I have not been able to ascertain correctly the number of
killed and wounded. About 10 regulars have escaped out of
the fort, some badly wounded. Lieutenant Beck, 24th regiment, is killed, and it is said three others.
You will perceive, Sir, by the enclosed general orders, that
I apprehended an attack, and made the necessary arrangement
to meet it; but have reason to believe, from information
received by those who have made their escape, that the coin.:
mandant did not in any respect comply with those orders.
On the same morning a detachment of militia, under major
Bennett, stationed at Lewistown Heights, was attacked by a
party of savages; but the major and his little corps, by making
a desperate charge, effected their retreat, after being surrounded
by several hundreds, with the loss of six or eight, who doubtless
were killed ; among whom were two sons of captain Jones,
Indian interpreter. The villages of Youngstown, Lewistown;
Manchester, and the Indian Tuscarora village, were reduced to
ashes, and the inoffensive inhabitants who could not escape,
were, without regard to age or sex, inhumanly butchered, by
savages headed by British officers painted. A British officer,
who is taken prisoner, avows that many small children were
murdered by their Indians.
Major Mallory, who was stationed at Schlosser, with about
40 Canadian volunteers, advanced to Lewistown Heights, and
compelled the advanced guard of the enemy to fall back to the
foot of the mountain. The major is a meritorious officer ; he
fought the enemy two days, and contested every inch of ground
to the Tantawanty Creek. In these actions lieutenant Lowe,
Rid regiment of the United States army, and eight of the
Canadian volunteers, were killed. I had myself, three days
previous to the attack on the Niagara, left it with a view of
providing for the defence of this place, Black Rock, and the
other villages on this frontier.



I came here with the troops, and have called out the militia
of Gennessee, Niagara, and Chatauqua counties, en masse.
This place was then thought to be in imminent danger, as
well as the shipping, but I have no doubt is now perfectly
secure. Volunteers are coming in great numbers ; they arc,
however, a species of troops that cannot be expected to
continue in the service for a long time. In a few days 1000
detached militia, lately drafted, will be on.
I have the honor to be, &c.
G. M'CLURE, brig.-gen. corn.
Hon. J. Armstrong, secretary at war.

No. 5.
First American general order.
Head-quarters, Fort-Niagara, December 12, 1813.
Captain Leonard will, as soon as possible, have a proportion
of hand-grenades in the different block-houses, and give
directions to the officers of the infantry where they should be
posted with their men, in case of an attack ; and should they
not be able to maintain the out-works, to repair to the block
and mess-houses, and have every thing arranged in such a
manner as though he expected an immediate attack.
Much is expected from captain Leonard, from his long
experience and knowledge of duty ; and the general feels
confident he will be well supported by captain Lomas, of the
artillery, as well as the officers of the infantry.
By order of brig.•gen. M'Clure, ,
lieutenant 15 U. S. inf., and vol. aid de camp.

• Nc.
,. From major-general Riall to lieutenant-general Drummond.
Niagara frontier, near Fort-Erie,
Jan. 1, 1814.
I have the honor to report to you, that, agreeably to the
instructions contained in your letter of the 29th ult., and your
general order of that day, to pass the river Niagara, for the
purpose of attacking the enemy's force, collected at Black
Rock and Buffalo; and earring into execution the other objects
therein mentioned, I crossed the river in the following night,



with fOur companies of the king's regiment, and the light
company of the 89th, under lieutenant-colonel Ogilvie ; 250 men
of the 41st regiment, and the grenadiers of the 100th, under
major Friend ; together with about 50 militia volunteers and a
body of Indian warriors. The troops completed their landing
about 12 o'clock, nearly two miles below Black Rock ; the
light infantry of the 89th being in advance, surprised and captured the greater part of a piquet of the enemy, and secured
the bridge over the Conguichity Creek, the boards of which
had been loosened, and were ready to be carried off had there
been time given for it. I immediately established the 41st and
100th grenadiers in position beyond the bridge, for the purpose
of perfectly securing its passage : the enemy made some attempts
during the night upon this advanced position, but were repulsed
with loss.
At day-break I moved forward, the king's regiment and light
company of the 89th leading, the 41st and grenadiers of the
100th being in reserve. The enemy had by this time opened a
very heavy fire of cannon and musketry on the Royal Scots,
under lieutenant-colonel Gordon, who were destined to land
above Black Rock, for the purpose of turning his position,
while he should be attacked in front by the troops who landed
below ; several of the boats having grounded, 1 am sorry to
say this regiment suffered some loss, and was not able to effect
its landing in sufficient time to fully accomplish the object intended, though covered by the whole of our field-guns, under
captain Bridge, which were placed on the opposite bank of the
The king's and 89th, having in the meantime gained the town,
commenced a very spirited attack upon the enemy, who were in
great force, and very strongly posted. The reserve being
arrived on the ground, the whole were shortly engaged. The
enemy maintained his position with very considerable obstinacy
for some time ; but such was the spirited and determined ad.
ranee of our troops, that he was at length compelled to give
way, was driven through his batteries, in which were a 24pounder, three 12-pounders, and one 9-pounder, and pursued
to the town of Buffalo, about two miles distant; he here sheaved
a large body of infantry and cavalry, and attempted to oppose
our advance by the fire of a field piece, posted on the height,
which commanded the road ; but finding this ineffectual, he
fled in all directions, and betaking himself to the woods, further
pursuit was useless. He left behind him one 6-pounder brass
field-piece, and one iron 18 and one iron 6-pounder, which fell
into our hands. I then proceeded to execute the ulterior object
of the expedition, and detached captain Robinson, of the king's,
with two companies, to destroy the two schooners and sloop,'
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(part of the enemy's late squadron,) that were on shore a little
below the town, with the stores they had on board, which he
effectually completed. The town itself, (the inhabitants having
previously left it,) and the whole of the public stores, contain.
in evonsiderable quantities of cloathing, spirits, and flour, which
I had not the means of conveying away, were then set on fire,
and totally consumed ; as was also the village of Black Rock,
on the evening it was evacuated. In obedience to your further
instructions, 1 have directed lieutenant-colonel Gordon to Mae
down the river to Fort-Niagara, with a party of the 19th light
dragoons, under major Lisle, a detachment of the royal Scots,
and the 89th light company, and destroy the remaining cover
of the enemy upon his frontier, which he has reported to have
been effectually done. From every account I have been able
to collect, the enemy's force opposed to us was not less than
from 2000 to 2500 men ; their loss in killed and wounded, I
should imagine from 3 to 400; but from the nature of the
country, being mostly covered with wood, it is difficult to ascertain it precisely ; the same reason will account for our not
having been able to make a greater number of prisoners
than 130.
I have great satisfaction in stating to you the good conduct
of the whop of the regular troops and volunteer militia ; but I
must particularly mention the steadiness and bravery of the king's
regiment, and 89th light infantry. They were most gallantly
led to the attack by lieutenant-colonel Ogilvie, of the king's,
who, I am sorry to say, received a severe wound, which will for
a time deprive the service of a very brave and intelligent officer.
After lieutenant-colonel Ogilvie was wounded, the command of
the regiment devolved on captain Robinson, who, by a very
judicious movement to his right, with the three battalion com.
panics, made a considerable impression on the left of the enemy's
position. I have every reason to be satisfied with lieutenantcolonel Gordon, in the command of the royal Scots. and have
much to regret, that the accidental grounding of his boats
deprived me of the full benefit of his services ; and I have also
to mention my approbation of the conduct of major Frend,
commanding the 41st, as well as. that of captain Fawcett, of the
100th, grenadiers, who. wais unfortunately wounded. Captain
Mitten, of the 89th, and captain Brunter, of the king's light
infantry companies, conducted themselves in the most exemplary manner. Lieutenant-colonel Elliott, in this, as well as
on other occasions, is entitled to my highest commendations, for
his zeal and activity as superintendant of the Indian depart.
rnent ; and I am happy to add, that, through his exertions. and
that of his officers, no act of cruelty, as far as I could learn,
was committed by the Indians towards any of their prisoners.




I cannot close this report without mentioning, in terms of the
warmest praise, the good conduct of my aide-de-camp, captain
Holland, from whom I received the most able assistance throughout the whole of these operations. Nor can I omit mentioning
my obligations to you for acceding to the request of your aide.
de-camp, captain Jervoise, to accompany me. He was extremely
active and zealous, and rendered me very essential service. I
enclose a return of the killed, wounded, and missing, and of the
ordnance captured at Black Rock and Buffalo.
P. MALL, major-general.
Lieutenant-general Drummond, commanding
the forces, Upper Canada.
Return of the killed, wounded, and missing, of the troops of the
right division, under the command of major-general .Rial, in the
attack on Black Rock and Buffalo, on the-30th of December, 1813.
Scots; 13 rank and file.
Xing's regiment ; 7 rank and file,
41st foot ; -2 rank and file.
89th light infantry ; 3 rank and file.
; 3 rank and file.
Indian warriors ; —3 rank and file.
Wounded—royal Scots ;-3 serjeants, 29 rank and file.




King's regiment ;-2 officers, 14 rank and tile.
41stfoot;-5 rank and file.
89th foot ; (light infantry ;):---5 rank and file.
150th /hot ; (grenadiers ;)-1 officer, 4 rank and file.
Volunteer militia ; 1 officer, 5 rank and file.
Indian warriors ;-3 rank and file.
Missing—royal Scots ;-6 rank and file.
4Istfoot ; 3 rank and file.


Names of officers wounded.
Ring's regiment ;—Lieutenent-colonel Ogilvie, severely; (not danger-

ously ;) lieutenant Young, slightly.
100th foot ; (grenadiers ;) —Capt. Fawcett, severely ; not dangerously.
Volunteer militia 5 —Captain Serous, slightly.

Lieut.-colonel, and deputy-adjutant-general.
Return of ordnance captured at Black Rock and Buffalo, on the 30th
of December, 1813.
One brass 6 - pounder field - piece, with carriage, complete ; one iron 24pounder, one iron 18 pounder, one iron 12 - pounder, one 9 - pounder,
one iron 6-pounder.

C. BRIDGE, captain, R. A.




No. 7.
Extract of a letter from major-general Hall to governor
Tompkins; dated head-quarters, Niagara frontier, Dec.
301h, 1812, 7 o'clock, P. M.
I have only time to acknowledge the receipt of your letter
of the 25th inst., and to add, that this frontier is wholly desolate. The British crossed over, supported by a strong party
of Indians, a little before day this morning, near Black Rock;
they were met by the militia under my command with spirit;
but, overpowered by the numbers and discipline of the enemy,
the militia gave way, and fled on every side ; every attempt to
rally them was ineffectual.
The enemy's purpose was obtained, and the flourishing vil.
lage of Buffalo is laid in ruins. The Niagara frontier now lies
open and naked to our enemies. Your judgment will direct
you w hat is most proper in this emergency. I am exhausted
with fatigue, and must defer particulars till to-morrow. Many
valuable lives are lost.

No. 8.
From rear-admiral Cockburn to admiral tVarren.
His majesty's sloop Fantome, in the Elk River,
20th April, 1813.
I have the honor to acquaint you, that, having yesterday
gained information of the depot of flour (alluded to in your
note to me of the 23d inst.) being, with some military and
other stores, situated at a place called French-Town, a conside.
rabic distance up the river Elk, I caused his majesty's brigs,
Fantome, and Mohawk, and the Dolphin, Racer, and Bightlyer
tenders, to be moored, yesterday evening, as far within the entrance of this river as could be prudently effected after dark ;
and at 11 o'clock last night, the detachment of marines now in
the advanced squadron, consisting of about 150 men, under
captains Wybourn and Carter, of that corps, with five artillery.
men, under first-lieutenant Robertson of the artillery, (who
eagerly volunteered his valuable assistance on this occasion,)
proceeded in the boats of the squadron, the whole being under
the immediate direction of lieutenant G. A. Westpliall, first of
the Marlborough, to take and destroy the aforesaid stores: the'
Highflyer tender, tinder the command of lieutenant T. Lewis,
being directed to follow, for the support and protection of the
boats, as far and as closely as he might find it practicable.




Being ignorant of the way, the boats were unfortunately
led up the Bohemia River, instead of keeping in the Elk ;
and, it being daylight before this error was rectified, they
did not reach the destined place till between 8 and 9 o'clock
this morning, which occasioned the enemy to have full warning
of their approach, and gave him time to collect his force, and
make his arrangements for the defence of his stores and
town ; for the security of which, a 6-gun battery had lately
been erected, and from whence a heavy fire was opened upon
our boats the moment they approached within its reach ; but
the launches, with their carronades, under the orders of lieuteNicholas Alexander, first of the Dragon, pulling resolutely up
to the work, keeping up at the same time a constant and welldirected fire on it ; and the marines being in the act of disembarking on the right, the Americans judged it prudent to quit
their battery, and to retreat precipitately into the country,
abandoning to their fate French-Town and its depOts of stores ;
the whole of the latter, therefore, consisting of much flour, a
large quantity of army-cloathing, of saddles, bridles, and other
equipments for cavalry, &c. &c., together with various articles
of merchandize, were immediately set fire to, and entirely consumed, as were five vessels lying near the place ; and the guns
of the battery being too heavy to bring away, were disabled as
effectually as possible by lieutenant Robertson and his artillerymen; after which, my orders being completely fulfilled, the
boats returned down the river without molestation ; and I am
happy to add, that one seamen, of the Maidstone, wounded in
the arm by a grape-shot, is the only casualty we have sustained.
To lieutenant G. A. Westphal!, who has so gallantly conducted, and so ably executed, this service, my highest encomiums
and hest acknowledgements are due ; and 1 trust, sir, you will
deem him to have also thereby merited your favorable consideration and notice. It is likewise my pleasing duty to acquaint
you, that lie speaks in the highest terms of the zeal and good
conduct of every officer and man employed with him on this
occasion ; but particularly of the very great assistance he de.
rived from lieutenant Robertson, of the artillery ; lieutenant
Alexander, of the Dragon ; lieutenant Lewis, of the Bightlyer ;
and captains Wybourn and Carter of the royal marines.
I have now anchored the above-mentioned brigs and tenders
near a farm, on the right bank of this river, where there appears
to be a considerable quantity of cattle, which I intend embark.
ing for the use of the fleet under your command ; and if I meet
with no resistance or impediment in so doing, I shall give the
oe ner bills on the victualling-office for the fair value of whatsoever is so taken; but should resistance he made, 1 shall considea



them as prize of war, which nrust will meet your approbation;
and I purpose taking on board a further supply for the fleet tomorrow, on similar terms, from Specucie Island, which lies a
little below Havre-de-Grace, and which I have been informed
is also well stocked.
I have the honor to be, &c.
G. COCKBURN, rear-admiral,
'o the right hon. admiral Sir J. B. Warren, bart. K. B. &c.

NO, 9.
From same to same.
His majesty's ship Maidstone,
Tuesday-night, 3d of May, 1813, at anchor of
Turkey Point.
I have the honor to inform you, that, whilst anchoring the
brigs and tenders off Specucie Island, agreeably to my intentions
notified to you in my official report of the 29th ultimo, No. 10,
I observed guns fired, and American colours hoisted, at a battery
lately erected at Havre-de-grace, at the entrance of Susque.
Isanna River. This, of course, immediately gave to the place an
i mportance which I had not before attached to it, and I therefore determined on attacking it after the completion of our
operations at the island ; consequently, having sounded in the
direction towards it, and found that the shallowness of the
water would only admit of its being approached by boats, I
directed their assembling under lieutenant Westphall, (first of
the Marlborough,) last night at 12 o'clock, alongside the Fan.
tome: when our detachments of marines, consisting of about
150 men, (as before, ) under captains Wybourn and Carter, with
a small party of artillerymen, under lieutenant Robinson, of
the artillery, embarked in them ; and the whole being under
the immediate direction of captain Lawrence, of the Fan.
tome, (who, with much zeal and readiness, took upon himself,
at my request, the conducting of this service,) proceeded to.
ward Havre-de-Grace, to take up, under cover of the night,
the necessary position for commencing the attack at the dawn
of day. The Dolphin and Highflyer tenders, commanded by
'lieutenants Hutchinson and Lewis, followed for the support of
the boats, but the shoalness of the water prevented their getting
within six miles of the place. Captain Lawrence, however,
baying got up with the boats, arid having very ably and judi.
'ciously placed them during the dark, a warm fire was opened on
-the place at day-light from our launches and rocket- boats, which
was smartly returned from the battery for a short time ; but



the launches constantly closing with it, and their fire rather
increasing than decreasing, that from the battery soon began to
slacken ; and captain Lawrence observing this, very judiciously
directed the landing of the marines on the left ; which movement, added to the hot fire they were under, induced the Americans to commence withdrawing from the battery, to take
shelter in the town.
Lieutenant G. A. Westphall, who had taken his ,station
in the rocket-boat close to the battery, therefore now judging the moment to be favourable, pulled directly up under
the work, and landing with his boat's crew, got immediate possession of it, turned their own guns on them, and
thereby soon obliged them to retreat, with their whole force,
to the farthest extremity of the town, whither, (the marines
having by this time landed,) they were pursued closely ;
and no longer feeling themselves equal to an open and manly
resistance, they commenced a teazing and irritating fire from
behind the houses, walls, trees, &c. : from which, I am sorry
to say, my gallant first-lieutenant received a shot through his
hand whilst leading the pursuing party ; he, however, cond.
nued to head the advance, with which he soon succeeded in
dislodging the whole or the enemy from their lurking-places, and
driving them for shelter to the neighbouring woods ; and whilst
performing which service, he had the satisfaction to overtake,
and with his remaining hand to make prisoner and bring in a
captain of their militia. We also took an ensign and some
armed individuals ; but the rest of the force, which had been
opposed to us, having penetrated into the woods, I did not
judge it prudent to allow of their being further followed with
our small numbers ; therefore, after setting fire to some of the
houses, to cause the proprietors, (who had deserted them, and
formed part of the militia who had fled to the woods,) to
understand, and feel, what they were liable to bring upon
.themselves, by building batteries, and acting towards us with
so much useless rancour, 1 embarked in the boats the guns
from the battery, and having also taken and destroyed
about 130 stand of small arms, I detached a small division of
boats up the Susquehanna, to take and destroy whatever they
might meet with in it, and proceeded myself with the remaining
boats under captain Lawrence, in search of a cannon foundry,
which I had gained intelligence of, whilst on shore at Havrede.Grace, as being situated about three or four miles to the
northward, where we found it accordingly ; and getting pos.
session of it without difficulty, commenced instantly its destruction, and that of the guns and other materials We found there,
to complete which, occupied us during the remainder of the day,
as there were several buildings, and much complicated heavy




machinery, attached to it ; it was known by the name of
Cecil, or Principio foundry, and was one of the most valuable works of the kind in America ; the destruction of it,
therefore, at this moment, will, I trust, prove of much nati.
onal importance.
In the margin' I have stated the ordnance taken and dis.
abled by our small division this day, during the whole of which
we have been on shore in the centre of the enemy's country, and
on his high road between Baltimore and Philadelphia. The boats
which I sent up the Susquehanna, returned after destroying five
vessels on it, and a large store of flour ; when every thing being
completed to my utmost wishes, the whole division re.enibarked
and returned to the ships, where we arrived at 10 o'clock,
after having been 22 hours in constant exertion, without
nourishment of any kind ; and, I have much pleasure in toting
able to add, that, excepting lieutenant Westphall's wound, we
have not suffered any casualty whatever.
The judicious dispositions made by captain Lawrence, of the
Fantome, during the preceding night, and the able manner in
which he conducted the attack of Havre in the morning, added
to the gallantry, zeal, and attention, sliewn by hint during this
whole day, most justly entitle him to my highest encorninms
and acknowledgements, and will, I trust, ensure to him your
approbation ; and I have the pleasure to add, that he speaks in
the most favorable manner of the good conduct of all the officers
and men employed in the boats under his immediate orders,
particularly of lieutenants Alexander and Reed, of the Dragon
and Fantome, who each commanded a division ; of lieutenant
G. A. %Vestphall, whose exemplary and gallant conduct it has
been necessary for me already to notice in detailing to you the
operations of the day. I shall only now add that, from a
thorough knowledge of his merits, (he having served many
years, with me as first lieutenant,) 1 always, on similar occa.
sions, expected much from him, but this day he even out.
stripped those expectations; and though in considerable pain
from his wound, he insisted on continuing to assist me to the last
moment with his able exertions. I therefore, sir, cannot but
entertain a confident hope that his services of to-day, and the
wound he has received, added to what he so successfully exe.
cuted at Frenchlown, (as detailed in my letter to you of the
29th ultimo,) vv ill obtain for him your favorable consideration
* Taken from the battery at Havre-de-Grace-6 guns, 12 and 6-pounders.
Disabled, in battery for protection of foundry-5 guns, 24-pounders.
Disabled, ready for sending allay from foundry-28 guns, 32-pounders.
Disabled, in boring-house and foundry-8 guns and 4 carronades of
different calibres.
Total--51 guns, and 130 stand of small arms.



Ind notice, and that of my lords commissioners of the admiralty.
I should be wanting in justice did I not also mention to yop,
particularly, the able assistance again afforded me by lieutenant
Robertson, of the artillery, who is ever a volunteer where service is to be performed, and always foremost in performing such
vervice, being equally conspicuous for his gallantry and ability ;
and he also obligedme by superintending the destruction of tho
ordnance taken at the foundry. To captains Wyborn and
Carter, who commanded the marines, and shewed much skill in
the management of them, every praise is likewise due, as are
my acknowledgments to lieutenant Lewis, of the Highflyer,
who, not being able to bring his vessel near enough to render
assistance, came himself with his usual active zeal to offer his
personal services. And it is my pleasing duty to have to report
to you, in addition, that all the other officers and men seemed
to vie with each other in the cheerful and zealous discharge of
their duty, and I have, therefore, the satisfaction of recommending their general good conduct, on this occasion, to your
notice accordingly. I have the honor to be, &c.
G. COCKBI:11,N, rear-adm.
To the right hon. admiral sir J. B. Warren, bart.
and K.B. &c.

No. 10.
From same to same.
11.1VI.S. Maidstone, off the Sassafras river,
May 6th, 1813.
I have the honor to acquaint you, that understanding
Georgetown and rederick stow n, situated up the Sassafras river,
were places of some trade and importance, and the Sassafras
being the only river or place of shelter for vessels at this upper
extremity of the Chesapeake, which I had not examined and
cleared, I directed, last night, the assembling of the boats along..
side the Mohawk, from whence with the marines, as before,
under captains Wybourn and Carter, with my friend lieutenant
Robertswi, of the artillery, and his small party, they proceeded
up this river, being placed by me for this operation, under the
immediate directions of captain Byng of the Mohawk.
I intended that they should arrive before the above-mentioned
towns by dawn of day, but in this 1 was frustrated by the intricacy of the river, our total want of local knowledge in it, the
darkness of the night, and the great distance the towns lay up
it; it, therefore, unavoidably became late in the morning before



we approached them, when, having intercepted a small boat with
two of the inhabitants, 1 directed captain Byng to halt our
boats about two miles below the town, and I sent forward the
two Americans in their boat to warn their countrymen against
acting in the same rash manlier the people of Havre-de-Grace
had done ; assuring them, if they did, that
the contrary, if they
did not attempt resistance, no injury should be done to them or
their towns ; that vessels and public property only would be
seized ; that the strictest discipline would be maintained ; and
that, whatever provisions or other property of individuals I
might require for the use of the squadron, should be instantly
paid for in its fullest value. After having allowed sufficient
time for this message to be digested, and their resolution taken
thereon, I directed the boats to advance, and I am sorry to say,
I soon found the more unwise alternative was adopted ; for on
our reaching within about a mile of the town, between two
projecting elevated points of the river, a most heavy fire of
musketry was opened on us from about 400 men, divided
and entrenched on the two opposite banks, aided by one long
gun. The launches and rocket-boats smartly returned this fire
with good effect, and with the other boats and the marines I
pushed a-shore immediately above the enemy's position, thereby
ensuring the capture of the towns or the bringing him to a de.
cided action. He determined, however, not to risk the latter ;
for the moment he discerned we had gained the shore, and that
the marines had fixed their bayonets, he fled with his whole
force to the woods, and was neither seen nor heard of after.
wards, though several parties were sent out to ascertain whether
he had taken up any new position, or what had become of him.
I gave him, however, the mortification of seeing, from where.
ever he had hid himself, that I was keeping my word with respect
to the towns, which (excepting the houses of those who had con.
tinned peaceably in them, and had taken no part in the attack
made on us) were forthwith destroyed, as were four vessels
laying in the river, and some stores of sugar, of lumber, of
leather, and of other merehandize. I then directed the re.
embarkation of our small force, and we proceeded down the
river again, to a town I had observed, situated in a branch of
it, about half way up, and here I had the satisfaction to find,
that what had passed at Havre, Georgetown, and Frederickstown, had its effect, and led these people to understand, that
they had more to hope for from our generosity, than from
erecting batteries, and opposing us by means within their
power ; the inhabitants of this place having met me at landing,
to say that they had not permitted either guns or militia to be
statined there, and that whilst there I should not meet with any




opposition whatever. I therefore landed with the officers and
a small guard only, and having ascertained that there was no
public property of any kind, or warlike stores, and having
allowed of such articles as we stood in need of being embarked
in the boats on payment to the owner of their full value, I
again re-embarked, leaving the people of this place well pleased
with the wisdom of their determination on their mode of receiving us. I also had a deputation from Charlestown, in the
north..east river, to assure me that that place is considered by
them at your mercy, and that neither guns nor militia-men shall
be suffered there ; and' s I am assured that all the places in the
upper part of the Chesapeake have adopted similar resolutions,
and that there is now neither public property, vessels, nor warlike stores remaining in this neighbourhood, I propose returning to you with the light squadron to-morrow morning.
I am sorry to say the hot fire we were under this morning
cost us five men wounded, one only, however, severely ; and
have much satisfaction in being able to bear testimony to you
of the zeal, gallantry, and good conduct of the different officers
and men serving in this division. To captain Byng, of the
Mohawk, who conducted the various arrangements, on this
Occasion, with equal skill and bravery, every possible praise is
most justly due, as well as to captains Wybourn and Carter,
lieutenant Robertson, of the artillery, and lieutenant Lewis, of
the high flyer ; lieutenant Alexander, of the Dragon, the senior
officer under captain Byng, in command of the boats, deserves
also that I should particularly notice him to you for his steadiness, correctness, and the great ability with which he always
executes whatever service is entrusted to him ; and I must beg permission of seizing this opportunity of stating to you how much I
have been indebted, since on this service, to captain Burdett, of
this ship, who was good enough to receive me on board the
Maidstone when I found it impracticable to advance higher in
the Marlborough, and has invariably accompanied me on every
'occasion whilst directing these various operations, and rendered
me always the most able, prompt, and efficacious assistance.
I have the honor to be, &c.
G. COCKBURN, rear-adm.
To the right hon. admiral sir J. D. Warren, Bart. K.B. &c.

No. 11.
From lieutenant Crerie to captain Travis.

Ills majesty's ship Narcissus, .1 one 13, 1813.
Your gallant and desperate attempt to defend your vessel
'against more than double your number, on the night of the



12th instant, excited such admiration on the part of your
opponents, as I have seldom witnessed, and induced me to
return you the sword you had so nobly used, in testimony of
mine. Our poor fellows have severely suffered, occasioned
chiefly, if not solely, by the precaution you had taken to pre.
vent surprise; in short, I am at a loss which to admire most,
the previous engagement on board the Surveyor, or the deter.
Mined manner by which her deck was disputed, inch by inch.
I am, sir, with much respect, &c.
Capt. S. Travis,
S. cutter, Surveyor. JOHN C

No. 12.
From commodore Cassia to the American secretary of the
(I.ErrEn. I.)

Navy yard, Gosport, June 21, 1813.
On Saturday, at 11 P. M. captain Tarbell moved with the
flotilla under his command, consisting of 15 gun-boats, in two
divisions, lieutenant John M. Gardner 1st division, and licute.
slant Robert Henley the Rd, manned from the frigate, and 50
musketeers, ordered from Craney island by general Taylor,
and proceeded down the river ; but adverse winds and squalls
prevented his approaching the enemy until Sunday morning at
four, when the flotilla commenced a heavy galling fire on a
frigate, at about three quarters of a mile distance, lying well
up the roads, two other frigates lying in sight. At half past
four, a breeze sprung up from E.N.E. which enabled the two
frigates to get under way—one a razee or very heavy ship, and
the other a frigate—and to come nearer into action. The boats,
in consequence of their approach, hauled off, though keeping
up a well directed fire on the razee and the other ship, which
gave us several broadsides. The frigate first engaged, supposed
to be the Junon, was certainly severely handled—had the calm
.continued one half hour, that frigate must have fallen into our
hands, or been destroyed. She must, have slipped her mooring
so as to drop nearer the razee, who had all sail set, coming up
to her with the other frigate. The action continued one hour
and a half with three ships. Shortly after the action, the razee
got alongside of the ship, and had her upon a deep careen in a
little time, with a number of boats and stages round her. I am
satisfied considerable damage was done to her, for she was
silenced, some time, until the razee. opened her fire, w hen she



commenced again. Our loss is very trifling. Mr. Allison,
master's mate, on board 139, was killed early in the action, by
an 18-pound ball, which passed through him and lodged in the
mast. No. 154 had a shot between wind and water. No. 67
had her franklin shot away, and several of them had. eofne of
their sweeps and their stancheons shot away—but two men
slightly injured from the sweeps. On the flood tide several
ships of the line and frigates came into the roads, and we did
expect au attack last night. There are now in the roads 13
ships of the line and frigates, one brig and several tenders.
I cannot say too much for the officers and crews on this occa.
sion ; for every man appeared to go into action with so much
cheerfulness, apparently to do their duty, resolved to conquer.
I had a better opportunity of discovering their actions than any
one else, being in my boat the whole of the action.
I have the honor to be, &c.
Bon. W. Jones, &c.

Navy yard, Gosport, June 23, 1813.
I have the honor to inform you, that on the 20th the enemy
got under way, in all 13 sail, and dropped up to the mouth of
James' river, one ship bearing a flag at the mizen. At 5 P.M.
they were discovered making great preparation with troops for
landing, having a number of boats for the purpose. Finding
Craney island rather weakly manned, captain Tarbell directed
lieutenants Neal, Shubrick, and Sanders, with 100 seamen, on
shore, at 11 P.M. to a small battery on the N.W. side of the
Tuesday 22d, at dawn, the enemy were discovered landing
round the point of Nansemond river ; at 8 A.M. the barges
attempted to land in front of the island, out of reach of the shot
from the gun-boats, when lieutenants Neal, Shubrick, and
Sanders with the sailors, and lieutenant Breckenbridge with the
marines of the Constellation, 150 in number, opened the fire,
which was so well directed, that the enemy were glad to get
off, after sinking three of their largest boats. One of then's,
called the Centepede, admiral Warren's boat, 50 feet in length,
carried 75 men, the greater part of whom were lost by her
sinking. Twenty soldiers and sailors were saved, and the boat
hauled up.
The officers of the Constellation fired their 18-pounder more
like riflemen than artillerists. I never saw such shooting, and
seriously believe they saved the island.
have the honor to be, &c.
Bon. W. Jones, &c.
The number of the enemy engaged in the attack was nearly'




No. 13:
From admiral Warren to Mr. Croker.
San Domingo, Hampton-roads,
Chesapeake, June 24, 1813.
I request you will inform their lordships, that, from the in.
formation received of the enemy's fortifying Craney Island, and
it being 'necessary to obtain possession of that place, to enable
the light ships and vessels to proceed up the narrow channel'
towards Norfolk, to transport the troops over on that side for
them to attack the new fort and lines, in the rear of which the
Constellation frigate was anchored, I directed the troops ander
sir Sydney Beckwith to be landed upon the continent within the
nearest point to that place, and a reinforcement of seamen and
marines from the ships ; but upon approaching the island, from
the extreme shoalness of the water on the sea side, and the
difficulty of getting across from the land, as well as the island
itself being fortified with a number of guns and men from the
frigate and militia, and flanked by 15 gun-boats, I considered,
in consequence of the representation of the officer commandity
the troops, of the difficulty of their passing over from the land,
that the persevering in the attempt would cost more men than
the number with us would permit, as the other forts must have
been stormed before the frigate and dock-yard could have been
destroyed ; I therefore ordered the troops to be re-embarked.
I am happy to say, the loss in the above affair (returns of
which are enclosed) has not been considerable, and only two
boats sunk.
I have to regret, that captain Hanshett, of his majesty's ship
Diadem, who volunteered his services, and led the division of
boats with great gallantry, was severely wounded by a ball in
the thigh.
The officers and men behaved with much bravery, and if it
had been possible to have got at the enemy, 1 am persuaded
would have soon gained the place.
I have the honor to be, &c.

J. W. Croker, esq.




A return of officers, seamen, and marines, belonging to his majesty's
ships, killed, wounded, and missing, in the attack on Craney island,
June 22d.

Xilled ;—None.
Wounded;-1 officer and 7 seamen.
Missing;-10 seamen.
Name of the officer.wounded.
Captain Hancliett, of his majesty's ship Diadem, severely, but not




nonA return of the killed, wounded, and missing, of the officers,
commissioned officers, drummers, and rank and file, in the affair
with the enemy near Craney islancl,June 22d.
1st battalion royal marines and rocket artillery ;-1 rank and file
rank and file, killed; 1 captain, 4
21 battalion royal marines ;-2rank
rook file, wounded ;
102d regiment ; —1 se r jeant, killed ; 1 serjeant, wounded.
Wand 2d company Canadian chasseurs ;-1 lieutenant, wounded; 2
terjeants, 2 drummers, 41 rank and file, missing.
Total-3 killed ; 8 wounded; 52 missing.

SYDNEY BECKWITH, quarter.master.gen.

No. 14.
From same to same.
San Domingo, Hampton-roads, Chesapeake,

June '27th, 1813.
I request you will inform their lordships, that the enemy
having a post at Hampton, defended by a considerable corps,
commanding the communication between the upper part of the
country and Norfolk ; I considered it advisable, and with a view
to cut of their resources, to direct it to be attacked by the
troops composing the flying corps attached to this squadron ;
and having instructed rear-admiral Cockburn to conduct the
naval part of the expedition, and placed captain Pechcll with
the Mohawk sloop and launches, as a covering force, under his


the troops were disembarked with the greatest zeal and
Sir Sydney Beckwith commanding the troops, having most
ably attacked and defeated the enemy's force, and took their
gum, colours, and camp, I refer their lordships to the quartermaster-general's report, (which is enclosed,) and that will
explain the gallantry and behavior of the several officers and

men employed upon this occasion, and I trust will entitle them
to the favor of his royal highness the prince regent, and the
lord's commissioners of the Admiralty.
Sir Sydney Beckwith, having reported to me that the defences
of the town were entirely destroyed, and the enemy completely
dispersed in the neighbourhood, I ordered the troops to be
re.embarked, which was performed with the utmost good order
by the several officers of the squadron under the orders of
I have the honor to be,
rear-admiral Cockburn.
John Wilson Croker, esq.


No. 15.

From quarter-master-general sir Sydney Beckwith to admiral
His majesty's ship San Domingo, Hampton-roads,
June 28, 1813.
I have the honor to report to you, that in compliance with
your orders to attack the enemy in town and camp at Hampton,
the troops under my command were put into light sailing
vessels and boats, during the night of the 25th instant, and by
the excellent arrangements of rear-admiral Cockburn, who was
pleased in person to superintend the advance under lieutenant.
colonel Napier, consisting of the 102d regiment, two companies
of Canadian Chasseurs, three companies of marines from the
squadron, with two 6-pounders from the marine artillery, were
landed half an hour before day-light the next morning, about
two miles to the westward of the town, and the royal marine
battalions, under lieutenant-colonel Williams, were brought on
shore so expeditiously that the column was speedily enabled to
move forward.
With a view to turn the enemy's position, our march was
directed towards the great road, leading from the country into
the rear of the town. Whilst the troops moved off in this
direction, rear-admiral Cockburn, to engage the enemy's
attention, ordered the armed launches and rocket-boats to
commence a fire upon their batteries ; this succeeded so corn.
pletely, that the head of our advanced guard had cleared a
wood, and were already on the enemy's flank before our
approach was perceived. They then moved from their camp
to their position in rear of the town, and here they were
vigorously attacked by lieutenant-colonel Napier, and the
advance ; unable to stand which, they continued their march to
the rear of the town, when a detachment, under lieutenant.
colonel Williams, conducted by captain Powell, a s sistant.
quarter-master-general, pushed through the town, and forced
their way across a bridge of planks into the enemy's encamp.
ment, of which, and the batteries, immediate possession was
gained. In the mean time some artillerymen stormed and took
the enemy's remaining field-pieces.
Enclosed I have the honor to transmit a return of ordnance
taken. Lieutenant-colonel Williams will have the honor of
delivering to you a stand of colours of the 68th regiment,
James city light infantry, and one of the 1st battalion 85th
regiment. The exact numbers of the enemy it is difficult to




• From the woody country, and the strength of their positions, our troops have sustained some loss ; that of the enemy
was very considerable. eery exertion was made to collect
the wounded Americans, who were attended by a surgeon of
their own, and by the British surgeons, who performed amputations on such as required it, and afforded every assistance in
their power. The dead bodies of such • as could be collected
were also carefully buried. .
I beg leave on this occasion to express the obligations I owe
to lieutenant-colonel Napier, and lieutenant-colonel Williams,
for their kind and able assistance ; to major, Malcolm and
captain Smith, and all the officers and men, whose zeal and
spirited conduct entitle them to my best acknowledgements.
I have the honor to be; &c.
Return of ordnance stores taken in Hampton, on the 25th of June, 1813.
pounder guns
Four 12-pounder guns on travelling carriages, three 6
on travelling carriages, with timbers and a proportion of ammunition,
fur each of the above calibres.
Three covered waggons and their horses.
T. A. PARKE, captain,
and senior officer R. M. artillery.


A return of the killed, wounded, and missing, at Hampton, the 26th of
June, 1813..
Royal marine artillery ;


1 rank and file, killed ; 4 rank and file,


Ships' 3 companies of royal marines

rank and file, wounded; 1

rank and file, missing.
rank and file, killed; 13 rank and
1st and 2d Canadian ehaiseurs
file, wounded; 6 rank and file, missing.,

1st battalion royal marines ;


1 rank and file, killed;

1 lieutenant, 1

rank and file, wounded.
6 rank and
2d battalion royal marines; .1 lieutenant, 1 serjeant,
ale, wounded ; 3 rank and tile missing.
Total-5 killed; 33 wounded ; 10 missing.


SYDNEY BECKWITH, Q. M. G, Admiral Sir J. B. Warien,
&c. &c. &c. '

No. 16.
From colonel Butler to general Harrison..

By liedtenant Shannon, of the •.7111 regiment United States'
infantry, I have the honor of informing you, that a detachment of the troops under my command, led by captain Holmes,
VOL. 11.




of the 24th United States' infantry, have obtained a signal
victory over the enemy.
The affair took place on the 4th instant, about 100 miles
from this place, on the river de French. Our force consisted
of no more than 160 rangers and mounted infantry. The
enemy, from their own acknowledgement, had about 240.
The fine light company of the royal Scots is totally destroyed;
they led the attack most gallantly, and their commander fell
within ten paces of our front line. The light company of the
89th has also suffered severely ; one officer of that company
fell, one is a prisoner, and another is said to be badly
In killed, wounded, and prisoners, the enemy lost about
80, whilst on our part there were but four killed, and four
wounded. This great disparity in the loss on each side, is to he
attributed to the very judicious position occupied by captain
Holmes, who compelled the enemy to attack him at great
disadvantage. This even more gallantly merits the laurel.
Captain Holmes has just returned, and will furnish a
detailed account of the expedition, which shall immediately be
transmitted to you. Very respectfully,
your most obedient servant,
Major-general Harrison.
lieut.-col. commandant Detroit.
.Enemy's forces, as stated by the prisoners.
Royal Scots,
89th regiment,
40 to 60


No. 17.
Miiittles of a council of war held at Champlain the 29th of
March, 1814.
Present—Brigadier-general Macomb, brigadier-general Bii.
sell, brigadier-general Smith, colonel Atkinson, colonel Miller,
colonel Cummings, major Pitts, major Totten.
Major-general Wilkinson states to the council, that, from the
best information he can collect. the enemy has assembled at the
Isle aux Noix and La Colic Mill 2500 men, composed of about
2000 regular troops and 500 militia, of whom, after leaving
a garrison of 200 men at Isle aux Noix, 1800 regulars and
500 militia may be brought into action. The corps of the
United States, now at this place, consists of 3999 combatants,


including 100 cavalry, and 304 artillerists, with 11 pieces of
artillery. The objects of the enemy are unknown, and the
two corps are separated nine miles. Under these circumstances
the major-general submits the following questions for the
consideration and opinion of the council.
First—Shall we attack the enemy ? and in such case do the
council approve the order of march and battle hereunto annexed,
with the general order of the day
Second—When and by what route shall the attack be made,
on the plan of the intermediate country hereunto annexed?
Third—Shall a single attack be made with our force combined; or shall two attacks be made ; or shall we feint on the
right by the shore of the Sorel, or to the left by Odell's
mill, to favor the main attack ?
The general will be happy to adopt any advantageous change
which may be proposed by the council, or be governed by their
The council is of opinion, that the light troops should cover
a reconnoissance towards La Colic Mill ; and, if it is found
practicable, the position should be attacked, and the enemy's
works destroyed ; that the whole army move to support the
light troops; that the order of battle is approved, and the
manner and mode of attack must be left entirely with the
commanding general. ALEX. MACOMB,
Under existing circumstances any opinion s is, that we go as
far as La Colic Mill, designated in the map, to meet the enemy
there, and destroy their block-house and the mill in which they
are quartered. M. SMITH, col. 29th inf.

No. 18.
American general order of the 29th of March.
Head-quarters, Champlain, 29th March, 1814.
The army will enter Canada to-morrow to meet the enemy,
who has approached in force to the vicinity of the national line of
demarkation ; the arms and ammunition are therefore to be critically examined, and the men completed to 60 rounds. The
commanding officers of corps and companies will be held responsible for the exact fulfilment of this essential order. The



troops to be completed to four days' cooked provisions, ex&
sive of the present ; and it is recommended to the gentlemen
commission to make same provision. No baggage will be
taken forward, excepting the bedding of the officers. Let every
officer, and every man, take the resolution to return victo.
rious, or not at all : for, with double the force of the enemy,
this army must not give ground.
Brigadier-general Macomb having joined with his command,
the formation of the troops must necessarily be modified. They
are therefore to be formed into three brigades ; the first, under
general Macomb, consisting of his present command, with the
addition of colonel M. Smith's consolidated regiment ; second
and third, under the command of brigadier-general Smith and
Bissell, consisting of the troops already consigned to them.
The order of march and battle will be furnished the brigadier.
generals, and commanding officers of regiments, by the adju.
tan t-general.
The transport permit will be immediately returned for, and
distributed by, regiments.
On the march, when approaching the enemy, or during an
action, the men are to be profoundly silent, and will resolutely execute the commands they may receive from the officers.
In every movement which may be made, the ranks are to be
unbroken, and there must be no running forward or shouting.
An officer will be posted on the right of each platoon, and a
tried serjeant will form a supernumerary rank, and will instantly
put to death any man who goes back. This formation is to take
place by regiments and brigades, in the course of the day,
when the officers are to be posted.
Let every one perfectly understand his place ; and let all
bear in mind what they owe to their own honor and to a he.
loved country, contending for its rights, and its very lode.
pendence as a nation.
The officers must be careful that the men do not throw away
their ammunition : one deliberate shot being worth half a dozen
hurried ones ; and they are to give to the troops the example
of courage in every exigency which may happen.
In battle, there must be no contest for rank or station, but
every corps must march promptly and directly to the spot,
which it may be directed to occupy. The troops will be under
arms at reveillee to-morrow morning, and still be ready to
march at a moment's warning. All orders from the adjutant
and inspector-general's department ; from captain Rees, as.
sistant-deputy-qim rter-mas ter-general ; and major Lush and
captain Nourse, extra aides de camp to general Wilkinson, will
be respected as coming from the commanding general himself.
Signed, by order,
W. CUMMINGS, adjutant-gen.



No. 19.

Front lieutenant-colonel Williams to sir G. Prevost.

La Cole. March 13, 1814.
Si It,
I beg leave to acquaint you, that I have just received from
major Ilandcock, of the 13th regiment, commanding at the
black-house on La Colle river, a report, stating that the
ont.posts on the roads from Burtonville and La Colle mill,
leading from Odell-town, were attacked at an early hour
yesterday morning by the enemy in great force, collected
from Plattshurg and Burlington, under the command of majorgeneral Wilkinson. The attack on the Burtonville road was
soon over, when the enetnv shewed themselves on the road
from the mill that leads direct to Odell-town, where they dune
in a piquet stationed in advance of La Colic, about a mile and
a half distant ; and s oon after the enemy established a battery
of three guns (12 pounders) in the wood. With this artillery
they began to fire on the mill, when major Handcock, hearing
of the arrival of the flank companies of the 13th regiment at
the block-house, ordered an attack on the guns ; which, however, was not successful, from the wood being so thick and so
filled with men. Soon after, another opportunity presented
itself, when the Canadian grenadier company, and a company
of the voltigeurs, attempted the guns; but the very great superiority of the enemy's numbers, hid in the woods, prevented
their taking them.'
I have to regret the loss of many brave and good soldiers in
these two attacks, and am particularly sorry to lose the service,
for a short tints, of captain Ellard, of the 13th regiment,
from being wounded, while gallantly leading his company.
The enemy withdrew their artillery towards night-fall, and
retired, towards morning, from the mill, taking the road to
Major Handcock speaks in high terms of obligation to
captain Ritter, of the frontier light infantry, who, from his
knowledge of the country, was of great benefit. The marine
detachment, under lieutenants Caldwell and Barton, the
Canadian grenadier company, and the company of voltigeurs,
as well as all the troops employed: the major expresses himself
in high terms of praise for their conduct, so honorable to

the service.
Major Handcock feels exceedingly indebted to captain
Pring, R. N. 'for his ready and prompt assistance, in mooring
up the sloop and gunboats from Isle au Noix, to the entrance
of the La Colle river, the lire from which was so destructive.


Lieutenants Caswick and Hicks, of the royal nary, were most
actively zealous in forwarding two guns from the boats, and
getting them up to the mill.
To major Handcock the greatest praise is due, for his most
gallant defence of the mill against such superior numbers; and
I earnestly trust it will meet the approbation of his excel ency
the commander in chief of the forces. 1 have the honor to
transmit a list of the killed and wounded of the British: that
of the enemy, from all accounts I can collect from the
inhabitants, must have been far greater.
I have the honor to be, &c.
lieut.-col. 13th regiment,
commanding at St. John's.
List of killed, wounded, and missing, in action at La Code mill, on the
30th of March, 1814.
13th grenadiers;—II rank and tile, killed; 1 captain, 1 subaltern, I
Serjeant, 31 rank and file, wounded ; 1 rank and file, missing.
13th light infantry ;-1 rank and file, killed; 1 serjeant, 8 rank and
file, wounded ; 1 rank and file, missing.
13th, captain Blake's company ;-1 rank and file, killed.
Canadian grenadiers;-1 rank and file, killed; 3 rank and file,
wounded; 2 rank and file, missing.
Canadian volt/gears ; -1 rank and file, wounded.
Total-11 rank and file, killed; 1 captain, 1 subaltern, 1 serjeant,43
rank and file, wounded; 4 rank and file, missing.
Officers wounded.
thregiment;—Captain Mud; ensign Whitford, slightly.
Note-1 Indian warrior killed, I wounded.

R. B. HANDCOCK, major.

No. 20.
From lieutenant-general Drummond to Sir George Prevost.
H. M. S. Prince Regent, Lake Ontario,

off Oswego, May 7, 1814.
I am happy to have to announce to your excellency the
complete success of the' expedition against Oswego. The
troops mentioned in my despatch of the 3d instant ; viz. six
companies of De Wattevilie's regiment, under lieutenant.
colonel Fischer, the light company of the Glengarry light
infantry, under captain M'Millan, and the whole of the second
battalion royal marines, under lieutenant-colonel Malcolm,
having been embarked with a detachment of the royal artillery,




under captain Cruttenden, with two field-pieces, a detachment
of the rocket company under lieutenant Stevens, and a detachment of sappers and miners under lieutenant Gosset, of
the royal engineers, on the evening of the 3d instant, I pro.
ceded on board the Prince Regent at day-light on the 4th, and
the squadron immediately sailed ; the wind being variable, we
slid not arrive off Oswego until noon the following day. The
ships lay-to within long gun-shot of the battery, and the gun.
boats under captain Collier were sent close in, for the purpose
of inducing the enemy to shew his fire, and particularly the
number and position of his guns. This service was performed
in the most gallant manner, the boats taking a position within
point-blank shot of the fort, which returned the fire from four
guns, one of them heavy. The enemy did not appear to have
any guns mounted on the town-side of the river.
Baying sufficiently reconnoitred the place, arrangements
were made for its attack, which it was designed should take place
at eight o'clock that evening ; but at sun-set a very heavy
squall blowing directly on the shore, obliged the squadron to
get under weigh, and prevented our return until next morning;
when the following disposition was made of the troops and
squadron by commodore sir J. Yeo and myself. The Princess
Charlotte, Wolfe,'K and Royal George,i - to engage the batteries, as close as the depth of water would admit of their approaching the shore ; the Sir Sidney Smith -1: schooner, to scour
the town, and keep in check a large body of militia, who might
attempt to pass over into the fort ; the Moira§ and Melvilleli
brigs, to tow the boats with the troops, and then cover their
landing, by scouring the woods on the low point towards the
foot of the hill, by which it was intended to advance to the
assault of the fort.
Captain O'Connor had the direction of the boats and gunboats destined to land the troops, which consisted of the flank
companies of De Watteville's regiment, the company of the
Glengarry light infantry, and the second battalion of the royal
marines, being all that could be landed at one embarkation.
The four battalion companies of the regiment of De Watteville,
and the detachment of artillery remaining in reserve on board
the Princess Charlotte and Sir Sidney Smith schooner.
As soon as every thing was ready, the ships opened their fire,
and the boats pushed for the point of disembarkation, in the
most itgular order. The landing was effected under a heavy
fire from the, fort, as well as from a considerable body of the
enemy, drawn up on the brow of the hill and in the woods.
The immediate command of the troops was entrusted to Bente4

• Montreal.

+ Niagara.


f) Charwell.

I Star.

nant-eolonel Fischer, of the regiment of De Watteville, of
whose gallant, cool, and judicious conduct, as well as of the
distinguished bravery, steadiness, and discipline of every officer
and soldier composing this small force, I was a witness, having,
with commodore sir James Yeo, the deputy-adjutant-general,
and the officers of my staff, landed with the troops.
I refer your excellency to lieutenant-colonel Fischer's letter
enclosed, for an account of the operations. The place was
gained in ten minutes from the moment the troops advanced.
The fort being every where almost open, the whole of the gar.
rison, consisting of the third battalion of artillery, about 400
strong, and some hundred militia, effected their escape, with
the exception of about 60 men, half of them severely wounded.
I enclose a return of our loss, amongst which I have to
regret that of captain Ilaltaway, of the royal marines. Your
excellency will lament to observe in the list the name of that
gallant, judicious, and excellent officer, captain Mulcaster, of
the:royal navy, who landed at the head of 5 2 0 volunteer
seamen from the fleet, and received a severe and dangerous
wound, when within a few yards of the guns, which he was
advancing 'to storm, which 1 fear will deprive the squadron of
his valuable assistance for some time at least.
- In noticing the co-operation of the naval branch of the ser.
vice, 1 have the highest satisfaction in assuring your excellency,
that I have throughout this, as well as on every other occasion,
experienced the most zealous, cordial, and able support from
sir James Yeo. It will be for him to do justice to the merits
of those under his command ; but I may nevertheless be per.
milted to observe, that nothing could exceed the coolness and
gallantry in action, or the unwearied exertions on shore, of the
captains, officers, and crews of the whole squadron.
I enclose a memorandum of the captUred articles that have
been brought away, in which your excellency will perceive with
satisfaction seven heavy guns, that were intended for the enemy's
new ship. Three 32 pounders were sunk by the enemy in the
river, as well as a large quantity of cordage, and other naval
stores. The loss to them, therefore, has been very great ; and
I am sanguine in believing that by this blow, they have been
deprived of the means of completing the armament, and par.
ticularly the equipment, of the large man of war, an object of the
greatest importance.
Every object of the expedition having been effected, and the
captured stores embarked, the troops returned in the most
perfect order on board their respective ships, at four o'clock
this morning, when the squadron immediately sailed. the bar.
racks in the town, as well as those in the fort, having been
previously • burnt, together with the platforms, bridge, &c,



and the works in every other respect dismantled and destroyed,
as far as was practicable.
I cannot close this despatch without offering to your excellency's .notice the admirable and judicious manner in which
lieutenant.colonel Fischer formed the troops, and led them to
the attack ; the cool and gallant conduct of lieutenant-colonel
Malcolm, at the head of the second battalion royal marines ;
the intrepidity of captain De Hersey, of the regiment De
Watteville, who commanded the advance ; the zeal and energy
of lieutenant-colonel Pearson, inspecting field-officer, who,
with major Smelt, of the 103d regiment, had obtained a passage
on board the squadron to Niagara, and volunteered their services on the occasion ; the gallantry of captain MCMillan, of
the Glengarry light infantry, who covered the left flank of the
troops in the advance; and the activity and judgment of captain
Cruttenden, royal artillery ; brevet-major De Courten, of the
regiment De Watteville ; lieutenant Stevens, of the rocket com..
patty; lieutenant Gosset, royal engineers ; each in their respecfive situations.
Lieutenant-colonel Malcolm has reported in high terms the
conduct of lieutenant Lawrie, of the royal marines, who was
at the head of the first men who entered the fort ; and I had an
opportunity of witnessing the bravery of lieutenant Hewett, of
that corps, who climbed the flag-staff, and pulled down the
American ensign which was nailed to it. To lieutenant-colonel
Harvey, deputy-adjutant-general, my warmest approbation is
most justly due, for his unremitting zeal and useful assistance.
The services of thiS intelligent and experienced officer have been
so frequently brought under your excellency's observation
before, that it would be superfluous my making any comment
on the high estimation in which I hold his valuable exertions.
Captain Jervois, my aide de camp, and lieutenant-colonel
Ilagermane, my provincial aide de camp, the only officers of
my personal staff who accompanied me, rendered me every
Captain Jervois, who will deliver to your excellency, with
this despatch, the American flag taken at Oswego, is fully able
to afford every further information you may require ; and I
avail myself of the present opportunity strongly to recommend
this officer to the favorable consideration of his royal highness
the commander in chief.
I have the honor to be, &c.



No. 21.
From lieutenant-colonel Fischer to lieutenant-colonel Harvey.
H. M.S. Prince Regent, off Oswego,
Lake Ontario, May 7.
It is with heartfelt satifaction that I have the honor to report
to you, for the information of lieutenant-general Drummond,
commanding, that the troops placed under my orders for the
purpose of storming the fort at Oswego, have completely
succeeded in this service.
It will be superfluous for me to enter into any details of the
operations, as the lieutenant-general has personally witnessed
the conduct of the whole party; and the grateful task only
remains to point out for his approbation, the distinguished
bravery and discipline of the troops.
The second battalion of royal marines formed their column
in the most regular manner, and, by their steady and rapid
advance, carried the fort in a very short time. In fact, nothing
could surpass the gallantry of that battalion, commanded by
lieutenant-colonel Malcolm ; to whose cool and deliberate
conduct our success is greatly to be attributed.
The lieutenant-colonel reported to me, in high terms, the
conduct of lieutenant James Laurie, who was at the head of
the first men who entered the fort. The two flank companies
of De Watteville's, under captain De Hersey, behaved with
spirit, though labouring with more difficulties during their
formation, on account of the badness of the landing place, and
the more direct opposition of the enemy. The company of
Glengarry light infantry, under captain M'Millan, behaved in
an equally distinguished manner, by clearing the wood, and
driving the enemy into the fort. I beg leave to make my
personal acknowledgements to staff-adjutant Greig, and lieu.
tenant and adjutant Mermet, of De Watteville's, for their zeal
and attention to me during the day's service. Nor can I
forbear to mention the regular behavior of the whole of the
troops during their stay on shore, and the most perfect order
in which the re-embarkation of the troops has been executed,
and every service performed.
I enclose herewith the return of killed and wounded, as sent
to me by the different corps.
I have the honor to be, &c.
lieut.-col. De Watteville's regiment.
Lieut.-col. Harvey,



Return of killed and wounded of the troops in action with the enemy
at Oswego, on the 6th of May, 1814.
2d bait. royal marines; —1 captain, 2 serjeants, 4 rank and file, killed.
De Watteville's regiment ; —1 drummer, 7 rank and file, killed.
'al battalion royal marines;-1 serjeant, 32 rank and file, wounded.
De Watteville's regiment;-1 captain, 1 subaltern, 1 serjeant, 17
rank and file, wounded.
Gleagarty feneibles ;-9 rank and file, wounded.
Total-1 captain, 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, 15 rank and file, killed; 1
captain, 1 subaltern, 2 serjeants, 58 rank and file, wounded.
Officers killed.
2d battalion royal marines; —Captain William Holtaway.
Officers wounded.
De Watteville's regiment;—Captain Lendergrew, severely; lieutenant Victor May, dangerously (since dead).


lieut.-col. dep.-adj.-gen.

Return of the killed and wounded of the royal navy at Oswego, May 6.
3 seamen, killed ; 2 captains, 1 lieutenant, 1 master, 7 seamen,
Total-3 killed; 11 wounded.
Officers wounded.
Captain Mulcaster, dangerously ; captain Popham, lieutenant Griffia„

severely; Mr. Richardson, master, arm amputated.



No. 22.
His majesty's brig Magnet, (late Sir Sidney smith,)
Off Oswego, U. S. May 7.
Return of ordnance and ordnance-stores, taken and destroyed
at Oswego, Lake-Ontario, the 6th May, 1814, by his majesty's troops under the command of lieut.-gen. Drummond.
Taken;-3 32-pounder iron guns, 4 24-pounder iron guns, 1 12pounder iron gun, 1 6-pounder iron gun.—Total 9.

Destroyed; —1 heavy 12-pounder, 1 heavy 6-pounder.—Total 2.
Shot ;


81 42 - pounder, round ; 32 32-pounder, round ; 36 42-pounder,

canister ; 42 32-pounder, canister ; 30 24-pounder, canister ; 12 42pounder, grape ; 48 32-pounder, grape; 18 24-pounder, grape.
Eight barrels of gunpowder, and all the shot of small caliber in the
fort, and stores, thrown into the river.
commanding royal artillery.

E. BAY NES, adjutant-general.
Memorandum of provisions stores. &c. captured.
One thousand and forty-five barrels of flour, pork, potatoes, salt,
tallow, &c. &c. 70 coils of rope and cordage; tar, blocks, (large and
small) 2 small schooners, with several boats, and other smaller craft.

NOAH FREER, mil. Sec.






From sir James L no to Mr. Croker.

My letter of the 15th April last will have informed their
lordships. that his majesty's ships, Prince Regent and Princess
Charlotte, were launched on the preceding day. I now have
the satisfaction to acquaint you, for their lordships' information, that the squadron, by the unremitting exertions of the
officers and men under my command, were ready on the 3d
instant, when it was determined by lieutenant-general Drum.
mond and myself, that an immediate attack should be made on
the forts and town of Oswego : which, in point of position,
is themost formidable I have seen in Upper Canada ; and where
the enemy had, by river navigation, collected from the interior
several heavy guns, and naval stores for the ships, and large
depots of provisions for their army.
At noon, on the 5th, we got off the port, and acre on the.
point of landing, when a heavy gale from the N. W. obliged me
to gain an offing. On the morning of the 6th, every thing
being ready, 140 troops, 200 seamen, armed with pikes, under
captain Mulcaster, and 400 marines,,were put into the boats.
The Montreal and Niagara took their stations a-breast, and
within a quarter of a mile of the fort ; the Magnet, opposite
the town ; and the Star and Cherwell, to cover the landing,
which was effected under a most heavy fire of round, grape, and
musketry, kept up with great spirit. Our men having to
ascend a very steep and long bill, were consequently exposed to
a destructive fire. Their gallantry overcoming every difficulty,
they soon gained the summit of the hill ; and, throwing then.
selves into the fosse, mounted the ramparts on all sides, 'vying
with each other who should be foremost. Lieutenant Laurie,
my secretary, was the first who gained the ramparts; and
lieutenant Hewitt climbed the flag-staff under a heavy fire, and
in the most gallant style struck the American colours, which had
been nailed to the mast. My gallant and much-esteemed friend,
captain Mulcaster, led the seamen to the assault with his
accustomed bravery ; but, I lament to say, he received a danger.
ous wound in the act of entering the fort, which I apprehend
will, for a considerable time, deprive me of his valuable service.
Mr. Scott, any first-lieutenant, who was next in command,
nobly led them on, and soon gained the ramparts. Captain
O'Connor, of the Prince Regent, to whom I entrusted the
landing of the troops, displayed great ability and cool judg,
talent the boats being under a heavy fire from all points.


Captain Popham, of the Montreal, anchored his ship in a
most gallant style, sustaining the whole fire until we gained the
shore. She was set on fire three times by red hot shot, and
much cut up in her hull, masts, and rigging; captain Popham
received a severe wound in his right hand, and speaks in high
terms of Mr. Richardson, the master, who, from a severe
wound in the left arm, was obliged to undergo amputation at
the shoulder-joint.
Captain Stansbury, of the Niagara ; captain Dobbs, of the
Charwell ; captain Anthony, of the Star ; and captain Collier,
in the Magnet, behaved much to my satisfaction. The second
batealion of royal marines excited the admiration of all ; they
were led by the gallant colonel Malcolm, and sufiered severely.
Captain Rollaway, doing duty in the Princess Charlotte, gallantly fell at the head of his company. Having landed with the
seamen and marines, I had great pleasure in witnessing, not only
the zeal and prompt attention of the officers to my orders, but
also the intrepid bravery of the men, whose good and temperate
conduct under circutnstances of great temptation, (being a whole
night in the town, employed loading the captured vessels, with
ordnance, naval stores, and provisions,) most justly claim my
high approbation and acknowledgment. And I here beg leave
to recommend to their lordships' notice the service of all ; of
my first-lieutenant, Mr. Scott ; and of my aide de camp, acting
lieutenant Yeo, to whom I begi leave to refer their lordships
for information ; nor should the meritorions exertions of acting lieutenant Griffin, severely wounded in the arm, or Mr.
Brown, both of whom were attached to the storming party, be
omitted. It is a great source of satisfaction to me to acquaint
their lordships, that I have on this, and in all other occasions,
received from lieutenant Drummond that support and attention,
which never fail in securing perfect cordiality between the two
1 herewith transmit a list of the killed and wounded, and
of the ordnance, naval stores, and provisions, captured and
destroyed, by the combined attack on the 6th instant.
I have the honor to he, &c.
Commodore and commander is chief.
J. W. Croker, esq. &c.
A list of officers and seamen, of his majesty's fleet on Lake-Ontario,
killed and wounded at Oswego on the 6th May, 1814.
Three seamen, killed ; 2 captains, 1 lieutenant, 1 master, 7 seamen,

Total-3 killed, 11 wounded.





A statement of ordnance, and naval stores and provisions, brought
off and destroyed, in a combined attack of the sea and laud forces
on the town and fort of Oswego, on the 6th may, 1814.

Ordnance stores brought if; —Three long 32-pounder guns; four long

24- pounders.
A quantity of various kinds of Ordnance stores.
Nara/ stores and provisions; 3 schooners ; 800 barrels of flour, 500
barrels of pork, 600 barrels of salt, 500 barrels of bread.
A quantity of large rope.
Destroyed ;—Three long 24-pounder guns, one long 12-pounder gun,
two long 6-pounder guns.
One schooner, and all barracks and other public buildings.

J. L. YEO,
Commodore and commander in chief.

No. 24.
American general order.
Head quarters, Sackett'S Harbor,
May 12, 1814.
Major-general Brown has the satisfaction to announce to the
forces under his command, that the detachments stationed at
Oswego, under the immediate orders of lieutenant-colonel
Mitchell, of the third artillery, by their gallant and highly mill.
tary conduct, in sustaining the fire of the whole British fleet of
this lake for nearly two days, and contending with the vastly
superior numbers of the enemy on the land, as long as the interest of the country, or the honor of their profession, required;
and then, effecting their retreat in good order, in the face of this
superior force of the enterprising and accomplished foe, to the
depot of naval stores, which it became their ditty to defend,
have established for themselves a name in arms, worthy of the
gallant nation in whose cause they fight, and highly honorable
to the army. Lieutenant-colonel Mitchell had, in all, less that
300 men ; and the force of the enemy, by land and water, ex.
ceeded 3000. R. JONES, assist..adjt..gen.



American general order.
Adjutant-general's office, left division,
July 2, 1814.
Major.general Brown has the satisfaction to announce to the
troops of his division on this frontier, that he is authorized by


the orders of his government to put them In motion against the
enemy. The first and second brigades, with the corps of artillery, will cross the strait before them this night, or as early
to.morrow as possible. The necessary instructions have been
given to the brigadiers, and by them to the commanding officers
of regiments and corps.
Upon entering Canada, the laws of war will govern; men
found in arms, or otherwise engaged in the service of the enemy,
will be treated as enemies ; those behaving peaceably, and following their private occupations, will be treated as friends.
Private property, in all cases, will be held sacred ; public property, whenever found, will be seized and disposed of by the
commanding general. Our utmost protection will be given to
all who actually join, or who evince a desire, to join us.
Plundering is prohibited. The major-general does not apprehend any difficulty on this account, with the regular army and
volunteers, who press to the standard of their country to
avenge her wrongs, and to gain a name in arms. Profligate men,
who follow the army for plunder, must not expect that they
will escape the vengeance of the gallant spirits who are strug_
glino to exalt the national character. Any plunderer shall be
punished with death who may be found violating this order.
By order of the major-general.

C. K. GARDNER, adjt.-gen.



No. 26.
From major general Riall to lieutenant-gen.sir G. Drummond.
Chippeway, July 6.
I have the honor to inform you, that the enemy effected a

landing on the morning of the 3d instant at the ferry, opposite
Black Rock, having driven in the piquet of the garrison of FortErie. I was made acquainted with the circumstance about eight
in the morning, and gave orders for the immediate advance
to Chippeway of five companies of the royal Scots, under
lieutenant-colonel Gordon, to reinforce the garrison of that
place. Lieutenant-colonel Pearson had moved forward from
thence with the light companies of the 100th, some militia, and
a few Indians, to reconnoitre their position and numbers ;
be found them posted on the ridge parallel with the river, near
the ferry, and in strong force. 1 received instructions from
major Buck, that they had also landed a considerable force
above Fort-Erie. In consequence of the king's regiment,
which I had every reason to expect the day before from York,


not having arrived, I was prevented from making an attack that
nigh t.
The following morning, the 4th, a body of their troops were
reported to be advancing by the river ; I moved to reconnoitre, and found them to he in considerable force, with cavalry
and artillery, and a large body of riflemen. Lietenant.colonel
Pearson was in advance during this reconnoisance with the light
company of the royal Scots, and the flank company of the
100th, and a few of the 19th light dragoons, four of whom,
and eight horses, were wounded in a skirmish with the enemy',
Having been joined by the king's regiment on the morning
of the 5th, I made my dispositions for attack at four oclock in
the afternoon. The light companies of the royal Scots, and
100th regiment, with the second Lincoln militia, formed the
advance under lieutenant-colonel Pearson. The Indian warriors
were, throughout, on our right flank in the woods. The troops
moved in three columns, the third (the king's regiment) being
in advance. The enemy had taken up a position with his right
resting on some buildings and orchards, close on the river Niagara, and strongly supported by artillery ; his left towards the
wood, having a considerable body of riflemen and Indians in
front of it.
Our Indians and militia were shortly engaged with the enemy's riflemen and Indians, who at first checked their advance;
but the light troops being brought to their support, they sue.
ceedet I, after a sharp contest, in dislodging them, in a very
handsome style. I placed two light 24-pounders, and 5-1--inch
howitzer, against the right of the enemy's position, and formed
the royal Scots and 100th regiment, with the intention of making a movement upon his left, which deployed with the greatest
regularity, and opened a very heavy fire. I immediately moved up
the king's regiment to the right, while the royal Scots and 100th
regiment were directed to charge the enemy in front, for which
they advanced with the greatest gallantry, under a most destruc.
tive fire. 1 am sorry to say, however, in this attempt they
suffered so severely, that I was obliged to withdraw them, find.
ing their further efforts against the superior numbers of the
enemy would be unavailing.—Lieutenant-colonel Gordon, and
lieutenant-colonel the marquis of Tweedale, commanding these
regiments, being wounded, as were most of the officers belong.
ing to each. 1 directed a retreat to be made upon Cippeway,
which was conducted with good order and regularity, covered
by the king's regiment, under major Evans, and the light troops
under lieutenant-colonel Pearson ; and 1 have pleasure in saying, that not a single prisoner fell into the enemy's hands,
except those who were disabled from wounds. From the report




of some prisoners, we have made the enemy's force to amount
to about 6000 men, with a very numerous train of artillery,
having been augmented by a very large body of troops, which
moved down from Fort-Erie immediately before the commencement of the action. Our own force, in regular troops, amounted
to about 1500,* exclusive of the militia and Indians, of which
last description there was not above 300. Fort-Erie, I understand, surrendered upon capitulation on the 3d instant. Although this affair was not attended with the success which I had
hoped for, it will be highly gratifying to you to learn, that the
officers and men behaved with the greatest gallantry. 1 am
particularly indebted to lieutenant-colonel Pearson for the very
great assistance I have received from him, and for the manner in
which he led his light troops into the action. Lieutenant-colonel
Go don, and lieutenant-colonel the marquis of Tweedale, and
major Evans, commanding the king's regiment, merit my
warmest praise for the good example they shewed at the head of
their respective regiments.
The artillery, under the command of captain Mackonochie,
was ably served, and directed with good effect ; and I am particularly obliged to major Lisle, of the 19th light dragoons, for
the manner in which he covered and protected one of the 24pounders which had been disabled. I have reason to be highly
satisfied with the zeal, activity, and intelligence, of captain
Holland, my aide de camp, captain Eliot, deputy.assistantquarter-master-general ; staff-adjutant Greig, and lieutenant
Fox, of the royal Scots, who acted as major of brigade during
the absence of major Glegg, at Fort-George. The conduct of
lieutenant-colonel Dixon, of the 2d Lincoln militia, has been
most exemplary ; and I am very much indebted to him for it on
this, as well as on other occasions, in which he has evinced the
greatest zeal for his majesty's service. The conduct of the
officers and men of this regiment has also been highly praiseworthy. Lieutenant colonel Pearson has reported to me, ia
the most favourable terms, the excellent manner in which
lieutenant Horton, with a part of the 19th light dragoons,
observed the motions of the enemy, while he occupied the position he took on his first-landing, and during his advance to this
I have, &c.
P. RIALL, major gen.

* 1st royal Scots, 500; 1st batt, king's, 480; 100th regiment, 4501
awritiiiilleorny.e troop of the 19th Might dragoons, and a proportion of royal






No. 27.

No. 28.

Return of the killed, wounded, and missing, of the right
division, in action with the enemy, in advance of Chippe.
way, July 5, 1814.
Killed.—Royal artillery ;-1 rank and file.
1st, or royal Scots ; 1 captain, 4 serjeants, 58 rank and file.
8th, or king's regiment ; 3 rank and file.
100th regiment ; 3 subalterns, 3 serjeants, 64 rank and file.
; 2 captains, 1 subaltern, 9 rank and file.




Total killed-3 captains, 3 subalterns, 7 serjeants,135 rank and file.
Wounded—General staff ;-1 captain.
Royal artillery ;-4 rank and file.
Royal artillery drivers ;-1 subaltern.
19th light dragoons
serjeant, 5 rank and file.
1st, or royal Scots ; 1 field-officer, 2 captains, 7 subalterns, 4 serjeants, 121 rank and file.
Sth, or king's regiment ; 1 subaltern, 1 serjeant, 22 rank and file.
100th regiment ; —1 field officer, 2 captains, 6 subalterns, 11 setv
jeants, 114 rank and file.
Militia ; -1 field-officer, 3 subalterns, 1 serjeant, 11 rank and file.
Total wounded-3 field-officers, 5 captains, 18 subalterns, 18 Seh
jeants, 277 rank and file.




1st, or royal Scots; 30 rank and file.
100th regiment ; 1 subaltern.
_Militia ; 1 serjeant, 14 rank and file.
Total missing-1 subaltern, 1 serjeant, 44 rank and file.
' Horses-2 killed, 1 missing.—Total, 3.




N. B. The men returned missing, are supposed to be killed or wounded.
One 24-pounder limber blown up ; 2 tumbrils damaged.



From Major-general Brown to the American secretary at war.
Chippeway Plains, July 6, 1814.


Excuse my silence ; I have been much engaged : Fort-Erie
did not, as I assured you it should not, detain me a single day.
At 11 o'clock on the night of the 4th, I arrived at this place
with the reserve, general Scott having taken the position about
noon with the van. My arrangements for turning and taking
in the rear the enemy's position east of Chippeway was made ;
Shen major-jeneral Riall, suspecting our intention, and adhering to the rule, that it is better to give than to receive an attack,
tame from behind his works about 5 o'clock in the afternoon
of 5th in order of battle. We did not baulk him. Before
6o'clock his line was broken and his forces defeated, leaving
on the field 400 killed and wounded. He was closely pressed,
and would have been utterly ruined, but for the proximity of
his works, whither he tied for shelter.
The wounded of the enemy, and those of our own army,
tpust be attended to. They will be removed to Buffaloe. This,
vtith my limited means of transportation, will take a day or
two, after which I shall advance, not doubting but that the gal..
last and accomplished troops I lead, will break down all opposition between me and Lake Ontario, when, if met by the fleet,
tills well—if not, under the favour of heaven, we shall behave
Els a way to avoid disgrace. My detailed report shall be made
in a day or two. I am, with the highest respect &c.
Hon. secretary of War.

Adjutant generalNorth America.
Names of officers killed and wounded.
.Killed—idst battalion, royal Scots ;— Captain Bailey.
100th regiment ; —Lieutenant Gibbon, ensign Rea.
Militia ; —Captains Rowe and Tomey, lieutenant MgDonnel.
Wounded General staff;--Captain Holland, aide de camp to major—

general Riall, severely (not dangerously).

Royal artillery drivers ;—Lieutenant Jack, slightly.
1st battalion, royal Scots;—Lieutenant-colonel Gordon, slightly;
captains Bird and Wilson, severely, and prisoners ; lieutenant W.
Campbell, severely ; lieutenants Fox, Jackson, and Hendrick, 80•
verely ; (not dangerously;) Lieutenant M'Donald, slightly ; heats.•
nant A. Campbell, severely ; lieutenant Connel, severely.
8th regiment ; —Lieutenant Boyd.
100th regiment ; —Lieutenant-colonel the marquis of Tweedale, se.
verely ; (not dangerously ;) captain Sherrard, severely; (not dangerously ;) captain Sleigh, severely ; lieutenants Williams, Lyon, and
Valentine; lieutenant Fortune, wounded and missing, supposed

prisoner; ensigns Clarke and Johnson ; adjutant Kingston.

No. 29.
4nserican return of killed, wounded, and missing, in the °flair
of Chippeway, July 5th, 1815
'Very :


4 rank and file, killed ; 8 ditto, wounded ; and 8 rank and

.61e, missing.
regiment ;


13 rank and file, killed ; 1 captain, 2 subalterns, 2

serjeants, 39 rank and file, wounded.

thditto.; 1 serjeant, 14 rank and file, killed ; 1 colonel, 1 subaltern,
6 serjeants, 52 rank and file, wounded.
9th ditto ; 3 rank and file, killed ; 2 ditto, wounded.
ditto ; 8 rank and file, killed ; 1 captain, 2 subalterns, serjeants,
41 rank and file, wounded.
ttt ditto; 1 serjeant, 4 rank and file, killed ; 1 captain, 2 subalterns,





•A zerjeants,

62 rank and file, wounded.




Militia ;



3 rank and file, killed ; 2 ditto, wounded ; 1 lieutenant•coln•

nel, 1 major, 1 captain, 2 sericants, 2 rank and file, missing.
Indians;-0 rank and file, killed ; 4 ditto, wounded • 10 ditto, missing.
Total ;-2 seijeants, 58 rank and tile, killed ; t colonel, 3 cop.
tains, 7 subalterns, 14 serjeants, 210.rank and file, wounded;
1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 major, 1 captain, 2 serjeants, 14 rank
and file, missing. ore •■•••••■•10

No. 30.

From lieutenant-general Drummond to sir G. Prevost.
Head-quarters, near Niagara Falls,
July 27, 1814.
I embarked on board his majesty's schooner Netley, at York,
on Sunday evening, the 24th intant, and reached Niagara at
day-break the following morning. Finding, from lieutenant.
colonel Tucker, that major-general Riall was understood to
be moving towards the Falls of Niagara, to support the ad.
%ranee of his division, which he had pushed on to that place on
the preceding evening, I ordered lieutenant-colonel Morrison,
with the 89th regiment and a detachment of the royals and
king's, drawn from Fort George and Mississaga, to proceed to
the same point in order that, with the united force, I might act
against the enemy (posted at Street's Creek, with his advance
at Chippeway) on my arrival, if it should be found expedient.
I ordered lieutenant-colonel Tucker, at the same time, to pro.
ceed up the right bank of the river, with 300 of the 41st,
about 200 of the royal Scots, and a body of Indian warriors,
supported (on the river) by a party of armed seamen, under
captain Dobbs, royal navy. The object of this movement was
to disperse, or capture, a body of the enemy, encamped at
Lewistown. Some unavoidable delay having occurred in the
march of the troops up the right bank, the enemy had moved
off previous to lieutenant-colonel Tucker's arrival. I have to
express myself satisfied with the exertions of that officer.
Having refreshed the troops at Queenstown, and hawing
brought across the 41st, royals, and Indians, I sent back the41st
and 100th regiments, to form the garrisons of forts George,
Mississaga, and Niagara, under lieutenant-colonel Tucker, and
moved with the 89th, and detachments of the royals and king's,
and light company of the 41st, in all about 800 men, to join
major-general Hiall's division at the Falls.
When arrived within a few miles of that position, I met a
report from major-general Riall, that the enemy was advancing
in great force. I immediately pushed on, and joined the head
of lieutenant-colonel Morrison's columns just as it reached

the road leading to the Beaver Dam, over the summit of the
hill at Lundy's Lane. Instead of the whole of major-general
division, which I expected to have found occupying this
pktion, I found it almost in the occupation of the enemy,
;hose c ,Iumns were within 600 yards of the top of the hill,
and the surrounding woods filled with his light troops. The
advance of major-general Riall's division, consisting of the
Glengarry light infantry and incorporated militia, having cornmowed a retreat upon Fort George, I countermanded these
corps, and formed the 89th regiment, the royal Scots detachment, and the 41st light company, in the rear of the hill, their
left resting on the great road ; my two 24 pounder brass field
guns a little advanced, in front of the centre, on the summit of
the hill ; the Glengarry light infantry on the right ; the battalion of incorporated militia, and the detachment of the king's
regimenton the left of the great road ; the squadron of the 19th
light dragoops in the rear of the left, on the road. I had
scarcely completed this formation when the whole front was
warmly and closely engaged. The enemy's principal efforts
were directed against our left and centre. After repeated attacks, the troops on the left were partially forced back, and
the enemy gained a momentary possession of the road. This
gave him, however, no material advantage, as the troops which
had been forced back formed in the rear of the 89th regiment,
fronting the road, and securing the flank. It was during this
short interval that major-general mall, having received a severe
wound, was intercepted as he was passing to the rear, by a
party of the enemy's cavalry, and taken prisoner. In the centre, the repeated and determined attacks of the enemy were
met by the 89th regiment, the detachments of the royals and
king's, and the light company of the 41st regiment, with the
most perfect steadiness and intrepid gallantry, and the enemy
was constantly repulsed with very heavy loss. In so determined
a manner were their attacks directed against our guns, that our
artillerymen were bayonetted by the enemy while in the act of
loading, and the muzzles of the enemy's guns were advanced
within a f w yards of our's. The darkness of the night, during
this extraordinary conflict, occasioned several uncommon incidents: our troops having for a moment been pushed bAck, some
of our guns cm named for a few 'adulates in the enemy's hands ;
they, however, were not only quickly recovered, but the two
pieces (a 6-pounder and a 61 inch how itz _ r) w hich the enemy had
brought up, were captured by us, together wit h several tumbrils,
and in limbering up our guns at one period, one of the enemy's,
6.p,unders was put by mistake on a limber of ours, and one
of our 6-pounders limbered on one of his : by which means





the pieces were exchanged ; and thus, though we captured two
of his guns, yet, as he obtained one of ours, we have gained
only one gun.
About 9 o'clock, (the action having commenced at 6,) there
was a short intermission of firing, during which it appears the
enemy was employed in bringing up the whole of his remaining
force ; and he shortly afterwards renewed his attack with fresh
troops, but was every where repulsed with equal gallantry and
success. About this period the remainder of major-general
Riall's division, which had been ordered to retire on the advance
of the enemy, consisting of the 103d regiment, under colonel
Scott ; the head-quarter division of the royal Scots ; the head.
quarter division of the 8th, or king's ; flank companies of the
104th ; and some detachments of militia, under lieutenant.
colonel Hamilton, inspecting field officer, joined the troops en.
gaged ; and I placed them in a second line, with the exception of
the royal Scots and flank companies of the 104th, with which I
prolonged my line in front to the right, where I was apprehen.
sive of the enemy outflanking me.
The enemy's efforts to carry the hill were continued till about
midnight, when he had suffered so severely from the superior
steadiness and discipline of his majesty's troops, that he gave up
the contest, and retreated with great precipitation to his camp
beyond the Chippeway. On the following day he abandoned
his camp, threw the greater part of his baggage, camp equipage,
and provisions, into the Rapids, and having set fire to Street's
mills, and destroyed the bridge at Chippeway, continued his
retreat in great disorder towards Fort-Erie. My light troops,
cavalry, and Indians. are detached in pursuit, and to harass his
retreat, which I doubt not he will continue until he reaches his
own shore.
The loss sustained by the enemy in this severe action cannot
be estimated at less than 1500 men, including several hundred of
prisoners left in our hands ; his two commanding generals,
Brown and Scott, are said to be wounded, his whole force,
which has never been rated at less than 5000, having been
Enclosed I have the honor to transmit a return of our loss,
which has been very considerable. The number of troops under
my command did not, for the first three hours, exceed 1600 men;
and the addition of the troops under colonel Scott, did nut
encr( ase it to more than 2800 of every descriptions.
A very difficult, but at the same time a most gratifying duty
remains, that of endeavouring to do justice to the merits of the
officers and soldiers by whose valor and discipline this impor.
tent success has been obtained. I was, very early in the action,




deprived of the service of major-general Riall, who, I regret to
learn, has suffered the amputation of his arm* in the enemy's
possession : his bravery, zeal, and activity, have always been
To lieutenant-colonel Harvey, deputy-adjutant-general, I
am so deeply indebted for his valuable assistance previous to,
as well as his able and energetic exertions during, this severe
contest, that I feel myself called upon to point your excellency's
attention to the distinguished merits of this highly deserving
officer, whose services have been particularly conspicuous in
every affair that has taken place since his arrival in this province. The zeal and intelligence displayed by major. Glegg,
assistant-adjutant-general, deserve my warmest approbation.
I much regret the loss of a very intelligent and promising young
officer, lieutenant Moorsom, 104th regiment, deputy-assistantadjutant-general, who was killed towards the close of the
action. The active exertions of captain Eliot, deputy-

assistant-quartermaster-general, of whose gallantry and conduct
I bad occasion on two former instances to remark, were conspicuous. Major Malik and lieutenant Le Breton, of the
quarter-master-general's department, were extremely useful to
me; the latter was severely wounded.
Amongst the officers from whose active exertions I derived
the greatest assistance, I cannot omit to mention my aides de
camp, captains Jervoise and Loring, and captain Holland, aide
de camp to major-general Hiatt. Captain Loring was unfortunately taken prisoner by some of the enemy's dragoons, whilst
in the execution of an order.
In review ing the action from its commencement, the first
object which presents itself, as deserving of notice, is the steadiness and good countenance of the squadron of the 19th light
dragoons, under major Lisle, and the very creditable and
excellent defence made by the incorporated militia-battalion,

under lieutenant-colonel Robinson, who was dangerously
wounded, and a detachment of the 8th (king's) regiment, under
colonel Campbell. Major Kirby succeeded lieutenant-colonel
Robinson in the command of the incorporated militia-battalion,
and continued very gallantly to direct its efforts. This battalion
has oniy been organized a few months, and, much to the credit
of captain Robinson, of the king's regiment, (provincial lieute..

nant.colonel,) has attained a highly respectable degree of
In the reiterated and determined attacks which the enemy
made on our centre, for the purpose of gaining, at once, the
* It was afterwards ascertained, that major-goneral Riall, though severely wounded, did not lose his arm.





crest of the position, and our guns, the steadiness and intrepi.
dity displayed by the troops allotted for the defence of that post,
were never surpassed ; they consisted of the 2d battalion of the
89th regiment, commanded by lieutenant-colonel Morrison,
and after the lieutenant-colonel had been obliged to retire from
the field by a severe wound, by major Clifford ; a detachment of
the royal Scotts, under lieutenant Hemphill, and after he was
killed, lieutenant Fraser ; a detachment of the 8th, (or King's,)
under captain Campbell ; light company 41st regiment, under
captain Glew; with some detachments of militia under lieutenant-colonel Parry, 103d regiment. These troops repeatedly,
when h rd pressed, formed round the colours of the 89th regi.
meta, and invariably repulsed the desperate efforts made against
them. On the right, the steadiness and good countenance of
the 1st battalion royal Scots, under lieutenant Gordon, on
some very trying occasions, excited my admiration. The king's
regiment, 1st battalion, under major Evans. behaved with equal
gallantry and firmness, as did the light company of the royals,
detached under captain Stewart; the grenadiers of the 103d,
detached under captain Browne ; and the flank companies of
the 104th, under captain Leonard; the Glengarry light infan.
try, under lieutenant-colonel Battersby, displayed most valuable
qualities as light troops ; colonel Scott, major Smelt, and the
officers of the 103d, deserve credit for their exertions in rally.
ing that regiment, after it had been thrown into momentary
Lieutenant-colonel Pearson, inspecting field-officer, directed
the advance with great intelligence; and lieutenant.coloncl
Drummond, of the 104th, heving gone forward with my per.
mission, early in the day, made himself actively useful in different parts of the field, under my direction. These officers are
entitled to my best thanks, as is lieutenant-colonel Hamilton,
inspecting field-officer, for his exertions after his arrival with
the troops under colonel Scott. The field-artillery, so long as
there was light, was well served.
The credit of its efficient state is due to captain Mackonachie,
who has had charge of it since his arrival with this division.
Captain M'Lauchlan, who has charge of the batteries at Fort.
Mississaga, volunteered his services in the field on this occasion. He was severely wounded. Lieutenant Tomkins de.
serves much credit for the way in which the two brass 24-pounders, of which he had charge, were served ; as does serjeant
Austin, of the rocket company, who directed the Congreve
rockets, which did much execution. The zeal, loyalty, and
bravery with which the militia of this part of the province had
tome forward to co-operate with his majesty's troops in the ex.


pulsion of the enemy, and their conspicuous gallantry in this,
and in the action of the 5th instant, claim my warmest thanks.
1 cannot conclude this despatch without recommending, in
the strongest terms, the following officers, whose conduct during the late operations has called for marked approbation ; and
I am induced to hope that your excellency will be pleased to
submit their names for promotion to the most favorable consideration of his royal highness the prince regent ; viz, captain
Jervoise, my aide de camp ; captain Robinson, 8th (king's)
regiment, (provincial lieutenant-colonel,) commanding the
incorporated militia ; captain Eliot, deputy assistant-quartermaster-general; captain Holland, aide-de-camp to major-general Riall ; and captain Glew, 41st regiment.
This despatch will be delivered to you by captain Jervoise,
my aide de camp, who is fully competent to give your excellency every further information you may require.
1 have the honor to be, &e.
His excellency sir G. Prevost,
&c. &c. &c.

No. 31.
Return of the killed, wounded, missing, and taken prisoners,

of the right division of the army in Upper Canada, under
the command of lieuteuant-general Drummond, in action
with the enemy near the Falls of Niagara, 15th of July,

General Staff;-1 deputy assistant-adjutant-general, killed ; 1 lieu

tenant-general, 1 major-general, I inspecting field-officer, 1 deputy
assistant quarter-roaster-general, wounded ; 1 aide de camp, prisoner.
19th light dragoons; 3 horses killed; 2 rank and file, 10 horses,
wounded ; I rank and file, 1 horse, missing.
.Provineial light dragoons;-2 rank and file, 3 horses, missing ; 1 cap


tors, prisoner.

Royal engineers ;-1 subaltern, missing.
Royal artillery ;-1 captain, 12 rank and file, wounded ; I rank and

file, mining.

Royal fnarine-artillery;-1 serjeant, I rank and file, prisoners.
Royal artillery drivers;-11 horses killed ; 3 rank and file, 4 horses

wounded; 1 rank and file, 8 horses, missing.
N.B.—Two privates, 41st regiment, and 2 privates of the 89th regi.. ment, attached to royal artillery drivers, missing, not included.
1st, or royal Scots;--1 subaltern, 15 rank and file, killed ; 1 captain,
(subalterns; 6 serjeants, 1 drummer, 106 rank and file, wounded; 2

subalterns, 3 serjeants, 1 drummer, 35 rank and file, missing.



8/71 (or king's) regiment ; - 12
rank and file, killed; 3 subalterik3
serjeants, 54 rank and file, wounded; 1 quarMr-master, 12 rank cid
file, missing.
41st regiment; - 3
rank and file, killed; 2 serjeants, 1 drammer,31
rank and file, wounded.
89th regiment ; - 1
captain, 1 subaltern, 1 serjeant, 26 rank and Lie,
killed; 1 lieutenant-colonel, 10 subalterns, 9 serjeants, 2 drummers,
166 rank and file, wounded ; 3 serjeants, 4 drurnmers, 2 rank and fie,
missing; 1 captain, prisoner.
103d regiment; - 6
rank and file, killed ; I subaltern, 3 serjeants,
drummer, 42 rank and file, wounded; 1 rank and file, missing; 1 captain, 2 subalterns, 1 serjeant, -2 rank and file, prisoners.
104th regiment ;--1
rank and file, killed; .5 rank and file, wounded.
Glengarry light infantry ; -1 serjeant, 3 rank and file, killed; 1 subaltern, 3 serjeants, 27 rank and file, wounded ; 2 serjeants, 6 rank and
file, missing; 1 subaltern, 2 serjeants, 11 rank and file, prisoners.
Incorporated militia ; - 1 subaltern, 2
erjeants, 4 rank and file,
killed; I lieutenant-colonel, 3 captains, 4S subalterns, 3 aserjeams, 3'1
rank and file, wounded ; 3 serjeants, 72 rank and file, missing ; 1 cap.
lain, 1 subaltern, i quarter-master, 14
and file, prisoners.
1st Lincoln militia ; - 1 rank and file,rank
killed. •
2d Lincoln militia ; - 1 subaltern, wounded.
4th Lincoln militia; - 1 captain,
1 subaltern, 2 serjeants, 1 rank and
file, wounded ; 1 captain, 1 quarter-master, missing.
.5th Lincoln militia ; - 1 major, 1 serjeant, 2 rank and file, wounded.
2r/ York militia ; - 1
major, 2 captains, 2 subalterns, 4 rank and file,
General total-1 captain, 3 subalterns, 1 deputy assistant-adjutant.
general, 4
serjeants, 75 rank and file, killed ; 1 lieutenant-general, 1
major-general, 1 inspecting field-officer, 1 deputy assistant-quarter.
master-general, 2 lieutenant-colonels, 8 captains, 25 subalterns, 31 serjeants, 5 drummers, 482 rank and file, wounded; 1 captain, 3 suhal.
terns, 2 quarter-masters, 11 serjeants, 5 drummers, 171 rank and file,
missing; 1 aide de camp, 4 captains, 4 subalterns, 1 quarter-master, 4
serjeants, 28 rank and file, prisoners; 14 horses, killed;
14 horses,
wounded; 12 horses, missing.
Total killed,
Total wounded,
Total missing,
Total prisoners,
Total, —878
Names of officers killed, wounded, and prisoners.
Officers killed—General Stuff;—Lieutenant Moorsorn, deputy as-


.Royal Scots;—Lieutenant Hemphill.
139th regiment ; — Captain Spunner, lieutenant Latham.
. Incorporated militia ;—Ensign Campbell.
Officers wounded—General staf;—Lieutenant-general Drummond,
severely; (not dangerously ;) major-general Mall, severely, and prisoner;
lieutenant-colonel Pearson, slightly ; lieutenant Le Breton, severely.
Royal artillery ; — Captain Maclachlan, dangerously.
Royal Scots ;--Captain Brereton, slightly ; lieutenant Haswell,



verely ; (not dangerously;) lieutenant Fraser, severely, (not dangerously,) and missing.
—Lieutenant Noell, ensign Swayne,
8th (or king's) regiment;
slightly; ensign M.'Donald, severely.
Morrison, lieutenants Sander89th regiment ; — Lieutenant - colunel
son, Steele, Pearce, Taylor, Lloyd, and Miles, severely ; (not dangerously;) lieutenant Redmond, adjutant Hopper, slightly ; lieutenant
Grey, ensign Saunders. dangerously.
103d regiment;—Litutenant Lang,horn, slightly.
Glengarry light infantry ;—Lieutenant R. Kerr,
Robinson, dangerously;
Incorporated militia ;—Lieutenant-colonel
captain Fraser, severely ; captain Washburn, slightly; captain NPDonald, severely ; (left arm amputated ;) lieutenant M`Dougall, mortally;
lieutenant Ratan, severely; lieutenant Hamilton, slightly ; ensign
111` Donald, severely.
Thompson, slightly.
2i1 Lincoln militia ; — Adjutant,W.
Nellie, ensign Kennedy, slightly.
4th Lincoln .,.ilitia; — Captain

Simons, severely ; captain Mackay,
2d York militia ; — Major
slightly ; captain Rockman, severely.
— Lieutenant Yall.
Officers missing — Royal engineers;
Lamont, supposed to be
Royal. Scots; —
- master G. Kirnan.
8111 (or King's) regiment ; — Quarter
H. N elks, quarter-master Bell.
4th Lincoln militia ; — Captain
Loring, aide de camp
Officers prisoners — General stuff; — Captain
to lieutenant. general Drummond.
Brown ; lieutenant Montgomery, and
103d regiment ; — Captain
wounded ; ensign Lyon.
Glengarry light infantry ; — Ensign
M`Leatt, ensign Whort ; and quarterIncorporated militia ; — Captain
master Thompson.
Provincial light dragoons;—Capt. Merritt.
89th regiment ;—Captain Gore.

EDWARD BAYNES, adj.-gen.
J. HARVEY, lieut.-col.
dep.-adj. gen.

No. 32.
From major.gen. Brown to the American secretary at war.
(No date.)
Confined as I was, and have been, since the last engagement
that the account 1 am about to give
with the enemy, 1 fear
may be less full and satisfactory than under other circumstances
it might have been made. 1 particularly fear that the conduct
of the gallant men it was my good fortune to lead will not be
noticed in a way due to their fame, and the honor of our
You are already apprised, that the army had, on the 25th


ult. taken a position at Chippeway. About noon of that day,
colonel Swift, who was posted at Lewistown, advised me, by
express, that the enemy appeared in considerable force in
Queenstown, and on its heights; that four of the enemy's fleet
had arrived on the preceding night, and were then lying near
Fort Niagara ; and that a number of boats were in view,
moving up the streight. Within a few minutes after this Intel.
ligence had been received, 1 was further informed by captain
Denmon, of the quarter-master's department. that the enemy
were landing at Lewistown, and that our baggage and stores at
Schlosser, and on their way thither, were in danger of immediate capture.
It is proper here to mention, that having received advices as
late as the 20th, from general Gaines, that our fleet was then in
port, and the commodore sick, we ceased to look for co.ope.
ration from that quarter, and determined to disencurnler ourselves of baggage, and march directly to Burlington Heights.
To mask this intention, and to draw from Schlosser a small
supply of provisions, I fell back upon Chippeway. As this
arrangement, under filo encreased force of the enemy, left much
at hazard on our side of the Niagara, and as it appeared by the
before stated information, that the enemy was about to avail
himself of it, I cone ived that the most effectual method of
recalling him from this object was to put myself in motion
towards Queenstown. General Scott, with the 1st brigade,
Towson's artillery, and all the dragoons and mounted men,
were accordingly put in march on the road leading thither,
with orders to report if the enemy appeared, and to call for
assistance, if that was necessary.
On the general's arrival at the falls, he learned that the
enemy was in force directly in his front, a narrow piece of
wood- alone intercepting his view of them. Waiting only to
give this information, he advanced upon them. By the time
assistant-adjutant-general Jones had delivered this message, the
action began, and before the remaining part of the division had
crossed the Chippeway, it had become close and general
between the advanced corps. Though general Ripley with
the 2d brig.tde, major Hindman with the corps of artillery, and
general Porter, at the head of his command, had respectively
pressed forward with ardor, it was not less than an hour
before they were brought to sustain general Scott, during which
time his command most skilfully and gallantly maintained the
conflict. Upon my arrival I found that the general had passed
the wood, and engaged the enemy on the Queenstown road,
and on the ground to the left of it, with the Sth 1 1 th, and
22d regiments, and Towson's artillery.
The 25th had been thrown to the right, to be governed by
circumstances. Apprehending that these corps were much


exhausted, and knowing that they had suffered severely, I
determined to interpose a new line with the advancing troops,
and thus disengage general Scott, and hold his brigade in
reserve. Orders were accordingly given to general Ripley.
The enemy's artillery at this moment occupied a hill which gave
him great advantages, and was the key of the whole position.
It was supported by a line of infantry. To secure the victory,
it was necessary to carry this artillery, and seize the height.
This duty was assigned to colonel Miller, while, to favor its
execution, the 1st regiment, under the command of colonel
Nicholas, was directed to menace and amuse the infantry. To •
my great mortification, this regiment, after a discharge or two,
gave way, and retreated some distance before it could be rallied,
though it is believed the officers of the regiment exerted themselves to shot ten the distance.
In the mean time, colonel Miller, without regard to this
occurrence, advanced steadily and gallantly to his object, and
carried the height and the cannon. General Ripley brought
up the 23d (which had also faultered) to his support, anti the
enemy disappeared from before them. The 1st regiment was
now brought into a line on the left of the '21st, and the
detachments of the 17th and 19th, general Porter occupying,
with his command, the extreme left. About this time colonel
Miller carried the enemy's cannon.
The 25th regiment, under major Jessup, was engaged in a
most obstinate conflict with all that remained to dispute with us
the field of battle. The major, as has been already stated, had
been ordered by general Scott, at the commencement of the
action, to take ground to his right. He had succeeded in
turning the enemy's left flank,—had captured (by a detachment
under captain Ketchum) general Riall, and sundry other
officers, and shewed himsalf again to his own army, in a blaze
of tire, which defeated or destroyed a very superior force of
the enemy. He was ordered to form on the right of the 2d
regiment. The enemy rallying his forces, and, as is believed,
having received reinforcements, now attempted to drive us from
our position, and regain his artillery. Our line was unshaken,
and the enemy repulsed. Two other attempts, having the same
object, had the same issue. General Scott was again engaged
in repelling the former of these; and the last I saw of him on
the field of battle, he was near the head of his column, and
giving to its march a direction that would have placed him on
the enemy's right. It was with great pleasure I saw the good
order and intrepidity of general Porter's volunteers from the
moment of their arrival, but during the last charge of the
enemy those qualities were conspicuous.



Stimulated by the examples set them by their gallant leader,
by major Wood, of the Pennsylvania corps, by colonel Dobbin,
of New York, and by their officers generally, they precipitated
themselves upon the enemy's line, and made all the prisoners
which were taken at this point of the action.
Having been for some time wounded, and being a good deal
exhausted by loss of blood, it became my wish to devolve the
command on general Scott, and retire from the field ; but on
inquiry 1 had the misfortune to learn, that he was disabled by
wounds; I therefore kept my post, and had the satisfaction to
see the enemy's last effort repulsed. I now consigned the
command to general Ripley.
While retiring from the field, I saw and felt that the victory
was complete on our part, if proper measures were promptly
adopted to secure it. The exhaustion of the men was, how.
ever, such as made some refreshment necessary. They particu.
larly required water. I was myself extremely sensible of the
want of this necessary article. I therefore believed it proper
that general Ripley and the troops should return to camp, after
bringing off the dead, the wounded, and the artillery ; and in
this I saw no difficulty, as the enemy had entirely ceased to act.
Within an hour after my arrival in camp, I was informed that
general Ripley had returned without annoyance, and in good
order. I now sent for him, and, after giving him my reasons
for the measure I was about to adopt, ordered him to put the
troops into the best possible condition ; to give them the neces.
sary refreshment; to take with him the piquets and camp guards,
and every other description of force, to put himself on the field
of battle as the day dawned, and there to meet and beat the
enemy if he again appeared. To this order he made no objec.
tion, and I relied upon its execution.. It was not executed. I
feel most sensibly how inadequate are my powers in speaking of
the troops, to do justice either to their merits or to my own
sense of them. Under abler direction, they might have done
more and better.
From the preceding detail, you have now evidence of the
distinguished gallantry of generals Scott and Porter, of colonel
Miller and major Jessop.
Of the 1st brigade, the chief, with his aide de camp, Worth,
his major of brigade, Smith, and every commander of battalion
were wounded.
The 2d brigade suffered less ; but, as a brigade, their conduct
entitled them to the applause of their country. After the
enemy's strong position had been carried by the 21st and
the detachments of the 17th and 19th, the 1st and 23d assumed
a new character. They could not again be shaken or dismayed.




Major M'Farland, of the latter, fell nobly at the head of his
Under the command of general Porter, the militia volunteers
of Pennsylvania and New York stood undismayed amidst the
hottest fire, and repulsed the veterans opposed to them. The
Canadian volunteers, commanded by colonel Wilcox, are reported by general Porter as having merited and received his
The corps of artillery, commanded by major Hindman,
behaved with its usual gallantry. Captain Towson's company,
attached to the 1st brigade, was the first and last engaged, and
during the whole conflict maintained that high character which
they had previously won by their skill and valor. Captains
Biddle and Ritchie were both wounded early in the action, but
refused to quit the field. The latter declared that he never
would leave his piece ; and, true to his engagement, fell by its
side, covered with wounds.
The staff of the army had its peculiar merit and distinction ;
colonel Gardner, adjutant-general, though ill, was on horseback, and did all in his power ; his assistant, major Jones, was
very active and useful. My gallant aides de camp, Austin and
Spencer, had many and critical duties to perform, in the dis.
charge of which the latter fell. I shall ever think of this young
man with pride and regret; regret that his career has been so
short, —pride that it has been so noble and distinguished.
The engineers, majors Macrae and Wood, were greatly distinguished on this day, and their high military talents exerted
with great effect ; they were much under my eye, and near my
person, and to their assistance a great deal is fairly to be
ascribed ; I must earnestly recommend them, as worthy of the
highest trust and confidence. The staff of generals Ripley and
Porter discovered great zeal and attention to duty. Lieutenant
E. B. Randolph, of the 20th regiment, is entitled to notice; his
courage was conspicuous.
I enclose a return of our loss; those noted as missing may
generally be numbered with the dead. The enemy had but little
opportunity of making prisoners.
1 have the honor to be, sir, &c.

lion. John Armstrong, secretary at war.




No. 33.
Return of the killed, wounded, and missing, of the division
of the army under the command of major-general Brown,
at the battle of Bridgewater, July 25th, 1814.
General staff;--1 major-general, 1 brigadier-general, 2 aides de
camp, 1 brigade-major, wounded; 1 brigade-major, missing.
Light dragoons;-1 rank and file, killed ; 2 rank and file, wounded.
Artillery ;—I captain, 9 rank and file, killed; 1 captain, 2 subalterns,
I serjeant, 1 musician, 30 rank and file, wounded; 1 rank and file,
1st regiment infantry ; —11 rank and file, killed ; 2 subalterns, 18
rank and file, wounded ; and 2 rank and file, missing.
9/1i, ditto;-1 captain, 2 subalterns, 1 serjeant, 12 rank and file,
killed; 1 major, 1 captain, 1 paymaster, 1 quarter-master, 5 subalterns,
7 serjeants, 74 rank and file, wounded; one subaltern, 3 serjeants, 11
rank and file, missing.
11th regiment ;-1 captain, 2 serjeants, 25 rank and file, killed; 1
major, 1 captain, 5 subalterns, 9 serjeants, 1 musician, 85 rank and file,
wounded ; 1 subal
tern, 2 rank and file, missing.
21st regiment ;-1 subaltern, 2 serjeants, 12 rank and file, killed; I
captain, 5 subalterns, 1 serjeant, 63 rank and file, wounded; 19 rank
and file, missing.
22d regiment ;-2 serjeants, 34 rank and file, killed ; 1 colonel, 2
captains, 4 subalterns, 9 serjeants, 1 musician, 73 rank and file,
wounded ; 3 subalterns, 2 serjeants, 12 rank and file, missing,
23d regiment ;-1 major, 2 serjeants, 7 rank and file, killed ; 1 captain, 6 subalterns, 1 serjeant, 44 rank and tile, wounded; 3 serjeants,
24 rank and file, missing.
25th regiment;-1 captain, 1 subaltern, 26 rank and file, killed; 1
major, 1 adjutant, 1 quarter-master, 1 subaltern, 6 serjeants, 56 rank
and file, wounded ; 1 serjeant, 14 rank and file, missing.
Canadian volunteers;-1 rank and file, killed; 2 rank and file,
wounded; 8 rank and file, missing.
Pennsylvania regiment;-1 adjutant, 1 serjeant, 9 rank and file,
killed; 1 major, 1 quarter-master, 1 subaltern, 21 rank and file,
wounded ;• 1 captain, missing.
New Yo rk mititia;-1 captain, 3 rank and file, killed ; 1 lieutenantcolonel, 1 subaltern, 2 serjeants, 10 rank and file, wounded; 1 subaltern, missing.
Total — Killed, 1 major, 5 captains, I adjutant, 4 subalterns, 10
serjeants, 150 rank and file. Wounded, 1 major - general, 1
brigadier-general, 2 aides de camp, 1 brigade-major, I colonel,
1 lieutenant-colonel, 4 majors, 7 captains, I adjutant, 1 paymaster, 3 quarter-masters, 32 subalterns, 36 serjeants, 3 musicians, 478 rank and file. Missing, 1 brigade-major, 1 captain,
6 subalterns, 9 serjeants, 93 rank and file.


No. 34.
From lieutenant Conkling to captain Kennedy.
Fort-George, Upper Canada,
Aug. 16, 1814.
With extreme regret I have to make known to you the circumstances attending the capture of the Ohio and Somers. Ott
the night of the 12th, between the hours of 11 and 12, the
boats were seen a short distance a-head of the Somers, and
were hailed from that vessel : they answered " provisionboats," which deceived the officer of the deck, as our armyboats had been in the habit of passing and rcpassing throughout
the night, and enabled them to drift athwart his hawse, and cut
his cables ; at the same time pouring in a heavy fire, before he
discovered who they were. Instantaneously they were alongside of me, and notwithstanding my exertions, aided by Mr.
IVPCally, acting sailing-master, (who was soon disabled,) I was
unable to repulse them, but for a moment. I maintained the
quarter-deck until my sword fell, in consequence of a shot in
the shoulder, and nearly all on deck either wounded or sun.
rounded with bayonets. As their force was an overwhelming
one, I thought farther resistance vain, and gave up the vessel,
with the satisfaction of having performed my duty, and
defended my vessel to the last.


List of killed and wounded,

Ohio ;---Killed, 1 ; wounded, 6.

Somers ;---Wounded, 2.
The enemy's loss in killed and wounded is much more considerable; among the killed is the commanding officer of the
Netley, (lying here,) captain Ratcliffe ; he fell in attempting to
come over my quarter. Notwithstanding the number of muskets
and pistols which were fired, and the bustle inseparable from
enterprises of the kind, neither the fort nor the Porcupine
attempted to fire, as we drifted past them ; nor did we receive
a shot tuitil past Black Rock, though they might have destroyed
as with ease. Respectfully, your obedient servant,
We expect to be sent to Montreal, and perhaps to Quebec
Edward P. Kennedy, esq. commanding the
Uuited States naval force on Lake Erie.





No. 35.
From lieutenant general Drummond to sir George Prevost.
Slit, Camp before Fort-Erie, August 15, 1814.
Having reason to believe that a sufficient impression had been
produced on the works of the enemy's fort, by the fire of the
battery which I had opened on it on the morning of the 13th,
and by which the stone building was much injured, and the
general outline of the parapet and embrazures very much altered,
I was determined on assaulting the place; and accordingly made
the necessary arrangements for attacking it, by a heavy column
directed to the entrenchments on the side of Snak-hill, and
by two columns to advance from the battery, and assault the
fort and entrenchments on this side.
The troops destined to attack by Snake-hill, (which consisted of the king's regiment and that of De Watteville's, with
the flank companies of the 89th and 100th regiments, under
lieutenant_colonel Fischer, of the regiment of De Watteville,)
marched at four o'clock yesterday afternoon, in order to gain
the vicinity of the point of attack in sufficient time.
It is with the deepest regret I have to report the failure of
both attacks, which were made two hours before day-light this
morning. A copy of lieutenant-colonel Fischer's report, herewith enclosed, will enable your excellency to form a tolerable
correct judgment of the cause of the failure of that attack ;
had the head of the column, which had entered the place without difficulty or opposition, been supported, the enemy must
have fled from his works, (which were all taken, as was con.
templated in the instructions, in reverse,) or have surrendered.
The attack on the fort and entrenchments leading from it to
the lake, was made at the same moment by two columns, one
under lieutenant_colonel Drummond, 104th regiment, consisting
of the flank companies 41st and 104th regiments, and a body
of seamen and marines, under captain Dobbs, of the royal
navy, on the fort ; the other under colonel Scott, 103d, con.
sisting of the 103d regiment, supported by two companies of
the royals, was destined to attack the entrenchments. These
columns advanced to the attack as soon as the .firing upon
colonel Fischer's column was heard, and succeeded after a
desperate resistance, in making a lodgement in the fort through
the embrazures of the demi-bastion, the guns of which they
had actually turned against the enemy, NV ho still maintained the
stone building, when,; most unfortimately, some ammunition,
which had been placed under the 'Platform, caught fire from tile
firing of the guns in the rear, and a most tremendous explosion
followed, by which almost all the troops which had entered



the place were dreadfully mangled. Panic was instantly corn,
municated to the troops, who could not be persuaded that the
explosion was accidental, and the enemy, at the same time,
pressing forward, and commencing a heavy fire of musketry,
the fort was abandoned, and our troops retreated towards the
battery. I immediately pushed out the 1st battalion royals, to
support and cover the retreat, a service which that valuable corps
executed with great steadiness.
Our loss has been severe in killed and wounded : and I am
sorry to add that almost all those returned " missing," may
be considered as wounded or killed by the explosion, and left ia
the hands of the enemy.
The failure of these most important attacks has been occa.
sioned by circumstances which may be considered as almost
justifying the momentary panic which they produced, and
which introduced a degree of confusion into the columns which,
in the darkness of the night, the utmost exertions of the,
officers were ineffectual in removing.
The officers appear invariably to have behaved with the most
perfect coolness and bravery ; nor could any thing exceed the
steadiness and order with which the advance of lieutenantcolonel Fischer's brigade was made, until emerging from a
thick wood, it found itself suddenly stopped by an ahattis, and
within a heavy fire of musketry and guns from behind a formidable entrenchment. With regard to the centre and left
columns, under colonel Scott and lieutenant-colonel Drummond,
the persevering gallantry of both officers and men, until the
unfortunate explosion, could not be surpassed. Colonel Scott,
103d, and lieutenant-colonel Drummond, 104th regiments,
who commanded the centre and left attacks, were unfortunately killed, and your excellency will perceive that almost
every officer of those columns was either killed or wounded by
the enemy's fire, or by the explosion.
My thanks are due to the under mentioned officers ; viz. to
lieutenant-colonel Fischer, who commanded the right attack ;
to major Coore, aide de camp to your excellency, who accompanied that column ; major Evans, of the king's, commanding
the advarce; major Villatte, De Watteville's ; captain Basden,
light company 89th ; lieutenant Murray, light company 100th ;
also beg to add the name of captain Powell, of the Glengarry
light infantry, employed on the staff as deputy-assistant in the
quarter-master-general's department, who conducted lieutenantcolonel Fischer's column, and first entered the enemy's entrenchments, and by his coolness and gallantry particularly distinguished himself ; major Villatte, of De Watteville's regiment,
who led the column of attack and en'ered the entrenchments ;
as did lieutenant Youngs of the king's regiment, with about 40




Inert of the light companies of the king's and De Watteville's
regiments: captain Powell reports that serjeant Powell, of the
19th dragoons, who was perfectly acquainted with the ground,
volunteered to act as a guide, and preceeded the leading sub.
division in the most intrepid style. In the centre and left
columns, the exertions of major Smelt, 103d regiment, who
succeeded to the command of the left column, on the death of
colonel Scott ; captains Leonard and Shore, of the 104th flank
companies ; captains Glew, Bullock, and O'Keefe, 41st flank
companies; captain Dobbs, royal navy, commanding a party
of volunteer seamen and marines, arc entitled to my acknow.
ledgments (they arc all wounded). Nor can I omit mentioning,
in the strongest terms of approbation, the active, zealous,
and useful exertions of captain Eliot, of the 103d regiment, de.
puty assistant-quarter-master-general, who was unfortunately
wounded and taken prisoner ; and captain Barney, of the 89th
regiment, who had volunteered his services as a temporary assist.
ant in the engineer department, and conducted the centre column
to the attack, in which he received two dangerous wounds.
To major Phillot, commanding the royal artillery, and cap.
tain Sabine, who commanded the battery as well as the field.
guns, and to the officers and men of that valuable branch of
the service, serving under them, I have to express my entire
approbation of their skill and exertions. Lieutenant Charlton,
royal artillery, entered the fort with the centre column, fired
several rounds upon the enemy from his own guns, and was
wounded by the explosion. The ability and exertions of lieu.
tenant Philpot, royal engineers, and the officers and men of
that department, claim my best acknowledgments.
To lieutenant-colonel Tucker, who commanded the reserve,
and to lieutenant-colonel Pearson, inspecting field-officer, and
lieutenant-colonel Battersbyi Glengarry light infantry, and
captain Walker, incorporated militia, I am greatly indebted
for their active and unremitted attention to the security of the
To the deputy adjutant.general, and deputy quarter-master.
general, lieutenant-colonel Barvey, and lieutenant-colonel
Myers, and to the officers of their departments, respectively,
as well as to captain Foster, my military secretary, and the
officers of my personal staff, I am under the greatest oblige.
tions for the assistance they have afforded me. My aeknow.
ledgments are due to captain D'Alson, of the 90th regiment,
brigade-major to the right division, and to lieutenant-colonel
Nichol, quarter-master-general of militia, the exertions of
deputy commissioner-general Turqttand, and the officers of
that department, for the supply of the troops; and the care
and attention of staff-surgeon O'Maly, and the medical officers


of the division, to the sick and wounded, also claim my


I have the honor to be, &e.
Ills excellency sir George Prevost, hart. &c.

No. 36.
From lieutenant-Colonel Fischer to lieutenant-general
sir Gordon Drummond.
Camp, August 15, 1814.
I have the honour to report to you, for the i mfonnation of
lieutenant-general Drummond, that, in compliance with the
instructions I received, the brigade under my command, consisting of the 8th and De Watteville's regiment, the light
companies of the 89th and 100th, with a detachment of
artillery, attacked this morning, at 2 o'clock, the position of
the enemy on Snake-hill, and, to my great concern, failed in
its attempt.
The flank companies of the brigade, who were formed under
the orders of major Evans, of the king's regiment, for the
purpose of turning the position between Snake-hill and the
hike, met with a check at the abattis, which w as found impenetrable, and was prevented by it to support major De
Villatte, of De Watteville's, and captain Powell of the quarter-master-general's department, who, actually with a few men
had turned the enemy's battery.
The column of support, consisting of the remainder of De
Watteville's and the king's regiment, forming the reserve, in
marching too near the lake, found themselves entangled between the 'rocks and the water, and, by the retreat of the flank
companies, were thrown into such confusion, as to render it
impossible to give them any kind of formation during the darkness of the night, at which time they were exposed to a most
galling fire of the enemy's battery, and the numerous parties in
the abattis ; and I am perfectly convinced that the great number of missing, are men killed or severely wounded, at that
time, when it was impossible to give them any assistance.

After day-break the troops formed, and retired to the camp.
I enclose a return of casualties.
Lieutenant-colonel De Watteville's regt.





Wounded ; —1 deputy-assistant-quarter-Master-general, 1 major, 8

No. 37.
Return of killed, wounded, and missing, of the right division,
in the assault of Fort-Erie, the 15th of August, 1814.
Killed—Royal artillery ;-1 rank and file.
Royal marine artillery ;-1 rank and file.
1st, or royal Scots ; I captain.
8th, or king's own ; 1 lieutenant, 1 serjeant, 15 rank and file.
89th light company ; 1 rank and file.
1 03d regiment ;
1 lieutenant-colonel.
104th regiment ;-1 lieutenant•colonel,
Watieville's regiment ; 1 drummer, 33 rank and file.
Wounded General staff ; 1 deputy-assistant-quarter-master-general,
Royal artillery ; 1 rank and file.
Royal navy; 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 1 master, 12 seamen.
Royal marines ; 10 rank and file.
1st, or royal Scots; 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 2 serjeants, 16 rank









and file.

8th, or king's own ; - 1 lieutenant, 14 rank ar.d file.
41st flank companies; - 2 captains, 1 lieutenant, 1 ensign, 2 serjeants,
• 33 rank and file.
89th light company ; — I captain, 1 rank and file.
100th light company ; - 2 rank and tile.
103d regiment; - 1 major. 2 captains, 6 lieutenants, 1 ensign, 10
serjeants, 1 drummer, 120 rank and file.
104th regiment ; - 1 captain, I lieutenant, 2 serjeants, 2 drumme
23 rank and file.
Watteville's regiment ; - 1 serjeant, 26 rank and file.
Glengarry light infantry ; - 1 rank and file.
Missing General stn'; I deputy assistant quarter master general,
t Royal artillery
rank and file.
Royal navy ; 1 midshipman, 7 seamen.
Royal marines ;-3 serjeants, 17 rank and file.
1st, or royal Scots;-49 rank and file.
8th, or king's own; 1 serjeant, 15 rank and file.
41st flank companies ; 74r1 lieutenant, 1 ensign, 3 serjeants, 37 rai:







captains, 11 lieutenants, 2 ensigns, 1 master, 12 seamen, 20 serjeants, 3 drummers, 250 rank and file.
Missing ; -1 deputy-assistant-quarter-master-general, 1 captain, 3
lieutenants. 2 ensigns, 1 midshipman, 1 adjutant, 7 seamen, 41
serjeants, 3 drummers, 479 rank and file.
Names of officers, killed, wounded, and missing.

Killed-1st, or royal Scots;—Captain Torrens.
8th regiment ; —Lieutenant Noel.
103d regiment ;—Colonel Scott.
104th regiment;—Lieutenant-colonel Drummond.
Wounded General staff; Captain Powell, deputy-assistant-quarter—

master-general, slight contusion.
Royal navy ; — Captam Dobbs, lieutenant Stevenson, slightly; Mr.
Harris, master, severely.
1st, or royal Scots ; — Captain Rowan severely; lieutenant Vaughan,
8th regiment ; — Lieutenant Young, slightly.
41st flank companies; — Captains Blew and Bullock, severely ; lieutenant llailes, slightly ; ensign Townshend, severely.
89th regiment ; — Captain Barney, severely.
100th regiment ; —Volunteer Fraser, severely.
103d regiment; — Major Smolt, severely; captain Gardiner, severely;
captain Coleclough, severely, and prisoner; lieutenant Fallon, severely ; lieutenant Charlton, severely, and prisoner; lieutenant
Coppage, jun. dangerously ; lieutenant Meagher, slightly; lieutenants Burrows and Hazin, severely ; ensign Nash, severely.
104th flank companies ; — Captain Leonard, lieutenant M`Laughliiii,

Missing--General stuff' —Captain Elliot, deputy-assistant-quarter;


Royal Navy ; — Mr. Hyde, midshipman.
41st flank companies ; — Lieutenant Garner, ensign Hall.
100th light company ; — Lieutenant Murray, wounded and prisoner.
1034 regiment ; — Captain Irwin, lieutenant Kaye, ensign Huey,
lieutenant and adjutant Pettit.



and file.
89th light company

; 3 rank and file.
100th light company: 1 lieutenant, 2 serjeants, 5 rank and file.
103d regiment; I captain, 1 lieutenant, 1 ensign, 1 adjutant, 30


No. 38.

serjeants, 3 drummers, 246 rank and file.

The number returned missing, the greater part supposed killed
by the explosion of a magazine.


jemit, 1 Drummer, 51 rank and file.

k the American secretary at



regiment; 1 serjeant, 23 rank and file.
Wattevilleis regiment ;—I serjeant, 82 rank and file.
incorporated militia ;-1 rank and file.
Tolal Killed; 2 lieutenant-colonels, 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, I sot

From brigadier-general Gaines


My heart is gladdened with gratitude to heaven and joy to
my country, to have it in my power to inform you, that the
gallant army, under my command, has this morning beaten the
enemy, commanded by lieutenant-general Drummond, after a



severe conflict of near three hours, commencing at 2 o'clock,
A.M. They attacked us on each flank, got possession of the
salient bastion of Old Fort Erie, which was regained at the
point of the bayonet with a dreadful slaughter. The enemy's
loss, in killed and prisoners, is about 600—near 300 killed.
Our loss is considerable, but I think not one-tenth part as
great as that of the enemy. I will not detain the express to
give you the particulars. I am preparing my force to follow
up the blow. With great respect and esteem,
Your obedient servant,
Hon. J. Armstrong,
Brigadier-general, commanding.
Secretary at war.

No. 39.
From lieutenant-colonel M'ICay to lieutenant-colonel
Prairie du Chien, Fort AFKay,

July 27, 1814.
I have the honor to communicate to you, that I arrived here
on the 17th instant at 12 o'clock ; my force amounting to 650
men : of which, 150 were Michigan fencibles, Canadian volunteers, and officers of the Indian department, the remainder
I found that the enemy had a small fort, situated on a height
immediately behind the village, with' two blockhouses, per.
fectly safe from Indians, and that they had six pieces of can.
non, and 60 or 70 effective men, officers included. That, lying
at anchor in the middle of the Mississippi, directly in front of
the fort, there was a very large gun-boat, called governor
Clark, gun-boat No. 1, mounting 14 pieces of cannon, some
6 and 3 pounders, and a number of cohorns, manned with 70
or 80 men with muskets, and measuring 70 feet keel. This
floating blockhouse is so constructed, that she can be rowed in
any direction; the men on board being perfectly safe from small
arms, while they can use their own to the greatest advantage.
At half-past 12 o'clock, I sent captain Anderson with a flag
of truce, to invite them to surrender, which they refused. My
intention was not to have made an attack till next morning at
day-light; but, it being impossible to controul the Indians, I
ordered our gun to play upon the gun-boat, which she did with
a surprizing good effect ; for, in the course of three hours the
time the action lasted, she fired 86 rounds, two-thirds of which
went into the governor Clark. They kept up a constant fire




upon us, both from the boat and fort. We were an hour between two fires, having Dun our gun up within musket-shot of
the fort, from whence we beat the boat out of her station. She
cut her cable and ran down the current, and was sheltered under
the island. We were obliged to desist, it being impossible,

with our little barges, to attempt to board her, and our only
gun in pursuit of her would have exposed our whole camp to
the enemy ; she therefore made her escape.
On the 19th, finding there were only six rounds of round
shot remaining, including three of the enemy's we had picked
up, the day was employed in making lead bullets for the gun,
and throwing up two breast-works : one within 700 yards, and
the other within 450 yards of the fort. At six in the evening,
every thing being prepared, I marched to the first breastwork,
from whence I intended to throw in the remaining six rounds.
At the moment, the first ball was about being put into the can.
non, a white flag was put out at the fort, and immediately an
officer cause down with a note and surrendered. It being too
late, I deferred making them deliver up their arms in forth till
morning, but immediately placed a strong guard in the fort,
and took possession of the artillery. From the time of our
landing till they surrendered, the Indians kept up a constant,
but perfectly useless fire, upon the fort ; the distance from
whence they fired was too great to do execution, even had the

enemy been exposed to view.
I am happy to inform you, that every man in the Miahigan
fencibles, Canadian volunteers, and officers in the Indian department, behaved as well as I could possibly wish ; and,
though in the midst of a hot fire, not a man was even wounded,
except three Indians ; that is, one Pnant, one Fallsovine, and
one Scoux, all severely, but not dangerously.
One lieutenant, 24th U. S. regiment ; one militia captain, one
militia lieutenant, three serjeants, three corporals, two musicians, 53 privates, one commissary, and one interpreter, have
been made prisoners. One iron 6-pounder, mounted on a garrison carriage ; one iron 3-pounder, on a field-carriage ; three
swivels, 61 stand of arms, four swords, one field-carriage for
6-pounder, and a good deal of ammunition ; 28 barrels of
pork, and 46 barrels of flour : these are the principal articles

found in the fort when surrendered.
I will now take the liberty to request your particular attention to captains Itollette and Anderson; the former for his ac.
tivity in many instances, but particulatly during the action.
The action having commenced unexpectedly, he ran down from
the upper end of the village, with his company, through the
heat of the fire, to receive orders ; and before and since, in
being instrumental in preserving the citizens from being quite

ruined by pillaging Indians; and the latter, for his unwearied
attention in keeping every thing in order during the route, and
his activity in following up the cannon during the action, and
asssisting in transporting the ammunition. Lieutenant Portier,
of captain Anderson's company ; lieutenants Graham and
Brisbois, of the Indian department ; captain Dean, of the
Prairie du Chien militia ; and lieutenant Powell, of the Green
Bay, all acted with courage and activity, so becoming Cana.
dian militia or volunteers. The interpreters also behaved well,
but particularly M. St. Germain, from the Saulte St. Marie,
and M. Rouville, Scoux interpeter : they absolutely pre.
vented their Indians committing any outrage in the plundering
way. Commissary II onore, who acted as lietenant in captain
Rollette's company, whose singular activity in saving and keeping an exact account of provisions, surprised me, and without
which we must unavoidably have lost much of that essential
article. The Michigan fencibles, who manned the gun, behaved
with great courage, coolness, and regularity. As to the ser.
jeant of artillery, too much cannot be said of him ; for the
fate of the day, and our success, were to be attributed, in a
great measure, to his courage, and well-managed firing.
since writing the foregoing, a few Sanks have arrived from
the rapids, at the Rock river, with two Canadians, and
bring the following information : On the 21st instant, six
American barges, three of which were armed, were coming up
and encamped in the rapids ; that, in the course of the night,
the party of Indians having the four bags of gunpowder I sent
from this on the 17th, reached. them. The barges being en.
camped at short distances from each other, they, on the 22d,
early in the morning, attacked the lowest, and killed about 100
persons, took five pieces of cannon, and burnt the barge:
the other barges seeing this disaster, and knowing there were
British troops here, ran off. This is, perhaps, one of the
most brilliant actions, fought by Indians only, since the corn.
mencement of the war. I have, &c.

W. M'KAY, lieutenant-colonel.
Lieut.-col. M'Douall, commanding at Michilimacinac.

No. 40.
From lieutenant-colonel 111'Douall to sir George Prevost.
Michilimacinac, August 14, 1814.

I have reported to lieutenant-general Drummond the parti.
culars of the attack made by the enemy on this post on the 4th



instant. My situation was embarrassing. I knew that they
could land upwards of 1000 men ; and, after manning the
guns at the fort, I had only a disposable force of 140 to meet
them, which I determined to do, in order as much as possible
to encourage the Indians, and having the fullest confidence in
the little detachment of the Newfoundland regiment. The
position I took up was excellent, but at an unavoidable and
too great a distance from the forts, in each of which I was
only able to leave 25 militiamen. There were likewise roads
upon my flanks, every inch of which was known to the enemy,
by means of the people formerly residents of this island, which
were with them. 1 could not afford to detach a man to guard
My position was rather too extensive for such a handful of
men. The ground was commanding, and, in front, clear as I
could wish it. On both our flanks and rear, a thick wood.
My utmost wish was, that the Indians would only prevent the
enemy from gaining the woods upon our flanks, which would
have forced them upon the open ground in our front. A natural breastwork protected my men from every shot ; and I
had told them that, on a close approach of the enemy, they
were to pour in a volley, and immediately charge ; numerous
as they were, all were fully confident of the result.
On the advance of the enemy, my 6-pounder and 3-pounder
opened a heavy fire upon them, but not with the effect they
should have had : being not well manned, and for want of an
artillery-officer, which would have been invaluable to us. They
moved slowly and cautiously, declining to meet me in the open
ground, but gradually gaining my left flank ; which the In..
dims permitted, even in the woods, without firing a shot. I
was even obliged to weaken my small front, by detaching the Mi..
chigan fencibles to oppose a party of the enemy, which were
advancing to the woods on my right. I now received accounts
from major Crawford, of the militia, that the enemy's two
large ships had anchored in the rear of my left, and that troops
were moving by a road in that direction towards the forts. I,
therefore, immediately moved, to place myself between them
and the enemy, and took up a position effectually covering
them ; from whence, collecting the greater part of the Indians
who had retired, and taking with mu major Crawford and
about 50 militia, I again advanced to support a party of the
Fallsovine Indians ; who, with their gallant chief, Thomas,
had commenced a spirited attack upon the enemy ; who, in a
short time, lost their second in command and several other
officers ; seventeen of which we counted dead upon the field,
besides what they carried off, and a considerable number

wounded. The enemy retired in the utmost haste and confu-



sion, followed by the troops, till they found shelter under the
very powerful broadside of their ships, anchored within a few
yards of the shore. They re•embarked that evening, and the
vessels immediately hauled off.
I have the honour, &c.
MWOUALL, lieutenant colonel.
His excellency sir George Prevost, &c.



Front lieutenant Bulger to lieutenant-colonel
Michilimacinac, September 7, 1814,
I have the honor to report to you the particulars of the capture of the United States' schooners, Scorpion and Tigress, by
a detachment from this garrison, under the command of lieute.
nant Worsley, of the royal navy, and myself.
In obedience to your orders, we left Miehilimacinac on the
evening of the 1st instant, in four boats, one of which was
manned by seamen under lieutenant Worsley, the others by a
detachment of the royal Newfoundland regiment, under myself,
lieutenants Armstrong, and Radenherst. We arrived near the
Detour' about sun-set on the following day ; but nothing was
attempted that night, as the enemy's position had not been correctly ascertained. The troops remained the whole of the Sd
instant concealed amongst the roads, and about 6 o'clock that
evening began to move towards the enemy. We had to row
about six miles, during which the most perfect order and silence
reigned. The Indians which accompanied us from Machinac,
were left about three miles in the rear. About 9 o'clock at
night we discerned the enemy, and had approached to within
100 yards of them before they hailed us. On receiving no
answer, they opened a smart fire upon us, both of musketry
and of the 24-pounder. All opposition, however, was in vain;
and in the course of five minutes, the enemy's vessel was
boarded and carried, by lieutenant Worsley and lieutenant
Armstrong on the starboard-side, and my boat and lieutenant
Itadenhurst's on the larboard. She proved to be the Tigress,
commanded by sailing-master Champlin, mounting one long 24pounder, and with a complement of 30 men. The defence of
this vessel did credit to her officers, who were all severely
sounded. She had three men wounded and three missing,
supposed to have been killed and thrown immediately overboard. Our loss is two seamen killed, and several soldiers and
seamen slightly wounded.
On the morning of the 4th instant the prisoners were sent in



a boat to Machinac, under a guard, and we prepared to attack
the other schooner, which we understood was anchored 15
miles further down. The position of the Tigress was not
altered ; and, the better to carry on the deception, the American pendant was kept flying. On the 5th instant, we discerned the enemy's schooner beating up to us; the soldiers I
directed to keep below, or to lie down on the deck, to avoid
being seen. Every thing succeeded to our wish ; the enemy
came to anchor about two miles from us in the night ; and, as
day dawned on the 6th instant, we slipt our cable, and ran
down under our jib and foresail. Every thing was so well
managed by lieutenant Worsley, that we were within ten yards
of the enemy before they discovered us. It was then too late ;
for, in the course of five minutes, her deck was covered with
our men, and the British flag hoisted over the American. She
proved to be the Scorpion, commanded by lieutenant Turner,
of the United States' navy ; carrying one long 24-pounder in
her hold, with a complement of 32 men. She had two men
killed, and two wounded. I enclose a return of our killed
and wounded, and am happy to say that the latter are but
To the admirable good conduct and management of lieutenant
Worsley, of the royal navy, the success is to be in a great
measure attributed ; but 1 must assure you, that every officer
and man did his duty.
I have the honor to be, &e.
lieutenant royal Newfoundland regiment.
To lieutenant-colonel M'llouall, &c. &c.


Return of killed and wounded of the troops, employed in the capture of the United States' schooners, Scorpion and Tigress, on the
3d and 6th of September, 1814.
Royal artillery ;-1 rank and file, wounded.

Royal Nenfoundiand regiment;


1 lieutenant, 6 rank and file, wounded.

Officer wounded.
Lieutenant Bulger,

N. B. Three seamen killed.

No. 42.
From Sir George Prevost to Earl Ha thurst.
Head-quarters, Plattsburg, State of New York,
MY Loan, Sept. 11, 1814.

Upon the arrival of the reinforcements from the Garonne, 1
lost no time 'in assembling three brigades on the froptier of



Lower Canada, extending from the river Richelieu to the St.
Lawrence, and in forming them into a division under the command of major-general De Rottenburg, for the purpose of
carrying into effect his royal highness the prince regent's commands, which had been conveyed to me by your lordship in
your despatch of the 3d of June last.
As the troops concentrated and approached the line of sepa.
ration between this province and the United States, the Amen.
can army abandoned its entrenched camp on the river Chazy,
at Champlain ; a position I immediately seized, and occupied
in force on the 3d instant. The following day, the whole of
the left division advanced to the village of Chazy, without
meeting the least opposition from the enemy.
On the 5th, it halted within eight miles of this place, having
surmounted the difficulties created by the obstructions in the
road from the felling of trees and the removal of bridges. The
next day the division moved upon Plattsburg, in two columns,
on parallel roads ; the right column led by major-general
Power's brigade, supported by four companies of light infantry and a demi-brigade, under major-general Robinson ; the
left by major-general Brisbane's brigade.
The enemy's militia, supported by his regulars, attempted to
i mpede the advance of the right column, but they were driven
before it from all their positions, and the column entered Plans.
burg. This rapid movement having reversed the strong position
taken up by the enemy at Dead creek, it was precipitately
abandoned by him, and his gun-boats alone left to defend the
ford, and to prevent our restoring the bridges, which had been
imperfectly destroyed—an inconvenience soon surmounted.
Here I found the enemy in the occupation of an elevated
ridge of land on the south branch (bank) of the Saranac,
crowned with three strong redoubts and other field works, and
block-houses armed with heavy ordnance, with their flotilla*
at anchor out of gun-shot from the shore, consisting of a ship,
a brig, a schooner, a sloop, and ten gun-boats.
I immediately communicated this circumstance to captain
Downie, who had been recently appointed to command the
vessels on Lake Champlain, consisting of a ship, a brig, two
sloops, and 12 gun-boats, and requested his co-operation, and
in the mean time batteries were constructed for the guns
brought from the rear.
On the morning of the 11th, our flotilla was seen over the
isthmus which joins Cumberland-head with the main-land,
* The Saratoga, 26 guns ; Surprise, 20 guns ; Thunderer, 16 guns;
Preble, 7 guns : IU gun boats, 1 4 nuns.
guns ; Linnet, IS gnus; Broke, 10 guns ;
.f The Cootiance,
10 guns; 12 gun-boats, 16 guile.



'steering for Plattsburg Bay. I immediately ordered that part
of the brigade under major-general Robinson, which had been
brought forward, consisting of our light infantry companies,
third battalion 27th and 76th regiments, and major-general
Power's brigade, consisting of the third, fifth, and the first battalion of the 27th and 58th regiments, to force the fords of the
Saranac, and advance, provided with scaling-ladders, to escalade
the enemy's works upon the heights ; this force was placed under
the command of major-general Robinson. The batteries opened
their fire the instant the ships engaged.
It is now with deep concern 1 inform your lordship, that notwithstanding the intrepid valor with which captain Downie
led his flotilla into action, my most sanguinary hopes of complete success were, not long afterwards, blasted, by a combination, as appeared to us, of unfortunate events, to which
naval warfare is peculiarly exposed Scarcely had his majesty's
troops forced a passage across the Saranac, and ascended the
height on which stand the enemy's works, when I had the
extreme mortification to hear the shout of victory from the
enemy's work s, in consequence of the British flag being lowered.
on hoard the Confiance and Linnet, and to see our gun-boats
seeking their safety in flight. This unlooked-for event deprived me of the co-operation of the fleet, without which the
further prosecution of the service was become impracticable, I
did not hesitate to arrest the course of the troops advancing to
the attack, because the most complete success would have been
unavailing, and the possession of the enemy's works offered no
advantage to compensate for the loss we must have sustained i
acquiring possession of them,.
I have ordered the batteries to be dismantled, the guns Withdrawn, and the baggage, with the wounded men who can be
removed, to be sent to the rear, in order that the troops may
return to Chazy to-morrow, and on the following day to
Champlain, where I propose to halt until 1 have ascertained
the use the enemy propose making of the naval ascendancythey have acquired on Lake Champlain.
1 have the honor to 'transmit herewith returns of the loss,
sustained by the left division of this army in its advance to
Plattsburg, and in forcing a passage across the river Saranac.


I have the the honor, &e.
Earl Bathurst, &c.




No. 44.

No. 43.
Return of killed, wounded, and missing, of the left divisioxf
under the command of major-general De Rottenburg, is
action with the enemy from the 6th to the 14th of September,
General staff ;-1 general staff, wounded.
19th light dragoons ; 1 rank and file, 2 horses, wounded ; 5 rank and

file, 6 horses, missing.
Royal artillery ; 1 serjeant, 1 rank and file, 1 horse, killed ; 3 rank
and file, wounded.
3d foot;-1 captain, 1 ensign, killed ; 4 lieutenants, 1 serjeant,
rank and file, wounded ; 2 rank and file missing.
5th foot ; —I rank and file, killed ; 1 rank and file, wounded.
8th foot, 2d battalion ;-1 rank and file, wounded.
13th foot ;-2 rank and file, wounded.
27th foot, 1st battalion ;-3 rank and file, killed ; 1 serjeant, 13 rank
and file, wounded ; 1 rank and file, missing.
27th foot, 3d battalion ;-1 serjeant, 2 rank and file, killed; 3ser.
jeants, 11 rank and file, wounded ; 4 rank and file, missing.
49th foot ;-3 rank and file, wounded.
58thfoot ; 4 rank and file, killed ; 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 1 serjean
39 rank and file, wounded.
76th foot ;—I captain, 1 serjeant, 10 rank and file, killed : 3 rank
and file, wounded ; 3 lieutenants, 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, 20 rank
and file, missing.
88thf/iot ; -9 rank and file, wounded.
De Meuron's regiment ;-1 serjeant, .5 rank and file, killed ; 1 serjean4
14 rank and file, wounded ; 9 rank and file, missing.
Canadian chasseurs ;-4 rank and file, killed; 10 rank and file, wounded ; 1 lieutenant, 7 rank and file, missing.
39th foot ; -1 rank and file, wounded.
Total ;-2 captains, 1 ensign, 4 serjeants, 30 rank and file, 1
horse, killed ; 1 general staff; 1 captain, 6 lieutenants, 7 ser
jeants, 135 rank and file, 2 horses, wounded ; 4 lieutenants, 2
serjeants, 1 drummer, 48 rank and file, 6 horses, missing,

Names of officers, killed, wounded, and missing.

Killed-3dfoot ;—Captain (brevet lieutenant-colonel) I. Willington,
ensign J. Chapman.
76th foot ;—Captain J. Purchase.

Wounded—General staff ;—Captain T. Crosse, aide de camp to ma
jar-general De Rottenburg, slightly.
3d foot ;—Lieutenant R. Kingsbury, severely ; (since dead ;) lieutenant J. West, severely ; lieutenants G. Benson, and J. Horne, slightly.
5itth foot ;—Captain L. Westropp, severely ; lieutenant C. Brokier,
slightly ; lieutenant and adjutant — Lewis, slightly.
Missing-76th foot ;— Lieutenants G. Hutch, G. Ogilvie, and E.


Canadian chasseurs;.—Lieutenant E. Vigneau.

Adjutant-general North America.




From sir James Lucas Yth:i to Mr. Croker,

H. M. S. St. Lawrence, Kingston,
• SIR,

September 24, 1814.

I have the honor to transmit, for the information of the

lords commissioners of the admiralty, a copy of a letter front
captain Pring, late commander of his majesty's brig Linnet.
. It appears to me, and I have good reason to believe, that
captain Downie was urged, and his ship hurried into action,
before she was in a fit state to meet the enemy.
I am also of opinion, that there was not the least necessity
for our squadron giving the enemy such decided advantages,
by going into their bay to engage them.. Even had they been
successful, it would not in the least have assisted the troops in
storming the batteries ; whereas, had our troops taken their
batteries first, it would have obliged the enemy's squadron to
quit the bay, and give ours a fair chance.
I have the honor, to be, &c.;
Commmodore and commander in chief:
I. W . Croker, esq. &c. &c. &c.



No. 45.


From majo•-general Macombe,to the American secretary at •


Plattsburg, Sept. 15, 1814.
The governor-general of the Canadas, sir George Prevost;
during collected all the disposable force in Lower Canada, with
*view of conquering the country as far as Crown Point, and
Ticonderoga entered the territories of the United States on
the 1st of the month, and occupied the village of Champlain:
there he avowed his intentions, and issued orders and proclamations, tending to dissuade the people from their allegiance, and
inviting them to furnish his army with provisions. lie immeditely began to impress the waggons and teams in the vicinity,
and loaded them with his heavy baggage and stores. From this
•I was persuaded he intended to attack this place. I had but
,pot returned from the lines, where I had commanded a fine
brigade, which was broken up to form pm division under
laajor.general Izard, and ordered t9' 1:Elie westward. Being



senior officer, he left me in command ; and, except the four
companies of the 6th regiment, I had not an organized battalion among those remaining. The garrison was composed of
convalescents and recruits of the new regiments, all in the
greatest confusion, as well as the ordnance and stores, and the
works in no state of defence. To create an emulation and zeal
among the officers and men in completing the works, I divided
them into detachments, and placed them near the several forts;
declaring in orders, that each detachment was the garrison of
its own work, and bound to defend it to the last extremity.
The enemy advanced cautiously and by Short marches, and our
soldiers worked day and night, so that by the time he made his
appearance before the place we were prepared to receive him.
General Izard named the principal work Fort-Moreau ; and,
to remind the troops of the actions of their brave countrymen,
I called the redoubt on the right Fort-Brown, and that on the
left Fort-Scott. Besides these three works, we had two block.
houses strongly fortified. Finding, on examining the returns
of the garrison, that our force did not exceed 1500 effective
men for duty, and well informed that the enemy had as many
thousands, I called on general Mooers, of the New York
militia, and arranged with him plans for bringing forth the
militia en masse. The inhabitants of the village fled with their
families and effects, except a few worthy citizens and some boys,
who formed themselves into a party, received rifles, and were
exceedingly useful. By the 4th of the month, general Mooers
collected about 700 militia, and advanced seven miles on the
Beckman-town road, to watch the motions of the enemy, and
to skirmish with him as he advanced ; also to obstruct the roads
with fallen trees, and to break up the bridges. On the lakeroad, at Dead creek bridge, I posted 200 men, under captain
Sproul, of.the 13th regiment, with orders to abattis the woods,
to place obstructions in the road, and to fortify himself: to
this party I added two field-pieces. In advance of that posi.
tion was lieutenant-colonel Appling, with 110 riflemen, watching the movements of the enemy, and procuring intelligence.
It was ascertained, that before day-light on the 6th, the enemy
would advance in two columns, on the two roads before mentioned, dividing at Sampson's a little below Chazy village. The
column on the Beckman-town road proceeded most rapidly;
the militia skirmished with his advanced parties, and except a
few brave men, fell hack most precipitately in the greatest
disorder, notwithstanding the British troops did not deign to
fire on them, except by their flankers and advanced patroles.
The night previous, 1 ordered major Wool to advance with a
detachment of 250 men to support the militia, and set them au
example of firmness; also captain Leonard, of the light-artil.



lery, was directed to proceed with two pieces to be on the
ground before day; yet he did not make his appearance until
eight o'clock, when the enemy had approached within two
miles of the village. With his conduct, therefore, I ant not
well pleased. Major Wool, with his party, disputed the road
with great obstinacy, but the militia could not be prevailed on
to stand, notwithstanding the exertions of their general and
staff•officers; although the fields were divided by strong stone
walls, and they were told that the enemy could not possibly
cut them off. The state dragoons of New York wear red
coats; and they being on the heights to watch the enemy, gave
constant alarm to the militia, who mistook them for the enemy,
aid feared his getting in their rear
Finding the enemy's columns had penetrated within a mile of
Plattsburg, 1 despatched my aide de camp, lieutenant Root, to
bring off the detachment at Dead creek, and to inform lieute.
nun•colonel Appling that I wished him to fall on the enemy's
right flank. The colonel fortunately arrived just in time to
save his retreat, and to fall in with the head of a column de..
bunching from the woods. Here he poured in a destructive
ire from his riflemen at rest, and continued to annoy the
enemy until he formed a junction with major Wool. The
field-pieces did considerable execution among the enemy's
Minims. So undaunted, however, was the enemy, that he
never deployed in his whole march, always pressing on in
column. Finding that every road was full of troops, crowding
on us on all sides, I ordered the field-pieces to retir: across the
bridge, and form a battery for its protection, and to cover the
retreat of the infantry, which was accordingly done, and.the
parties of Appling and Wool, as well as that of Sproul,
retired, alternately keeping up a brisk fire until they got under
cover of the works. The enemy's light troops occupied the
houses near the bridge, and kept up a constant firing from the
windows and balconies, and annoyed us much. I ordered them
to be driven out with hot shot, which soon put the houses in
tames, and obliged those sharp-shooters to retire. The whole
day, until it was too late to see, the enemy's light troops enidea..
roared to drive our guards from the bridge, but they suffered
dearly for their perseverance. An attempt was also made to
cross the upper bridge, where the militia handsomely drove
them back. The column which marched by the lake-road was
much impeded by the obstructions, and the removal of the
bridge at Dead creek ; and, as it passed the creek and beach,
the pities kept up a lively and galling fire. Our troops being
now all on the south side of the Saranac, I directed the planks
to be taken off the bridges and piled up in the form of breastworks, to cover our parties intended for disputing the passage,



which afterwards enabled us to hold the bridges against very
superior numbers. From the 7th to the 14th, the enemy was
employed in getting on his battering-train, and erecting his
batteries and approaches, and constantly skirmishing at the
bridges and fords. By this time the militia of New York and
the volunteers of Vermont were pouring in from all quarters.
I advised general Mooers to keep his force along the Saranac to
prevent the enemy's crossing the river, and to send a strong
body in his rear to harass him day and night, and keep him in
continual alarm. The militia behaved with great spirit after
the first day, and the volunteers of Vermont were exceedingly
serviceable. Our regular troops, notwithstanding the constant
skirmishing, and repeated endeavours of the enemy to cross
the river, kept at their work day and night, strengthening the
defences, and evinced a determination to hold out to the last
extremity. It was reported that the enemy only waited the
arrival of his flotilla to make a general attack. About eight in
the morning of the 11th, as was expected, the flotilla appeared
in sight round Cumberland Bead, and at nine bore down and
engaged at anchor in the bay off the town. At the same instant ,
the batteries were opened on us, and continued throwing bombshells, shrapnells, balls, and Congr&ve rockets, until sun-set,
when the bombardment ceased, every battery of the enemy
being silenced by the superiority of our fire. The naval engagement lasted but two hours, in full view of both armies.
Three efforts were made by the enemy to pass the river at the
commencement of the cannonade and bombardment, with a
view of assaulting the works, and they had prepared for that
purpose an immense number of scaling-ladders. One attempt
to cross was made at the village bridge, another at the tipper
bridge, and a third at a ford about three miles from the
works. At tho• two first he was repulsed by the regulars—at
the ford by the brave volunteers and militia, where he suffered
severely in killed, wounded, 'and prisoners : a considerable
body crossed the stream, but were either killed, taken, or
driven back. The woods at this place were very favorable to
the operations of the militia. A whole company of the 76th
regiment was here destroyed, t' e three lieutenants and 27 men
prisoners, the captain and the rest killed. I cannot forego the
pleasure of here stating the gallant conduct of ca ptain Al`Glassin,
of the 15th regiment, who was ordered to ford the river, and
attack a party constructing a battery on the right of the enemy's
line, within 500 yards of Fort-Brown, which he '.mdsomely
executed at midnight, with 50 men ; drove off the working
party, consisting of 150, and defeated a covering party of the
same number, killing one officer and six men in the charge, and
wounding many. At dusk the enemy withdrew his artillery
• -



from the batteries, and raised the siege ; and at nine, under
cover of the night, sent off, in a great hurry, all the baggage
he could find transport for, and also his artillery. At two the
next morning the whole army precipitately retreated, leaving
the sick and wounded to our generosity ; and the governor left
a note with a surgeon, requesting the humane attention of the
Vast quantities of provision were left behind and destroyed ;
also an immense quantity of bomb-shells, cannon-balls, grapeshot, ammunition, flints, &c. entrenching tools of all sorts,
also tents and marquees. A great deal has been found concealed in ponds and creeks, and buried in the ground, and a vast
quantity carried off by the inhabitants. Such was the precipitance of his retreat, that he arrived at Chazy, a distance of
eight miles, before we discovered he had gone. The light
troops,. volunteers, and militia, pursued immediately on learning of his flight, and some of the mounted men made prisoners
five dragoons of the 19th regiment, and several others of the
mar-guard. A continual fall of rain and a violent storm prevented further pursuit. Upwards of 300 deserters have come
in, and many are hourly arriving. We have buried the British
officers of the army and navy with the honors of war, and
shewn every attention and kindness to those who have fallen
into our hands. The conduct of the officers, non-commissioned
officers, and soldiers of my command, during the trying occasion, cannot be represented in too high terms. ALEX:. MACOMB.
prisoners, and
deserters, since his first appearance, cannot fall short of 2500.
lion. I. Armstrong.

No. ii6H;'.


From nzujo•-general De iVatteville, to lieutencint-general
Camp before Fort-Erie,
Sept. 19, 1814.
I have the honor to report to you, that the enemy attacked,
on the 17th in the afternoon at three o'clock, our position
before Fort-Erie, the 2d brigade, under colonel Fischer, composed of the 8th and de Watteville's regiments, being on duty.
Under cover of a heavy fire of his artillery from Fort-Erie,
and much favored by the nature of the ground, and also by the
state of the weather, the rain falling in torrents at the moment
of his approach, the enemy succeeded in turning the right of


our line of piquets, without being perceived, and with a very
considerable force, attacked both the piquets and support, in
their flank and rear ; at the same time, another of the enemy's
columns attacked, in front, the piquets between No. 2 and No.
3 batteries, and, having succeeded in penetrating by No. 4
piquet, part of his force turned to his left, and thereby sur.
rounded our right, and got almost i mmediate possession of
No. 3 battery. The enemy then directed his attacks, with a
very superior force, towards No. 2 battery ; but the obstinate
resistance made by the piquets, under every possible disadvan.
tage, delayed considerably his getting possession of No. 2 bat.
tery ; in which, however, he at last succeeded.
As soon as the alarm was given, the 1st brigade, being nest
for support, composed of the royal Scots, the 82d and 89th
regiments, under lieutenant-colonel Gordon, received orders to
march forward ; and also the light demi-brigade under lieute.

nant-colonel Pearson : the 6th regiment remaining in reserve,
under lieutenant-colonel Campbell. From the Concession.
road, the royal Scots, with the 89th as support, moved by the
new road, and met the enemy near the block-house, on the
right of No. 3 battery ; whom they engaged, and, by their
steady and intrepid conduct, checked his further progress.




The 82d regiment, and three companies of the 6th regiment,
were detached to the left, in order to support Nos. I and 2
batteries. The enemy having, at that time, possession of No, 2
battery, and still pushing forward, seven companies of the 82d,
under major Proctor, and the three companies of the 6th, under
major Taylor, received directions to oppose the enemy's forces,
and immediatrly charged them with the most intredid bravery,
driving them back across our entrenchments ; and also from
No. 2 battery, thereby preventing their destroying it, or damaging its guns in a considerable degree. Lieutenant-colonel
Pearson, with the Glengarry light infantry, under lieutenant.
colonel Battersby, pushed forward by the centre-road, and
attacked, and carried, with great gallantry, the new entrench.
ment, then in full possession of the enemy.
The enemy, being thus repulsed at every point, was forced to
retire with precipitation to their works, leaving Several prisoners,
and a number of their wounded in our hands. By five o'clock
the entrenchments were again occupied, and the line of piquets
established, as it had been previous to the enemy's attack.
I have the honor to enclose a return of casualties, and the

report of the officer commanding the royal artillery, respecting

the damage done to the ordnance and the batteries, during the
time they were in the enemy's possession.
I have the honor to be, &c.

L. DE WATT,EVILLE, major-gen.
Licut..gencral Drummond BSc,


No. 47.
Return of casualties of the right division of the army, in action
with the enemy; camp before Fort-Erie, Sept. 17, 1814.
Royal artillery ;-9 rank and file, missing.
and file,
Additional gunners, De 1Vatteville's regiment ;-1 rank
wounded ; 10 rank and file, missing.
rank and file, killed; 1 lieutenant-colonel, 1
1st, or royal Seats ;-8
lieutenant, 1 serjeant, 30 rank and file, wounded; 2 serjeants, 15 rank
and file, missing.
serjeant, 13 rank and file, killed; 1 lieute13th foot ; —1 captain, 1 and tile, wounded ; 1 serjeant, 10 rank and
nant, 1 serjeant, 25 rank
file, missing.
1 serjeant, 12 rank and file, killed; 1 lieute81h foot ; —1 lieutenant,
ensign, 8
nant, 12 rank and file, wounded; 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 1
serjeants, 63 rank and file, missing.
82d foot ;-2 serjeants, 10 rank and file, killed ; 5 captains, 4 lieutenants, 1 ensign, 5 serjeants, 33 rank and file, wounded; 8 rank and
file, mi ssing. -1 rank and file, killed ; 1 serjeant, 2 rank and file,
89th foot ;
wounded ; 1 serjeant, 19 rank and file, missing.
lieutenant, 3 serjeants, 58 rank and
De Wattoville's regiment;-1
file, killed ; 1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 captain, 3 lieutenants, 4 serjeants,
2 lieute1 drummer, 26 rank and file, wounded; 2 majors, 3 captains,
nants, 1 adjutant, 1 assistant-surgeon, 9 serjeants, 2 drummers, 146
rank and file, missing.
rank and file, killed; 1 serjeant, 18
Glengarry light infantry;-3
rank and file, wounded.
Grand total-1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 7 serjeants, 105 rank and file,
killed; 3 lieutenant-colonels, 3 captains, 10 lieutenants, 1 ensign, 13
4 capserjeants, 1 drummer, 147 rank and file, wounded ; 2 majors,
3 lieutenants, 2 ensigns, 1 adjutant, 1 assistant-surgeon, 21 seri.;
jeants, 2 drummers, 280 rank and file, missing.
Names of officers.


6th foot ;—Captain R. D. Patterson.

8thjoot ;—Lieutenant Barston.
De Watteville's reg,irnent ;—Lieutenant Pelliehody.
J. Gordon, severely; lieutenant G.
Royal Seats ; —Lieutenant-colonel
Ratledge, since dead.
6th foot ; —Lieutenant Andrews, severely.
8th foot ;—Lieutenant Lowry, severely.
captain E. Marshall,
82d foot ; —Captain I. M. Wright, since dead;
slightly ; lieutenant H. Pigott, W. Mason, and Robert Latham, severely; lieutenant G. Harman, slightly ; ensign C. Langford, since


De Watteville's regiment;—.Lieutenant-colonel Fischer, severely ;



captain Mittelholzer, severely ; lieutenant Gingins, severely; lieutenant
Steiger, slightly; lieutenant La Pierre, severely.
Staff;—Lieutenant-colonel Thomas Pearson, inspecting field officer,
Missing-811r foot ;—Captain Bradbridge, lieutenant M'Nair, ensign
De Watteville's regiment;--Major De Villatte, major Winter,
wounded; captain Zehender, Heckel', and Steiger; lieutenant De
Berry, lieutenant Heckel), wounded; adjutant Thermet; assistant-surgeon Gorbea.

No. 48.
From lieutenant-colonel Pilkington to lieutenant-general
sir John C. Sherbrooke.
Moose Island, Passamaquaddy Bay,
July 12, 1814.
Having sailed from Halifax on the 5th instant, accompanied
by lieutenant-colonel Nicolls, of the royal engineers, and a de.
tachment of the royal artillery, under the command of captain
Dunn, I have the honour to acquaint your excellency, that
we arrived at Shelburne, the place of rendezvous, on the evening of the 7th instant, where 1 found captain sir Thomas Hardy,
in his majesty's ship Ramillies, with two transports, having on
board the 102d regiment, under the command of lieutenant.
colonel Berries, which had arrived the clay before. I did not
fail to lay before Sir Thomas Hardy my instructions, and to
consult with him the best means of carrying them into execution.
As we concurred in opinion that the success of the enterprise,
with which we were entrusted, would very materially depend
upon our reaching the point of attack previous to the enemy
being apprised of our intentions, that officer, with his asccustomed alacrity and decision, directed the ships of war and
transports to a et under weigh early on the following morning ;
and we yesterday, about 3 o'clock P.M., anchored near to
the town of Eastport.
On our approich to this island, lieutenant Oats (your excellency's aide de camp, whom you had permitted to accompany
me on this service) was detached in a boat, bearing a flag of
truce, with a summons, (copy of which is transmitted,) addressed to the officer commanding, requiring that Moose Island
should be surrendered to his Britannic majesty. This proposal
was not accepted ; in consequence of which, the troops, which
were already in the boats, pulled off under the superintenclance
of captain Senhouse, of the royal navy, whose arrangements were
so judicious, as to insure a successful issue. But, previous to




reaching the shore, the colours of the enemy on Fort-Sullivan
were hauled down : and on our landing, the capitulation was
agreed to, of which the copy is inclosed.
We found in the fort a detachment of the 40th regiment of
American infantry, consisting of six officers and about 80 men,
under the command of major Putman, who surrendered themselves prisoners of war.
This fort is situated on an eminence commanding the entrance
to the anchorage, and within it is a block-house, and also four
long 18-pounders, one 18-pound carronade, and four fieldpieces. The extent of the island is about four miles in length
and two in breadth, and in a great state of cultivation. The
militiaaamount to about '250, and the population is calculated
at 1500.
We have also occupied Allen's and Frederick Island, so that
the whole of the islands in this bay are now subject to the
British flag.
It is very satisfactory to me to add, that this service has been
effected, without any loss or casualty among the troops employed in it.
To captain sir Thomas Hardy, I consider myself under the
greatest obligations ; having experienced every possible co-operation, with an offer to disembark, from:his squadrom, any
proportion of seamen or marines which I considered necessary.
I beg to acknowledge my thanks to you in allowing your aide
de camp, lieutenant Oats, to accompany me upon this service.
lie has been a great assistant to me, and will have the honor of
delivering this despatch. Ile has also in his possession the colours
and standard found in Fort-Sullivan.
1 have the honor to be, &c.
A. PILK INGTON, lieut.-col.
Sir J. C. Sherbrook, K. B.
41..I.P.F.P.IINI, 040 0 '04140

No. 49.
Frees captain ilardy, H. N., and lieutenant-colonel Pain gton,
to the American commander at Moose Island.
On board of his majesty's ship Ramillies, off
Moose Island, July 11, 181•.
As we are perfectly apprised of the weakness of the fort and
garrison under your command, and your inability to defend Moose
Island against the ships and troops of his Britannic majesty
placed under our directions, we are induced, from the humane
consideration of avoiding the effusion of blood, and from a re-



Bard to you and the inhabitants of the island, to prevent, if in
our power, the distresses and calamities which will befall them
in case of resistance. We, therefore, allow you five minutes,
from the time this summons is delivered, to decide upon an
In the event of your not agreeing to capitulate on liberal
terms, we shall deeply lament being compelled to resort to
those coercive measures, which may cause destruction to the
town of Eastport, but which will ultimately assure us possession
of the island.
T. M. HARDY, captain of H.M.S Ramillies.
A. PILKINGTON, lieut.-col. conimanding.
To the officers commanding the United States' troops
on Moose Island.
4, 0



From major Putman to captain IlardN, and lkutenuntcolonel Alkington.
Fort Sullivan, July 11, 1814.
Conformably to your demand, I have surrendered Fort-Sul.
livan with all the public property.
This I have done to stop the effusion of blood and in
consideration of your superior forces. 1 am, genticmon,
P. PUTMAN, major, commanding.

P. S. I hope, gentlemen, every respect will be paid to the
defenceless inhabitants of this island, and the private property
of the officers.
41. 00.0,00001IINNPOO

No. 51.
Articles of capitulation.
Article I. The officers and troops of the United States, at
present on Moose island, are to surrender themselves prisoners
of war, and are to deliver up the forts, buildings, arms, ammo.
nition, stores, and effects, with exact inventories thereof,
belonging to the American government; and they are thereby
transferred to his Britannic majesty, in the same manner and
possession, as has been held heretofore by the American
Art. II. The garrison of the island shall be prisoners of
war, instil regularly exchanged ; they will march out of the



fort with the honors of war, and pile their arms at such place
as will be appointed for that purpose ; the officers will be permitted to proceed to the United States on their parole.

No. 52.
Return of ordnance and stores found in Fort-Sullivan,
surrendered to his majesty's forces under the command of
lieutenant-colonel Pilkington.
Iron guns ; four 18 pounders, with standing carriages, side arms ;
two unserviceable 9-pounders, two 12-pounder carronades without



Brass guns; two serviceable and two unserviceable light 6 pounders,
with travelling carriages, side arms, &c.
Forty-two paper cartridges, filled with six pounds of powder, 5 flannel
ditto, ditto ; 3176 unserviceable musket-ball cartridges.
Four hundred and fifty t wo loose round 18-pounder shot; fifty-five
18•pounder grape shot, three hundred and eighty nine loose round



6-pounder, ninety-five 6-pounder case shot.
Six barrels of horned powder, containing one hundred pounds each ;
100 muskets, with bayonets, belts, slings, and complete swords, with
belts, scabbards, &c.
Seventy two incomplete tents, one United States' ensign.

W. DUNN, capt. royal artillery company.

No. 53.
From lieutenant-general sir I. C. Sherbrooke to earl Bathurst.
Castine at the entrance of the Penobscot,

Sept. 18, 1814.
I have now the honor to inform your lordship, that after
closing my despatch of the 25th ult. in which I mentioned my
intention of proceeding to the Penobscot, rear-admiral Griffiths and myself lost no time in sailing from Halifax, with such a
naval force as he deemed necessary, and the troops as per
margin, (viz. 1st company of royal artillery, two rifle companies of the 7th battalion 60th regiment, 29th, 62d, and 98th
regiments,) to accompany the object we had in view.
Very early in the morning of the 30th we fell in with the
Rifleman sloop of war, when captain Pearseinformed us, that
the United States' frigate, the Adams, had got into the Penobscot, but from the apprehension of being attacked by our
cruizers, if she remained at the entrance of the river she had





run up as high as Hampden, where she had landed her guns,
and mounted them on shore for her protection.
On leaving Halifax it was my original intention to have taken
possession of Machias, on our way hither, but on receiving
this intelligence, the admiral and myself were of opinion that no
time should be lost in proceeding to our destination, and we
arrived here very early on the morning of the 1st instant.
The fort of Castine, which is situated upon a peninsula of
the eastern side of the Penobscot, near the entrance of that
river, was summoned- a little after sunrise, but the American
officer refused to surrender it, and immediately opened a fire
from four 24-pounders upon a small schooner that had been
sent with lieutenant-colonel Nichols (commanding royal engineers) to reconnoitre the work.
Arrangements were immediately made for disembarking the
troops, but before a landing could be effected, the enemy blew
up the magazine, and escaped up the Majetaquadous river, car.
tying off in the boats with them two field-pieces.
As we had no means of ascertaining what force the Americans had on this peninsula, I landed a detachment of the royal
artillery, with two rifle-companies of the 60th and 98th regi.
ments, under colonel Douglas, in the rear of it, with orders to
secure the isthmus, and to take possession of the heights which
command the town ; but I soon learned there were no regulars
at Castine, except the party which had blown up the magazine
and escaped, and that the militia, which were assembled there,
had dispersed immediately upon our lending.
Rear.admiral Griffith and myself next turned our attention
to obtaining possession of the Adams, or if that could not be
done, destroying her. The arrangement for this service having
been made, the rear-admiral entrusted the execution of it to
captain Barrie, royal navy, and as the co-operation of a land
force was necessary, I directed lieutenant-colonel John, with a
detachment of artillery, the flank companies of the 29th, 62d,
and 98th regiments, and one rifle company of the 60th, to accompany and co-operate with captain Barrie on this occasion;
but as Hampden is 27 miles above Castine, it appeared to Inc a
necessary measure of precaution first to occupy a post on the
western bank, which might afford support, if necessary, to the
force going up the river, and at the same time prevent the
armed population, which is very numerous to the southward
and to the westward, from annoying the British in their operations against the Adams.
Upon inquiry, 'I found that Belfast, which is upon the high
road leading from Hampden to Boston, and which perfectly
commands the bridge, was likely to answer both these purposes, and I consequently directed major-general Gosselin to

occupy that place with the 29th regiment, and maintain it till
further orders.
As soon as this was accomplished, and the tide served, rear.
admiral Griffith directed captain Barrie to proceed to his destination, and the remainder of the-troops were landed that
evening at Castine.
, Understanding that a strong party of militia from the neighbouring township had assembled at about four miles from Castine, on the road leading to Blue-hill, I sent out a strong
patrole on the morning of the 2d, before day-break ; on arriving at the place, I was informed that the militia of the county
was assembled there on the alarm guns being fired at the fort at
Castine, upon our first appearance; but that the main body
had since dispersed, and went to their respective homes. Some
stragglers were however left, who fired upon our advanced
guard, and then took to the woods ; a few of them were made
prisoners. No intelligence- having reached us from captain
Barrie, on Saturday night, I marched with about 700 men and
two light field-pieces, upon Buckstown, at three o'clock, on
Sunday morning, the 4th instant, for the purpose of learning
what progress he bad made, and of affordino him assistance if
required. This place is about IS miles higher up the Ponobscot than Castine, and on the eastern bank of the river. Rearadmiral Griffith accompanied me on this occasion, and we had
reason to believe that the light guns which had been taken from
Castine were secreted in the neighbourhood of Buckstown.
We threatened to destroy the town unless they were given up,
and the two brass 3-pounders on travelling-carriages were in
consequence brought to us in the course of the day, and are
now in our possession.
At Buckstown, we received very satisfactory accounts of
the success which had attended the force employed up the river.
We learned that captain Barrie had proceeded from Hampton
up to Bangor ; and the admiral sent an officer in a boat from
Buckstown to communicate with him : when, finding there was
no necessity for the troops remaining :longer at Buckstown,
they marched back to Castillo the next•day.
Having ascertained that the object of the expedition up the
Penobscot had been obtained, it was no longer necessary for
me to occupy Belfast. I, therefore, on the evening of the 6th,
directed major-general Gosselin to embark the troops, and to
join me here.
Machias being the only place, now remaining where the
enemy had a post between the Penobscot and Passamaquoddy
bay, I ordered lieutenant-colonel Pilkington to proceed with a
detachment of royal artillery and the 29th regiment to occupy
it; and as naval assistance was required, rear-admiral Griffith





directed captain Parker, of the Tenedos, to co.operate with
lieutenant colonel Pilkington upon this occasion.
On the morning of the 9th, captain Barrie, with lieutenant.
colonel John, and the troops which had been employed with
him up the Penobscot, returned to Castine. It seems, the
enemy blew up the Adams, on his strong position at Hampden
being attacked ; but all his artillery, two stands of colours,
and a standard, with several merchant vessels, fell into our
hands. This, I am happy to say, was accomplished with very
little loss on our part ; and your lordship will perceive, by the
return sent herewith, that the only officer wounded in this
affair, is captain Gall, of the 29th grenadiers.
Herewith I have the honor to transmit a copy of the report,
made to me by lieutenant-colonel John on this occasion, in
which your lordship will be pleased to observe, that the lieutenant-colonel speaks very highly of the gallantry and good con.
duct displayed by the troops upon this expedition, under very
trying circumstances. And I beg to call your lordship's atten.
tion to the names of those officers upon whom lieutenant-colo.
nel John particularly bestows praise. The enterprise and in.
trepidity manifested by lieutenant-colonel John, and the disci.
pline and gallantry displayed by the troops under him, reflect
great honor upon them, and demand my warmest acknowledgments ; and I have to request your lordship will take a
favourable opportunity of bringing the meritorious and successful services, performed by the troops employed on this occasion, under the view of his royal highness the prince regent.
As rear-admiral Griffith will, no doubt, make a detailed
report of the naval operations on this occasion, I forbear
touching upon this subject, further than to solicit your lordship's attention to that part of colonel John's report, in which
he 4 4 attributes the success of this enterprise to the masterly
arrangements of captain Barrie, royal navy, who conducted it."
I have much pleasure in reporting to your lordship, that the
most perfect unanimity and good understanding has prevailed
between the naval and military branches of the service, during
the whole progress of this expedition.
I feel it my duty to express, in the strongest terms, the great
obligations I am under to rear-admiral Griffith, for his judi.
cious advice, and ready co-operation, on every occasion. And
my thanks are likewise due to all the captains of the ships em.
ployed, for the assistance they have so willingly afforded the
troops, and from which the happiest results have been experienced.
I have reason to be well satisfied with the gallantry and good
conduct of the troops, and have to offer my thanks to major.
general Vtosselin, colonel Douglas, and the commanding officars



of corps, for the alacrity shown by them, and strict discipline
which has been maintained.
To the heads of departments, and to the officers of the general and of my personal staff, I am much indebted for the
zealous manner in which they have discharged their respective
Major Addison, my military secretary, will have the honor of
delivering this despatch. He has been with me during the whole
of these operations, and is well enabled to afford your lordship
any information you may require.
I have entrusted the colours and standard taken from the
enemy to major Addison, who will receive your lordship's cam.
mands respecting the further disposal of them ; and I take the
liberty of recommending him as a deserving officer to your
lordship's protection. I have, &c.

N. B. The returns of killed, wounded, and missing, and of
artillery, and of ordnance stores taken, are inclosed.

No. 54.
• From lieutenant-colonel John to lieutenant-general
sir J. C. Sherbrooke.
Bangor, on the Penobscot river,
Sin, Sept. 3, 1814.
In compliance with your excellency's orders of the 1st instant, 1 sailed from Castine with the detachment of royal artillery, the flank companies of the 29th, 62d, and 98th regiments,
and one rifle company of the 7th battalion 60th regiment,
which composed the force your excellency did me the honor to
place under my comma►l, for the purpose of co-operating with
captain Barrieii of the royal navy, in an expedition up this
On the morning of the 2d, having proceeded above the town
of Frankfort, we discovered some of the enemy on their
march towards Hamden, by the eastern shore, which induced
me to order brevet-major Crosdaile, with a detachment of the
98th, and some riflemen of the 60th regiment, under lieutenant
Wallace, to land and intercept them, which was accomplished ;
and that detachment of the enemy (as I have since learned)
were prevented from joining the main body assembled at Hamden. On this occasion the enemy had one man killed, and
some wounded. Major Crosdaile re-embarked without any
loss. We arrived off Bald Head cove, three miles distant



from Hamden, about five o'clock that evening, when captain
Barrie agreed with me in determining to land the troops Mime,.
diately. Having discovered that the enemy's piquets were ad.
vantageously posted on the north side of the cove, I directed
brevet-major Riddle, with the grenadiers of the 62d, and cap•
bin Ward, with the rifle company of the 60th,. to dislodge
them, and take up that ground, which duty was performed
under major Riddle's directions, in a most complete and sansfactory manner, by about seven o'clock ; and before ten at
night, the whole of the troops, including 80 marines under
captain Carter, (whom captain Barrie had done me the honor
to attach to my command,) were landed and bivouacked for the
night, during which it rained incessantly. We got under arms
at five o'clock this morning, the ritle-company forming the
advance under captain Ward ; brevet-major Keith, with the
light company of the 62d, bringing up the rear, and the detach.
ment of marines, under captain Carter, moving upon my
flanks, while captain Barrie, with the ships and gun-boats
under his command, advanced at the same time up the river, on
my right, towards Hamden. In addition to the detachment of
royal artillery under lieutenant Garston, captain Barrie had
landed one 6-pounder, a 58-inch-howitzer, and a rocket appa.
ratus, with a detachment of sailors under lieutenants Symonds,
Botely, and Slade, and Mi. Spalding, master of his majesty's
ship Bulwark.
The fog was so thick, Rivas impossible to form a correct idea
of the features of the country, or to reconnoitre the enemy,whose
number were reported to be 1100, under the command of brigadier-general Blake. Between sevc.0 and eight o'clock, our
skirmishers in advance were so sharply engaged with the enemy,
as to induce me to send forward one-half of the light company
of the 29th regiment, under captain Conker, to their support.
The column had riot advanced much further, before 1 discovered the enemy drawn out in line, occupying a very strong and
advantageous position in front of the town of Hamden, his left
flanked by a high hill commanding the road and river, on which
were mounted several heavy pieces of cannon ; his right extending considerably beyond our left, resting upon a strong point
d'appui, with an 1.8-pounder and some light field-pieces in
advance of his centre, so pointed as completely to rake the
road, and a narrow bridge at the foot of a hill, by which we
were obliged to advance upon his position. As soon as he perceived our column approaching, he opened a very heavy and
continued fire of grape and musquetry upon us ; we however
soon crossed the bridge, deployed, and charged up the hill to
get possession of his guns, one of which we found had already
fallen into the hands of captain Ward's riflemen in advance.




he enemy's fire now began to slacken, and we pushed on

rapidly, and succeeded in driving him at all points from his
position ; while captain Coaker, with the light company of the
29th, had gained' possession of the hill on the left, from whence
it was discovered that the Adams frigate was on fire, and that
the enemy had deserted the battery which defended her.
We were now in complete possession of the enemy's position
above, and captain Barrie with the gun-boats had secured that
b elow the hill. Upon this occasion 20 pieces of cannon fell
into our hands, of the naval and military force, the return of
which I enclose ; after which captain Barrie and myself determined on pursuing the enemy towards Bangor, which place we
reached without opposition ; and here two brass 3-pounders,
and three stands of colours, fell into our possession. Brigadier-general Blake, also in this town, surrendered himself prisoner; and, with other prisoners to the amount of 121, were
admitted to their paroles. Eighty prisoners taken at Hamden
are in our custody. The loss sustained by the enemy I have
not had it in my power correctly to ascertain ; report states it
lo be from 30 to 40 in killed, wounded, and missing.
Oar own loss, I am happy to add, is but small ; viz. 1 rank
and file, killed; 1 captain, 7 rank and file, wounded; 1 rank
and file, missing. Captain Gell, of the 29th, was wounded
when leading the column, which deprived me of his active and
useful assistance; but, I am happy t9 add, he is recovering.
I cannot close this despatch without mentioning, in the
highest terms, all the troops placed under my command. They
have merited my highest praise for their zeal and gallantry,
which were conspicuous in the extreme. I feel most particularly indebted to brevet-major Riddell, of the 62d regiment,
second in command ; to brevet-major Keith, of the same regiment ; brevet-major Croasdaile and captain M'Pherson, of the
98th; captains Gell and Coaker, of the 29th; and captain
Ward, of the 7th battalion 60th regiment. The royal artillery
was directed in the most judicious manner by lieutenant Garston, from whom I derived the ablest support. I cannot speak
too highly of captain Carter and the officers and marines under
his directions. He moved them in the ablest manner to the

annoyance of the enemy, and so as to meet my fullest approval.
Nothing could exceed the zeal and perseverance of lieutenants Symonds, Botely, and Slade, and M r. Sparling, of the royal
navy, with the detachment of seamen under their command.
From captain Barrie I have received the ablest assistance and
support ; and it is to his masterly arrangement of the plan that
I feel indebted for its success. Nothing could be more cordial
than the co-operation of the naval and military forces on this
isrvice in every instance.




Captain Carnagie, of the royal navy, who most handsomely
volunteered his services with this expedition, was in action with
the troops at Hamden ; and I feel most particularly indebted to
him for his exertions and the assistance he afforded me on this
occasion. I am also greatly indebted to lieutenant Du Chate.
let, of the 7th battalion, 60th regiment, who acted as major of
brigade to the troops, in which capacity he rendered me very
essential service. I have the honor, &c.
HENRY JOHN, lieut.-col.

No. 55.
Return of ordnance and stores taken.
Castine, Sept. 10, 1814.
Guns;-4 iron 24-pounders, 27 iron (ship) 18-pounders, 4 12-poun•
ders, 4 brass 3-pounders.
Carriages;-4 traversing 24-pounders, 8 standing 18-pounders, t
travelling 12-pounders with limbers, 4 travelling 3-pounders with
Sponges ;-8 24-pounders, 20 18-pounders, 2 12-pounders, 4 3-poueders.
Ladles;-2 24-pounders, 3 12-pounders, 1 3-pounder.
Wadhooks:-2 .24-pounders, 3 12-pounders, 1 8-pourlder.
Shot ;-236 round 24-pounders, 500 round 18-pounders. 1 ammunition-waggon, 1 ammunition-cart. 12 common handspikes. 40 barrels of powder.
Wads;-20 24-pounders, 70 18-pounders.
N. B.—The magazine in fort Castine was blown up by the enemy.
The vessel on board of which the powder was, ran on shore, and the
whole destroyed.
Eleven of the 18-pounders were destroyed by order of lieutenant.
colonel John, not having time to bring them off.

Lieut.-gen. Sir J. C. Sherbrooke.
commanding royal artil.
4•41, dr.I.erO/y'I.•I•4,P4V.O

No. 56.
Return of the killed, wounded, and missing, in the affair
at Hamden, on the 3d of September, 1814, with thaforce
under the command of lieutenant-colonel John, 60th regiment.
Killed.-29th regiment ;-1 rank and file.
Wounded-29th regiment ;-1 captain, 2 rank and file.
62d regiment ;-1 rank and file.
98th regiment ;-4 rank and file.
Missing-62d regiment;-1 rank and file.
Name of officer wounded-29th regiment ;—Captain Cell, severely
not dangerously).

PILKINGTON, Dep.-adj.-gen.



.No. 57.
from lieutenant-colonel Pilkington to lieutenant-general sir
J. C. Sherbrooke.

Machias, Sept. 14, 1814.

I have the honor to acquaint your excellency, that I sailed
from Penobscot bay, with the brigade you was pleased to place
ander my command, consisting of a detachment of royal artillery, with a howitzer, the battalion companies of the 29th regiment, and a party of the 7th battalion of the 60th foot, on the
morning of the 9th instant ; and arrived at Buck's harbor,
about 10 miles from this plate, on the following evening.
As the enemy fired several alarm guns on our approaching
the shore, it was evident he was apprehensive of an attack :
therefore deemed it expedient to disembark the troops with as
little delay as possible ; and captain Hyde Parker, commanding the naval force, appointed captain Stanfell to superintend
this duty, and it was executed by that officer with the utmost
promptitude and decision.
Upon reaching the shore, I ascertained that there was only a
pathway through the woods by which we could advance and
take Fort O'Brien and the battery in reverse ; and as the guns
of these works commanded the passage of the river, upon
which the town is situated, I decided upon possessing ourselves
of them, if practicable, during the night.
We moved forward at ten o'clock P. M. and, after a most
tedious and harassing march, only arrived near to the fort at
break of day, although the distance does not exceed five miles.
The advanced guard, which consisted of two companies of the
29th regiment, and a detachment of riflemen of the 60th regiment, under major Tod, of the former corps, immediately
drove in the enemy's piquets, and upon pursuing him closely,
found the fort had been evacuated, leaving their colours, about
five minutes before we entered it. Within it, and the battery,
there are two 24 pounders, three 18-pounders, several dismounted guns, and a block-house, The party which escaped
amounted to about 70 men of the 40th regiment of American
infantry, and 30 of the•embodied militia; the retreat was so
rapid that I was not enabled to take any prisoners. I undestand there were a few wounded, but they secrete'd' themselves
in the wood.

Baying secured the fort; we lost no time in advancing upon
Machias, which was taken without any resistance; and also two
The boats of the squadron, under the command of lieutenant
Aouchier, of the royal navy, and the.'401 Marities, under




lieutenant Welcbman, were detached to the eastern side of the
river, and were of essential service in taking two field-pieces in
that quarter.
- Notwithstanding that the militia were not assembled to any
extent in the vicinity of the town, I was making the necessary
arrangements to advance into the interior of the country, when
I received a letter from brigadier-general Brewer, commanding
the district, wherein he engages that the militia forces within
the county of Washington shall not bear arms, or in any way
serve against his Britannic majesty during the present war. A
similar offer having been made by the civil officers and princi.
pal citizens of the county, a cessation of arms was agreed upon,
and the county of Washington has passed under the dominion
of his Britannic majesty.
I beg leave to congratulate you upon the importance of this
accession of territory which has been wrested from the enemy;
it embraces about 100 miles of sea-coast, and includes that
intermediate tract of country which separates the province of
New Brunswick from Lower Canada.
We have taken 26 pieces of ordnance, (serviceable and unserviceable,) with a proportion of arms and ammunition, returns
of which are enclosed; and I have the pleasing satisfaction to
add, that this service has been effected without the loss of a
man on our part.
I cannot refrain from expressing, in the strongest manner,
the admirable steadiness and good conduct of the 29th regiment,
under major Hodge. The advance, under major Tod, are also
entitled to my warmest thanks.
A detachment of 30 seamen from his majesty's ship Bacchante,
under Mr. Bruce, master's mate, were attached to the royal
artillery, under the command of lieutenant Daniel, of that
corps, for the purpose of dragging the howitzer, as no other
means could be procured to bring it forward ; and to their
unwearied exertions, and the judicious arrangement of lieutenant Daniel, I am indebted for having a 51 inch howitzer
conveyed through a country the most difficult of access I ever
To captain Parker, of his majesty's ship Tenedos, who
commanded the squadron, I feel every obligation ; and I caw
assure you the most cordial understanding has subsisted between
the two branches of the service.

I have the honor to be, &c.
lieut.-col. dep. adj.-gen.

To lieut..gen. Sir J. C. Sherbrooke, K. B. &a.



&turn of ordnance, arms, ammunition, &c. taken at Machias by the
troops under the command of lieutenant-colonel Pilkington, 11th
September, 1814.
Ordnance—Fort O'Brien ;-2 18-pounders, mounted on garrison carriages, complete; 1 18-pounder carronade, mounted on garrison carriage, complete ; 1 serviceable dismounted 24-pounder ; 1 dismounted
Serviceable 18-pounder carronade.
Point Battery; 2 24-pounders, mounted on garrison carriages,
East Machias; 2 brass 4-pounders, mounted, and harness, complete.
Machias; 2 iron 4-pounders, on travelling carriages, complete ; 5
24-pounders, 10 18-pounders, rendered partly unserviceable by the
eaemy, and completely destroyed by us.
Arms; 164 muskets, 99 bayonets, 100 pouches, 41 belt, 2 drums.
Ammunition ; 20 barrels of serviceable gunpowde
75 paper cartridges filled for 18 and 24-pounders.
2238 musket-hall cartridges.
3 barrels of grape and case-shot.
553 round shot for 18 and 24-pounders.
6 kegs of gunpowder, 25Ibs each.
26 paper cartridges filled for 4-pounders.





.L DANIEL lieut. royal artil.



No. 58.
From rear-admiral Griffith to vice-admiral Cochrane.

H.M.S. Endymion, off Castine, entrance of the
Penobscot river, September 9, 1814.
My letter of the 23d of August from Halifax, by the Rover,
will have made you acquainted with my intention of accompanying the expedition, then about to proceed under the
command of his excellency sir John Coape Sherbrooke, K.B.
for this place.
I have now the honor to inform you, that I put to sea on
the 26th ultimo, with the ships and sloop named in the margin,*
and ten sail of transports, having the troops on hoard, and arrived off the Metinicus Islands on the morning of the 31st, where
I was joined by the Bulwark, Tenedos, Rifleman, Peruvian,
and Pictou. From captain Pearce, of the Rifleman, I learned
that the United States' frigate Adams had, a few days before,
got into Penobscot ; but not considering herself in safety there,
had gone on to Hamden, a place 27 miles higher up the river,
where her guns had been landed, and the position was fortLying for her protection.
Towards evening, the wind being fair and the w eathei


a Dragon, Endymion, Bacchante, and Sylph.


favorable, the fleet made sail up the Penobscot Bay, captain
Parker in the Tenedos leading. We passed between the Meti.
nicus and Gwen islands about midnight ; and steering through
the channel formed by the Fox's islands and Owl's head, ran
up to the eastward of Long island, and found ourselves at day.
light in the Morning in sight of the fort and town of Castine.
As we approached, some chew of resistance was made, and a
few shots were fired ; but the fort was soon after abandoned and
blown up. At about 8 A.M. the men of war and transports were
anchored a little to the northward'Of 'the peninsula of Castine,
and the smaller vessels taking a station nearer in for covering
the landing, the troops were put on shore, and took possession
of the town and works without opposition.
The general wishing to occupy a post at Belfast, on the
western side of the bay, (through which the high road from Boston
runs,) for the purpose of cutting off all communication with
that site of the country, the Bacchante and Rifleman were de.
tached with the troops destined for this service, and quiet
possession was taken, and held, of that town, as long as was
thought int cessary.
Arrangements were immediately made for attacking the frigate at Hamden, and the general having. proffered every military
assistance, 600 picked men, under the command of lieutenant.
colonel John, of the 60th regiment, were embarked the same
afternoon, on board his majesty's sloops Peruvian and Sylph,
and a small transport. To this force were added the marines of
the Dragon, and as many armed boats from the squadron as was
thought necessary for disembarking the troops and covering their
landing, and the whole placed under the command of captain
Barrie, of the Dragon ; and the lieutenant-colonel made sail up
the river at 6 o'clock that evening.
I have the honour to enclose captain Barrie's account of his
proceedings; and, taking into consideration the enemy's force,
and the formidable strength of his position, too much praise
cannot be given him, and the officers and men under his com.
mand, for the judgment, decision, and gallantry, with which
this little enterprise has been achieved.
So soon as accounts were received from captain Barrie, that
the Adams was destroyed, and the force assembled for her pro.
tection dispersed, the troops stationed at Belfast were embarked,
and arrangements made for sending them to take possession of
Machias, the only place occupied by the enemy's troops,
between this and Passarnaquaddy bay. I directed captain Par.
ker, of H.M.S. Tenedos, to receive on board lieutenant-colonel
Pilkington, deputy-adjutant-general, who is appointed to corn.
mand, and a small detachment of artillery and riflemen, and to

take under his command the Bacchante, Rifleman, and Pictou

schooner, and proceed to the attack of that place. He sailed
on the 6th instant, and most likely, by this time, the troops are
in possession of it. After destroying the defences, they are
directed to return here.
The inhabitants of several townships east of this, have sent de.
Imitations here to tender their submission to the British authority ; and such of them as could give reasonable security, that
their arms would be used only for the protection of their persons and property, have been allowed to retain them. This
indulgence was absolutely necessary, in order to secure the
quiet and unoffending against violence and outrage from their
less peaceable neighbours, and for the maintenance of the peace
and tranquillity of the country. All property on shore, bona
fide belonging to the inhabitants of the country in our posses.
sion, has been respected. All public property, and all property
a.float, have been confiscated.
Sir John Sherbrooke, conceiving it to be of importance that
the government should be informed, without delay, of our successes here, has requested that a vessel of war may take his
despatches to England.
I havein compliance with his wishes, appropriated the Martin
for that service, and captain Senhouse will take a copy of this
letter to the secretary of the admiralty.
I have honor to be, &c.

To vice-admiral the hon.

tic Alexander Cochrane, K.B., &c.




From captain Barrie to rear-admiral Griffith.
H.M. sloop Sylph, off Bangor, in the Penobscot,
September 3, 1814.
Having received on board the ships named, in the margin,*
a detachment of 20 men of the royal artillery, with one 5I-inch
howitzer, commanded by lieutenant Garsten ; a party of 80
marines commanded by captain Carter, of the dragon ; the
flank companies of the 29th, 62d, and 98th regiments, under
the command of captains Gell and Caker ; majors Riddall,
Keith, and Croasdaile, and captain Macpherson ; also, a rifle
company of the 7th battalion of the 60th regiment, commanded
by captain Ward ; and the whole under the orders of lieutenant



ira v

S. Peruvian and Sylph, Dragon tender, and the Harmony

-colonel John, of the 60th regiment ; I proceeded, agreeably to
your order, with the utmost despath, up the Penobscot. Light
variable winds, a most intricate channel, of which we were
perfectly ignorant, and thick foggy weather, prevented my ar.
riving off Frankfort before 2 P.M. of the 2d instant. Here
colonel John and myself thought it advisable to send a message
to the inhabitants ; and, having received their answer, we
pushed on towards Hamden, where we received intelligence that
the enemy had strongly fortified himself. On our way up, several troops were observed on the east side of the river, making
for Brewer : these were driven into the woods, without any loss
on our side, by a party under the orders of major Croasdaile,
and the guns from the boats. The enemy had one killed, and
several wounded.
At 5 P.M. of the 2d instant, we arrived off Ball's-head cove,
distant three miles from Hamden. Colonel John and myself
landed op the south side of the cove to reconnoitre the ground,
and obtain intelligence. Having gained the hills, we discovered
the enemy's piquets advantageously posted near the highway
leading to Hamden, on the north side of the cove.
We immediately determined to land 150 men, under major
Riddall, to drive in the piquets, and take up their ground.
This object was obtained by 7 o'clock ; and, notwithstanding
every difficulty, the whole of the troops were landed on the
north side of the eove by 10 o'clock ; but it was found impossible to land the artillery at the same place. The troops bivouacked ou the ground taken possession of by major Riddall. It
rained incessantly during the night. At day-break this morn.
ing, the fog cleared away for about a quarter of an hour, which
enabled me to reconnoitre the enemy by water ; and I found a
landing-place for the artillery about two-thirds of a mile from
Ball's-head. Off this place the troops halted, till the artillery
were mounted ; and, by 6, the whole advanced towards Hamden.
The boats under the immediate command of lieutenant Ped.
ler, the first of the Dragon, agreeably to a previous arrange.
ment with colonel John, advanced in line with the right flank
of the army. The Peruvian, Sylph, Dragon's tender, and
Harmony transport, were kept a little in the rear in reserve.
Our information stated the enemy's force at 1400 mess, and
he had chosen a most excellent position on a high hill. About
a quarter of a mile to the southward of the Adams' frigate,
he had mounted eight I8-pounders. This fort was calculated
to command both the highway, by which our troops had to advance, and the river. On a wharf close to the Adams, he had
mounted fifteen 18.pounders, which completely commanded
the river, which, at this place, is not above three cables' lengths
wide, and the land on each side is high and well wooded.




A rocket-boat, under my immediate direction, but mass:esti/red by Mr. Ginton, gunner, and Mr. Small, midshipman,
of the Dragon, was advanced about a quarter of a mile a-head,„
of the line of boats.
So soon as the boats got within gun-shot, the enemy opened
his fire upon them from the hill and wharf, which was warmly
returned. Our rockets were generally well-directed, and,eyi..
dently threw the enemy into confusion. Meantime, otirtfodtes
stormed the hill with the utmost gallantry. Before the boats got
within good grape-shot distance of the wharf-battery, the enemy
set fire to the Adams, and he run front hits guns the morpent our
troops carried the hill.
I joined the army about ten minutes after this event,' Colonel
John and myself immediately determined to leave a sufficient force
in possession of the hill, and to pursue the enemy, who was then
insight on the Bangor road, flying at full speed. The boats and
ships pushed up the river, preserving their original position with
the army. The enemy was too nimble for us, and most of them
escapes! into the woods on our left.
On approaching Bangor, the inhabitants, who had opposed
Is at Hamden, threw off their military character ; and, as magistrates, select men, &c. made an unconditional surrender of
the town, Here, the pursuit stopped. About two hours afterwards, brigadier-general Blake came into the town to deliver
himself as a prisoner ; the general, and other prisoners, amounting to 191, were admitted to their parole.
Enclosed, I have the honor to forward you lists of the vessels
we have captured or destroyed, and other necessary reports. I
am happy to inform you, our loss consists only of one seaman,
belonging to the Dragon, killed ; captain Gell, of the 29th,
and seven privates, wounded ; one rank and file, missing.
I cannot close my report, without expressing my highest admiration of the very gallant conduct of colonel John, and
theolficers and soldiers under his command ; for, exclusive of
the battery before-mentioned, they had difficulties to contend
with on their left, which did not fall under my observation, as
the enemy's field-pieces in' that direction were masked. The
utmost cordiality existed between the two services ; and I
shall ever feel obliged to colonel John for his ready co-operation in every thing. that was proposed. The officer and men
bore the privations, inseperable from our confined means of
accommodation, with a cheerfulness's that entitles them to my
warmest thanks.
Though the enemy abandoned his batteries before the ships
be brought to act against them, yet I am not less obliged to
captains Kippen and Dickens,' 'of the Peruvian and Sylph ;
acting-lieutenant Pearson, who commanded the Dragon's tell-,




der ; lieutenant Woodin, of the Dragon ; and Mr. Barnett,
master of the Harmony ; their zeal and indefatigable exertions
in bringing up their vessels, through the most intricate naviga.
tion, were eminently conspicuous. Colonel John speaks highly
in praise of captain Carter, and the detachment of royal ma.
rifles under his orders; and also of the seamen attached to the
artillery, under the command of lieutenants Simmonds, Mot.
ley, L. State, and Mr. Spurling, master of the Bulwark.
I have, on other occasions of service, found it a pleasing
part of my duty to commend the services of lieutenant Pedler,
first of the Dragon ; in this instance, he commanded the boat.
part of the expedition most fully to my satisfaction ; he was
ably seconded by lieutenants Perceval, of the Tenedos, and Or.
mond, of the Endymion ; and Mr. Ansel, master's mate of the
Dragon ; this last gentleman has passed his examination nearly
five years, and is an active officer, well worthy of your patron.
age; but, in particularising him, I do not mean to detract from
the other petty-officers and seaman employed in the boats ; for
they all most zealously performed their duty, and are equally
entitled to my warmest acknowledgments I am also most
particularly indebted to the active and zealous exertion of lieutenant Carnegie, who was a volunteer on this occasion.
I can form no estimate of the enemy's absolute loss. From
different stragglers I learn, that, exclusive of killed and mis.
sing, upwards of 30 lay wounded in the woods.
I have the honor to be, &c.
ROBERT BARRIE, capt of H.M.S. Dragon.


the county of' Washington, to give our parole of honor, that
we will not, directly, or indirectly, bear arms, or in any way
serve, against his Britannic majesty, king George the Third,
king of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, his
sussessors and allies, during the present war between Great
Britain and the United States, upon condition we have your
tssurance, that, while we remain in this situation, and consider ourselves under the British government until further orders,
we shall have the safe and full enjoyment of our private property, and be protected in the exercise of our usual occupations.
JOHN BREWER, brigadier-general '211
brigade, loth division, for the officers
and soldiers of the 3d regiment in the
said brig de.

JAMES' CAMPBELL, lieutenant - colonel,
commanding 1st regiment, '2(1 brigade,
10th division, for himself, officers, and
soldiers, in the said regiment.
These terms have been granted and approved of by us,
HYDE PARKER, capt. H.M.S. Tenedos.

A. PILKINGTON, lieutenant.-colonel,
Machias, Sept. 13, 1814.

No. 61.




List of vessels captured and destroyed in the Penobscot, and
of those left on the stocks, as near as I am able to ascertain.
Captured and brought away; 2 ships, 1 brig, 6 schooners, 3 sloops.
Destroyed at Hamden; The Adams frigate, of 26 guns, 18-pounders,

To captain Hyde Parker, commanding the naval force, and
lieutenant-colonel Andrew Pilkington, commanding the land
force of his Britannic majesty, now at Machias.
The forces under your command having captured the forts in
the neighbourhood of Machias, and taken possession of the
territory adjacent within the county of Washington, and the
situation of the county being such between the Penobscot river
and the Passamaquoddy bay, as to preclude the hope that an
adequate force can be furnished by the United States for its
protection, we propose a capitulation, and offer for ourselves,
and in behalf of the officers and soldiers of the brigade within

and two ships, one of them armed ; burnt by the enemy.
Destroyed at Bangor; 1 ship, 1 brig, 3 schooners, and 1 sloop ;
burnt by us.
copper - bottomed brig, pierced for 18
Last since in our possession
guns, and the Decatur privateer, pierced for 16 guns.
Note.—The powder and .wine captured at Hamden were put on board
those v essels.
Left en the stocks at Bangor ;-2 ships, 2 brigs, and 2 schooners.
At Brewer ; —1 ship, I brig, and 1 schooner.
At Arrianton; 1 ship, one schooner, on the stocks.
Left at Hamden; 1 ship, I Hermaphrodite brig, and 2 schooners;
also, t brig and 1 schooner on the stocks.
Lit at Fremfiird on the stocks;-1 schooner and some small craft.



To rear-admiral Griffith,





Return of ordnance taken from the enemy on the 3d of Sept. 1814
Taken at Hamden;-23 iron 18-pounders, 2 iron 12-pounders; 41
18-pounders destroyed, 14 brought away.
Taken at Bangor, and brought away ;-2 3-pounder brass guns, I.
iron 3-pounder.
Total brought away-17.
Embarked;-1 ammunition cart, 500 18-pound shut, about 40 barrels
of powder, and a quantity of wads, &c. &c.

ROBERT GASTEN, lieut. royal artillery.
Robert Barrie.
Return of small arms not collected, supposed about 100.


No. 62.
From rear-admiral Cockburn to vice-admiral Cochrane.
H. M. sloop Manly, off Nottingham,
Patuxent, Aug. 27, 1814.
I have the honor to inform you, that, agreeably to the inten.
tions I notified to you in my letter of the 22d instant,* I pro.
ceeded by land, on the morning of the 23d, to Upper Marlborough, to meet and confer with major-general Ross, as to
our further operations against the enemy ; and as we were not
long in agreeing on the propriety of making an immediate
attempt on the city of Washington.
In conformity, therefore, with the wishes of the general, I
instantly sent orders for our marine and naval forces, at Pig.
point, to be forthwith moved over to Mount Calvert, and for
the marine-artillery, and a proportion of the seamen, to be
there landed, and with the utmost possible expedition to join
the army, which I also most readily agreed to accompany.
The major-general then made his dispositions, and arranged
that captain Robyns, with the marines of the ships, should
retain possession of Upper Marlborough, and that the marine.
artillery and seamen should follow the army to the ground it
was to occupy for the night. The army then moved on, and
bivouacked before dark about five miles nearer Washington.
In the night, captain Palmer of the Hebrus, and captain
Money of the Traave, joined us with the seamen and with t he
marine-artillery, under Captain Harrison. Captain Wainwright of the Tonnant, had accompanied me the day before,
as had also lieutenant James Scott, acting first lieutenant of
the Albion.
• James's Nay. Occurr. App. No. U.


At day - light, on the morning of the 24th, the major-general
again put the army in motion, directing his march upon
Bladensburg ; on reaching which place, with the advanced
brigade, the enemy was observed drawn up in force on a rising
ground beyond the town ; and by the fire he soon opened on us
as we entered the place, gave us to understand he was well protected by artillery. General Ross, however, did not hesitate in
immediately advancing to attack him ; although our troops
were almost exhausted with the fatigue of the march they had
just made, and but a small proportion of our little army had
yet got up. This dashing measure was, however, I am happy
to add, crowned with the success it merited ; for, in spite of
the galling fire of the enemy, our troops advanced steadily on
both his flanks, and in his front ; and, as soon as they arrived
on even ground with him, he fled in every direction, leaving
behind him 10 pieces of cannon, and a considerable number of
killed and wounded ; amongst the latter commodore Barney,
and several other officers. Some other prisoners were also
taken, though not many, owing to the swiftness with which
the enemy went off, and the fatigue our army had previously
It would, sir, be deemed presumption in me to attempt to
give you particular details respecting the nature of this battle ;
I shall, therefore, only remark generally, that the enemy, 8000
strong, on ground he had chosen as best adapted for him to
defend, where he had time to erect his batteries, and concert
all his measures, was dislodged, as soon as reached, and a victory gained over him, by a division of the British array, not

amounting to more than 1500 men, headed by our gallant
general, whose brilliant achievements of this day it is beyond
my power to do justice to, and indeed no possible comment
could enhance.
The seamen, with the guns, were, to their great mortification, with the rear-division, during this short, but decisive
action. Those, however, attached to the rocket-brigade, were
in the battle ; and I remarked, with much pleasure, the precision with which the rockets were thrown by them, under the
direction of first-lieutenant Lawrence, of the marine-artillery.
Mr. Jeremiah M'Daniel, master's mate of the Tonnant, a very
fine young man, who was attached to this party, being severely
wounded, I beg permission to recommend him to your favorable
consideration. The company of marines I have on so many
occasions had cause to mention to you, commanded by first-lieutenant Stephens, was also in the action, as were the colonial
marines, under the temporary command of captain Reed, of
the 6th West India regiment, (these corn panes being attached
to the light brigade ) and they respectively behaved with their



accustomed zeal and bravery. None other of the naval depart.
went were fortunate enough to arrive up in time to take their
share in this battle, excepting captain Palmer, of the Hebrus,
with his aide de camp, Mr. Arthur Wakefield, midshipman of
that ship, and lieutenant James Scott, first of the Albion, wks
acted as my aide de camp, and remained with me during the
whole time.
The contest being completely ended, and the enemy having
retired from the field, the general gave the army about two hours
rest, when he again moved forward on Washington. It was,
however, dark before we reached that city ; and, on the general, myself, and some officers advancing a short way past the
first houses of the town, without being accompanied by the
troops, the enemy opened upon us a heavy fire of musketry,
from the capitol and two other houses; these were therefore
almost immediately stormed by our people, taken possession of,
and set on fire; after which the town submitted without further
The enemy himself, on our entering the town, set fire to the
navy-yard, (filled with naval stores,) a frigate of the largest
class almost ready for launching, and a sloop of war lying of
it; as he did also the fort which protected the sea-approach to
On taking possession of the city, we also set fire to the
president's palace, the treasury, and the war-office; and, in
the morning, captain Wainwright went with a party to see
that the destruction in the navy-yard was complete; when he
destroyed whatever stores and buildings had escaped the flames
of the preceding night. A large quantity of ammunition and
ordnance stores were likewise destroyed by us in the arsenal;
as were about 200 pieces of artillery of different calibres, es
well as a vast quantity of small-arms. Two ropewalks of a
very extensive nature, full of tar-rope, &c. situated at a considerable distance from the yard, were likewise set fire to and
consumed. In short, sir, 1 do not believe a vestige of public
property, or a store of any kind, which could be converted
to the use of the government, escaped destruction the bridges
across the Eastern Branch and the Potomac were likewise
This general devastation being completed during the day of
the 25th, we marched again, at nine that night, on our return,
by Bladensburg, to Upper Marlborough.
We arrived yesterday evening at the latter, without moles.
tation of any sort, indeed without a single musket having been
fired; and this morning we moved on to this place, where I
have found his majesty's sloop Manly, the tenders, and the
boats, and I have hoisted my flag, pro tenzpore, in the former.



The troops will probably march to-morrow, or the next day
at farthest, to Benedict for re-embarkation, and this flotilla
will of course join you at the same time.
In closing, sir, my statement to you, of the arduous and
highly important operations of this last week, I have a most
pleasing duty to perform, in assuring you of the good conduct
of the officers and men who have been serving under me. I
have been particularly indebted, whilst on this service, to captain Wainwright of the Tonnant, for the assistance he has
invariably afforded me; and to captains Palmer and Money,
for their exertions during the march to and from Washington.
To captain Nourse, who has commanded the flotilla during my
absence, my acknowledgments are also most justly due, as well
as to captains Sullivan, Badcock, Somerville, Ramsay, and
Bruce, who have acted in it under him.
Lieutenant James Scott, now first of the Albion, has, on
this occasion, rendered me essential services; and as I have had
reason so often of late to mention to you the gallant and meritorious conduct of this officer, I trust you will permit me to
seize this opportunity of recommending him particularly to
your favorable notice and consideration.
Captain Robins, (the senior officer of marines with the fleet,)
who has had, during these operations, the marines of the ships
united under his orders, has executed ably and zealously the
several services with which he has been entrusted, and is entitled
to my best acknowledgments accordingly ; as is also captain
Harrison of the marine-artillery, who, with the officers and
men attached to him, accompanied the army. to and from
Mr. Dobie, surgeon of the Melpomene, volunteered his
professional services on this occasion, and rendered much
assistance to the wounded on the field of battle, as well as to
many of the men taken ill on the line of march.
One colonial marine killed, 1 master's mate, 2 serjeauts, and
3 colonial marines wounded, are the casualties sustained by the
naval department ; a general list of the killed and wounded of
the whole army will, of course, accompany the report of the
major-general. I have the honor to be, &c.
G. COCKI3URN, rear-admiral.
Vice-admiral the hon.
Sir A Cochrane, K. B. &c.
P.S. Two long 6-pounder guns, intended for a battery at
Nottingham, were taken off, and put on board the Brune, and
sae taken at Upper Marlborough was destroyed.



No. 63
From major-general Ross to earl Bathurst.
Tonnant, in the Patuxent,
Lord, Aug. 30, 1814.
I have the honor to communicate to your lordship, that on
the 24th instant, after defeating the army of the United States
on that day, the troops under my command entered and took
possession of the city of Washington.
It was determined between sir Alexander Cochrane and
myself, to disembark the army at the village of Benedict, on the
right bank of the Patuxent, with the intention of co-operating
with rear-admiral Cockburn, in an attack upon a flotilla of the
enemy's gun-boats, under the command of commodore Barney.
On the 20th instant, the army commenced its march, having
landed the previous day without opposition : on the 21st it
reached Nottingham, and on the 22d moved on to Upper
Marlborough, a few miles distant from Pig point, on the
Patuxent, where admiral Cockburn fell in with, and defeated
the flotilla, taking and destroying the whole. Having advanced
within 16 miles of Washington, and ascertained the force of the
enemy to be such as might authorize an attempt at carrying his
capital, I determined to make it, and accordingly put the
troops in movement on the evening of the 23d. A corps of
about 1200 men appeared to oppose us, but retired after firing
a few shots. On the 24th, the troops resumed their march, and
reached Bladensburg, a village situate on the left bank of the
eastern branch of the Potomac, about five miles from Wash.
On the opposite side of that river, the enemy was discovered
strongly posted on very commanding heights, formed in two
lines, his advance occupying a fortified house, which, with
artillery, covered the bridge over the eastern branch, which the
British had to pass. A broad and straight road leading from
the bridge to Washington, ran through the enemy's position,
which was carefully defended by artillery and riflemen.
The disposition for the attack being made, it was commenud
with so much impetuosity by the light brigade, consisting of the
85th light infantry, and the light infantry companies of the
army under the command of colonel Thornton, that the fortified
house was shortly carried, the enemy retiring to the higher
In support of the light brigade, I ordered up a brigade tinder
the command of colonel. Brooke, who, with the 44th regiment,
attacked the enemy's left, the 4th regiment pressing his right
with such effect, as to cause him to abandon his guns. his



first line giving way, was driven on the second, which, yield..
ing to the irresistible attack of the bayonet, and the well-didirected discharge of rockets, got into confusion and fled,
leaving the British masters of the field. The rapid flight of the
enemy, and his knowledge of the country, precluded the possibility of many prisoners being taken, more particularly as the
troops had, during the day, undergone considerable fatigue.
The enemy's army, amounting to 8 or 9000 men, with 3 or
400 cavalry, was under the command of general Winder, being
formed of troops drawn from Baltimore and Pennsylvania.
His artillery, 10 pieces of which fell into our hands, was cornmended by commodore Barney, who was wounded and taken
prisoner. The artillery I directed to be destroyed.
Having halted the army for a short time, I determined to
march upon Washington, and reached that city at eight o'clock
that night. Judging it of consequence to complete the destruction of the public buildings with the least possible delay, so that
the army might retire without loss of time, the following buildings were set fire to and consumed,--the capitol, including the
Senate-house and Housed of Representation, the Arsenal, the
Dockyard, Treasury,, -War-office, President's Palace, Ropewalk, and the great bridge across the Potomac: in the dockyard a frigate nearly ready to be launched, and a sloop of war,
were consumed: •The two bridges leading to Washington over
the eastern branch had been destroyed by the enemy, who
apprehended an attack from that quarter. The object of the
expedition being accomplished, I determined, before any greater
force of the enemy could be assembled, to withdraw the troops,
and accordingly commenced retiring on the night of the 25th.
On the evening of the 29th we reached Benedict, and re-em..
barked the following day. In the performance of the operation I have detailed, it is with the utmost satisfaction I observe
to your lordship, that cheerfulness in undergoing fatigue, and,
anxiety for the accomplishment of the object, were conspicuous
in all ranks.
To sir A. Cochrane my thanks are due, for his ready compliance with every wish connected with the welfare of the troops
and the success of the expedition.- To rear-admiral Cockburn,
who suggested the attack upon Washington, and who accompanied the army, I confess the greatest obligation for his cordial
to•operation and advice.

Colonel Thornton, who led the attack, is entitled to every
praise for the noble example he set, which was so well followed
by lieutenant-colonel Wood and the 85th light infantry, and by
major Jones, of the 4th foot, with the light companies attached
to the light brigade. I have to express my approbation of the
spirited conduct of colonel Brooke, and of his brigade : the



44th regiment, which he led, distinguished itself under the Cos.
mand of lieutenant-colonel Mullens ; the gallantry of the 4th
foot, under the command of major Faunce, being equally
The exertions of captain Mitchell, of the royal artillery, in
bringing the guns into action, were unremitting ; to him, and
to the detachment under his command, including captain Dea.
con's rocket brigade, and the marine rocket corps, I feel every
obligation. Captain Lempriere, of the royal artillery, mounted
a small detachment of the artillery drivers, which proved of
great utility. The assistance afforded by captain Blanchard, of
the royal engineers, in the duties of his department, was of great
advantage. To the zealous exertions of captains Wainwright,
Palmer, and Money, of the royal navy, and to those of the
officers and seamen who landed with them, the service is highly
indebted: the latter, captain Money, had charge of the seamen attached to the marine artillery. To captain 'McDougall,
of the 85th foot, who acted as my aide de camp, in consequence
of the indisposition of my aide de camp captain Falls, and to
the officers of my staff, I feel much indebted.
I must beg leave to call your lordship's attention to the zeal
and indefatigable exertions of lieutenant Evans, acting deputy
quarter-master-general. The intelligence displayed by that
officer, in circumstances of considerable difficulty, induces me
to hope he will meet with some distinguished mark of approbation. I have reason to be satisfied with the arrangements of
assistan t-commissary-general Lawrence.
An attack upon an enemy so strongly posted, could not be
effected without loss. I have to lament that the wounds received
by colonel Thornton, and the other officers and soldiers left at
Bladensburg, were such as prevented their removal. As many
of the wounded as could be brought off were removed, the
others being left with medical care and attendants. The
arrangements made by staff surgeon Baxter for their accommodation, have been as satisfactory as circumstances would admit
of. The agent for British prisoners of war very fortunately
residing at Bladensburg, I have recommended the wounded
officers and men to his particular attention, and trust to his
being able to effect their exchange when sufficiently recovered.
Captain Smith, assistant adjutant-general to the troops, who
will have the honor to deliver this despatch, I beg leave to
recommend to your lordship's protection, as an officer of much
merit and great promise, and capable of affording any further
information that may be requisite. Sanguine in hoping for the
approbation of his royal highness the prince regent, and of his
majesty's government, as to the conduct of the troops under my
command. I have &c. R. ROq‘+' maj gen.
I beg leave to enclose herewith a return of the killed, wounded".



and missing in the action of the 24th instant, together with a
statement of the ordnance, ammunition, and ordnance stores
taken from the enemy between the 19th and 25th of August,
and likewise sketches of the scene of action and of the line of

No. 64.
Return of killed, wounded, and missing, of the troops under the
command of major-general Ross, in action with the enema
on the 24th Aug. 1814, on the heights obove Bladensburg.
Washington, Aug. 25, 1814.
General staff ; 4 horses, killed.
Royal artillery ;-4 horses, killed; 6 rank and file, 8 horses, wounded.

Royal marines artillery ;-1 rank and file, killed; 1 serjeant, wounded.
Royal sappers and miners ;-1 serjeant, / rank and file, killed.
4th regiment ;-1 lieutenant, 2 serjeants, 21 rank and file, I horse.
killed; h lieutenants, 2 ensigns, 6 serjeants, 50 rank and file, wounded.
21st regiment ;-2 rank and file, killed ; 1 captain, 1 lieutenant,_ 11
rank and tile, wounded.
44th regiment ; 1 serjeant, 13 rank and file, killed; 35 rank and
file, wounded.
2d baitalion royal marines;-5 rank and file, killed.
85th light infantry ;-1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 1 serjeant, 12 rank and
file, 1 horse, killed; 2 lieutenant colonels, 1 major, 8 lieutenants,
serjeants, 51 rank and file, wounded.
Colonial company ;, 1. rank and file, killed ; 2 rank and file, wounded.
6th 1Vest India regiment ;-1 serjeant, wounded.
Total-1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 5 serjeants, 56 rank and file, 10
horses, killed ; 2 lieutenant-colonels, 1 major, I captain, 14 lieutenants,
2 ensigns, 10 serjeants, 155 rank and file, 8 horses, wounded.
Names of officers killed and wounded.




Killed 85th light infantry;
G. P. R. Codd.

Captain D. S. Hamilton, lieutenant

4th, or king's own ;—Lieutenant Thomas Woodward.
Wounded 851h light infantry ; Colonel William Thornton, severely; left at Bladensburg;) lieutenant-colonel William Thornton, severely ; (left at Bladensburg;) lieutenant-colonel William Wood, severely; (left at Bladensburg;) major George Brown, severely (left at


21st fusileers; Captain R. Rennie, severely, not dangerously.
4th regiment ;—Lieutenant E. P. Hopkins, severely ; lieutenant I. K.
Mackenzie, slightly ; lieutenant John Stavely, severely; (left at Bladens.

hurg;) lieutenant Peter Boulhy, lieutenant Frederick Field, slightly.
21st fusileers ;—Lieutenant James Grace, slightly.
85th regiment ;—Lieutenant William Villiers, lieutenant John Burtell, severely; lieutenant F. Mansell, slightly ; lieutenant G. F. S.
O'Connor, lieutenant Frederick Gascoyne, severely; lieutenant William
Hickson, lieutenant G. ft. Gleig, slightly; lieutenant Croveby, severely.
4th regiment ; Ensign James Buchannan, severely ; (left at Bla—

densburg ;) Ensign William Reddock, severely.

H. G. SMITH, D. A. A. Gi



No. 65.
Return of ordnance, ammunition, and ordnance-stores, taken
from the enemy by the army under the command of major.
general Robert Ross, between the 19th and 25th of August,

.August 19.-1 24-pound carronade.
August 22.-1 6.pound field-gun, with carriage complete; 156 stand

9f arms, with cartouches,&c. &c.
August 24, at Bladensburg. - 2 18-pounders, 5 12-pounders, 3
6-pourders, with field-carriages; a quantity of ammunition for the
above; 220 stand of arms.
August 25, at Washington.—Brass: 6 18-pounders, mounted on traversing platforms; 5 12-pounders, 4 4-pounders, 1 5 inch howitzer, I
5i inch mortar. Iron: 26 32-pounders, 36 24-pounders, 34 18-pounders, 27 12-pounders, 2 18-pounders, mounted on traversing platforms;
19 12-pounders, on ship-carriages; 3 13-inch mortars, 2 8 inch bow.
itzers, 1 42-pound gun, 5 32-pound carronades, 5 13-pound carronades,
13 12-pound guns, 2 9-pound guns, 2 6-pound guns.
Total amount of cannon taken-206; 500 barrels of powder; 100000
rounds of musket-ball cartridges ; 40 barrels of fine-grained powder ; a
large quantity of ammunition of different natures made up.
The navy-yard and arsenal having been set on fire by the enemy before they retired, an immense quantity of stores of every description was
destroyed; of which no account could be taken. Seven or eight very
heavy explosions during the night denoted that there had been large
magazines of powder.

lieutenant royal artillery, A. Q. M.
captain commanding artillery.
N. B. The remains of near 2000 stand of arms were dis.
covered, which had been destroyed by the'enemy.

No. 66.
From brigadier-general Winder to the secretary at war.

Baltimore. Aug. 27, 1814.
When the enemy arrived at the mouth of the Potomac, of
all the militia which 1 had been authorized to assemble, there
were but about 1700 in the field, from 13 to 1400 under general
Stransbury near this place, and 250 at Bladensburg, under lieutenant-colonel Kramer; the slow progress of draft, and the
imperfect organization, with the ineffectiveness of the laws to



compel them to turn out, rendered it impossible to have procured more.
The militia of this state and of the contiguous parts of
Virginia and Pennsylvania were called on en masse, but the
former militia law of Pennsylvania had expired the 1st of June,
or July, and the one adopted in its place is not to take effect
in organizing the militia before October. No aid, therefore,
has been received from that state.
After all the force that could be put at my disposal in that
short time, and making such dispositions as I deemed best calculated to present the most respectable force at whatever point
the enemy might strike, I was enabled (by the most active and
harassing movements of the troops) to interpose before the
enemy at Bladensburg, about 5000 men, including 350 regulars and commodore Barney's command. Much the largest
portion of this force arrived on the ground when the enemy
were in sight, and weredisposed of to support, in the best manner,
the position which general Sansbury had taken. They had
barely reached the ground before the action commenced, which
was about one o'clock P. M. of the 24th instant, and continued about an hour. The contest was not as obstinately maintained as could have been desired, but was, by parts of the
troops, sustained with great spirit and with prodigious effect ;
and had the whole of our force been equally firm, I am induced
to believe that the enemy would have been repulsed, notwithstanding all the disadvantages under which we fought. The artillery from Baltimore, supported by major Pinkney's rifle battalion, and a part of captain Doughty's from the navy-yard,
were in advance to command the pass of the bridge at Bladensburg, and played upon the enemy, as I have since learned, with
very destructive effect. But the rifle troops were obliged, after
some time, to retire, and of course the artillery. Superior num.
bers, however, rushed upon them, and made their retreat
necessary, not, however, without great loss on the part of the
enemy. Major Pinkney received a severe wound in his right
arm after he had retired to the left flank of Stansbury's brigade.
The right and centre of Stansbury's brigade, consisting of
lieutenant-colonel Ragan's and Shuler's regiments, generally
gave way very soon afterwards, with the exception of about 40
rallied by colonel Ragan, after having lost his horse, and the
whole or a part of captain Shower's company, both of whom
general Stansbury represents to have made, even thus deserted,
a gallant stand. The fall which lieutenant-colonel Ragan received from his horse, together with his great efforts to maintain
his position, rendered him unable to follow the retreat ; we have
therefore to lament that this gallant and excellent officer has been
taken prisoner ; he has, however, been paroled, and I met


him here, recovering from the bruises occasioned by his fall.
The loss of his services at this moment is serious.
The 5th Baltimore regiment, under lieutenant-colonel Stenet,
being the left of brigadier-general Stansbury's brigade, still, how.
ever, stood their ground, and except for a moment, when part
,of them recoiled a few steps, remained firm, and stood until
Ordered to retreat, with a view to prevent their being outflanked.
The reserve, under brigadier-general Smith, of the district of
Columbia, with the militia of the city and George town, with
the regulars and some detachments of Maryland militia, flanked
on their right by commodore Barney and his brave fellows, and
lieutenant-colonel Beal, still were to the right on the hill, and
maintained the contest for some time with great effect.
It is not with me to report the conduct of commodore Barney and his command, nor can I speak from observation, being
too remote ; but the concurrent testimony of all who did
observe them, does them the highest justice for their brave
resistance, and the destructive effect they produced on the
enemy. Commodore Barney, after having lost his horse, took
post near one of his guns, and there unfortunately received a
severe wound in the thigh, and he also fell into the hands of the
enemy. Captain Miller, of the marines, was wounded in the
arm fighting bravely. From the best intelligence, there remains
but little doubt that the enemy lost at least 400 killed and
wounded, and of these a very unusual portion killed.
Our loss cannot, I think, be estimated at more than from 30
to 40 killed, and 50 to 60 wounded. They took altogether
about 120 prisoners.
' You will readily understand that it is impossible for me to
speak minutely of the merit or demerit of particular troops so
little known to me from their recent and hasty assemblage. My
subsequent movements for the purposes of preserving as much
of my force as possible, gaining reinforcements, and protecting
this place, you already know.
I am, with very great respect, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. J. Armstrong, see. of war. brig—gen. 10th :nil. dist.
N. B. We have to lament that captain Sterett, of the 5th
Baltimore regiment, has also been wounded, but is doing well.
Other officers, no doubt, deserve notice, but I am as yet unable
fo particularize.




No. 61.
merican estimate of public property destroyed at Washington.
The committee appointed by the American congress to inquire
to the circumstances attending the capture of Washington,
d the destruction consequent on that event, after giving 'a
atement of the operations in the navy-yard, report the folwing estimate of the public property destroyed:—
The capitol, including all costs,
President's house,
Public offices,
But the committee remark, as the walls of the capitol and
president's house are good, they suppose that the sum of
460000 dollars will he sufficient to place the buildings in the
situation they were in previous to their destruction.
The losses sustained in the navy-yard are thus estimated :-Dollars.

In moveable property,
In buildings and fixtures

" 417745

The committee then proceed to the recapitulation of the
losses in the navy-yard, with an estimate of the real losses.
After deducting the value recovered from the original value of
the articles, the total amount is 417745 dollars, 51 cents.
The original value of the articles destroyed was 678219
dollars, 71 cents, of which 260465 dollars and 20 cents value
were recovered, in anchors, musket-barrels, locks, copper,
timber, &c.

No. 68.
From vice-admiral Cochrane to Mr. Monroe.
His majesty's ship the Tonnant, in the
Patuxent river, Aug. 18, 1814.
Having been called on by the governor-general of the Canadas to aid him in carrying into effect measures of retaliation
against the inhabitants of the United States, for the wanton
destruction committed by their army in Upper Canada, it has
become imperiously my duty, conformably with the nature of



the governor general's application, to issue to the naval force

under my command, an order to destroy and lay waste such
towns and districts upon the coast as may be found assailable.
I had hoped that this contest would have terminated, without
my being obliged to resort to severities which are contrary to
the usages of civilized warfare; and as it has beet with extreme
reluctance and concern that I have found myself compelled to
adopt this system of devastation, I shall be equally gratified if
the conduct of the executive of the United States will authorize
my staying such proceedings, by making reparation to the suffering inhabitants of Upper Canada; thereby manifesting that if
the destructive measures pursued by their army were ever sanctioned, they will no longer be permitted by the government.
I have the honor to be, sir, with much consideration, your
most obedient humble servant,
vice•admiral and commander in chief of his Britannic
majesty's ships and Vessels upon the North
American station.
The hon James Monroe, secretary of
state, &c. Washington.



From Mr. Monroe to sir Alexander Cochrane.
Department of state, Sept. 6, 1S1-1.
I have had the honor to receive your letter of the 18th of
August, stating that having been called on by the governorgeneral of the Canadas, to aid him in carrying into effect measures of retaliation against the inhabitants of the United States,
for the wanton desolation committed by their army in Upper
Canada, it has become your duty, conformably with the nature
of the governor-general's application, to issue to the naval
force under your command, an order to destroy and lay waste
such towns and districts upon the coast as may be found
It is seen with the greatest surprise, that this system of devastation which has been practised by the British forces, so manifestly contrary to the usage of civilized warfare, is placed by
you on the ground of retaliation. No sooner were the United
States compelled to resort to war against Great Britain, than
they resolved to wage it in a manner most consonant to the
principles of humanity, and to those friendly relations which
it was desirable to preserve between the two nations, after the



restoration of peace. They perceived, however, with the
deepest regret, that a spirit alike just and humane was neither
cherished nor acted on by your government. Such an assertion
would not be hazarded, if it were not supported by facts, the
proof of which has perhaps already carried the same conviction to other nations that it has to the people of these states.
Without dwelling on the deplorable cruelties committed by
the savages in the British ranks, and in British pay, on American prisoners, at the river Raisin, which to this day have never
been disavowed, or atoned, I refer, as more immediately connected with the subject of your letter, to the wanton desolation
that was committed at Havre-de-Grace, and at George town,
early in the spring of 181:3. These villeges were burnt and
ravaged by the naval forces of Great Britain, to the ruin of
their unarmed inhabitants, who saw with astonishment they
derived no protection to their property from the laws of war.
During the same season, scenes of invasion and pillage, carried
on under the same authority, were witnessed all along the waters
of the Chesapeake, to an extent inflicting the most serious
private distress, and under circumstances that justified the suspicion, that revenge and cupidity, rather than the manly
motives that should dictate the hostility of a high-minded foe,
led to their perpetration. The late destruction of the houses
of government in tbis city, is another act which comes necessarily into view. In the wars of modern Europe, no examples
of the kind, even among nations the most hostile to each other,
n be traced. In the course of 10 years, past, the capitals of
e principal powers of the Continent of Europe have been
nquered, and occupied alternately by the victorious armies
each other, and no instance of such wanton and unjustiMe destruction has been seen. We must go back to distant
and barbarous ages to find a parallel for the acts of which I
complain. Although these acts of desolation invited, if they
did not impose on, the government the necessity of retaliation,
yet in no instance has it been authorized. The burning of the
village of Newark, in Upper Canada, posterior to the early
outrages above enumerated, was not executed on that principle.
The village of Newark adjoined Fort-George, and its destruction was justified by the officer who ordered it, on the ground
that it became necessary in the military operations there. The
act, however, was disavowed by the government. The burning which took place at Long-point was unauthorized by the
goverunkmt, and the conduct of the officer subjected to the
investigation of a military tribunal. For the burning of St.
David's, committed by stragglers, the officer who commanded
in that quarter was dismissed without a trial, for not preventing





I am commanded by the president distinctly to state, that it
as little comports with any orders issued to the military and
naval commanders of the United States, as it does with the
established and known! humanity of the American nation, to
pursue a system which it appears you have adopted. The
government owes to itself, and to the principles which it has ever
held sacred, to disavow, as justly chargeable to it, any such
wanton, cruel, and unjustifiable warfare.
Whatever unauthorized irregularity may have been committed
by any of its troops, it would have been ready, acting on these
principles of sacred and eternal obligation, to disavow, and as
far as might be practicable, to repair. But in the plan of dewlating warfare which your letter so explicitly makes known,
and which is attempted to be excused on a plea so utterly
groundless, the president perceives a spirit of deep-rooted
hostility, which, without the evidence of such facts, he could
not have believed existed, or would have been carried to such
an extremity.
For the reparation of injuries, of whatever nature they may
be, not sanctioned by the law of nations, which the nasal or
military forces of either power may have committed against the
other, this government will always be ready to enter into reel.
procal arrangements. It is presumed that your government
will neither expect or propose any which are not reciprocal.
Should your government adhere to a system of desolation so
contrary to the views and practice of the United States, so
revolting to humanity, and repugnant to the sentiments and
usages of the civilized world, whilst it will be seen with the
deepest regret, it must and will be met with a determination
and constancy becoming a free people, contending in a just
cause for their essential rights, and their dearest interests.
I have the honor to be, with great consideration, sir, your
most obedient humble servant,
Vice-admiral sir Alexander Cochrane, commander in chief of his Britannic majesty's
ships and vessels.




Mr. Madison's Proclamation.
Whereas, the enemy, by sudden incursion, have succeeded in
invading the capital of the nation, defended at the moment by
troops less numerous than their Own and almost entirely


if the militia ; during their possession of which, though for a

r 4ingle day only, they wantonly destroyed the public edifices,
having no relation in their structure to operations of war, nor

used at the time for military annoyance ; some of these edifices
[ being also costly monuments of state, and of arts ; and the
Others, depositories of the public archives, not only precious
to the nation, as the memorials of its origin and its early transactions, but interesting to all nations, as contributions to the
general stock of historical instruction and political science.
And, whereas, advantage has been taken of the loss of a
fort, more immediately guarding the neighbouring town of
Alexandria, to place the town within a range of a naval force,
too long and too much in the habit of abusing its superiority,
wherever it can be applied, to require, as the alternative of a
general conflagration, an undisturbed plunder of private property, which has been executed in a manner peculiarly distressing to the inhabitants, who had inconsiderately cast themselves
on the justice and generosity of the victor.
And, whereas, it now appears, by.a direct communication
from the British naval commander on the American station, to
be his avowed purpose to employ the force under his direction,
in destroying and laying waste such towns and districts upon
the coast as may be found assailable ; adding, to this declaration, the insulting pretext, that it is in retaliation for a wanton
destruction committed by the army of the United States in
"ripper Canada ; when it is notorious, that no destruction has
been committed, which, notwithstanding the multiplied outrages previously committed by the enemy, was not unauthorized, and promptly shewn to be so, and that the United States
have been as constant in their endeavours to reclaim the enemy
from such outrages, by the contrast of their own example, as
they have been ready to terminate, on reasonable conditions, the
war itself.
And, whereas, these proceedings and declared purposes, which
exhibit a deliberate disregard of the principles of humanity, and
the rules of civilized warfare, and which must give to the existing war a character of extended devastation and barbarism,
at the very moment of uegociation for peace, invited by the
enemy himself, leave no prospect of safety to any thing within
the reach of his predatory and incendiary operations, but in a
manly and universal determination to chastise and expel the
Now, therefore, I, James Madison, president of the United
States, do issue this my proclamation, exhorting all the good
people, therefore, to unite their hearts and hands in giving effect to the ample means possessed for that purpose. I enjoin
it on all officers, civil and military, to exert themselves in ex..



ecuting the duties' with which they are respectively charged.
And, more especially, I require the officers, commanding the
respective military districts, to be vigilant and alert in providing
for the defence thereof ; for the more effectual accomplishment
of which, they are authorized to call to the defence of exposed
and threatened places, proportions of the militia, most convenient thereto, whether they be, or be not, parts of the quotas
detached for the service of the United States, under requisitions
of the general government.
On an occasion which appeals so forcibly to the proud feel.
ings and patriotic devotion of the American people, none will
forget what they owe to themselves ; w hat they ow e to their
country ; and the high destinies which await it ; what to the
glory acquired now, and to be maintained by their sons, with
the augmented strength and resources with which time and Ilea.
ven have blessed them. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be
affixed to these presents. Done at Washington, Sept. 1, 1814.
By the president, JAMES MADISON.
J AMES MUNROE, secretary of state.

No. 71.
From colonel Brooke to earl Bathurst.
On board H.M.S. Tonnant, Chesapeake,
My Loan, September 17, 1814.
have the honor to inform your lordship, that the division of
troops under the command of major-general Ross effected a
disembarkation on the morning of the 12th of September, near
North Point, on the left point of the Patapsco river, distant
from Baltimore about 13 miles, with the view of pushing a re.
connoissance, in co-operation with the naval forces, to that
town, and acting thereon as the enemy's strength and positions
might be found to dictate.
The approach on this side to Baltimore, lays through a small
peninsula, formed by the Patapsco and Black river, and gene.
rally from two to three miles broad, while it narrows in some
places to less than half a mile.
Three miles from North point, the enemy had entrenched
himself quite across this neck of land, towards which (the
disembarkation having been completed at an early hour) the
troops advanced.
The enemy was actively employed in the completion of this
work,—deepening the ditch, and strengthening its front by a



low abattis ; both which, however, he precipitately abandoned
on the approach of our skirmishers, leaving in our hands some
few dragoons, being part of his rear-guard.
About two miles beyond this point our advance became engaged ; the country was here closely wooded, and the enemy's
riflemen were enabled to conceal themselves. At this moment,
the gallant general Ross received a wound in his breast, which
proved mortal. He only survived to recommend a young and
unprovided family to the protection of his king and country.
Thus fell, at an early age, one of the brightest ornaments of
his profession ; one who, whether at the head of a rigiment, a
brigade, or corps, had alike displayed the talents of command ;
who was not less beloved in his private than enthusiastically admired in his public character ; and whose only fault, if it may
be deemed so, was an excess of gallantry, enterprise, and devotion to the service.
If ever it were permitted to a ealdier, to lament those who
fall in battle, we may indeed, in this instance, claim that melan.
choly privilege.
Thus it is, that the honor of addressing your lordship, and
the command of this army, have devolved upon me; duties
which, under any other circumstances, might have been embraced as the most enviable gifts of fortune ; and here I venture to solicit, through your lordship, his royal highness the
prince regent's consideration to the circumstances of my succeeding, during operations of so much moment, to an officer of
such high and established merit.
Our advance continuing to press forward, the enemy's light
troops were pushed to within five miles of Baltimore, where a
corps of about 6000 men, six pieces of artillery, and some
hundred cavalry, were discovered posted under cover of a wood,
drawn up in a very dense order, and lining a strong paling,
which crossed the main road nearly at right angles. The creeks
and inlets of the Patapsco and Black rivers, which approach
each other at this point, will in some measure account for the
contracted nature of the enemy's position.
I immediately ordered the necessary dispositions for a general
attack. The light brigade, under the command of major Jones,
of the 4th, consisting of the 85th light infantry, under major
Gubbins, and the light companies of the army, under major
Pringle, of the /1st, covered the whole of the front, driving the enemy's skirmishers with great loss on his main
body. The 4th regiment, under major Faunce, by a detour
through some hollow ways, gained, unperceived, a lodgement
close upon the enemy's left. The remainder of the right brigade, under the command of the honorable lieutenant-colonel
Mullins, consisting of the 44th regiment, under major Johnson,



the marines of the fleet under captain Robbins, and a detachment of
seamen under captain Money, of the Trave, formed a line along
the enemy's front ; while the left brigade, under colonel Pater.
son, consisting of the 21st regiment, commanded by major
Whitaker, the 2d battalion of marines by lieutenant-colonel
Malcolm, and a detachment of marines by major Lewis, remained in columns on the road, with orders to deploy to his
left, and press the enemy's right, the moment the ground be.
came sufficiently open to admit of that movement.
In this order, the signal being given, the whole of the
troops advanced rapidly to the charge. In less than 15 minutes,
the enemy's force being utterly broken and dispersed, fled in
every direction over the country, leaving on the field two pieces
of cannon, with a considerable number of killed, wounded,
and prisoners.
The enemy lost, in this short but brilliant affair, from 500
to 600 in killed and wounded ; while, at the most moderate
compuation he is at least 1000 hors de combat. The 5th regiment of militia, in particular, has been represented as nearly
The day being now far advanced, and the troops (as is
always the case on the first march after disembarkation) much
fatigued, we halted for the night on the ground of which the
enemy had been dispossessed. Here, I received a communication from vice-admiral the honorable sir A. Cochrane, informing me that the frigates, bomb-ships, and flotilla of the fleet,
would, on the ensuing morning, take their stations as previously proposed.
At day-break, on the 13th, the army again advanced, and at
10 o'clock 1 occupied a favorable position eastward of Baltimore, distant about a mile and a half, and from whence I
could reconnoitre, at my leisure, the defences of that town.
Baltimore is completely surrounded by strong but detached
hills, on which the enemy had constructed a chain of pallisaded
redoubts, connected by a small breast-work ; I have, however,
reason to think, that the defence to the northward and west.
ward of the place, were in a very unfinished state. Chinkapin
hill, which lay in front of our position, completely commands
the town ; this was the strongest part of the line, and here the
enemy seemed most apprehensive of an attack. These works were
defended, according to the best information which +e could obtain, by about 15000 men, with a large train of artillery.
Judging it perfectly feasible, with the description of forces
under my command, I made arrangements fur a night-attack,
during which the superiority of tile en, my's artillery would not
have been so much felt ; and captain M'Dougall, the bearer of
these despatches, will hive the honor to point out to your lord.



ship those particular points of the line which I had proposed to
act on. During the evening, however, I received a communication from the commander in chief of the naval forces, by
which I was informed, that, in consequence of the entrance to
the harbor being closed up by vessels sunk for that purpose by
the enemy, a naval co-operation against the town and camp
was found impracticable.
• Under these circumstances, and keeping in view your lordships instructions, it was agreed, between the vice-admiral and
myself, that the capture of the town would not have been a
sufficient equivalent to the loss which might probably be sustained in storming the heights.
Having formed this resolution ; after compelling the enemy
to sink upwards of 20 vessels in different parts of the harbor ;
causing the citizens to remove almost the whole of their property to places of more security inland ; obliging the government to concentrate all the military force of the surrounding
states ; harassing the militia, and forcing them to collect from
any remote districts ; causing the enemy to burn a valuable
rope-walk, with other public buildings, in order to clear the
glacis in front of their redoubts, besides having beaten and
routed them in a general action, I retired on the 14th, three
miles from the position which I had occupied, where I halted
during some hours.
This tardy movement was partly caused by an expectation
that the enemy might possibly be induced to move out of the
entrenchments and follow its ; but he profited by the lesson
which he had received on the 12th ; and towards the evening I
retired the troops about three miles and a half further, where I
took up my ground for the night.
Having ascertained, at a late hour on the morning of the
15th, that the enemy had no disposition to quit his entrench..
ments, I moved down and re-embarked the army at North
Point, not leaving a man behind, and carrying with me about
ROO prisoners, being persons of the best families in the city, and
which number might have been very considerably increased,
was not the fatigue of the troops an object principally to be
I have now to remark to your lordship, that nothing could
surpass the zeal, unanimity, and ardour, displayed by every
description of force, whether naval, military, or marine, during
the whole of these operations.
I am highly indebted to vice-admiral sir A. Cochrane, commander in chief of the naval forces, for the active assistance
and zealous co-operation which he was ready, upon every occasion, to afford me ; a disposition conspicuous in every branch of




the naval service, and which cannot fail to ensure success to
every combined operation of this armament.
Captain Edward Crofton, commanding the brigade of seamen
appointed to the small arms, for the animated and enthusiastic
example which he held forth to his men, deserves my approbation ; as do also captains Nourse, Money, Sullivan, and Ram.
say, R.N., for the steadiness and good order which they maintained in their several directions.
I feel every obligation to rear-admiral Cockburn, for the
counsel and assistance which he afforded me, and from which 1
derived the most signal benefit.
To colonel Paterson, for the steady manner in which he
brought his column into action, I give my best thanks.
The honorable lieutenant-colonel Mullins deserved every approbation for the excellent order in which he led that part of the
right brigade under his command, while charging the enemy in
Major Jones, commanding the light brigade, merits my best
acknowledgments, for the active and skilful dispositions by
which he covered all the movements of the army.
The distinguished gallantry of captain De Bathe, of the 95th
light infantry, has been particularly reported to me, and I beg
to record my own knowledge of similar conduct on former occasions.
To major Faunce, of the 4th regiment, for the manner in
which he gained and turned the enemy's left, as well as for
the excellent discipline maintained in that regiment, every parti.
cular praise is due.
The exertions of major Gubbins, commanding the 85th light
infantry ; and of major Kenny, commanding the ligkt companies, were highly commendable.
Captain Mitchell, commanding the royal artillery ; captain
Carmichael, a meritorious officer of that corps ; and lieutenant
Lawrence, of the marine artillery, are entitled to my best
thanks ; as is captain Blanchard, commanding royal engineers,
for the abilities he displayed in his particular branch of the
To lieutenant Evans, of the 3d dragoons, acting deputy-quarter-master-general to this army, for the unremitting zeal,
activity, and perfect intelligence, which he evinced in the dis.
charge of the various and difficult duties of his department, I
feel warmly indebted ; and I beg to solicit, through your lordship, a promotion suitable to the high professional merits of this
Captain M'Dougall, aide de camp to the late general Ross,
(and who has acted as assistant-adjutant-general in the absence


of major Debbeig through indisposition,) is the bearer of these
despatches ; and having been in the confidence of general Ross,
as well as in mine, will be found perfectly capable of giving
your lordship any further information relative to the operations
of this army which you may require ; he is an officer of great
merit and promise, and I beg to recommend him to your lordI have the honor to be, &c.
ship's protection.

ARTHUR BROOKE, colonel commanding.
04, 441.1



Return of the killed and wounded, in action with the enemy,
near Baltimore, on the 12th of September, 1814.
General staff;-1 major-general, 2 horses, killed; 1 horse, wounded.
Royal artillery ;-6 rank and file, wounded.
Royal marine-artillery;-1 rank and file, killed; 3 rank and file,

4th regiment, 1st bait ;-1 serjeant, 1 rank and file, killed ; 3 ser-

ts, 10 rank and file, wounded.
,21st regiment, 1st bat t. ;-1 subaltern, 1 serjeant, 9 rank and file,
ed ; 1 captain, 1 subaltern, 2 serjeants, 77 rank and file, wounded.
44th regiment, 1st batt. ;-11 rank and file, killed; 3 captains, 2
halterns, 5 serjeants, 78 rank rand file, wounded.
85th light infantry ;-3 rank and file, killed; 2 captains, 1 subaltern,
rank and file, wounded.
Royal marines, 2d batt. ;-4 rank and file, killed; 10 rank and file,

Royal marines, 3d batt.•-2 rank and file, killed; 1 serjeant, 9 rank
d file, wounded.
Detachments of royal marines, from the ships, attached to the 2d bat; —2 rank and file, killed ; 1 rank and file, wounded.
Detachments of royal marines, under the command of captain Robyns ;—
intik and file, killed ; 1 captain, 9 rank and file, wounded.
Total;-1 general staff, 1 subaltern, 2 serjeants, 35 rank and file,
killed; 7 captains, 4 subalterns, 11 seijeants, and 229 rank and
file, wounded.

Names of officers killed and wounded.
'Killed; —General Staff;—Major-general Robert Ross.
21st fiaileers; —Lieutenant Gracie.
Wounded ;-21st fusileers;—Brigade-majorRenny, slightly; lieutet Leavocq, severely.

44th. regiment ;—Brigade-major Cruice, slightly ; captain Hamilton
teenshields, dangerously (since dead); captain George Hill, lieutenant
'hard Cruice, ensign J. White, severely.
85th light infantry ;—Captains W. P. De Bathe and T. D. Hicks,
nant G. Wettings, slightly.

Royal marines ;—Captam John Rohyns, severely.

HENRY DEBI3EIG, major, A.D.A gen.
VO L. H.




No. 73.

From sir Alexander Cochrane to Mr. Croker.
H.M.S. Tonnant, Chesapeake, Sept. 17. 1814.
I request that you will be pleased to inform my lords commissioners of the admiralty, that the approaching equinoctial new
moon rendering it unsafe to proceed immediately out of the Chesapeake with the combined expedition, to act upon the plans which
had been concerted previous to the departure of the I phigenia ; ma.
jor-general Ross and myself resolved to occupy the intermediate
time to advantage, by making a demonstration upon the city of
Baltimore which might be converted into a real attack, should
circumstances appear to justify it ; and, as our arrangements
were soon made, I proceeded up this river, and anchored
off the mouth of the Patapsco, on the 11th instant, where the
frigates and smaller vessels entered at a convenient distance for
landing the troops.
Yk.t an early hour the next morning, the disembarkation of the
army was effected without opposition, having attached to it a ,
brigade of 600 seamen, under captain E. Crofton, (late of the
Leopard,) the second battalion of marines, the marines of the
squadron, and the colonial black marines. Rear-admiral Cock.
burn accompanied the general, to advise and arrange as might
be deemed necessary for our combined efforts.
So soon as the army moved forward, I hoisted my flag in the
Surprise, and with the remainder of the frigates, bombs, sloops,
and the rocket-ship, passed further up the river, to render what
co-operation could be found practicable.
While the bomb-vessels were working up, in order that we
might open our fire upon the enemy's fort at day-break next
morning, an account was brought to me, that major-general
Ross, when reconnoitring the enemy, had received a mortal
wound by a musket.ball, which closed his glorious career be.
fore he could be brought off to the ship.
It is a tribute due to the memory of this gallant and respected
officer. to pause in my relation, while I lament the loss that his
majesty's service and the army, of which he was one of the
brightest ornaments, have sustained by his death. The unani.
mity and the zeal, which he manifested on every occasion, while I
had the honor of serving with him, gave life and ease to the
most art uous undertakings. Too heedless of his personal security w he n in the field, his devotion to the care and honor of
his army has caused th termination of his valuable lite. The
- major-general has left a wife and family, for whom I am cod.
deni his gi atefui country NS ill provide.
The skirmishes which had deprived the army of its brats



general, was a prelude to a most decisive victory over the flower
of the enemy's troops. Colonel Brooke, on whom the command devolved, having pushed forward our force to within five
miles of Baltimore, where the enemy, about 6000 or 7000, had
taken up an advanced position, strengthened by field-pieces, and
where he had disposed himself, apparently with the intention o
making a determined resistance, fell upon the enemy with such
impetuosity, that he was obliged soon to give way, and fly in
every direction, leaving on the field of battle a considerable
number of killed and wounded, and two pieces of cannon.
For the particulars of this brilliant affair, 1 beg leave to refer
their lordships to rear-admiral Cockburn's despatch, transmitted
At day-break the next morning, the bombs having taken
their stations within shell-range, supported by the Surprise,
with the other frigates and sloops, opened their fire upon the
fort that protected the entrance of the harbor, and I had now
an opportunity of observing the strength and preparations of
the enemy.
• The approach to the town on the land-side was defended by
commanding heights, upon which was constructed a chain of
redoubts, connected by a breast-work, with a ditch in front,
an extensive train of artillery, and a shew of force that was reported to be from 15 to 20,000 men.
The entrance by sea, within which the town is retired nearly
three miles, was entirely obstructed by a barrier of vessels sunk
at the mouth of the harbor, defended inside by gun-boats,
flanked on the tight by a strong and regular fortification, and
on the left by a battery of several heavy guns.
These preparations rendering it impracticable to afford any
essential co-operation by sea, I considered that an attack on
the enemy's strong position by the army only, with such disparity of force, though confident of success, might risk a
greater loss than the possession of the town would compensate
for, while holding in view the ulterior operations of this force
in the contemplation of his majesty's government ; and therefore, as the primary object of our movement had been already
fully accomplished, I communicated my observations to colonel
kook e, who, coinciding with me in opinion, it was mutually
agreed that we should withdraw.
The following morning, the army began leisurely to retire ;
and so salutary was the effect produced on the enemy by the
defeat he had experienced, that, notwithstanding every opportunny w as offered for his repeating the conflict, with an infinite
superiority, our troops re-embarked without molestation. The
ships of war dropped down as the army retired.
The result of this demonstration has been the defeat of the

army of the enemy, the destruction, by themselves, of a quan.
tity of shipping, the burning of an extensive rope-walk, and
other public erections ; the causing of them to remove their pro.
perty from the city, and, above all, the collecting and harassing of the armed inhabitants from the surrounding country ;
producing a total stagnation of their commerce, and heaping upon
them considerable expenses, at the same time effectually drawing
off their attention and support from other important quarters.
It has been a source of the greatest gratification to me, the
continuanse of that unanimity existing between the two services, which I have before noticed to their lordships ; and I
have reason to assure them, that the command of the army has
fallen upon a most zealous and able officer in colonel Brooke,who
has followed up the system of cordiality that had been so beneficially adopted by his much-lamented chief.
Rear-admiral Cockburn, to whom I had confided that part
of the naval service which was connected with the army, evinced
his usual zeal and ability, and executed his important trust to
my entire satisfaction.
Rear-admiral Malcolm, who regulated the collection, de.
barkation, and re-embarkation of the troops, and the supplies
they required, has merited my best thanks for his indefatigable
exertions ; and I have to express my acknowledgments for the
counsel and assistance which, in all our operations. I have re.
ceived from rear-admiral Codrington, the captain of the fleet.
The captains of the squadron, who were employed on the
various duties a-float, were all emulous to promote the service
in which they were engaged, and, with the officers acting under
them, are entitled to my fullest approbation.
I beg leave to call the attention of their lordships to the report rear-admiral Cockburn has made, of the meritorious and
gallant conduct of the naval brigade ; as well as to the accompanying letter from colonel Brooke, expressing his obligation
to captain Edward Crofton, who commanded, and captains T.
13. Sullivan, Rowland, Money, and Robert Ramsay, who had
charge of divisions ; and I have to recommend these officers,
together with those who are particularly noticed by the rearadmiral, to their lordship's favorable consideration.
Captain Robyns, of the royal marines, who commanded the
marines of the squadron on this occasion, and in the operations
against Washington, being severely wounded, I beg leave to
bring him to their lordship's recollection, as having been frequently noticed for his gallant conduct during the services in
the Chesapeake, and to recommend him, with lieutenant Sampson Marshall, of the Diadem, who is dangerously wounded, to
their lordships' favor and protection.
First-lieutenant John Lawrence, of the royal marine artil-



key, who commanded the rocket-brigade, has again rendered
essential service, and is highly spoken of by colonel Brooke.
Captain Edward Crofton, who will have the honor of delivering this despatch, is competent to explain any further
particulars; and I beg leave to recommend him to their lordships' protection, as a most zealous and intelligent officer.
I have the honor to be, &c.
Vice-admiral, and commander in chief.
To John Wilson Croker, Esq. &c.

No. 74.
From rear-admiral Cockburn to sir Alexander Cochrane.
H. M. S. Severn, in the Patapsco,
15th Sept. 1814.
In furtherance of the instructions I had the honor to receive
from you on the 11th instant, I landed at day-light on the 12th
with major-general Ross, and the force under his command, at
a place the general and myself had preciously fixed upon, near
to North point, at the entrance of the Patapsco ; and, in con.
formity with his wishes, I determined on remaining on shore,
and accompanying the army, to render him every assistance
within my power during the contemplated movements and operations; therefore, so soon as our landing was completed, I
directed captain Nourse, of this ship, to advance up the
Patapsco with the frigate, sloops, and bomb-ships, to bombard
the fort, and threaten the water-approach to Ba'timore, and I
moved on with the army and seamen (under captain Edward
Crofton) attached to it on the direct road leading to the
above-mentioned town.
We had advanced about five miles, (without any other occurrence than taking prisoners a few light-horsemen, ) when the general and myself, being with the advanced guard, observed a division
of the enemy posted at a turning of the road, extending into a
wood on our left ; a sharp fire was almost immediately opened
upon it, and as quickly returned with considerable effect by our
advanced guard, which pressing steadily forward, soon obliged
the enemy to run off with the utmost precipitation, leaving behind him several men killed and wounded ; but it is with the
most heartfelt sorrow I have to add, that in this short and desultory skirmish my gallant and highly valued friend, the major-general, received a musket-ball through his arm into his
breast, which proved fatal to him on his way to the water side
for re.embarkation.
Our country, sir, has lost in him one of its best and bravest





soldiers; and those who knew him, as I did, a friend most
honored and beloved ; and 1 trust, sir, I may be forgiven for
considering it a sacred duty 1 owe to him to mention here, that
whilst his wounds were binding up, and we were placing him on
the bearer which was to carry him off the field, he assured me
that the wonnds he had received in the performance of his duty
to his country, caused him not a pang ; but he felt alone anxiety
for a wife and family, dearer to him than his life ; whom, in the
event of the fatal termination he foresaw, he recommended to
the protection and notice of his majesty's government, and the
Colonel Brooke, oh whom the command of the army now
devolved, having come up, and the body of our troops having
closed with the advance, the whole proceeded forward about
two miles further, where we observed the enemy in force
drawn up before us ; (apparently about 6000 or 7000 strong ;)
on perceiving our army, he filed off into a large and-extensive
wood on his right, from which he commenced a cannonade on us
from his field-pieces, and drew up his men behind a thick paling,
-where he appeared determined to make his stand. Our field
guns answered his with an evident advantage ; and so soon as
colonel Brooke had made the necessary dispositions, the attack
was ordered, and executed in the highest style possible. The
enemy opened his musketry on us from his whole line, immedi.
ately we approached within reach of it, and kept up his fire till
we reached and entered the wood, when he gave way in every
direction, and was chased by us a considerable distance with
great slaughter, abandoning his post of the Meeting-house, situated in this wood, and leaving all his wounded, and two of h;s
field-guns, in our possession.
An advance of this description, against superior numbers of
an enemy so posted, could not be effected without loss. I have
the luinor to enclose a return of what has been suffered by
those of the naval department, acting with the army on this oc.
casion ; and it is, sir, with the greatest pride and pleasure I
report to you, that the brigade of seamen with small arms,
commanded by captain E. Crofton, assisted by captains Sullivan,
Money, and Ramsay, (the three senior commanders with the
fleet), who commanded divisions under him, behaved with a
gallantry and steadiness which would have done honor to the
oldest troops, and which attracted the admiration of the army.
The seamen under Mr. Jackson, master's mate of the Tonnant,
attached to the rocket brigade, commanded by the first-lieutenant Lawrence, of the marines, behaved also with equal skill
and bravery. The marines, landed from the ships under the
command of captain Robyns, the senior officer of that corps,
belonging to the fleet, behaved with their usual gallantry.
. Although, sir, in making to you my report of this action, I



know it is right I should confine myself to mentioning only the
conduct of those belonging to the naval department, yet 1 may
be excused for venturing further to state to you, generally, the
high admiration with which I viewed the conduct of the whole
army, and the ability and gallantry with which it was managed,
and •headed, by its brave colonel, which insured to it the success
it met with.
The night being fast approaching, and the troops much
fatigued, colonel Brooke determined on remaining for the night
on the field of battle ; and, on the morning of the 13th, leaving
a small guard at the Meeting-house to collect and protect the
wounded, we again moved forwards towards Baltimore ; on
approaching which, it was found to be defended by extremely
strong works on every side, and immediately in front of us by
an extensive hill, on which was an entrenched camp, and great
quanties of artillery ; and the information we collected, added
to what we observed, gave us to believe there were at least,
within their works, from 15 to 20,000 men. Colonel Brooke
lost no time in reconnoitring these defences ; after which, he
made his arrangement for storming, during the ensuing night,
with his gallant little army, the entrenched camp in our front,
notwithstanding all the difficulties which it presented. The
subsequent communications which we opened with you, however, induced him to relinquish again the idea, and therefore
yesterday morning the army retired leisurely to the Meetinghouse, where it halted for some hours to make the necessary arrangements respecting the wounded and the prisoners taken on
the 12th, which being completed, it made a further short movement in the evening towards the place where it had dis.embarked, and where it arrived this morning for re-embarkation,
without suffering the slightest molestation from the enemy ;
who, in spite of his superiority of number, did not even venture to look at us during the slow and deliberate retreat.
As you, sir, were in person with the advanced frigates, sloops,
and bomb-vessels, and as, from the road the army took, I did not
see them after quitting the beach, it would be superfluous for me
tomake any report to you respecting them. I have now, there.
fore, only to assure you of my entire satisfaction and approbation of the conduct of every officer and man employed under
me, during the operations above detailed, and to express to
you how particularly I consider myself indebted to captain Edward Crofton, (acting captain of the Royal Oak,) for the
gallantry, ability, and zeal, with which he led on the brigade of
seamen in the action of the 12th, and executed all the other services with which he has been entrusted since our landing ; to
captain White, (acting captain of the Albion,) who attended
me as my aide de camp the whole time, and rendered me



possible assistance ; to captains Sullivan, Money, and Ramsay,
who commanded divisions of the brigade of seamen ; to lieutenant James Scott, of the Albion, whom I have had much f re.
quent cause to mention to you on former occasions, and who in
the battle of the 12th commanded a division of seamen, and
behaved most gallantly, occasionally also acting as an extra aide
de camp to myself. Captain Robyns, who commanded the ma.
rives of the fleet, and who was severely wounded during the en.
gagement, I also beg to recommend to your favourable notice
and consideration, as well as lieutenant George C. Urmston, of
the Albion, whom I placed in command of the smaller boats, to
endeavour to keep up a communication between the army and
navy, which he effected by great perseverance, and thereby rendered us most essential service. In short, sir, every individual
seemed animated with equal anxiety to distinguish himself by
good conduct on this occasion, and I trust, therefore, the whole
will be deemed worthy of your approbation.
Captain Nourse, of the Severn, was good enough to receive
my flag for this service ; he rendered me great assistance in get.
ting the ships to the different stations within the river, and when
the storming of the fortified hill was contemplated, he hastened
to my assistance with a reinforcement of seamen and marines ;
and I should consider myself wanting in candour and justice did
I not particularly point out, sir, to you, the high opinion I entertain of the enterprise and ability of this valuable officer, not
only for his conduct on this occasion, but on the very many
others on which I have employed him since with me in the
I have the honour to be, 8cc.
GEORGE COCKBURN, rear-admiral.
Vice-admiral the hon. sir A. Cochrane, K.B.
Commander in chief.
.444,..04 041,0

No. 75.



march, with the disciplined troops. The obedient and steady
conduct of the sailors, believe me, sir, excited the admiration
of every individual of the army, as well as my greatest gratitude.
Believe me to he, dear sir,
ARTHUR BROOKE, col.-com.

Vice-admiral the hon. sir A. Cochrane, K.B.

No. 76.
I return of killed and wounded belonging to the navy, discern.
barked with the army under major-general Ross, September,
12, 1814.
Tonnant ;-1 petty officer, 5 seaman, 3 marines, wounded.
Albion; —3 seamen killed ; 1 petty officer, 8 seamen, 6 marines,
Ramillies ;-2 marines killed ; 4 petty officers, 6 seamen, 4 marines,
Diadem ;-1 officer, 2 seamen, wounded.
Melpomene;-1 petty officer killed.
Trave ;-1 seaman wounded. .
Madagascar;-1 marine killed ; 1 marine wounded.
Royal Oak ; —1 marine wounded.

Total killed -1 petty officer, 3 seamen, 3 marines.
Total wounded-1 officer, 6 petty officers, 22 seamen, 15 marines.
Names of officers killed and wounded.
tiled—Melpomene ;—Mr. William , (or Arthur) Edmonson, clerk.
Wounded—Tonnant ;—captain Robyns, royal marines, severely ;
Mr. Charles Ogle, midshipman, severely.
Diadem ;—lieutenant S. Marshall, severely.
Albion ; —John Billett, quarter-master, severely.
Ramillies ;--Robert Wafton (or Watton) boatswain's-mate, severely;
Henry Bakewell yeoman of the powder-room, badly ; John Prickett,
dip's corporal, slightly.

G. COCKBURN, rear-admiral.

Colonel Brooke to the same.
On board his majesty's ship Tonnant,
September 15, 1814
I beg leave to be allowed to state to you, how much I feel
indebted to captain Crofton, commanding the brigade of sailors
from his majesty's ships under your command ; as also to captains Sullivan, Money, and Ramsay, for their very great exertions in performing every formation made by his majesty's
troops, having seen myself those officers expose themselves to
the hottest of the enemy's fire, to keep their men in the line of

No. 77.
From major-general Smith, to the American secretary at war.
About the time general Stricker had taken the ground just
mentioned, he was joined by brigadier-general Winder, who
had been stationed on the west side of the city, but was now

ordered to march with general Douglas's brigade of Virginia
militia, and the United States' dragoons, under captain Bird,
1 and take post on the left of general Stricker. During these




movements, the brigades of generals Stansbury and Foreman,
the seamen and marines under commodore Rodgers, the Penn.
sylvania volunteers under colonels Cobean and Findley, the
Baltimore artillery under colonel Harris, and the marine
artillery under captain Stiles , manned the trenches and the
batteries—all prepared to receive the enemy. We remained
in this situation during the night.
On Tuesday, the enemy appeared in front of my entrenchments, at the distance of two miles, on the Philadelphia road,
from whence he had a full view of our position. He manoeuvred during the morning towards our left, as if with the
intention of making a circuitous march, and coining clown on
the Harford or York roads. Generals Winder and Stricker
were ordered to adapt their movement to those of the enemy,
so as to baffle this supposed intention. They executed this
order with great skill and judgment, by taking an advantage.
ous position, stretching from my left across the country, when
the enemy was likely to approach the quarter he seemed to
threaten. This movement induced the enemy to concentrate
his forces (between one and two o'clock), in my front, pushing
his advance to within a mile of us, driving in our videttes, and
showing an intention of attacking us that evening. I immediately drew generals Winder and Striker nearer to the left of
my entrenchments, and to the right of the enemy, wily the
intention of their falling on his right or rear, should he attack
me; or, if he declined it, of attacking him in the morning.
To this movement, and to the strength of my defence, which
the enemy had the fairest opportunity of observing, 1 am
induced to attribute his retreat, which was commenced at half.
past one o'clock on Wednesday morning, In this he was so
favored by the extreme darkness, and a continued rain, that
we did not discover it until day-light.
I have now the pleasure of calling your attention to the
brave commander of Fort M‘Henry, major Armistead, and to
the operations confined to that quarter. The enemy made his
approach by water at the same time that his army was advancing on the land, and commenced a discharge of bombs and
rockets at the fort, as soon as he got within range of it. The
situation of major Armistead was peculiarly trying—the enemy
having taken his position such a distance, as to render offensive
operations on the part of the fort entirely fruitless, whilst their
bombs and rockets were every moment falling in and about it
-the officers and men, at the same time, entirely exposed.
The vessels, however, had the temerity to approach somewhat
nearer—they were as soon compelled to withdraw. During
the night, whilst the enemy on land was retreating, and whilst



the bombardment was most severe, two or three rocket vessels
and barges succeeded in getting up the Ferry Branch, but they
were soon compelled to retire, by the forts in that quarter,
commanded by lieutenant Newcomb, of the navy, and lieutenant Webster, of the flotilla. These forts also destroyed one of
the barges, with all on board. The barges and battery at the
Lazaretto, under the command of lieutenant Rutter, of the
flotilla, kept up a brisk, and it is believed, a successful fire,
during the hottest period of the bombardment.

No. 78.
From Captain Lockser to vice-admiral Cochrane.
His Majesty's sloop Sophie, Cat island
sin, Roads, Dec. 18, 1814.
I beg leave to inform you, that in pursuance of your orders,
the boats of the squadron which you did me the honour to place
under my command, were formed into three divisions, (the first
headed by myself, the second by captain Montressor of the
Manly, and the third by captain Roberts of the Meteor,) and
proceeded on the night of the 12th instant from the frigate's
anchorage, in quest of the enemy's flotilla.
After a very tedious row of thirty.six hours, during which
the enemy attempted to escape from us, the wind fortunately
obliged him to anchor off St. Joseph's island, and nearing him
on the morning of the 14th, I discovered his force to consist
of five gun-vessels of the largest dimensions, which were
moored in a line a-breast, with springs on their cables, and
boarding nettings triced up, evidently prepared for our reception.
Observing, also, as we approached the flotilla, an armed
bop endeavouring to join them, captain Roberts, who volunteered to take her with part of his division, succeeded in cutting
her off and capturing her without much opposition.
f. About 10 O'clock, having closed to within long gun-shot,
ldirected the boats to come to a grapnel, and the people to
get their breakfasts ; and, as soon as they had finished, we
again took to our oars, and pulling up to the enemy against a
strong current, running at the rate of nearly three miles au
lour exposed to a heavy and destructive fire of round and
grape, about noon I had the satisfaction of closing with the
commodore in the Seahorse's barge.
After several minutes' obstinate resistance, in which the
greater part of the officers and crew of this boat were either
killed or wounded, myself amongst the latter, severely, we

succeeded in boarding, and being seconded by the Seahorse's
first barge, commanded by Mr. White, midshipman, and
aided by the boats of the Tonnant, commanded by lieutenant
Tatnell, we soon carried her, and turned her guns with good
effect upon the remaining four.
During this time captain Montresor's division was making
every possible exertion to close with the enemy, and with the
assistance of the other boats, then joined by captain Roberts,
in about five minutes we had possossion of the whole of the
I have to lament the loss of many of my brave and gallant
companions, who gloriously fell in this attack ; but, considering the great strength of the enemy's vessels (whose force is
underneath described) and their state of preparation, we, have
by no means suffered so severely as might have been expected.
I am under the greatest obligations to the officers, seamen,
and marines, I had the honor to command on this occasion,
to whose gallantry and exertions the service is indebted for the
capture of these vessels; any comments of mine would fall
short of the praise due to them : I am especially indebted to
captains Montresor and Roberts for their advice and assistance:
they are entitled to more than I can say of them, and have my
best thanks for the admirable style in which they pushed on
with their divisions to the capture of the remainder of the
enemy's flotilla,
In an expedition of this kind, where so many were concerned,
and so much personal exertion and bravery was displayed, I
find it impossible to particularize every individual w ho distinguished himself, and deserves to be well spoken of, but I feel
it my duty to mention those whose behaviour fell immediately
under my own eye.
Lieutenant George Pratt, second of the Seahorse, who commanded that ship's boats, and was in the same boat with me,
conducted himself to that admiration which I cannotsufficiently
express ; in his attempt to board the enemy, he was several
times severely wounded, and at last so dangerously, that
I fear the service will be deprived of this gallant and promising
young officer.
I cannot omit to mention, also, the conduct of lieutenants
Tatnell and Roberts, of the Tonnant, particularly the former,
who, after having his boat sunk alongside, got into another,
and gallantly pushed on to the attack of the remainder of the
flotilla. Lieutenant Roberts was wounded in closing with the
enemy. I have the honor to be, &c.
NICH. LOCKYER, captain.
Vice-admiral the Hon. Sir Alexander Cochrane,

commander - in - chief, &c. &c. &c.



624 A PrgNDI X.

No. 1.-0 on-vessel, 1 long 24-pounder, 4 12-pounder carronades,
ntodleswivels, with a complement of 45 men ; captain Jones, cornffi

No. 2.—Gun-vessel, 1 long 32-pounder, 6 long 6-pounders, 2 5-inch
and four swivels, with a complement of 45 men ; lieutenant


No. 3.—Gun-vessel, 1 long 24-pounder, 4 long 6-pounders, and 4
swivels, with a complement of 45 men.
No. 4 —Gun-vessel, 1 long 24. pounder, 4 12-pounder carronades,
with a complement of 45 men.
No. 5.—Gun-vessel, 1 long 24-pounder, 4 12-pounder carronades,
with a complement of 45 men.
No. 6.—Armed sloop, 1 long 6-pounder, 2 12-pounder carronades,
with a complement of 20 men.


No. 79.
1 list of the killed and wounded in the boats of his majesty's
ships at the capture of the American gun-vessels near Psew
Tonnant ;--1

able seaman, 2 ordinary seamen, killed ; 1 lieutenant,

!midshipmen, 4 able seamen, 4 ordinary, 2 landmen,3 private marines,
1 quarter-master killed : 1 master's-mate, 4 able seamen,
3 ordinary seamen, 1 private marine, wounded.
1 seaman killed ; 2 lieutenants, 1 master's-mate, 2 seaBedford;
men, wounded.
Royal Oak ;-1 seaman wounded.
4 seamen killed; 9 seamen wounded.
Armide; 1 seaman killed.
1 midshipman, 1 seaman, 2 private marines, wounded.



1 midshipman, 1 volunteer of the 1st class, 1 able seaman,
I ordinary seaman, 1 private marine, killed ; 1 lieutenant, 2 midshipmen, 1 lieutenant of marines, 7 able seamen, 7 ordinary seamen, 1
hindinan, 4 private marines, wounded.
Seahorse ;

Trove ; - 1

volunteer of the 1st class, 1 captain of the foretop, killed;

I private marine wounded.
Sophie;-1 captain wounded.
Meleur;-3 seamen wounded.
Belle Pottle ; -2 seamen wounded.
1 master's-mate wounded.
Total--.3 midshipmen, 13 searren, 1 private marine, killed ; 1 captain, 4 lieutenants, 1 lieutenant of marines, 3 master's mates, 7 midshipmen, 50 seamen,' 11 marines, wouudeci.
Grand Total-17 killed ; 77 wounded.




No. so.
From lieutenant Jones to commodore Patterson.
SIR, New Orleans, 12th March, 1815.
Having sufficiently recovered my strength, I do myself the
honor of reporting to you the particulars of the capture of the
division of United States' gun boats late under my command.
On the 12th December, 1814, the enemy's fleet off Ship island
increased to such a force as to render it no longer safe or prudent for me to continue on that part of the lakes with the small
force which I commanded. I therefore determined to gain a
station near the Malheureux islands as soon as possible, which
situation would better enable me to oppose a further penetration of the enemy up the lakes, and at the same time afford
me an opportunity of retreating to the Petite Coquilles if
At 10, A.M. on the 13th I discovered a large flotilla of barges
had left the fleet, (shaping their course towards the Pass Chris.
tian, ) which I supposed to be a disembarkation of troops intended
to land at that place. About 2, P.M. the enemy's flotilla
having gained the Pass Christian, and continuing their course
to the westward, convinced me that an attack on the gun-boats
was designed. At this time the water in the lakes ss as uncommonly low, owing to the westerly wind which had prevailed for
a number of days previous, and which still continued from the
same quarter. Nos. 150, 162 and 163, although in the best
channel, were in 12 or 18 inches less water than their draught.
Every effort was made to get them a-float by throwing over.
board all articles of weight that could be dispensed with. At
3 30, the flood-tide had commenced ; got under weigh, making
the best of my way towards the Petite Coquilles. At 3 45,
the enemy despatched three boats to cut out the schooner Seahorse, which had been sent into the bay St. Louis that morning
to assist in the removal of the public stores, which I had previously ordered. There finding a removal impracticable, I
ordered preparations to be made for their destrtiction, least
they should fall into the enemy's hands. A few discharges of
grape-shot from the Seahorse compelled the three boats, which
had attacked her, to retire out of reach of her guns, until they
were joined by four others, when the attack Was recommenced
hy the seven boats. Mr. Johnson having chosen an advantageous position near the two 6-pounders mounted on the bank,
maintained a sharp action for near 30 minutes, when the.nemy
hauled off, having one boat apparently much injured, and with
the loss of several men killed and wounded. At 7 30, an
explosion at the bay, and soon after a large fire, induced me to



believe the Seahorse was blown up and the public store-house
set on fire, which has proved to be the fact.
About 1 A.M. on the 14th, the wind having entirely died
away, and our vessels become unmanageable, came to anchor
in the west-end of Malheureux island's passage. At daylight
next morning, still a perfect calm, the enemy's flotilla was
about nine miles from us at anchor, but soon got in motion and
rapidly advanced on us. The want of wind, and the strong
ebb-tide which was setting through the pass, left me but one
alternative, which was, to put myself in the most advantageous
position, to give the enemy as warm a reception as possible.
The commanders were all called on board and made acquainted
with my intentions, and the position which each vessel was to
take, the whole to form a close line a-breast across the channel,
anchored by the stern with springs on the cable, &c. &c. Thus
we remained anxiously awaiting an attack from the advancing
foe, whose force I now clearly distinguished to be composed of
42 heavy launches and gun-barges, with three light gigs,
manned with upwards of 1000 men and officers. About 9 30,
the Alligator (tender) which was to the southward and eastward, and endeavouring to join the division, was captured by
several of the enemy's barges, when the whole flotilla came-to,
with their grapnels a little out of reach of our shot, apparently
making arrangements for the attack. At 10 30, the enemy
weighed, forming a line a-breast in open order, and steering
direct for our line, which was unfortunately in some degree
broken by the force of the current, driving Nos. 156 and 163
about 100 yards in advance. As soon as the enemy came
within reach of our shot, a deliberate fire from our long guns
was opened upon him, but without much effect, the objects
being of so small a size. At 10 minutes before 11, the enemy
opened a fire from the whole of his line, when the action became
general and destructive on both sides. About 11 49, the advance boats of the enemy, three in number, attempted to board
No. 156, but were repulsed with the loss of nearly every officer
billed or wounded, and two boats sunk. A second attempt
to board was then made by four other boats, which shared
almost a similar fate. At this moment I received a severe
wound in my left shoulder, which compelled me to quit the
deck, leaving it in charge of Mr. George Parker, master's.
mate, who gallantly defended the vessel until he was severely
wounded, when the enemy, by his superior number, succeeded
in gaining possession of the deck about 10 minutes past 12
o'clock. The, enemy immediately turned the guns of his prize
on the other gun-boats, and fired several shot previous to
striking the American colours. The action continued with
unabating severity until 40 minutes past 12 o'clock, when it,



terminated with the surrender of No. 23, all the other vessels
having previously fallen into the hands of the enemy.
In this unequal contest our loss in killed and wounded has
been trifling, compared to that of the enemy.
Enclosed you will receive a list of the killed and wounded,
and a correct statement of the force vv;rich I had the honor to,
command at the commencement of the action, together with an
estimate of the force I had to contend against, as acknowledged
by the enemy, which will enable you to decide how far the
honor of our country's flag has been supported in this conflict.
I have the honor to be, &c.

No. 81.
Statement of the effective forces of a division of the United
States' gun-boats under the command of lieutenant-com.
manding Thomas AP Catesby Jones, at the commencement
of the action, with a flotilla of English gun-boats, on the
14th December 1814.
Gun-boat No. 5, 5 guns, 36 men, sailing-master John D. Ferris : gunboat 23, 5 guns, 39 men, lieutenant Isaac M`Keeve ; gun-boat No. 156,
5 guns, 41 men, lieutenant-commandant Thomas A. C. Jones ; gun.
boat 162, 5 guns, 35 men, lieutenant Robert Spedden ; gun-boat 163,
3 guns, 31 men, sailing-master George Ulrick.
Total-23 guns, 182 men.

N.B The schooner Seahorse, had one 6-pounder, and 14
men, sailing-master William Johnson, commander ; nonokilled
or wounded.
The sloop Alligator (tender) had one 4-pounder and eight
men, sailing-master Richard S. Shepperd, commander.


No. 82.
Statement of the British forces which were engaged in the
capture of the late United States' gun-boats, Nos. 23, 156, 5,
162, and 163, near the Malheureux islands, lake Borgne,
14th December, 1814.
Forty launches and barges, mounting one carronade, each of 12, 18,
and 24 caliber.
One launch, mounting one long brass 12-pounder.
One launch, mounting one long brass 9-pounder.
Three gigs, with small-arms only.
Total number of boats-45.

Total number of cannon-43.



The above flotilla was manned with 1200 men and officers,
commanded by captain Lockyer, who received three severe
wounds in the action. The enemy, as usual, will not acknow_
ledge his loss on this occasion in bdats or men ; but from the
nature of the action, and the observations made by our officers,
while prisoners in their fleet, his loss in killed and wounded may
be justly estimated to exceed 300, among whom are an unusual
proportion of officers.



No. 83.

From major-general Keane to major-general the honorable sir
Edward Pakenham.
Camp on the left bank of the Mississippi, nine miles from New Orleans,
December 26, 1814.
I have the honor to inform you, that between the 17th and
22d instant, the troops destined for the attack of New Orleans,
were collected at Isle aux Poix, which is the entrance of the
Pearl river.
Baying learnt that it was possible to effect a landing at the head
of the ,bayou Catalan, which runs into lake Borgne, I directed
major Forrest, assisstant-quarter-master-general, to have it
reconnoitred. Lieutenant Peddie, of that department, accompanied by the honorable captain Spencer of the navy, ascertained on the night of 18th, that boats could reach the head of
the bayou, from which acvmmunication might be made to the
high road, on the left bank of the Mississippi, leading to New
On the morning of the 22d, every arrangement being made by
vice-admiral the honorable sir Alexander Cochrane, I determined to attempt it. The light brigade, composed of the 85th,
and 95th regiments, captain Lane's rocketeers, 100 sappers and
miners, and the 4th regiment as a support, the whole under the
command of colonel Thornton, were placed in the boats, and
the 2 lst, 4-1th, and 93d regiments, under colonel Brooke, and
a large proportion of artillery under major. Munro, were em.
barked in small vessels.
At 10 A. M. on the 22d, we sailed from Pearl River and
reached the head ot the bayou at day-light next morning. A
' landing was immediately effected without any other opposition
than the country presented ; captain Blanchard of the royal
engineers, in the course of two hours r opened a communication
through several fields of reeds, intersected by deep muddy
ditches, bordered by a low swampy wood; colonel Thornton





then advanced and gained the high road, taking up a position
with the right resting on the road, and the left on the Mississippi. In this situation I intended to remain untill the boats
returned for the rest of the troops to the vessels, some of which
grounded at a great distance.
At about eight o'clock in the evening when the men, much
fatigued by the length of time they had been in the boats, were
asleep in their bivouac, a heavy flanking fire of round and grapeshot was opened upon them, by a large schooner an'. two gunvessels, which had dropped dowr/the river from the town and
anchored a-breast of our fires ; immediate steps were necessary
to cover the men, and colonel Thornton, in the most prompt
and judicious manner, placed his brigade under the inward
s1ope of the bank of the river, as did also lieutenant-colonel
Brooke, of the 4th regiment, behind some buildings which were
near that corps. This movemont was so rapid that the troops
suffered no more than a single casualty.
The 3-pounders being the only guns up, the success of a
few 12-pound rockets, directed by captain Lane, was tried
against these vessels ; but the ground on which it was necessary
to lay them not being even, they were found not to answer,
and their firing was ceased.
A most vigorous attack was then made on the advanced front
and right flank piquets, the former of the 95th, under captain
Hallan, the latter the 85th, under captain Schaw ; these officers,
and their respective piquets, conducted themselve with firmness,
and checked the enemy for a considerable time, but renewing
their attack with a large force, and pressing at these points,
colonel Thornton judged it necessary to move up the remainder
of both corps. The 85th regiment was commanded by brevet.
major Gubbins, whose conduct cannot be too much commended. On the approach of his regiment to the point of attack,
the enemy, favored by the darkness of the night, concealed
themselves under a high fence which separated the fields, and
calling to the men as friends, under pretence of being part of
our own force, offered to assist them in getting over, which was
no sooner accomplished than the 85th found itself in the midst
of very superior numbers, who, discovering themselves, called
on the regiment immediately to surrender—the answer was an
instantaneous attack ; a more extraordinary conflict has perhaps never occurred, absolutely hand to hand both officers and
men. It terminated in the repulse of the enemy with the
capture of 30 prisoners. A similar finesse was attempted with
the 95th regiment, which met the same treatment. .
The enemy finding his reiterated attacks were repulsed by
colonel Thornton, at half-past 10 o'clock advanced a large
column against our centre j perceiving his intention, I directed

colonel Stovin to order,lieutenant-colonel Dale, with 130 men
of the 93d regiment, who had just reached the camp, to move
forward and use the bayonet, holding the 4th regiment in hand,
formed in line, as my last reserve. Colonel Dale endeavoured
to execute his orders, but the crafty enemy would not meet him,
seeing the steadiness of his small body, gave it a heavy fire, and
quickly retired. Colonel Brooke, with four companies of the
list regiment, fortunately appeared at that moment on our
right flank, and sufficiently secured it from further attack.
The enemy now determined on making a last effort, and,
collecting the whole of his force, formed an extensive line, and
moved directly against the light brigade. At first this line drove
in all the advanced posts, but colonel Thornton, whose noble
exertions had guaranteed all former success, was at hand ; he
rallied his brave comrades round him, and moving forward with
a firm determination of charging, appalled the enemy, who,
from the lesson he had received on the same ground it the
early part of the evening, Thought it prudent to retire, and did
not again dare to advance.
It was now 12 o'clock, and the firing ceased on both sides.
From the best information I can obtain, the enemy's force
amounted to 5000 men, and was commanded by major-general
Jackson : judging from the number left on the field, his loss
must have been severe. 1 now beg leave to inclose a list of our
casualties on that night, and have only to hope it will appear to
you, that every officer and soldier on shore did his duty.
To sir Alexander Cochrane I feel particularly obliged for his
very friendly counsels and ready compliance with every wish I
expressed respecting the service or welfare of the troops.
To rear-admiral Malcolm, and the several captains employed in
the landing, &c. I confess the greatest obligation. Lataust leave
it to the vice-admiral to do them the justice they so much
deserve, for I cannot find words to express the exertions made
by every branch of the navy, since the period of our arrival on
this coast.
In the attack made on the centre, lieutenant-colonel Stovin,
assistant-adjutant-general, received a severe wound, which
deprived me of his able services ; to him and major Forrest,
assistant quarter-master-general, I feel greatly indebted ; they
are both officers of great merit. Colonel Brooke is entitled to
every praise for securing our right flank.
To colonel Thornton I feel particularly grateful ; his conduct
on the night of the 23d I shall ever admire and honor. He
beaded his brigade in the most spirited manner, and afforded it
a brilliant example of active courage and cool determination.
I have every reason to be satisfied with lieutenant-colonel
Brooke, commanding the 4th regiment ; as also with major




11,3; c;





95th foot ;-6 serjeants, 17 rank-and file, killed ; 1 captain, 2 lieuteMitchell, of the 95th, who was unfortunately taken prisoner

at the close of the affair.
The exertions of major Munroe, of the royal artillery, were
unremitting ; to him, and the officers under his command, I feel
every obligation. The assistance given hv captain Blanchard,
and the officers of the royal engineers, was most conspicuous,
and entitle them to my best thanks.
Brevet-major Hooper, acting deputy assistant-adjutant.
general, was attached to the light brigade. Colonel Thornton
states, that he derived the greatest benefit from his activity,
zeal, and judgment. I regret to have to add that he was very
severely wounded, and had his leg amputated in the course of
the night.
The indefatigable zeal and intelligence displayed by lieutenants Peddle and Evans, of the quarter-master-general's depart.
ment, entitle them to the most favorable consideration.
Assistant-commissary-general Wemyss's arrangements were
satisfactory, and deputy-inspector Thompson claims my best
acknowledgements, for the care and attention shewn to the
wounded, the whole of whom were collected, dressed, and comfortably lodged, before two in the morning.
Major Mills, of the 14th light dragoons, accompanied me on
shore; from him, captain Persse, my aide de camp ; and the
honorable lieutenant Curzon, naval aide de camp, I received
every assistance.
Trusting that the steps I pursued while in command will
meet your approbation,
I have the honor to be, &c.
JOHN KEANE, maj..gen.

No. 84.
Return of casufdlies in action zcith'the enemy near Nett
Orleans, on the 23d and 24th December, 1814.

General staff--1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 major, 1 lieutenant, wounded.
Royal artillery; 2 rank and file, killed; 1 lieutenant, 7 rank and file,

Royal engineers, sappers and miners; 1 rank and file missing.
4th foot ;-1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 1 serjeant, 1 drummer, 1 rank
and file, killed ; 1 lieutenant, 14 rank and file, wounded.
21si foot ;—1 captain, 2 rank and file, killed : 1 serjeant, 2 drummers, 8 rank and file, wounded ; '2 rank and tile, missing.
85th fool ; 2 captains, 11 rank and file, killed ; 1 captain, 3 lieutenants, 4 serjeants, 2 drummers, 57 rank and file, wounded; 1 lieutenants, I e m.n6m, 1 serjeant, 16 rank and file, missing.
93dfoot ; -1 rank and file, wounded.

nants, 5 serjeants, 54 rank and file, wounded ; 1 major, 2 serjeants, 39
rank and file, missing.
Total ;---4 captains, 1 lieutenant, '7 serjeants, 1 drummer, 33 rank
and file, killed ; 1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 major, 2 captains, 8
lieutenants, 10 serjeants, 4 drummers, 141 rank and file, wounded ; 1 major, 1 lieutenant, 1 ensign, 3 serjeants, 58 rank and
file, missing.
Names of the officers killed, wounded, and missing.

Killed-4thfoot;—Captain Francis Johnstone, litutenant John Sutherland.

21st foot ; —Captain William Conran.

85th . foot ; —Captains Charles Grey and Charles Harris
Wounded—general staff;—Lieutenant-colonel Stovin, 28th foot, as.
sistant-adjutant-geueral, severely, but not dangerously ; major Hooper,
87th foot, deputy assistant-adjutant-general, severely ; (lea amputated ;)
lieutenant Delacy Evans, 3d dragoons, deputy assistant-quarter-master.
general, severely.
Royal Artillery ;—Lieutenant James Christie, severely.
4th foot ; —Lieutenant Thomas Moody, severely.
85th foot ; —Captain James Knox, lieutenants George Willings, Frederick Maunsell, and William Hickson, severely.
95th foot ;—Captain William Hallen, lieutenant Daniel Forbes, severely ; lieutenant W. J. G. Farmer, slightly.
Missing-85th foot ; —Lieutenant William Walker, ensign George
95thfoot—Major Samuel Mitchell.

FRED. STOVIN, lieut.-col. dep. adj.-gen.



From major-general Jackson to the American secretary at war.
Head-quarters, 7th military district, campbelow Sin,
New Orleans, 27th Dec. A.M.
The loss of our gun-boats near the pass of the Rigolets,
having given the enemy command of lake Borgne, he was enabled to choose his point of attack. It became therefore an object of importance to obstruct the numerous bayous and canals
leading from that lake to the highlands on the Mississippi. This
important service was committed, in the first instance, to a detachment from the 7th regiment, afterwards to colonel Delaronde
of the Louisiana militia, and lastly, to make all sure, to major..
general Villere, commanding the district between the river and
the lakes, and who, being a native of the country, was presumed to be best acquainted with all those passes. Unfortunately, however, a piquet which the general had established at
the mouth of the bayou Bienvenu, and which, notwithstanding
my orders, had been left unobstructed, was completely sur.


prised, and the enemy penetrated through a canal leading to his
farm, about two leagues below the city, and succeeded in cut.
ting off a company of militia stationed there. The intelligence
was communicated to me about two o'clock on the 23d. My
force, at this time, consisted of parts of the 7th and 44th regi.
ments, not exceeding 600 together, the city militia, a part of
general Coffee's brigade of mounted gunmen, and the detached
militia from the western vision of Tennessee, under the corn.
nand of major.general Carroll—these two last corps were sta.
tioned four miles above the city. Apprehending a double attack by the way of Chef.Menteur, I left general Carroll's
force, and the militia of the city, posted on the Gentilly road;
and at 5 o'clock P. M. marched to meet the enemy, whom I
was resolved to attack in his first position, with major Hind's
dragoons, general Coffee's brigade, parts of the 7th and 44th
regiments, the uniform companies of militia under the command
of major Plauche, 200 men of colour (chiefly from St. Domingo)
raised by colonel Savary, and acting under the command of
major Daquin, and a detachment of artillery under the direction
of colonel M'Rea, with two 6-pounders, under the command of
lieutenant Spots—not exceeding in all 1500. I arrived near
the enemy's encampment about seven, and immediately made
my dispositions for the attack. His forces amounting at that
time on land to about 3000, extended half a mile on the river,
and in the rear nearly to the wood. General Coffee was ordered
to turn their right, while, with the residue of the force, I at.
tacked his strongest position on the left, near the river. Commodore Patterson having dropped down the river in the schooner
Carolina, was directed to open a fire upon their camp, which he
executed at about half after seven. This being the signal of
attack, general Coffee's men, with their usual impetuosity,
rushed on the enemy's right, and entered their camp, while
our right advanced with equal ardor. There can be but
little doubt that we should have succeeded on that occasion,
with onr,inferior force, in destroying or capturing the enemy,
had not a thick fog, which arose about eight o'clock, occasioned some confusion among the different corps. Fearing the
consequences, under this circumstance, of the further prosecu.
tion of a night attack with troops then acting tagether for the
first time, I contented myself with lying on the field that night ;
and at four in.. the morning assumed a stronger position about
two miles neat*:t0 the city. At this position I remain en.
Camped; '444 the arrival of the Kentucky militia, and other
reinforcenienti. As the safety of the city will depend on the
fate of this army, it must not be incautiously exposed.
In this affair, the whole corps under my command deserve
the greatest credit. The best compliment I can pay to general



Coffee and his brigade, is to say they behaved as they have
always done while under my command. The 7th, led by'major
Peire, and the 44th, commanded by colonel Ross, distinguished
themselves. The battalion of city militia, commanded by major
Plauche, realized my anticipations, and behaved like veterans.
Savary's volunteers manifested great bravery ; and the company
of city riflemen, having penetrated into the midst of the enemy's
camp, were surrounded, and fought their way out with the
greatest heroism, bringing with them a number of prisoners,.
The two field-pieces were well served by the officer commanding them.
All my officers in the line did their duty, and I have every
reason to be satisfied with the whole of my field and staff. Colonels Butler and Platt, and major Chotard, by their intrepidity,
saved the artillery. Colonel Haynes was every where that duty
or danger called. I was deprived of the services of one of my
aides, captain Butler, whom I was obliged to station, to his
great regret, in town. Captain Reid, my other aide, and Messrs.
Livingston, Duplessis and Davezac, who had volunteered their
services, faced danger wherever it was to be met, and carried
my orders with the utmost promptitude.
We made one major, two subalterns, and 63 privates prisoners ; and the enemy's loss in killed and wounded mast have
been at least —. My own loss I have not as yet been able to
ascertain with exactness, but suppose it to amount to 100 in
killed, wounded, and missing. Among the former I have to
lament the loss of colonel Lauderdale, of general Coffee's brigade, who fell while bravely fighting. Colonels Dyer and
Gibson, of the same corps, were wounded ; and major Kavenaugh taken prisoner.
Colonel Delaronde, major Villere of the Louisiana militia,
major Latour of engineers, having no command, volunteered
their services, as did Drs. Kerr and Flood, and were of great
assistance to me.
I have the honor to be, &c.

No. 86.
Report of the killed, wounded, and missing, of the army under
the command of major-general Andrew Jackson, in the action of the 23d of December, 1814, with the enemy.
Killed ;—artillerymen, 1; 7th United States' infantry, 1 lieutenant,'
1 serjeant, 1 corpgral, 41 privates ; 44th ditto, 7 privates; general


Coffee's brigade volunteer mounted gun-mert„ 1 lieutenant-colonel, 1
captain, 1 lieutenant, 2 serjeants, 4 privates.—Total, 24.


Wounded ; general staff, 1 colonel ; 7th United States' infantry, I.
captain, I ensign,1 serjeant, 2 corporals, 23 privates ; 44th ditto, 2 lieu,
tenants, 3 serjeants, 2 corporals, 19 privates ; general Coffee's bi igade,
1 colonel, 2 lieutenant-colonels, 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 1 quartermaster-serjeant,3 serjeants, 2 corporals, 1 musician, 30 privates; New
Orleans volunteer corps, 1 captain, 2 serjeants, 7 privates; volunteers
of colour, 1 adjutant and 6 privates.—Total, wounded, 115.
Missing; general, Coffee's brigade, 1 major, 2 captains, 3 lieute,
hams, 1 quarter-master, 3 ensigns or cornets, 4 serjeants, 1 corporal,l;
musicians, 57 privates.—Total, missing, 74.






No. -87.
From commodore Patterson to the American secretary of the
U. S. ship Louisiana, Dec. 28, 1814.
I have the honor to inform you, that on the 23(1 instant,
While at the bayou St. John, examining the batteries erecting
there by the navy, under the superintendance of captain Henley, of the Carolina, I learnt that information had been
received by general Jackson, that the enemy had penetrated
through bayou Bienvenu with a large force, and effected a landing at general Villere's plantation on the banks of the Mississippi, is hich upon application to the general proved to be true.
The alarm was immediately given in town, and the troops put
in motion ; I repaired on board the United States' schooner
Carolina, with captain Henley, and after ordering the Louisi.
ana, commanded by lieutenant-commandant C. B. Thompson,
to follow me, at 4 P. M. weighed, and it being calm, dropped
down with the current ; at about half past six 1 received a
request from general Jackson, through Mr. Edward Livingston, his aide de camp, to anchor a-breast of the enemy's
camp, which he pointed out, and opened a fire upon them. It
continuing calm, got out sweeps, and a few minutes after, having been frequently hailed by the enemy's sentinels, anchored,
veered out a long scope of cable, sheered close in shore a-breast
of their camp, and commenced a heavy (and as I have since
learned most destructive) fire from our starboard battery and
small arms, which was returned most spiritedly by the enemy
with Congreve'rockets and musketry from their whole force,
when after about-40 minutes of most incessant fire, the enemy
was silenced ; the fire from our battery was continued till nine
o'clock upon the enemy's flank while engaged in the field with
our army, at which hour ceased firing, supposing, from the
distance of the enemy's fire, (for it was too dark to see any

thing on shore,) that they had retreated beyond the range of
our nuns—weighed and swept across the river, in hopes of a
breeze the next morning, to enable me to renew the attack upon
the enemy, should they be returned to their encampment ; but
was disappointed on the 24th, by a light air from north-northwest, which, towards the evening, hauled toward north-west,
and blew a heavy gale, compelling me to remain during the
24th. 2bth, and L6th, at anchor in a position a-breast of the

although every possible exertion was made by captain

Ileuley to warp the schooner up, without success, from the
extreme rapidity of the current occasioned by the very uncommon rise of the river. On the afternoon of the 26th, at the
request of general Jackson, 1 visited him at his head-quarters,
and went from thence to town, to equip and arm with two
32-pounders, such merchant vessels in port, as I might find
capable of supporting them, During the 24th, 25th, and 26th,
fired at the enemy whenever they could be seen. Owing to the
calmness of the night of the 23d, the Louisiana could not join
me till the morning of the 21th, when she fortunately anchored
about one mile above the Carolina. By the fire from the enemy
on the night of the 23d, one man only was wounded, and very
little injury done to the hull, sails, and rigging ; in her bulwarks
were a great number of musket-halls, several in her masts and
top-masts, and through her main-sail. Nothing could exceed
the incessant fire from the Carolina, which alone can be attributed to the high state of discipline to which captain Henley has
brought her crew. Of him, lieutenants Norris and Crawley,
and sailing-master Haller, I cannot speak in too high ternIs ;
the petty officers and crew behaved with that cool determined
courage and zeal which has so strongly characterized the AmeriI have the honor to be, &c.
can tars in the present war.


No. 88.
From captain Henley to commodore Patterson.
New Orleans, Dec. 28,1814.

I have the honor to inform you, that after you left here
on the 26th instant, in pursuance to your order, every possible exertion was made to move the schooner Carolina
higher up the river, and near general Jackson's camp, withont
success ; the wind being at N.N.W. and blowing fresh, and
too scant to get under weigh, and the current too rapid to
move her by warping, which I had endeavoured to do with my





At day -light on the morning of the 27th the enemy opened
upon the Carolina a battery of five guns, from which they
threw shells and hot shot ; returned their fire with the long
12-pounder, the only gun on board which could reach across
the river, the remainder of her battery being light 12-pound
The air being light and at north, rendered it impossible to
get under way; the second shot fired by the enemy lodged in
the schooner's main-hold under her cables, and in such a situ.
ation as not to be come at, and fired her, which rapidly pro.
gressed. Finding that hot shot were passing through her cabin
and filling room, which contained a considerable quantity of
powder ; her bulwarks all knocked down by the enemy's shot,
the vessel in a sinking situation, and the fire increasing, and
expecting every moment that she would blow up, at a little
affrr sun-rise I reluctantly gave orders for the crew to abandon
her, which was effected, with the loss of one killed and six
Rounded. A short time after I had succeeded in getting the
crew on shore, I had the extreme mortification of seeing her
blow up.
It affords me great pleasure to acknowledge the able assist.
ance I received from lieutenants Norris and Crawley, and
sailing-master Haller, and to say that my officers and crew
behaved on this occasion, as well as on the 23d, when under
your own eye, in a most gallant manner.
Almost every article of clothing belonging to the officers and
crew, from the rapid progress of the fire, was involved in the
destruction of the vessel.
I have the honor to be , &c.

P. S. I have not made out a detailed account of the action on
the night of the 23d, as you were on board during the whole

No. 89.
From major-general Jackson to the American secretary at war.
Head-quarters, seventh military district,
Camp below New Orleans, Dec. 29, 1814.
The enemy succeeded on the 27th in blowing up the Carolina (she being becalmed) by means of hot shot from a land
battery which he had erected in the night. Emboldened by this
event, he marched his whole force the next day up the levee, in
the hope of (hiving us from our position, and with this view,
opened upon us, at the distance of about half a mile, his bombs



iand rockets. He was repulsed, however, with consideralle
loss; not less, it is believed, than 120 in killed. Our's was
inconsiderable; not exceeding half a dozen killed, and a dozen
Since then he has not ventured to repeat his attempt, though
lying close together. There has been frequent skirmishing

between our piquets.
I lament that I have not the means of carrying on More
Offensive operations. The Kentucky troops have not arrived,
and my effective force at this point does not exceed 3000.
I Their's must be at Mast double ; 60 prisoners and deserters
agreeing in the statement that 7000 landed from their boats.

No. 90.
From commodore Patterson to the American secretary of the
U. S. sh►P Louisiana, four miles below New Orleans,


29th December, 1814•

I have the honor to inform you, that on the morning ot the
28th instant, at about half past seven, perceived our acManced
guard retreating towards our lines—the enemy pursuing; fired
shot, shells, and rockets, from field artillery, with which they
advanced on the road behind the levee; sprung the ship to
bring the starboard guns to bear upon the enemy ; at 25 minutes
past eight A. M. the enemy opened their fire upon the ship with
shells, hot shot, and rockets, which was instantly returned with
great spirit, and much apparent effect, and continued without
intermission until one P. M. when the enemy slackened their
fire, and retreated with a part of their artillery from each of
their batteries, evidently with great loss. Two attempts were
made to screen one heavy piece of ordnance mounted behind
the levee, with which they threw hot shot at the ship, and
which had been a long time abandoned before they succeeded
in recovering it, and then it must have been with very great
loss, as [ distinctly saw, with the aid of my glass, several shot
strike in the midst of the men (seamen) who were employed
dragging it away. At three P. M. the enemy were silenced ;
at four P. M. ceased firing from the ship, the enemy having
retired beyond the range of her guns. Many of their shot
passed over the ship, and their shells burst over her decks, which
were strewed with their fragments ; yet, after an incessant cannonading of upwards of seven hours, during which time 800
shot were fired from the ship, one man only was wounded



slightly, by a piece of a shell, and one shot passed between the
bowsprit and heel of the jib-boom.
The enemy drew up his whole force, evidently with an inten.
tion of assaulting general Jackson's lines, under cover of his
heavy cannon ; but his cannonading being so warmly returned
from the lines and ship Louisiana, caused him, I presume, to
abandon his project, as he retired without making the attempt.
You will have learned by my former letters, that the crew of
the Louisiana is composed of men of all nations, (English
excepted,) taken from the streets of New Orleans riot a fort.
night before the battle; yet I never knew guns better served,
or a more animated fire, than was supported from her.
Lieutenant C. C. B. Thompson deserves great credit for the
discipline to which in so short a time he had brought such men,
two-thirds of whom do not understand English.
General Jackson having applied for officers and seamen to
work the heavy cannon on his lines furnished by me, lieutenants Norris and Crawley, of the late schooner Carolina,
instantly volunteered, and with the greater part of her crew
were sent to those cannon, which they served during the action
herein detailed. The enemy must have suffered a great loss in
that day's action, by the heavy fire from this ship and general
Jackson's lines, where the cannon was of heavy calibre, and
served with great spirit.
I have the honor to be, with great consideration and respect,
your obedient servant,

No. 91.
Report of the killed, wounded, and missing, of the army
under the command of major-general Andrew Jackson., in
the action of the 28th of December, 1814.
Killed—General Coffee's brigade, 1 private; New Orleans volunteer
Company, 1 private ; general Carroll's division of Tennesse militia, 1
Colonel, ? serjeant, 5 privates.
Wounded;—Marines, 1 major ; New Orleans volunteer company, 3
privates; general Carroll's division, 1 lieutenant, 3 privates.
Total wounded-8.
Total killed, wounded, and missing, on this day-17.



No. 92.
From commodore Patterson to the American secretary of the
Marine batteries, five miles below New Orleans,
January 2, 1815.
Finding the advantageous effect which resulted from the
flanking fire of the enemy from the Louisiana, as detailed in
my letter of the 29th ultimo, I that night had brought down
from the navy yard, and mounted in silence, a 24-pounder on
shore, in a position where it could most annoy the enemy when
throwing up works on the levee or in the field. On the 30th
opened upon the enemy with the 24-pounder, which drove
them from their works, the ship firing at the same time upon
their advance, which retired from the levee, and sheltered itself
behind houses, &c. The great effect produced by the gun on
shore, induced me on the 31st to land from the Louisiana two
12..pounders, which I mounted behind the levee in the most
advantageous position, to harass the flank of the enemy in his
approaches to our lines, and to aid our right. At four A. M.
the enemy opened a fire upon the left of our line with artillery
and musketry, which was returned most spiritedly with artillery
and musketry. At two P. M. the enemy having retired, the
firing ceased.
On the first instant, at 10 A.M. after a very thick fog, the
enemy commenced a heavy cannonading upon general Jackson's
lines and my battery, from batteries they had thrown up during
the preceding night on the levee; which was returned from our
lines and my battery, and terminated, after a most incessant
fire from both parties of nearly five hours, in the enemy being
silenced and driven from their Works; many of their shells
went immediately over my battery, and their shot passed
through my breast-work and embrazures, without injuring a
man. On this, as on the 28th, I am happy to say, that my
officers and men behaved to my entire satisfaction ; but I beg
leave particularly to name acting lieutenant Campbell, acting
sailing-master John Gates, acting midshipman Philip Philibert,
of the Louisiana, and sailing-master Haller, of the late schooner
Carolina. I did not drop the Louisiana down within the range
of their shot, having learnt from deserters that a furnace of
shot v9s kept in constant readiness at each of their batteries, to
burn her ; and the guns being of much greater effect on shore,
her men were drawn to man them, and I was particularly
desirous to preserve her from the hot shot, as I deemed her of
incalculable ser% ice to cover the army in the event of general
Jackson retiring from his present line to those which he had
thrown up in his rear. . I have the honor to he, &c.




No.: 93.

No. 95.

Return of the killed, wounded, and missing, of the army
under the command of major-general Andrew Jackson, in
the action of the 1st of January, 1814.
Killed ;—Artillery, navy, and volunteers, at batteries, 8 privates; 44th
ditto, 1 private ; general Coffee's brigade, 1 serjeant ; general Carroll's
division, 1 private.
Wounded ;—Artillery, navy, and volunteers at batteries, 8; 7th
United States' infantry, 1 private ; 44th ditto, 3; general Coffee's brigade, 2 ; New Orleans' volunteers, 3 privates; general Carroll's division, 1 sergeant, 2 privates; volunteers of colour, 1 lieutenant, 1 serjeant, 1 private.
Total of killed, wounded, and missing this day-34.
...... ......tee

No. 94.


Return of casualties between the 1st and 5th January, 1815.
Royal artillery' ;.—liieutenant, 1 serjeant, 9 rank and file, killed;
12 rank and file, wounded.
Royal engineers, sappers, and miners;—.1 lieutenan t, killed.
21st foot;-1 rank and file, killed; 1 lieutenant, 4 rank and file,
44th, foot ; -1 lieutenant, 1 rank and file, killed ; 3 rank and file,
85th foot ;-2 rank and file, killed ; 2 lieutenants, 4 rank and file,
93d foot ;-1 serjeant, 8 rank and file, killed; 1 lieutenant, 10 rank
and file, wounded.
95th foot;-1 rank and file, killed; 2 rank and file, missing.
5th West India regiment;-4 rank and file, killed ; 2 rank and file,
Total-3 lieutenants, 2 serjeants, 27 rank and, file, killed ; 4 lieutenants, 40 rank and file, wounded; 2 rank and file, missing.
Names of officers killed and wounded.

Return of casualties between the 25th and 31st Dec. 1814.
Royal artillery ;-4 rank and file, killed; 1 lieutenant, 5 rank and
file, wounded.
. Royal engineers, sappers and miners;-1 rank and file, wounded.
4th foot ;-4 rank and file, wounded.
21st foot ;-1 rank and file, killed ; 1 rank and file, wounded.
44th foot ; — 2 rank and file, wounded ; 1 rank and file, missing.
85th foot;-1 drummer, 3 rank and file, killed ; 2 ensigns, 11 rank
and file, wounded.
93d foot ; — 2 rank and file, hilted; 5 rank and file, wounded.
95th foot ; — 5 rank and file, killed ; 1 serjeant, 3 rank and file,
wounded; 1 rank and file, missing.
1st West India regiment ;— 1 captain, killed.
5th ditto ;--1 rank and file, killed ; 2 rank and file, wounded.
Total-1 captain, 1 drummer, 14 rank and file, killed ; 1 lieutenant, 2 ensigns, 1 serjeant, 34 rank and file, wounded ; 2 rank
and file, missing.

Royal artillery ;—Lieutenant Alexander Ramsay,.
Royal engineers ;—Lieutenant Peter Wright.
44thjbot ;—Lieutenant Jolln Blakeney.
21st foot ;—Lieutenant Joliffleavock, slightly.
851hfoot ; —Lieutenant Robert Charlton, severely; lieutenant J. W.
.Boys, slightly.
9361foot ; —Lieutenant Andrew Phan!). severely (since dead).

FRED. STOVIN, le ut.-col.


Names of officers killed and wounded.
istIliest India regiment ;—Captain Francis Collings.
Royal artillery ;—Lieutenant B. L. Poynter, slightly.
85th foot ; —Ensign sir Frederick Eden, Bart. severely; (since dead;
ensign Thomas Ormsby, slightly.

FRED STOVIN, lieut. col.

dep. adj. gen.

No. 96.
From major-general Lambert to earl Bathurst.
Camp, in front of the enemy's lines, below
New Orleans, Jan. 10, 1815.
It becomes my duty to lay before your lordship, the proceed..
ings of the force lately employed on the coast of Louisiana,
under the command of major general the honourable Sir E. M.
Pakenham, K.B. and acting in concert with vice-admiral the
honorable sir A. Cochrane, K.B.
The report which I enclose from major-general Keane, will
put your lordship in possession of the occurrences which
took place until the arrival of major-general the honorable sir



E. Parkenham to assume the command ; from that period I send
an extract of the journal of major Forrest, assistant-quarter.
master-general, up to the time of the joining of the troops,
(which sailed on the 26th of October last under my command,)
and which was on the 6th January ; and from that period, I
shall detail, as well as I am able, the subsequent events.
I found the army in position, in a flat 'country, with the
Mississippi on its left, and a thick extensive wood on its right,
and open tco its front, from which the enemy's line was quite
It seems sir E. Pakenham had waited for the arrival of the
fusiliers and 43d regiment, in order to make a general attack
upon the enemy's line; and on the 8th, the army was formed'
for that object.
In order to/live your lordship as clear a view as I can, I shall
state the position of the enemy. On the left hank of the river
it was simply a straight line of about a front of 1000 yards with
a parapet, the right resting on the river, and the left on a wood
which had been made impracticable for any body of troops to
pass. This line was strengthened by flank works, and had a
canal of about four feet deep generally, but not altogether of
an equal width ; it was supposed to narrow towards their left :
about eight heavy guns were in position on this line. The
Mississippi is here about 800 yards across ; and they had on
the right bank a heavy battery of 12 guns, which enfiladed the
whole front of the position on the left bank.
Preparations were made on our side, by very considerable
labor, to clear out and widen a canal that communicated with
a stream by which the boats had passed up to the place of dis.
embarkation, to open it into the 1Vlississippi, by which means
troops could be got over to the right bank, and the co-opera.
•tion of armed boats could be secured.
The disposition for the attack was as follows :—a corps,
consisting of the 85th light infantry, 200 seamen, and .100
marines, the 5th West India regiment, and four pieces of artil.
lery, under the command of colonel Thornton, of the 85th, was
to pass over during the night, and move along the right bank
towards New Orleans. clearing its front until it reached the
flanking battery of the enemy on that side, which it had orders
to carry.
The assailing of the enemy's line in front of us, was to be
made by the brigade composed of the 4th, 21st, and 44th
regiments, with three companies of the 95th under major_
general Gibbs, and by the 3d brigade, consisting of the 93d,
two companies of the 95th, cod two companies of the fusileers,
and 43d, under major-general Keane ; some black troops were
destined to skirmish in the wood on the right ; the principal



attack was to be made by major-general Gibbs ; the 1st
gade, consisting of the fusileers and 43d, formed the reserve;
the attacking columns were to be provided with fascines, sealing-ladders, and rafts ; the whole to be at their stations before
daylight. An advanced battery in our front, of six 18-pounders,.
was thrown up during the night, about 800 yards from the
enemy's line. The attack was to be made at the earliest hour.Unlooked-for difficulties, increased by the falling of the river,
occasioned considerable delay in the entrance of the armed boats,
and those destined to land colonel Thornton's corps, by which
four or five hours were lost, and it was not until past five in
the morning, that the 1st division, consisting of 500 men, were
over. The ensemble of the general movement was lost, and in
a point which was of the last importance to the attack on the
left hank of the river, although colonel Thornton, as your
lordship will see in his report,. which 1 enclose, ably executed:
in every particular his instructions, and fully justified the con-,
fidence the commander of the forces placed in his abilities. The
delay attending that corps occasioned some on the left hank, and
the attack did not take place until the columns were discernible
from the enemy's lines at more than 200 yards distance; as
they advanced, a continued and most galling fire was opened
from every part of their line, and from the battery on the right
The brave commander of the forces, who never in his life
could refrain from being at the post of honor, and sharing the
dangers to which the troops were exposed, as soon as from his
station he had made the signal for the troops to advance, gal loped on to the front to animate them by his presence, and he
was seen, with his hat off, encouraging them on the crest of
the glacis ; it was there (almost at the same time) he received
two wounds, one in his knee, and another, which was almost
instantly fatal, in his body ; he fell in the arms of major
M'Dougall, his aide de camp. The effect of this in the sight of
the troops, together with major-general Gibbs and major-general Keane being both borne off wounded at the same time, with
many other commanding officers, and further, the preparations
to aid in crossing the ditch not being so forward as they ought
to have been, from, perhaps, the men being wounded who were
carrying them, caused a wavering in the column, which in such
a situation became irreparable; and as I advanced with the
reserve, at about 250 yards from the line, I had the mortification to observe the whole falling' back upon me in the greatest

In this situation, finding that no impression had been mace,
that though many men had reached the ditch, and were either
drowned or obliged to surrender, and that it was impossible to



restore order in the regiments where they were, I placed the
reserve in position, until I could obtain such information as
to determine me how to act to the best of my judgment, and
whether or not I should resume the attack, and if so, I felt it
could be done only by the reserve. The confidence I have in
the corps composing it would have encouraged me greatly,
though not without loss, which might have made the attempt
of serious consequence, as I know it was the opinion of the
late distinguished commander of the forces, that the carrying of
the first line would not be the least arduous service. After
making the best reflections I was capable of, I kept the ground
the troops then held, and went to meet vice-admiral sir Alexander Cochrane, and to tell him, that under all the circumstances I did not think it prudent to renew the attack that day.
At about 10 o'clock, I learnt of the success of colonel Thornton's corps on the right bank. I sent the commanding officer
of the artillery, colonel Dickson, to examine the situation of
the battery, and to report if it was tenable; but informing me
that he did not think it could be held with security by a smaller
corps than 2000' men, I consequently ordered lieutenant-colonel
Gubbins, on whom the command had devolved, (colonel Thorn.
, ton being wounded,) to retire.
The army remained in position until night, in order to gain
time to destroy the 18-pounder battery we had constructed the
preceding night in advance. I then gave orders for the troops
resuming the ground they occupied previous to the attack.
Our loss has been very severe, but I trust it will not be considered, notwithstanding the failure, that this army has suffered
the military character to be tarnished. I am satisfied, had I
thought it right to renew the attack, that the troops would have
advanced with cheerfulness.. The services of both army and
navy, since their landing on this coast, have been arduous
beyond any thing I have ever witnessed, and difficulties have
been got over with an assiduity and perseverance beyond all
example by all ranks, and the most hearty co-operation has
existed between the two services.
It is not necessary for me to expatiate to you upon the loss
the army has sustained in major-general the honorable sir E.
Pakenham, .commander-in-chief of this force, nor could I in
adequate terms. His services a'id merits are so well known,
that I have only, in common with the whole army, to express
my sincere regret, and which maybe supposed at this moment to
come particularly home to me.
Major-general Gibbs, who died of his wounds the following
day, and major-general Keane, who were both carried off the
field within 20 yards of the glacis, at the head of their brigades,
sufficiently speak at such a moment how they were conducting



themselves. I am happy to say major-general Keane is doing
Captain Wylly, of the fusileers, military secretary to the late
commander of the forces, will have the honor of delivering to
your lordship these despatches. Knowing how much he enjoyed his esteem, and was in his confidence from a long experience of his talents, I feel I cannot do less than pay this tribute
to what I conceive would be the wishes of his late general, and
to recommend him strongly to your lordship's protection.
1 have, &c.

Major-general, commanding.

.No. 97.
rom colonel Thornton to major-general the honorable sir
Edward Pakenham.
Redoubt, on the right bank of the
Mississippi, Jan. 8, 1815.
I lose no time in reporting to you the success of the troop
which you were yesterday pleased to place under my orders,
with the view of attacking the enemy's redoubt and position on
this side of the river.
It is within your own knowledge, that the difficulty had been
found so extremely great of dragging the boats through the
canal which had been lately cut with so much labor to the
Mississippi, that, notwithstanding every possible exertion for
the purpose, we were unable to proceed across the river until
eight hours after the time appointed, and even then, with only
a third part of the force which you had allotted for the service.
The current was so strong, and the difficulty, in consequence,
of keeping the boats together, so great, that we only reached
this side of the river at day-break, and, by the time the troops
were disembarked, which was effected without any molestation
from the enemy, I perceived by the flashes of the guns, that
your attack had already commenced.
This circumstance made me extremely anxious to move fori-.
ward, to prevent the destructive enfilading fire, which would,
of course, be opened on your columns from the enemy's batteries on this side ; and I proceeded with the greatest possible
expedition, strengthened and secured on my right flank by
three gun-boats,. under captain Roberts. of the navy, whole
zeal and exertions on this occasion were as unremitted as his
arrangements in embarking the troops, and in keeping the
boats together in crossing the river, were excellent.



The enemy made no opposition to our advance, until we
reached a piquet, posted behind a bridge, at about 500 paces
from the house in the Orange grove, and secured by a small
work, apparently just thrown up.
This piquet was very soon forced and driven in by a division
of the 85th regiment, under captain Schaw. of that regiment,
forming the advanced guard, and whose mode of attack for the
purpose was prompt and judicious to a degree.
Upon my arrival at the Orange Grove, I had an opportunity of reconnoitring, at about 700 yards, the enemy's position, which I found to be a very formidable redoubt on the
bank of the river, with the right flank secured by an entrench.
went extending back to a thick wood, and its line protected
by an incessant fire of grape. Under such circumstances it
seemed to me to afford the best prospect of success, to endeavour to turn his right at the wood ; and I accordingly detached
two divisions of the 85th, under brevet lieutenant-colonel
Gubbins, to effect that object, which he accomplished with his
usual zeal and judgment, whilst 100 sailors, under captain
Money, of the royal navy, who, I am sorry to say, was
severely w' ended, but whose conduct was particularly distin.
guished on the occasion, threatened the enemy's left, supported
by the division of the 85th regiment, under captain Schaw.
When these divisions had gained their proper position, I
deployed the column composed of two divisions of the 85th
regiment, under major Deshon, whose conduct I cannot suffi.
ciently commend, and about 100 men of the royal marines,
under major Adair, also deserving of much commendation, and
moved forward in line, to the attack of the centre of the
At first, the enemy, confident in his own security, shewed a
good countenance, and kept up a heavy fire, but the determination of the troops which I had the honour to command, to
overcome all difficulties, compelled him to a rapid and disorderly
flight, leaving in our possession his redoubts, batteries, and
position, with 16 pieces of ordnance, and the colors of the
New Orleans regiment of militia.
Of the ordnance taken, I enclose the specific return of major
Mitchell, of the royal artillery, who accompanied and afforded
me much assistance, by his able directions of the firing of some
rockets, it not having been found practicable, in the first
instance, to bring over the artillery attached to his command.
I shall have the honor of sending you a return of the casualties
that have occurred, as soon as it is possible to collect them, but
I am happy to say they are extremely inconsiderable when the
strength of the position and the number of the enemy are con-



tidered, which our prisoners, (about 30 in number) agree in
stating from 1500 to 2000 men, commanded by general
I should be extremely wanting both in justice and in gratitude, were I not to request your particular notice of the officers
whose names I have mentioned, as well as of major Blanchard,
of the royal engineers, and lieutenant Peddle, of the 27th regiment, deputy-assistant-quarter-master-general, whose zeal and
intelligence I found of the greatest service.
The wounded men are meeting with every degree of attention
and humanity by the medical arrangements of staff-surgeon


The enemy's camp is supplied with a great abandance of
provisions, and a very large store of all sorts of ammunition.
On moving to the attack, I received a wound, which shortly
after my reaching the redoubt, occasioned tie such pain and
stiffness, that I have been obliged to give over the command of
the troops on this side to lieutenant-colonel Gubbins, of the
86th light infantry ; but, as he has obtained some reinforce..
ment, since the attack, of sailors and marines, and has taken
the best precautions to cover and secure his position, I will be
answerable, from my knowledge of his judgment and expe.
rience, that he will retain it until your pleasure and further
orders shall be communicated to him.
I have the honor to be, &c.
W. THORNTON, colonel,
lieut.-col. 85th reg.
Pakenham, K.B. &c.

No. 98.
Return of the ordnance taken from the enemy by a detachment
of the army actin on the Right Bank of the Mississippi,
under the command of colonel Thornton.


Redoubt, Right Bank of the Mississippi,
January 8, 1815.
I brass 10-inch howitzer, 2 brass 4-pounder field-pieces, 3 24-pound-

ers, 3 12-pounders, 6 9-pounders, 1 12-pounder carronade, not
On the howitzer is inscribed, " Taken at the surrender of York

Town, 1181."

J. MITCHELL, maj. capt. royal-artil.



No. 99:
From rice-admiral Cochrane to Mr. Crolcer.
Armide, off Isle an Chat, January 18, 1815.
An unsuccessful attempt to gain possession of the enemy's
lines near New Orleans, on the 8th instant, having left me to
deplore the fall of major_gcneral the honorable sir Edward
Pakenham, and major-general Gibbs ; and deprived the service
of the present assistance of major-general Keane, who is
severely wounded, I send the Plantagenet to England, to convey
a despatch from major-general Lambert, upon whom the command of the army has devolved, and to inform my lords commissioners of the Admiralty of the operations of the combined
forces since my arrival upon this coast.
The accompanying letters, Nos. 163 and 169, of the 7th and
16th ultimo, will acquaint their lordships of the proceedings
of the squadron to the 15th of December.
The great distance from the anchorage of the frigates and
troop ships to the bayou Catalan, which, from the best information we could gain, appeared to offer the most secure, and
was, indeed, the only unprotected spot whereat to effect a disembarkation, and our means, even , with the addition of the
captured enemy's gun-vessels, only affording us transport for
half the army, exclusive of the supplies that were required, it
became. necessary, in order to have support for the division that
would first land, to assemble the whole at some intermediate
position, from whence the second division could be re-embarked
in vessels brought light into the lake, as near the bayou as
might be practicable, and remain there until the boats could
land the first division and return.
Upon the 16th, therefore, the advance, commanded by colonel
Thornton, of the 85th regiment; was put into the gun-vessels
and boats, and captain Gordon, of the Seahorse, proceeded
with them, and took post upon the Isle aux Poix, a small
swampy spot at the mouth of the Pearl river, about 30 miles
from the anchorage, and nearly the same distance from the
bayou, where major-general Keane, rear-admiral Codrington,
and myself joined them on the following day ; meeting the
gun-vessels and boats returning to the shipping for troops, and
supplies of stores and provisions.
The honorable captain Spencer, of the Carron, and lieutenant Peddy, of the quarter-master-general's department, who
were sent to reconnoitre the bayou Catalan, now returned with
a favorable report of its position for disembarking the army ;
having, with their guide, pulled up in a canoe to the head of



the bayou, a distance of eight miles, and landed within a mile
and a half of the high road to, and about six miles below New
Orleans, where they crossed the road without meeting with any
interruption, or perceiving the least preparation on the part
of the enemy.
The severe changes of the weather, from rain to fresh gales
and hard frost, retarding the boats in their repeated passages to
and from the shipping, it was not until the 21st that (leaving
on board the greater part of the two black regiments, and the
dragoons) we could assemble troops and supplies sufficient to
admit of our proceeding ; and, on that day, we commenced
the embarkation of the second division in the gun-vessels, such
of the hired craft as could be brought into the lakes, and the
Anaconda, which, by the greatest exertions, had been got over
the shoal passages.
On the 22d, these vessels being filled with about 2100 men,
the advance, consisting of about 1600 men, got into the boats,
and, at eleven o'clock, the whole started, with a fair wind, to
cross Lac Borgne. We had not, however, proceeded above
two miles when the Anaconda grounded, and the hired craft
and gun-vessels taking the ground in succession before they
had got within ten miles of the bayou ; the advance pushed
on, and at about midnight reached the entrance.
A piquet, which the enemy had taken the precaution to
place there, being sui prised and cut off, major-general Keane,
with rear-admiral Malcolm and the advance, moved up the
bayou, and having effected a landing at day-break, in the
courso of the day was enabled to take up a position across the
main road to New Orleans, between the river Mississippi and
the bayou.
In this situation, about an hour after sun-set, and before the
boats could return with the second division, an enemy's schooner of 14 guns, and an armed ship of 16-gnus, having dropped
down the Mississippi, the former commenced a brisk cannon.
ailing, which was followed up by an attack of the whole of the
American army. Their troops were, ,however, beaten back,
and obliged to retire with considerable loss, and major-general
Keane advanced somewhat beyond his former position. As
soon as the second division was brought' up, the gun-vessels and
boats returned for the remainder of the troops, the small-armed
seamen and marines of the squadron, and such supplies as were
On the 25th, major-general sir E. Pakenham and major'general Gibbs arrived at head-quarters, when the former took
command of the army.
The schooner which had continued at intervals to annoy the
troops having been burnt, on the 27th, by hot shot from our

artillery, and the ship having warped farther up the river, the
following day the general moved forward to within gun-shot
of an entrenchment which the enemy had newly thrown up,
extending across th,' cultivated ground from the Mississippi to
an impassable swampy wood on his left, a distance of about
1000 yards.
It being thought necessary to bring heavy artillery against this
work, and also against the ship which had cannonaded the army
when advancing, guns were brought up from the shipping, and
on the 1st instant batteries were opened ; but our fire not
having the desired effect, the attack was defered until the
arrival of the troops under major-general Lambert, which were
daily expected.
Major-general Lambert, in the Vengeur, with a convoy of
transports, having on board the 7th and 43d regiments, reached
the outer anchorage on the 1st, and this reinforcement was all
brought up to the advance on the 6th instant, while prepara:
tions were making for a second attack, in the proposed plan
for which, it was decided to throw a body of men across the.
river to gain possession of the enemy's guns on the right hank.
For this purpose the canal by which we were enabled to conduct
provisions and stores towards the camp, was widened and
extended to the river, am' about 50 barges, pinnaces, and
cutters, having, in the day.time of the 7th, been tracked under
cover and unperceived, close up to the bank, at night the
whole were dragged into the Mississippi, and placed under the
command of captain Roberts of the Meteor.
The boats having grounded in the canal, a distance of 350
yards from the river, and the bank being composed of wet clay
thrown out of the canal, it was not until nearly day-light that
with the utmost possible exertions; this service was completed.
The 85th regiment, with a division of seamen under captain
Money, and a division of marines under major Adair, the whole
amounting to about 600 men, commanded by colonel Thornton,
of the 85th regiment, were embarked and landed on the right
bank of the river without opposition, just after day-light;
and the armed boats moving up the river as the troops advanced,
this part of the operations succeeded perfectly ; the enemy
having been driven from every position, leaving behind him 17
pieces of cannon.
The great loss, however, sustained by the principal attack
having induced general Lambert to send orders to colonel
Thornton to retire, after spiking the guns and destroying the
carriages, the whole were re-embarked and brought back, and
the boats by a similar process of hard labor were again dragged
into the canal, and from thence to the bayou, conveying at



the same time such of the wounded as it was thought requisite
to send off to the ships.
Major-general Lambert having determined to withdraw the
army, measures were taken to re-embark the whole of the
sick arid wounded, that it was possible to move, and the stores,
amaunition, ordnance, &e, with such detachments of the army,
seamen, and marines, as were not immediately wanted ; in
order that the remainder of the army may retire unincuinbered,
and the last division be furnished with sufficient means of
This arrangement being in a forward state of execution, I
quitted headquarters on the 14th instant, leaving rear-admiral
Malcolm to conduct the naval part of the operations in that
quarter, and I arrived at this anchorage on the 16th, where I
am arranging for the reception of the army, and preparing the
fleet for further operations.
I must, in common with the nation, lament the loss which the
service has sustained by the death of major-general the honorable sir Edward Pakenham, and major-general Gibbs. Their
great military qualities were justly estimated while living, and
their zealous devotion to our country's welfare, will be cherished
as an example to future generations.
In justice to the officers and men of the squadron under my
command, who have been employed upon this expedition, I
cannot omit to call the attenti,on of my lords commissioners of
the Admiralty to the laborious exertions and great privations
which have been willingly and cheerfully borne, by every class,
for a period of nearly six weeks.
From the 12th of December, when the boats proceeded to
the attack of the enemy's gun-vessels, to the present time, but
very few of the officers or men have ever slept one night on
board their ships.
The whole of the army, with the principal part of its provisions, its stores, artillery, ammunition, and the numerous necessary appendages, have been all transported from the shipping to
the head of the bayou, a distance of 70 miles, chiefly in open
boats, and are now re-embarking by the same process. The
hardships, therefore, which the boats' crews have undergone,
from their being kept day and night continually passing and
repassing in the most changeable and severe weather, have
rarely been equalled; and it has been highly honorable to both
services, and most gratifying to myself, to observe the emulation and unanimity which has pervaded the Whole.

[tear-admiral Malcolm superintended the disembarkation of
the army, and the various services performed by the boats; and
it is a duty that 1 fulfil with much pleasure, 'assuring their lordships that- his zeal and exertions upon every occasion could not



be surpassed by any one. I beg leave also to offer my testi.
mony to the unwearied and cheerful assistance afforded to the
rear-admiral by captains sir Thomas M. Hardy, Dashwood, and
Gordon, and the several captains and other officers. Rear.
admiral Codrington accompanied me throughout this service;
and I feel much indebted for his able advice and assistance.
Captain sir Thomas Troubridge, and the officers and seamen
attached under his command to the army, have conducted
themselves much to the satisfaction of the generals commanding.
Sir Thomas Troubridge speaks in the highest terms of the cap.
tains and other officers employed under him, as named in his
letter, (a copy of which is enclosed,) reporting their services.
Ile particularly mentions captain Money, of the Trave, who,
I am much concerned to say, had both bones of his leg broken
by a musket-shot, advancing under a heavy fire to the attack of
a battery that was afterwards carried. The conduct of captain •
Money at Washington, and near Baltimore, is here he was
employed with the army, having before occasioned my noticing
him to their lordships, I beg leave now to recommend hint most
strongly to their protection. The wound that he has received
not affording him any probability of his being able to return to
his duty for a considerable time, I have given him leave of
absence to go to England; and shall intrust to him my despatches.
I have not yet received any official report from the captain
of the Nymphe, which ship, with the vessels named in the
margin,* were sent into the Mississippi, to creati a diversion in
that quarter.
The bombs have been for some days past throwing shells
into fort Placquemain, but I fear without much effect.'—1 have
sent to recall such of them as are not required for the blockade
of the river. I have the honor to be, &c.
vice-admiral, and commander in chief.
J. Wilson Crolcer, esq. &c.



ilthftot ; - 1 ensign, 2 serjeants, 39 rank and file, killed; 1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 major, 5 captains, 11 lieutenants, 4 ensigns, 1 staff, 9
serjeants, 222 rank and file, wounded; 1 lieutenant, 1 serjeant, 53 rank
and file, missing.
7thfoot; - 1 major, 1 captain, 1 serjeant, 38 rank and file, killed ; 2
captains, 2 lieutenants, 2 serjeants, 47 rank and and file, wounded.
21st foot ; - 1 major, I captain, 1 lieutenant, 2 serjeants, 65 rank and
file, killed ; 1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 major, 2 lieutenant-, 6 serjeants, I
drummer, 144 rank and file, wounded ; 2 captains, 7 lieutenants, 8 serjeants, 2 drummers, 217 rank and file, missing.
43dfoot ; -2 serjeants, I drummer, 8 rank and file, killed ; 2 lieutenants, 3 serjeants, 3 drummers, 34 rank and file, wounded ; 1 captain,
5 rank and file, missing. . .
44th foot ; - 1 lieutenant,. 1 ensign, 1 serjeant, 32 rank and file,
killed ; 1 captain, 5 lieutenants, 3 ensigns, 5 serjeants, 149 rank and
file, wounded; 1 lieutenant, 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, 76 rank and file,
85/1/foot ; - 2 rank and file, killed ; 1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 lieutenant, 3,serjeants, 2 drummers, 34 rank and file, wounded ; 1 rank and
file, missing.
93d lbot ; - 1 lieutenant-colonel, 2 captains, 2 serjeants. 58 rank and
file, killed; 4 captains, 5 lieutenants, 17 serjeants, 3 drummers, 348
rank and file, wounded; 3 lieutenants, 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, 99 rank
and file, missing.
95thfoot; — 1 serjeant, 10 rank and file, killed; 2 captains, 5 lieutenants„5 serieants, 89 rank and tile, wounded.
Royal marines ; - 2 rank and file, killed; 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 1
serjeant, 12 rank and tile, wounded.
Royal nays,,;- -2 seamen, killed; I captain, 18 seamen, wounded.
1st West India regiment; - 5 rank and file, killed; 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 2 ensigns, 2 serjeants, 16 rank and file, wounded; 1 rank and
file, missing.





5th West India regiment ; - 1 serjeant, wounded. •

i major-general, 1 lieutenant-colonel, 2 majors, 5 captains, 2 lieutenants, 64 ensigns, 11 serjeants, 1 drummer, 266
rank and lile, killed ; 2 major-generals, 3 lieutenant-colonels, 2
majors, 18 captains, 33 lieutenants, 9 ensigns, 1 staff, 5 4serjeants,
9 drummers, 1126 rank and file, wounded; 3 captains, 12 lieu.
tenants, 13 serjeants, 4 drummers, 452 rank and file, missing.

Total loss


Names of the officers killed, wounded, and missing.
No. 100.
Return of casualties on the 8th of January,11815.
General sic ; - 1 major-general, 1 captain, killed; 2 major-generals, I captain, 1 lieutenant, wounded.
Royal artillery ; - 5 rank and file, killed ; 10 rank and file, wounded.
Rua engineers, suppers, and miners; - 3 rank and file, wounded.
* Nymphe, Herald, /Etna, Meteor, Thistle, Pigrny.,

General staff ; — Major - general the honorable sir Edward Pakenham,

K. B. commander of the forces; captain Thomas Wilkinson, 85th regi,
ment, major of brigade.

4th foot ;—Ensign William Crowe.
7th foot;—Major George King ; captain George Henry..
21st foot ; — Major John Anthony Whittaker ; captain kohert Renny;

(lieutenant colonel ;) and lieutenant Donald M` Donald.
44th foot;—Lieutenant _Rowland Davies, ensign M. APLoskey.
93d feria ; —Lieutenant-colonel Robert Dale; captain Thomas Hickins, and captain Alexander Muirhead..




General staff;—Major-general Gibbs, severely ; (since dead '-) major.
general Keane, severely; captain Henry Thomas Shaw, (4th foot, brigade-major,) slightly ; lieutenant Delacy Evans, (3d dragoons, deputy
assistant-quarter-master-general,) severely.
4th foot ;—Lieutenant-colonel Francis Brooke, slightly ; major A. D.
Faunce, (lieutenant-colonel,) severely; captain John Williamson, (major,) severely ; captain Timothy Jones, (lieutenant-colonel,) severely ;
(since dead ;) captain John Wynn Fletcher, severely; captain Robert
Erskine, severely ; captain David S. Craig, slightly; lieutenants Ellis,
Parnal Hopkins, and Jeffery Salvin, slightly; lieutenants William Henry
Brooke, Benjamin Martin, and George Richardson, severely; lieutenants Peter Boulby, and C. H. Hearne, slightly; lieutenants William
Squire, Charles Henry Farrington, James Marshall, and Henry Andrews,
severely ; ensign Arthur Gerrard, slightly ; ensign Thomas Benwell,
severely; ensigns John S Fernandez, and Edward Newton, slightly;
lieutenant and adjutant William Richardson, slightly.
7th foot;—Captain J. J. A Mullins, slightly; captain W. Edward
Page, severely ; lieutenant Mathew Higgins, severely; lieutenant
Charles Lorentz, slightly.
21st, foot ; —Lieutenant-colonel William Patterson, (colonel,) severely;
(not dangerously ;) Major Alexander James Ross, severely; lieutenant
John Waters, severely ; second lieutenant Alexander Geddes, severely.
43dfoot ;—Lieutenant John Myricke, severely ; (left leg amputated;)
lieutenant Duncan Campbell, severely.
44thibat;—Captain henry Debbeig, (lieutenant-colonel,) slightly ;
lieutenant William Maclean, slightly ; lieutenants Robert Smith, Henry
Brush, Richard Phelan, and William Jones, severely ; ensigns James
White, B. L. Hayden, and John Donaldson, severely.
85th foot ;—Lieutenant-colonel William Thornton, (colonel,) severely (not dangerously).
93d foot ;—Captains Richard Ryan, P. O. K. Bnulger, Alexander
Ild‘Kenzie, and Henry Ellis, severely ; lieutenants H. H. iNPLean, Richard Sparke, and David M'Pherson, slightly ; lieutenants Charles
Gordon, and John Hay, severely.
95th foot ;—Captain James Travers, severely ; captain Nicholas Travers, slightly ; lieutenants John Reynolds, sir John Ribton, John Gossett, W. Blackhouse, and Robert Barker, severely.
Royal marines;--Captain Gilbert Elliott, slightly ; lieutenants Henry
Elliott, and Charles Morgan, slightly.
1st West India regiment ; —Captain Isles, severely ; lieutenants
APDonald and Morgan, severely ; ensign Millar, slightly ; ensign Pilkington, severely.
Royal navy ;—Captain Money, of his majesty's ship Trave, severely;
midshipman Mr. Woolcoinbe,Tonnant, severely.
03dfoot;—Volunteer John Wilson, slightly.

4th foot;—Lieutenant Edmund Field, severely, wounded and taken
21stfoot ;—Captain James Mlitiffie; (major ;) captain Archibald
Kidd ; lieutenants James Stewart, and Alexander Armstrong, taken
prisoners; lieutenant James Brady, wounded, and taken prisoner;


lieutenant John Leavock, taken prisoner ; lieutenant Ralph Carr,
wounded, and taken prisoner; lieutenant J. S. M. Fonblanque, taken
prisoner ; second lieutenant Peter Quin, wounded, and taken prisoner.
43dfoot;—Captain Robert Simpson, severaly, wounded, and taken
44thfoot ;—Lieutenant William Knight.
93dfoot;—Lientenants George Munro, John M‘Donaltl, and Benja..
vain Graves, severely wounded ; volunteer B. Johnston.

FRED STOVIN, lieut.-col. dep.-adj.-gen.

No. 101.
From major-gen. Jackson to the American secretary fit war.
Camp, four miles below Orleans,
January 9, 1815.
During the days of the 6th and 7th, the enemy had been
actively employed in making preparations for an attack upon
my lines. With infinite labour they had succeeded on the night
of the 7th in getting their boats across from the lake to the river,
by widening and deepening the canal on which they had effected
their disembarkation. It had not been in my power to impede
these operations by a general attack—added to other reasons,
the nature of the troops under my command, mostly militia,
rendered it too hazardous to attempt extensive offensive movements in an open country, against a numerous and well-disciplined army. Although my forces, as to number, had been
increased by the arrival of the Kentucky division, my strength
had received very little addition : a small portion only of that
detachment being provided with arms. Compelled thus to
wait the attack of the enemy, I took every measure to repel it
when it should be made, and to defeat the object he had in
viw. General Morgan, with the Orleans contingent, the Louisiana, militia, and a strong detachment of the Kentucky troops,
occupied an intrenched camp on the opposite side of the river,
protected by strong batteries on the bank, erected and superintended by commodore Patterson.
In any encampment every thing was ready for action, when
early on the morning of the 8th the enemy, after throwing a
heavy shower of bombs and Congreve rockets, advanced their
columns on my right and left, to storm my intrenchments. I
cannot speak sufficiently in praise of the firmness and deliberation with which my whole line received their approach. More
could not have been expected from veterans inured to war.—
For an hour the fire of the small arms was as incessant and
severe as can be imagined. The artillery, too, directed by



officers who displayed equal skill and courage; did great execu.
tion. Yet the columns of the enemy continued to advance with
a firmness which reflects upon them the greatest credit. Twice
the column which approached me on my left was repulsed by
the troops of general Carroll, those of general Coffee and a
division of the Kentucky militia, and twice they formed again,
and renewed the assault. At length, however, cut to pieces,
they fled in confusion from the field, leaving it covered with
their dead and wounded. The loss which the enemy sustained
on this occasion cannot be estimated at less than 1500 in killed,
wounded, and prisoners. Upwards of 300 have already been
delivered over for burial ; and my men are still engaged in pick.
ing them up within my lines, and carrying them to the point
where the enemy are to receive them. This is in addition to
the dead and wounded whom the enemy have been enabled to
carry from the field during and since the action, and to those
who have since died of the wounds they received. We have
taken about 500 prisoners, upwards of 300 of whom are
wounded, and a great part of them mortally. My loss has not
exceeded, and l believe has not amounted, to 10 killed, and as
many wounded. The entire destruction of the enemy's army
was now inevitable, had it not been for an unfortunate occurrence, which at this moment took place on the other side of
the river. Simultaneously with his advance upon my lines, he
had thrown over in his boats a considerable force to the other
side of the river. These having landed, were hardy enough to
advance against the works.. of general Morgan ; and, what is
strange and difficult to account for, at the very moment when
their entire discomfiture Was looked for with a confidence approaching to certainty, the,Kentucky reinforcements, in whom
so much reliance had been placed, ingloriously fled, drawing
after th'ern, by their example, the remainder of the forces; and
thus yielding to the enemy that most formidable position. The
batteries which had renderettine, for many days, the most
important service, though braiely defended, were,. of 'item-se,
now abandoned; not, however, until the guns had been spiked.
This unfortunate rout had totally changed the aspect of
affairs. The enemy now occupied a position from which they
might annoy us without hazard, and by means of which they
might have been able tcvdefeat, in a great measure, the effects
of our success on this side the river. It became therefore an
object of the first consequence to dislodge him as soon as possible. For this object, all the means in my power, which I
could with any safety use, were immediately put in preparation.
-Perhaps, however, it was owing somewhat to another cause
that 1 succeeded even beyond my expectations. In negociating
the terms.of a temporary suspension of hostilities, to enable the



enemy to bury their dead, and provide for their wounded, I had
required certain propositions to be acceeded to as a basis,
among which this was one—that, although hostilities should
cease on this side the river until 12 o'clock of this day, yet it
was not to be understood that they should cease on the other
side; but that no reinforcements should be sent across by either
army until the expiration of that day. His excellency majorgeneral Lambert begged time to consider of those propositions
until ten o'clock of to-day, and in the mean time re-crossed
his troops
I need not tell you with how much eagerness
immediately regained possession of the position he had thus
happily quitted.
The enemy having concentrated his forces, may again attempt
to drive me from my position by storm. Whenever he does, I
'have no doubt my men will act with their usual firmness, and
sustain a character now become dear to them.
I have the honor to be, &c.


No. 102.
From commodore Patterson to the American secretary of the
Marine battery, five miles below New Orleans,
January 13, 1815.
I have the honor to inform you, that during the 2d and 3d
instant, I landed from the ship and mounted, as the former
ones, on the banks of the river, four more 12-pounders, and
erected a furnace for heating shot, to destroy a number of

buildings which intervened between general Jackson's lines and
the camp of the enemy, and occupied by him. On the evening
of the 4th I succeeded in firing a number of them, and some
rice stacks, by my hot shot, which the enemy attempted to extinguish, notwithstanding the heavy fire I kept up, but which at
length compelled them to desist. On the 6th and 7th I erected
another furnace, and mounted on the banks of the river two
more 24-pounders, which had been brought up from the English
Turn, by the exertions of colonel Caldwell, of the drafted
militia of this state, and brought whin, and mounted on the
intrenchments on this side the river, one 12-pounder ; in addition to which general Morgan, commanding the militia on this
side, planted two brass 6-pound field-pieces in his lines, which
were incomplete, having been commenced only on the 4th.
These three pieces were the only cannon on the lines, all the

others being mounted on the bank of the river, with a view to


aid the right of general Jackson's lines on the opposite shore s
and to flank the enemy, should they attempt to march up the
road leading along the levee, or erect batteries on the same, of
course c uld render no aid in defence of general. Morgan's
lines. My battery was manned in part from the crew of the
ship, and in part by militia detailed for that service by general
Morgan, as I had not seamen enough to fully man them.
During the greater part of the 7th, reconnoitred the enemy
at Villere's plantation, whose canal, I was informed, they were
deepening and opening to the river, for the purpose of getting
their launches in, which, upon examination with my glass, I found
to be true, and informed general Jackson of my observations by
letters, copies of which I enclose herewith ; a reinforcement to
general Morgan's militia was made in consequence, consisting
of about 400 militia from Kentucky, very badly armed or
equipped, the general not having arms to furnish them, who
arrived on this side on the morning of the 8th, much fatigued.
At t A. M. finding that the enemy had succeeded in launching
their barges into the river, I despatched my aide de camp, Mr.
R. D. Shepherd, to inform general Jackson of the circumstance,
and that a very uncommon stir was observed in the enemy's
camp and batteries on the banks of the river, and stating again
the extreme weakness of this side the river, and urging a reinforcement. I would have immediately dropped down with the
Louisiana upon their barges ; but to do so I must have withdrawn all the men from the battery on shore, which I deemed
of the greatest importance, and exposed the vessel to tire by
hot shot from the enemy's batteries, mounting six long 18 pounders, which protected their barges ; and at this time she had
board a large quantity of powder, for the supply of her own
guns, and those on shore, most of which was above the surface
of the water, consequently exposed to their hot shot.
General Morgan despatched the Kentuckians immediately on
their arrival, about 5 A. M. to reinforce a party which had
been sent out early on the night of the 7th, to watch and
oppose the landing of the enemy, but who retreated after a few
shot from the enemy within the lines, where they were immediately posted in their station on the extreme right. At daylight the enemy opened a heavy connonade upon general Jackson's lines and my battery, leading their troops under cover of
their cannon to the assault of the lines, which they attempted
on the right and left, but principally on the latter wing; they
were met by a most tremendous and incessant fire of artillery
and musketry, which compelled them to retreat with precipitation ; leaving the ditch filled, and the field strewed with their
dead and wounded. My battery was opened upon them, simultaneously with those from our lines, flanking the enemy both


in his advance and retreat with round, grape, and canister,
which must have proved extremely destructive, as in their haste
and confusion to retreat they crowded the top of the levee,
affording us a most advantageous opportunity for the use of
grape and canister, which I used to the greatest advantage.
While thus engaged with the enemy on the opposite shore, I
was informed that they had effected their landing on this side,
and were advancing to general Morgan's breast-work. I immediately ordered the officers in command of my guns to turn them
in their embrazures, and point them to protect general Morgan's
right wing, whose lines not extending to the swamp, and those
weakly manned, I apprehended the enemy's outflanking him on
that wing ; which order was promptly executed by captain
Henley and the officers stationed at the battery, under a heavy
and well directed fire of shot and shells from the enemy on the
opposite bank of the river. At this time the enemy's force had
approached general Morgan's lines, under the cover of a shower
of rockets, and charged in despite of the fire from the 12-ponnder and field-pieces mounted on the lines as before stated ;
when in a few minutes I had the extreme mortification and
chagrin to observe general Morgan's right wing, composed, as
herein mentioned, of the Kentucky militia, commanded. by
major Davis, abandon their breastwork, and flying in a most
shameful and dastardly manner, almost without a shot; which
disgraceful example, after firing a few rounds, was soon followed by the whole of general Morgan's command, notwithstanding every exertion was made by him, his staff, and several
officers of the city militia, to keep them to their posts. By
the great exertions of those officers, a short stand was effected
on the field, when a discharge of rockets from the enemy
caused them again to retreat in suchla manner that no efforts
could stop them.
Finding myself thus abandoned by the force I relied upon to
protect my battery, I was most reluctantly, and with inexpressible pain, after destroying my powder, and spiking my cannon,
compelled to abandon them, having only 30 officers and seamen
with me. A part of the militia were rallied at a saw-mill canal,
about two miles above the lines from which they had fled, and
there encamped. I ordered the Louisiana to be warped up for
the purpose of procuring a supply of ammunition, and mounting other cannon, remaining myself to aid general Morgan. A
large reinforcement of militia having been immediately despatched by general Jackson to this side, every arrangement was made
by general Morgan to dislodge the enemy from his position,
when he precipitately retreated, carrying with him the two
field-pieces and a brass howitz, after having first set fire to the
platforms and gun-carriages on my battery, two saw mills, and


0 0



the bridges between him and general Morgan's troops, and
re-crossed the river, and secured his boats, by hauling them into
his canal. On the 9th we re-occupied our former ground, and
recovered all the cannon in my battery, which I immediately
commenced drilling and re-mounting ; and on the evening of the
10th had two 24-pounders mounted and ready for service, on
the left flank of a new and more advantageous position. From
the 10th to the present date I have been much engaged in
mounting my 12-pounders along the breast-work erected by
general Morgan on this new position, having three .2-4-pounders ( with a furnace) to front the river, and flank general
Jackson's lines on the opposite bank, from which we fired upon
the enemy wherever he appeard. Our presetit position is now
so strong that there is nothing to apprehend, should the enemy
make another attempt on this side.
To captain Henley, who has been with me since the destruction of his schooner, and who was wounded on the 8th, I am
much indebted for his aid on every occasion, and to the officers
commanding the different guns in my battery, for their great
exertions at all times, but particularly on the trying event of ne
8th. The exertions of general Morgan, his staff, and several
Of the officers of the city militia, excited my highest respect,
and I deem it my duty to say, that had the drafted and city
militia been alone on that day, that I believe they would have
done much better ; but the flight of the Kentuckians paralized
their exertions, and produced a retreat, which could not be
checked. The two brass field-pieces, manned entirely by militia
of the city, were admirably served, nor were they abandoned
till deserted by their comrades, one of which was commanded by
Mr. Hosmer, of captain Simpson's company, the other by a
Frenchman, whose name I know not. The 12-pounder, uncle:
the direction of acting midshipman Philibert, was served till
the last moment, did great execution, and is highly extolled by
general Morgan. The force of the enemy on this side amounted
to 1000 men, and, from the best authority I can obtain, their
loss on this side, I have .since learned, was 97 killed and
wounded ; among the latter is colonel Thornton, who corn.
manded ; of the former, five or six have been discovered buried,
and lying upon the field; our loss was one man killed, and
several wounded.
I have the honor to he, &c.




No. 103.
Report of the killed, wounded, and missing, of the army under
the command of major-general Andrew Jackson, in the
action of the 8th of January, 1815.

Killed ;—Artillery, navy, and volunteers at batteries, 3 privates ; 7th
United States' infantry, 1 serjeant, 1 corporal ; general Coffee's brigade, 1 private ; Carroll's division, 1 serjeant, 3 privates ; Kentucky
militia, 1 private; majors Lacoste's and Dacquin's volunteers of colour,
1 private; general Morgan's militia, 1 private.
Total killed-13.
Wounded ;—Artillery, &c. 1 private; 7th United States' infantry, 1
private; general Carroll's division, 1 ensign, 1 serjeant, 6 privates;
Kentucky militia, I adjutant, I corporal, and 10 privates; volunteers of
colour, 1 ensign, 3 serjeants, 1 corporal, 3 privates; general Morgan's
militia, 2 serjeants, 2 privates.
Total wounded-39.
Missing;—Kentucky militia, 4 privates; Mogan's militia, 15 privates.
Total killed, wounded, and missing, this day-71.
Note—of the killed, wounded, and missing, on this day, but 6 killed,

and 7 wounded, in the action on the east bank of the river, the residue
in a sortie after the action, and in the action on the west bank.
Total killed, 55 ; wounded, 183 ; missing, 9S grand total, 333.
Truly reported from those on tile in this office.


No. 104.
From major - general Jackson to the American secretary at war.
Camp, four miles below New Orleans,
January 19. 1815.
Last night, at 12 o'clock, the enemy precipitately decamped
and returned to his boats, leaving behind him, under medical
attendance, SO of his wounded, including two officers, 14
pieces of his heavy artillery, and a quantity of shot, having
destroyed much of his powder. Such was the situation of the
ground which he abandoned, and of that through which he
retired, protected by canals, redoubts, entrenchments, and
swamps on his right, and the river on his left, that I could not,
without encountering a risk, which true policy did pot seem to



require or to authorize, attempt to annoy him-much on his
retreat. We took only eight prisoners.
Whether it is the purpose of the enemy to abandon the expedition altogether, or renew his efforts at some ether point,
I do not pretend to determine with positiveness. In my own
mind, however, there is but little doubt that his last exertions
have been made in this quarter, at any rate for the present season, and by the next I hope we shall he fully prepared for him.
In this belief I am strengthened not only by the prodigious loss
he has sustained at the position he has just quitted, but by the
failure of his fleet to pass fort St. Philip.
His loss on this ground, since the debarkation of his troops,
as stated by the last prisoners and deserters, and as confirmed by
many additional circumstances, must have exceeded 4000; and
was greater in the action of the 8th than was estimated, from
the most correct data then in his possession, by the inspectorgeneral, whose report has been forwarded to you. We sue.
ceeded, on the 8th, in getting from the enemy about 1000
stand of arms of various descriptions.
Since the action of the 8th, Vie enemy have been allowed
very little respite—my artillery both sides of the river
being constantly employed till the night, and indeed until the
hour of their retreat, in annoying them. No doubt they
thought it quite time to quit a position in which so little rest
could he found.
I am advised by major Overton, who commands at fort St.
Philip, in a letter of the 18th, that the enemy having bombarded
his fort for eight or nine days, from 13-inch mortars without
effect, had on the morning of that day retired. I have little
doubt that he would have been able to have sunk their vessels,
had they attempted to run by.
Giving the proper weight to all these considerations, I believe
you will not think me too sanguine in the belief that Louisiana
is now clear of its enemy. I hope, however, I need not assure
you, that wherever I command, such a belief shall never occa.
sion any relaxation in the measures for resistance. I am but
too sensible that the moment when the enemy is opposing us,
is not the most proper to provide for them.
I have the honor to be, &c.
P. S. On the 10th our prisoners on shore were delivered to
us, an exchange having been previously agreed to. Those who
are on board the fleet will be delivered at Petit Coquille—after
which I shall still have in my hands an excess of several
20th—Mr. Shields, purser in the navy, has to-day taken 54
prisoners; among them are four officers.
A. J.





No 105.

' . From Major-general Lambert to earl Bathurst.
His majesty's ship Tonnant, off Chandelenr's
Island, January 28, 1815.
After maturely deliberating on the situation of this army,
after the command had unfortunately devolved' upon me, on the
8th instant, and duly considering what probability now remained
of carrying on with success, on the same plan, an attack
against New Orleans, it appeared to, me that it ought not to be
persisted in. I immediately communicated to vice-admiral sir
A. Cochrane that I did not thilik it would be prudent to make
any further attempt at present, and that I recommended reembarking the army as soon as possible, with a view to carry
into effect the other objects of the force employed noon this
coast; from the 9th instant it was determined that the army v
should retreat, and I have the satisfaction of informing your
lordship that it was effected on the night of the 18th instant,
and ground was taken up on the morning of the 19th, on botii.
sides of the bayou, or creek, which the troops had entered on
their disembarkation, 14 miles from their position before the
enemy's line, covering New Orleans, on the left bank of the
Mississippi, and one mile from the entrance into Lac Borgne:
the army remained in bivouac until the 27th instant, when the
whole were re-embarked.
In stating the circumstances of this retreat to your lordship,.
I shall confidently trust that you will see that good order and
discipline ever existed in this army, and that zeal for the service,
and attention was ever conspicuous in officers of all ranks.
Your lordship is already acquainted with the position the army
occupied, its advanced post close up to the enemy's line, and the
greater part of the army were exposed to the fire of his batteries, which was unremitting day and night since the 1st of January, when the position in advance was taken up ; the retreat
was effected without being harassed in any degree by the enemy ;
all the sick and wounded, (with the exception of 80 whom it
was considered dangerous to remove,) field artillery, ammunition, hospital and other storey of every description, which had
been landed on a very large scale, were brought away, and
nothing fell into the enemy's hands, excepting six iron 18-poun.
ders, mounted on sea-carriages, and two carronades which
were in position on the left bank of the Mississippi ; to bring
them off at the moment the army was retiring was impossible,
and to have done it previously would have exposed the whole
force to any fire the enemy might have sent down the river.




These batteries were of course destroyed, and the guns rendered
perfectly unserviceable ; only four men were reported absent
' next morning, and these, I suppose, must have been left behind, and have fallen into the hands of the enemy ; but when it
is considered the troops were in perfect ignorance of the movement until a fixed hour during the night, that the battaliOns
were drawn off in succession, and that the piquets did not
move off till half past three o'clock in the morning, and that
the whole had to retire through the most difficult new made
toad, cut in marshy ground, impassable for a horse, and
where, in many places, the men could only go in single files,
and that the absence of men might be accounted for in so many
ways, it would be rather a matter of surprise the number was
so few.
An exchange of prisoners has been effected with the enemy
upon very fair terms, and their attention to the brave prisoners
and wounded that have fallen into their hands has been kind
and humane, I have every reason to believe.
However unsuccessful the termination of the late service
the army and navy have been employed upon, has turned out,
it would be injustice not to point out how much praise is due
to their exertions, ever since the 13th of December, when the
army began to move from the ships, the fatigue of disembarking
and bringing up artillery and supplies from such a distance has
been incessant, and I must add, that owing to the exertions of
the navy, the army has never wanted provisions. The labor
and fatigue of the seamen and soldiers *ere particularly conspicuous on the night of theith instant, when 50 boats were
dragged through a canal into the Mississippi, in which there
were only 18 inches of water, and I am confident that viceadmiral sir Alexander Cochrane, who suggested the possibility
of this operation, will be equally ready to admit this, as well
as the hearty co-operation of the troops on all occasions.
From what has come under my own observation since I
joined this army, and from official reports that have been made
to me, I beg to call your lordship's attention to individuals,
who from their station have rendered themselves peculiarly
conspicuous : major Forrest, at the head of the quarter.
master-general's department, I cannot say too much of ; lieutenants Evans and Peddle, of the same, have been remarkable
. for their exertions and indefatigability : sir John Tylden, who
has acted in the field as assistant adjutant-general with me,
(lieutenant-colonel Stovin having been wounded on the 23d
ult. though doing well, not as yet being permitted to take active
service,) has been very useful ; on the night of the 7th, previous
to the attack, rear-admiral Malcolm reports the great assist.
ance he rnceiyed from him, in forwarding the boats into the


Mississippi. Captain Wood, of the 4th regiment, deputy
assistant adjutant-general, has filled that situtation since the
first disembarkation of the troops with zeal and attention.
During the action of the 8th instant the command of the 2d
brigade devolved upon lieutenant-colonel Brooke, 4th regiment ; that of the 3d upon colonel Hamilton. 5th West India
regiment ; and the reserve upon colonel Blakeney, royal fusileers ; to all these officers I feel much indebted for their services.
Lieutenant-colonel Dickson, royal artillery, has displayed his
usual abilities and assiduity ; he reports to me his general satisfaction of all the officers under his command, especially major
Munro, senior officer of the royal artillery, previous to
arrival, and of the officers commanding companies.
Lieutenant-colonel Burgoyne, royal engineers, afforded me
every assistance that could be expected from his known talents
and experience ; that service lost a very valuable and much
esteemed officer in lieutenant Wright, who was killed when reconnoitring on the evening of the 31st ultimo.
Lieutenant-colonel Mein, of the 43d, ae..I lieutenant-colonel
Gubbins, 85th regiments, field-officers of the piquets on the
`18th, have great credit for the manner in which they withdrew
the out-posts on the morning of the 19th, under the direction
of colonel Blakeney, royal fusileers.
I request, in a particular manner, to express how much this
army is indebted to the attention and diligence of Mr. Robb,
deputy inspector of hospitals ; he met the embarrassments of
crowded hospitals, and their immediate removal, with such
excellent arrangements, that the wounded was all brought off
with every favorable circumstance, except such cases as would
have rendered their removal danVerous.
Captain sir Thomas Troubridge, royal navy, who corn.'
manded a battalion of seamen, and who was attached to act
with the troops, rendered the greatest service by his exertions
in whatever way they were reqUired; colonel Dickson, royal
artillery, particularly mentions how much he was indebted to
squadrons of the 14th light draThe conduct of the two
goons, latterly under the command of lieutenant-colonel
Baker, previously of major Mills, has been the admiration of
every one, by the cheerfulness with which they have performed
must also mention the exertions
all descriptions of service. .1
major Todd, so reported by the
deputy quarter-master-general.
to my personal
Permit me to add the obligations I am under
staff, lieutenant the honorable Edward Curzon, of the royal
navy, who was selected as naval aide de camp to the commandthe troops on their first disembarkation, each of
ing officer of






whom have expressed the satisfaction they had in his appoint..
ment, to which I confidently add my own.
Major Smith, of the 95th regiment, now as acting military
secretary, is so well known for his zeal and talents, that I can
with great truth say that I think he possesses every qualification
to render him hereafter one of the brightest ornaments of his
I cannot conclude without expressing how much indebted the
army is to rear-admiral Malcolm, who had the immediate charge
of landing and re-embarking the troops ; he remained on shore
to the last, and by his abilities and activity smoothed every
difficulty. 1 have the honor to be, &c.
Right ton. earl Bathurst, &c. major-general command.
P. S. I regret to have to report, that during the night of the
25th, in very bad weather, a boat containing two officers, viz.
lieutenant Brydges and cornet Hammond, with 37 of the 14th
light dragoons, unfortunately fell into the hands of the enemy,
off the mouth of the Regolets : I have not been able to ascertain
correctly the particular circumstances.
ANP.1•• • ■••••■• OOOOOO

No. 106.
Return of casualties between the 9th and 26th January, 1815.
43d foot; - 1 rank and file, killed ; 1 lieutenant, 1 serjeant, 2 rank
and file, wounded.
85th pot ; -1 rank and file, wounded.
Total-1 rank and file, killed; I lieutenant, 1 serjeant, S rank

and file, wounded.

Officer wounded.
43d foot;—Lieutenant D'Arcy, severely (both legs amputated).
lieut.-col. dep. adj.-gen.

No. 101.
From major Overton to major-general Jackson.
Fort St. Philip, January 19, 1815.
On the 1st of the present month, I received information that
the enemy intended passing this fort, to co-operate with their
land forces, in the subjugation of Louisiana, and the destruction of the city of New Orleans. To effect this with more facility, they were first with their heavy bomb-vessels to bombard
this place into compliance. On the grounds of this information, I turned my attention to the security of my command : I
erected small magazines in different parts of the garrison, that if



one blew up I could resort to another; built covers for my
men, to secure them from the explosion of the shells, and
removed the combustible matter without the work. Early in
the day of the 8th instant, I was advised of their approach, and
on the 9th, at a quarter past 10 A. M. hove in sight two
bomb-vessels, one sloop, one brig, and one schooner, they
anchored two and a quarter miles below. At half past 11. and
at half past 12, they advanced two barges, apparently for the
purpose of sounding within one and a half mile of the fort ; at
this moment I ordered my water battery, under the command
of lieutenant Cunningham, of the navy, to open upon them.
Its well-directed shot caused a precipitate retreat. At half past
three o'clock P. M. the enemy's bomb vesselsopened their fire
from four sea.mortars, two of 13 ,inches, two of 10, and to
my great mortification I found they were without the effective
range of my shot, as many subsequent experiments proved ;
they continued their fire with little intermission during the 10th,
11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th. I occasionally
opened my bato;...ies on them with great vivacity, particularly
when they showed a disposition to change their position. On
the 17th in the evening, our heavy mortar was said to be itt
eadiness. I ordered that excellent officer captain Wolstonecroft, of the artillerists, who previously had charge of it, to
open a fire, which was done with great effect, as the enemy
from that moment became disordered, and at day-light on the
18th commenced their retreat, after having thrown upwards of
1000 heavy shells, besides small shells, from howitzers, round
shot, and grape, which he discharged from boats under cover
of the night.
Our loss in this affair has been uncommonly small, owing
entirely to the great pains that was taken by the different
officers to keep their men under cover ; as the enemy left
scarcely 10 feet of this garrison untouched.
The officers and soldiers through this whole affair, although
nine days and nights under arms in the different batteries, the
consequent fatigue and loss of sleep, have manifested the
greatest firmness and the most zealous warmth to be at the
enemy. To distinguish individuals would be a delicate task, as
merit was conspicuous every where. Lieutenant Cunningham,
of the navy, who commanded my water battery, with his brave
crew, evinced the most determined bravery and uncommon
activity throughout ; and, in fact, sir, the only thing to be
regretted is, that the enemy was too timid to give us an opportunity of dstroying him.
I herewith enclose you a list of the killed and wounded.
I am, sir, very respectfully,




No. 108.
A list of the killed and wounded during the bombardment of
fort St. Philip, commencing on the 9th, and ending on the
18th of J unary, 1815.
Captain Woolstonecroft's artillery—Wounded, 3.
Captain Murry's artillery—Killed, 2 ; wounded, 1.
Captain Bronten's infantry—Wounded, 1.
Captain Wade's infantry—Wounded, 2.
Total killed, 2; wounded, 7.

No. 109.
From major-general Lambert to earl Bathurst.
Head-quarters, Isle Dauphine, Feb. 14, 1815.
MY Lour),

My despatch, dated January 29th, will have informed your
lordship of the re-embarkation of this force, which was completed on the 30th; the weather came on so bad on that night,
and continued so until the 5th of February, that no communication could be held with the ships at the inner anchorage, a
distance of about 17 miles.
It being agreed between vice•admiral sir Alexander Cochrane
and myself that operations should be carried towards Mobile,
it was decided that a force should be sent against Fort-Bowyer,
situated on the eastern point of the entrance of the bay, mid
from every information that could be obtained, it was considered
a brigade would be sufficient for this object, with a respectable
force of artillery. I ordered the S'd brigade, composed of the
4th, 21st, and 44th regiments, for this service, together with
such means in the engineer and artillery departments as the chief
and commanding officer of the royal artillery might think
expedient. The remainder of the force had orders to disembark
on Isle Dauphine, and encamp ; and major-general Keane,
whom 1 am truly happy to say has returned to his duty, superintended their arrangement.
The weather being favorable on the 7th for the landing to
the eastward of Mobile point, the ships destined to move on
that service sailed under the command of captain Ricketts, of the
Veugeur, but did not arrive in sufficient time that evening to do
more than determine the place of disembarkation, which was
about three miles from Fort-Bowyer.
At day -light the next morning the troops got into the boats,
and 600 men were landed under lieutenant-colonel Debbeig, of
the 44th, without opposition, w ho immediately threw out the
light companies under lieutenant Bennett, of the 4th regiment,



to cover the landing of the brigade. Upon the whole being
disembarked, a disposition was made to move on towards the
fort. covered by the light companies. The enemy was not seen,
until about 1000 yards in front of their works ; they gradually
fell back, and no firing took place until the whole had retired
into the fort, and our advance had pushed on nearly to within
300 yards. Haying reconnoitred the forts with lieutenant
colonels Burgoyne and Dickson, we were decidedly of opinion,
that the work was formidable only against an assault; that
batteries being once established, it must speedily fall. Every
exertion was made by the navy to land provisions, and the
necessary equipment of the battering train and engineer stores.
We broke ground on the night of the 8th, and advanced a firing
party to within 100 yards of the fort during the night. The posi.
lion, of the batteries being decided upon the next day, they were
ready to receive their guns on the night of the 10th, and on the
morning of the 11th the fire of a battery of four 18-pounders
on the left, and two 8-inch howitzers on the right, each about
100 yards distance, two 6-pounders, at about 300 yards, and
eight small cohorns advantageously placed on the right, with
infr rvals between of 100 and 200 yards, all furnished to keep
up' an incessant fire, for two days, were prepared to open.
Preparatory to commencing, I summoned the fort, allowing
the commanding officer half an hour for dcision upon such
terms as were proposed. Finding he was inclined to consider
',them, I prolonged the period, at his request, and at three
o'clock the fort was given up to a British guard, and British
colours hoisted; the terms being signed by major Smith, military secretary, and captain Ricketts, R. N. and finally approved
of by the vice-admiral and myself, w hich I have the honor to
enclose. I am happy to say our loss was not very great ; and
we are indebted for this, in a great measure, to the efficient
means attached to this force. Had we been obliged to resort to
any other mode of attack, the tall could not have been looked
for under such favorable circumstances.
We have certain information of a force having been sent
from Mobile, and disemba'rked about 12 miles off, in the night
of the 10th, to attempt its relief ; two schooners with provi'sions, and an intercepted letter, fell into our hands, taken by
captain Price, R. N. stationed in the bay.
I cannot close this despatch without naming to your lord_
ship again, lieutenant-colonel Dickson, royal artillery, and
Burgoyne, royal engineers, who displayed their usual zeal and
abilities; and lieutenant Bennett, of the 4th, who commanded
the light companies, and pushed up close to the enemy's works.
Captain the honorable R. Spencer, R. N. vlio had been
placed with a detachment of seamen muter my orders, greatly
facilitated the service in every way by his exertions.





From captain Ricketts, of the R. N. who was charged with
the landing and the disposition of the naval force, I received
every assistance. I have the honor to be, &c.
Right hon. earl Bathurst, &c.
Major-general command.


No. 112.
Return of the American garrison of Fort-Boyer, which surrendered to the force under major-general Lambert, 11th of
February, 1815.
1 field officer, 3 captains, 10 subalterns, 2 staff, 16 serjeants, 16
drummers, 327 rank and file, 20 women, 16 children, 3 servants not

No. 110.
Return of ordnance, ammunition, and stores, captured from the
enemy in this place, on the 12th instant.


Fort-Bowyer, Feb. 14, 1815.
1 24-pounder, 2 9-pounders, outside the fort.
Iron-3 32 - pounders, 8 24 pounders, 6 12 pounders, 5 9 pounders.
Brass-1 4-pounder.


No. 113.


Mortar-=1 8-inch.
Howitzer-151 inch.

Articles of capitulation agreed upon between lieutenant-colonel
Lawrence and major-general Lambert for the surrender of
3 Fort-Bowyer, on the Mobile point, 11th February, 1815.*

32-pounder--856 round, 64 grape, I 1 case.
24-pounder-851 round, 176 bar, 286 grape, 84 case.
12-pounder-535 round, 74 grape, 439 case.
9-pounder-781 round, 2 08 grape, 429 case.
6-pounder-15.round, 75 bar, 13 case.
4-pounder-231 round, 38 grape, 147 case,

Shells-25 8 inch 74 5i inch.

183 hand-grenades.
5,519 pounds powder,
1 triangle gin, complete.
16.976 musket ball-cartridges.
500 flints.
351 muskets, complete, with accoutrements.


aSs.-com. royal artil.
A. DICKSON, lieut.col. cow. royal artil.

No. 111.
Return of casualties in the army under the command of majorgeneral Lambert, eniployed before Fort-Bowyer, between
the 8th and 12th of February, 1815.
Royalsoppirs, and miners;-1 rank and file, wounded.
4th foot ;-8 rank and file, kilted ; 2 serjeants, 13 rank and file;
21st foot;-2 serjeants, 2 rank and file, killed ; 1 rank and file,
40th foot;-1 rank and file, killed ; 1 rank and file, wounded.
Total-13 killed ; 18 wounded.


Art. I. That the fort shall be surrendered to the arms of his Bd' tannic majesty in its existing state as to the works, ordnance, ammunition, and every species of military stores.
II. That the garrison shall be considered as prisoners of war, the
troops marching out with their colours flying and drums beating, and
ground their arms on the glacis—the officers retaining their swords, and
the whole to be embarked in such ships as the British naval commanderin-chief shall appoint.
III. All private property to be respected.
1V. That a communication shall be made immediately-of the same
to the commanding officer of the 7th military district of the United
States, and every endeavour made to effect an early exchange of
V. That the garrison of the United States remain in the fort until
twelve o'clock to-morrow, a British guard being put in possession of the
inner gate at three o'clock to-day, the body of the guard remaining on
the glacis, and that the British flag be hoisted at the same time—an
officer of each service remaining at the head-quarters of each coin. tnander until the fufilment of these articles.
H. C. SMITH, maj. and mil: sec.
Agreed on the part of the royal navy,
T. H. RICKETTS, capt. H.M.S. Vengeur.
R. CHAMBERLAIN, 2d reg. U. S. infantry.
WM: LAWRENCE, It.-col. 2d inf'y
A. COCHRANE, com.-in-chief U.M. shipp.
JOHN LAMBERT, major-gen. commanding.
JOHN REID, aide-de-camp.


No. 114.

Letter from lieutenant-colonel Lawrence to general Jackson.
Fort Bowyer, February 12, 1815.
Imperious necessity has compelled me to enter into articles
of capitulation with major-general John Lambert, commanding
his Britannic majesty's forces in front of Fort - Bowyer, a copy
of which I forward you for the purpose of effecting an imme.
diate exchange of prisoners. Nothing but the want of provisions, and finding myself completely surrounded by thousands—
batteries erected on the sand-mounds, which completely come
manded the fort—and the enemy having advanced, by regular
approaches, within 30 yards of the ditches, and the utter impossibility of getting any assistance or supplies, would have
induced me to adopt this measure. Feeling confident, and it
being the unanimous opinion of the officers, that we could not
,retain the post, and that the lives of many valuable officers
and soldiers would have been uselessly sacrificed; I thought it
most desirable to adopt this plan. A full and correct statement
will be furnished you as early as possible.
Captain Chamberlin, who bears this to E.• Livingston,
Esq. will relate to him every particular, which will, I hope,
be satisfactory. I am, with respect, &c.
7 .
W . LAWRENCE, lieut.-col. corn.

No. 115.
From general Jackson to the American secretary at war
Head-quarters, 7th military district.
Sin, New Orleans, 24th February, 1815.
The flag-vessel which I sent to the enemy's fleet returned a
few days ago, with assurances from admiral Cochrane, that the
American prisoners taken in the gun-boats and sent to Jamaica,
shall he returned as soon as practicable. The Nymphe has
been despatched for them.
Through the same channel I received the sad intelligence of
the surrender of Fort-Bowyer : this is an event which I little
expected to happen, but after the most gallant resistance ; that
it should have taken place, without even a fire from the enemy's
batteries, is as astonishing as it is mortifying.
In consequence of this unfortunate atiair, an addition of 366
has been made to the list of American prisoners ; to redeem
these and the seamen, I have, in conformity with propositions
held out by admiral Cochrane, forwarded to the mouth of the
Mississippi upwards of 400 British prisoners ; others will be



sent, to complete the exchange, as soon as they arrive from
Natchez, to which place I ha4 found it expedient to order
Major Blue, who had been ordered by general Winchester
to the relief of Fort-Bowyer, succeeded in carrying one of the
enemy's piquets, consisting of 17, but was too late to effect the
whole purpose for which he had been detached—the fort having
capitulated twenty-four hours before his arrival. I learn front
the bearer of my last despatches to the enemy's fleet, who, was
detained during the operations against Fort-Bowyer, that his
loss on that occasion, by the fire from the garrison was between
20 and 40. I have the honor to be, &c.

No. 116.
Treaty of Peace and Amity between his Britannic Majesty
and the United States of America.

His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America,
desirous of terminating the war which has unhappily subsisted
between the two countries, and of restoring, upon principles
of perfect reciprocity, peace, friendship, and good understanding between them, have, for that purpose, appointed their
respective plenipotentiaries, that is to say : his Britannic
majesty, on his part, has appointed the right honorable James
lord Gambier, late admiral of the white, now admiral of the
red squadron of his majesty's fleet, Henry Goulbourn, esq.
mernbee of the imperial parliament, and under secretary of
state, and William Adams, esq. doctor of civil laws :—and
the president of the United States, by and with the advice and
consent of the senate thereof, has appointed John Quincy
Adams, James A. Bayard, Henry Clay, Jonathan Russell, and
Albert Gallatin, citizens of the United States, who, after a
reciprocal communication of their respective full powers, have
agreed upon the following articles :
Art. 1.—There shall be a firm and universal peace between
his Britannic majesty and the United States, and between their
respective countries, territories, cities, towns, and people, of
every degree, without exception of places or persons. All
hostilities, both by sea and land, shall cease as soon as this
treaty has been ratified by both parties, as hereinafter mentioned. All territories, places, and possessions whatsoever,
taken from either party by the oilier, during the war, or which
may be taken after the signing of this treaty, excepting only
the islands hereinafter mentioned, shall be restored without


delay, and without causing any destruction, or carrying away
any of the artillery or other public properly originally captured
in the said forts or places, and which shall remain therein,
upon the exchange of the ratifications of this treaty, or any
slaves, or other private property, and all archives, records,
deeds, and papers, either of a public nature, or belonging to
private persons, which, in the course of the war, may have
fallen into the hands of the officers of either party, shall be, as
far as may be practicable, forthwith restored and delivered to
the proper authorities and persons to whom they respectively
belong. Such of the islands in the bay of Passamaquoddy as
are claimed by both parties, shall remain in the possession of
the party in whose occupation they may be at the time of the
exchange of the ratifications of this treaty, until the decision
respecting the title to the said islands shall have been made, in
conformity with the fourth article of this treaty. No disposi.
tion made by this treaty, as to such possession of the islands
and territories claimed by both parties, shall, in any manner
whatever, be construed to affect the right of either.
Art. IL—Immediately after the ratification of this treaty by
both parties, as hereinafter mentioned, orders shall be sent to
the armies, squadrons, officers, subjects, and citizens of the two
powers to cease from all hostilities : and to prevent all causes
of complaint which might arise on account of the prizes which
may be taken at sea after the ratifications of this treaty, it is
reciprocally agreed, that all vessels and effects which may be
taken after the space of twelve days from the said ratifications,
upon all parts of the coast of North America, from the latitude
of twenty-three degrees north, to the latitude of fifty degrees
north, as far eastward in the Atlantic Ocean as the thirty-sixth
degree of west longitude from the meridian of Greenwich,
shall be restored on each side: that the time shall be thirty days
in all other parts of the Atlantic ocean, north of the equinoxial line or equator, and the same time fur the British and
Irish channels, for the gulf of Mexico, and all parts of the
West Indies : forty days for the North Seas, for the Baltic,
and for all parts of the Mediterranean. sixty days for the
Atlantic ocean south of the equator as far as the latitude of the
Cape of Good Hope: ninety days for every part of the world
south of the equator : and one hundred and twenty days for all
other parts of the world, without exception.
Any. prisoners of war taken on either side, as
well by land as sea, shall be restored as soon as practicable
after the ratification of this treaty, as hereinafter mentioned,
on their paying the debts whith they may have contracted during
their captivity. The two contracting parties respectively
engage to discharge, in specie, the advances which may have


been made by the other, for the sustenance and maintenance of
such prisoners.
ART. W.—Whereas it was stipulated by the second article
in the treaty of peace of one thousand seven hundred and eighty
three, between his Britannic majesty and the United States of
America, that the boundary of the United States should comprehend all islands within twenty leagues of any part of the
shores of the United States, and lying between lines to be
drawn due east from the points where the aforesaid boundaries
between Nova-Scotia, on the one part, and East Florida on
the other, shall respectively touch the bay'of Fundy, and the
Atlantic ocean, excepting such islands as now ate, or heretofore
have been within the limits of Nova-Scotia: and whereas the
several islands in the bay of Passamaquoddy, which is part of the
bay of Fundy, and the island of Grand Menan, in the said
bay of Fundy, are claimed by the United States as being comprehended within their aforesaid boundaries, which said islands
are claimed as belonging to his Britannic majesty, as having
been at the time of, and previous to, the aforesaid treaty of one
thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, 'within the limits of
the province of Nova Scotia: in order, therefore, finally to
decide upon these claims, it is agreed that they shall be referred
to two commissioners, to be appointed in the following manner;
viz. One commissioner shall be appointed by his Britannic
majesty, and one by the president of the United States, by
and with the advice and consent of the senate thereof, and the
said two. commissioners so appointed shall be sworn impartially to examine and decide upon the said claims, according to
such evidence as shall be laid before them, on the part of his
Britannic majesty and of fhe United States respectively. The
said commissioners shall meet at St. Andrews, in the province
of New Brunswick, and shall have power to adjourn to such
other place or places as they shall think fit. The said commissioners shall, by a declaration or report under their hands
and seals, decide to which of the two contracting parties the
several islands aforesaid do respectively belong, in conformity
with the true intent of the said treaty of peace of one thousand
seven hundred and eighty-three. And if the said commissioners shall agree in their decision, both parties shall consider
such decision as final and conclusive. It is further agreed,
that in the event of the two commissioners differing upon all
or any of the matters so referred to them, or in the event of
both or either of the said commissioners refusing or declining,
or wilfully omitting, to act as such, they shall make, jointly
or separately, a report or reports, as well to the government
of his Britannic majesty, as to that of the United States, stating in detail the points on which they differ, and the grounds
VOL. 11.




upon which their respective opinions have been formed, or
the grounds upon which they, or either of them, have so
refused, declined, or omitted to act. And his Britannic majesty, and the government of the United States, hereby agree
to refer the report or reports of the said commissioners, to
some friendly sovereign or state, to be then named for that
purpose, and who shall be requested to decide on the differences
which may be stated in the said report or reports, or upon the
report of one commissioner, together with the grounds upon
which the other commissioner shall have refused, declined, or
omitted to act, as the case may be. And if the commissioner so
refusing, declining, or omitting to act, shall also wilfully omit to
state the grounds upon which he has so done, in such manner that
the said statement may be referred to such friendly sovereign or
state, together with the report of such other commissioner,
then such sovereign or state shall decide exparte upon the said
report alone. And his Britannic majesty and the government
of the United States engage to consider the decision of some
friendly sovereign or state to be final and conclusive, on all the
matters so referred,
ART. V.—Whereas neither that point of the high lands
lying due north from the source of the river St. Croix, and
designated in the former treaty of peace between the two
powers as the north-west angle of Nova Scotia, nor the
north-westernmost head of Connecticut river, has y et been
ascertained '• and whereas that part of the boundary line between the dominion of the two powers which extends from
the source of the river St. Croix directly north to the above
mentioned north-west angle of Nova Scotia, thence along the
said high lands which divide those rivers that empty themselves
into the river St. Lawrence from those which fall into the
Atlantic ocean, to the north-westernmost head of Connecticut
river, thence down along the middle of that river to the fortyfifth degree of north latitude : thence by a line due west on
said latitude until it strikes the river Iroquois or Cataraguy,
has not yet been surveyed : it is agreed, that for these several
purposes, two commissioners shall be appointed, sworn, and
authorized, to act exactly in the manner directed with respect
to those mentioned in the next preceding article, unless other.
wise specified in the present article. The said commissioners
shall meet at St. Andrews, in the province of New Brunswick,
and shall have power to adjourn to such other place or places
as they shall think fit. The said commissioners shall have
power to ascertain and determine the points above mentioned,
in conformity with the provisions of the said treaty of peace of
one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, and shall cause



the boundary aforesaid, from the source of the river St.
Croix, to the river Iroquois or Cataraguy, to be surveyed and
marked according to the said provisions. The said commis..
sioners shall make a map of the said boundary, and annex it
to a declaration tinder their hands and seals, certifying it to be
the true map of the said boundary, and particularizing the
latitude and longitude of the north-west angle of Nova Scotia,
of the north-westernmost head of Connecticut river, and of
such other points of the said boundary as they may deem
proper. And both parties agree to consider such map and
declaration as finally and conclusively fixing the said boundary.
And in the event of the said two commissioners differing or
both, or either of them, refusing or declining, or wilfully
omitting to act, such reports, declarations, or statements, shall
be made by them, or either of them, and such reference to a
friendly sovereign or state, shall be made, in all respects as in
the latter part of the fourth article is contained, and in as full
a manner as if the same was herein repeated.
Art. VI.—Whereas by the former treaty of peace, that
portion of the boundary of the United States from the point where
the forty-fifth degree of north latitude strikes the river Iroquois
or Cataraguy to the lake Superior, was declared to be along
the middle of said river into lake Ontario, through the middle
of said lake until it strikes the communication by water between that lake and lake Erie, thence along the middle of said
communication into lake Erie, through the middle of said
lake until it arrives at the water communication into the lake
Huron, thence through the middle of said lake to the water
communication between that lake and lake Superior." And
whereas doubts have arisen what was the middle of said river,
lakes, and water communications, and whether certain islands
lying in the same were within the dominions of his Britannic
majesty or of the United States : in order, therefore, finally to
decide these doubts, they shall he referred to two coramisioners,
to be appointed, sworn, and authorized to act exactly in the
manner directed with respect to those mentioned in the next
preceding article, unless otherwise specified in this present
article. The said commissioners shall meet, in the first in=
stance, at Albany, in the state of New York, and shall have
power to adjourn to such other place or places as they shall
think fit. The said commissioners shall, by a report or declaration, under their hands and seals, designate the boundary
through the said river, lakes, or water communications, and
decide to which of the two contracting parties the several
islands lying within the said river, lakes, and water communications, do respectively belong, in conformity with the true
intent of the said treaty of one thousand seven hundred and



eighty.three. And both parties agree to consider such designation and decision as final and conclusive. • And in the event
of the said two commissioners differing, or both, or either
of them, refusing, declining, or wilfully omitting to act, such
reports, declarations, or statements, shall be made by them,
or either of them ; and such reference to a friendly sovereign
or state shall be made in all respects as in the lattter part of
the fourth article is contained, and in as full a manner as if
the same was herein repeated. •
• Art. is further agreed that the said two last mentioned commissioners, after they shall have executed the duties
assigned to them in the preceeding article, shall be, and they
are hereby authorized, upon their oaths, impartially to fix and
determine, according to the true intent of the said treaty of
peace of one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, that
part of the boundary between the dominions of the two powers,
which extends from the water communication between lake Huron
and lake Superior, to the most north-western point of the lake
of the Woods, to decide, to which of the two parties the several
islands lying in the lakes, water communications and rivers,
forming the said boundary, do respectively belong, in conformity with the true intent of the said treaty of peace of one
thousand seven hundred and eighty-three ; and to cause such
parts of the said boundary, as require it, to be surveyed and
marked. The said commissioners shall, by a report or declaration under their hands and seals, designate the boundary line
aforesaid, state their decisions on the points thus referred to
them, and particularize the latitude and longitude of the most
north-western point of the lake of the Woods, and of such
other parts of the said boundary, as they may deem proper.
And both parties agree to consider such designation and decision
as final and conclusive. And, in the event of the said two
commissioners differing, or both, or either of them, refusing,
declining, or wilfully omitting to act, such reports, declarations,
or statements, shall be made by them, or either of them, and
such reference to a friendly sovereign or state, shall be made in
all respects, as in the latter part of the fourth article is contained, and in as full a manner as if the same was herein
Art. several boards of two commissioners mentioned in the four preceding articles, shall respectively have
•power to appoint a secretary, and to employ such surveyors or
other persons as they shall judge necessary. Duplicates of all
their respective reports, declarations, statements, and decisions,
and of their accounts, and of the journal of their proceedings,
shall be delivered by them to the agents of his Britannic majesty,
and t9 the agents of the United States, who may be respectively



appointed and authorized to manage the business on behalf of
their respective governments. The said commissioners shall be
respectively paid in such manner as shall be agreed between the
two contracting parties, such agreement being to be settled at
the time of the exchange of the ratifications of this treaty;
and all other expenses attending said commissioners shall be
defrayed equally by the two parties. And, in case of death,
sickness, resignation, or necessary absence, the place of every
such commissioner respectively shall be supplied in the same
manner as such commisssoner was first appointed, and the new
commissioner shall take the same oath or affirmation, and do
the same duties. It is further agreed between the two contracting parties, that in case any of the islands mentioned in
any of the preceding articles, which were in the possession of
one of the parties prior to the commencement of the present
war between the countries, should, by the decision of any of
the boards of commissioners aforesaid, or of the sovereign or
state so referred to, as in the four next preceding articles contained, fall within the dominions of the other party, all grants
of laud made previous to the commencement of the war, by
the party having had such possession, shall be as valid as if such
island or islands had, by such decision or decisions, been
adjudged to be within the dominions of the party having such
Art. IX.—The United States of America engage to put an
end, immediately after the ratification of the present treaty, to
hostilities with all the tribes or nations of Indians, with whom
they may be at war at the time of such ratification ; and forthwith to restore to such tribes or nations, respectively, all the
possessions, rights, and privileges, which they may have enjoyed
or been entitled to in one thousand eight hundred and eleven,
previous to such hostilities: Provided always, that such tribes
or nations shall agree to desist from all hostilities against the
United States of America, their citizens and subjects, upon the
ratification of the present treaty being notified to such tribes or
nations, and shall so desist accordingly. And his Britannic
majesty engages, on his part, to put an end immediately after
the ratification of the present treaty, to hostilities with all the
tribes or nations of Indians with whom he may be at war at the
time of such ratification, and forthwith to restore to such tribes
or nations respectively, all the possessions, rights, and privileoes, which they may have enjoyed, or been entitled to, in one
thousand eight hundred and eleven, previous to such hostilities :
Provided always, that such tribes or nations shall agree to
desist from all hostilities against his Britannic majesty, and
his subjects, upon the ratification of the present treaty being
notith d to such tribes or nations, and shall so desist accordingly.



Art. X.-Whereas the traffic in slaves is irreconcilable with
the principles of humanity and justice, and whereas both his
Britannic majesty and the United States are desirous of continuing their efforts to promote its entire abolition, it is hereby
agreed that both the contracting parties shall use their best
endeavors to accomplish so desirable an object.
Art. XI.-This treaty, when the same shall have been ratified on both sides, without alteration by either of the contracting parties and the ratifications mutually exchanged, shall be
binding on both parties, and the ratifications shall be exchanged
at Washington, in the space of four months from this day, or
sooner, if practicable.
In faith whereof, we the respective plenipotentiaries, have
signed this treaty, and have thereunto affixed our seals.
Done, in triplicate, at Ghent, the twenty-fourth day of
December, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen.
Now, therefore, to the end that the said treaty of peace and
amity may be observed with good faith, on the part of the
United States, I, James Madison, president as aforesaid, have
caused the premises to be made public : and I do hereby enjoin
all persons bearing office, civil or military, within the United
States, and all others, citizens or inhabitants thereof, or being
within the same, faithfully to observe and fulfil the said treaty,
and every clause and article thereof.
In testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the United
States to be affixed to these presents, and signed the same with
my hand.
Done at the city of Washington, this eighteenth day of
February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and fifteen, and of the sovereignty and independence of the United States the thirty-ninth.
By the president,

ADAMS, United States' brig, her capture, Vol. I. 81. 966. Her recapture, 81-9.
ship, her size, armament, and destruction, Vol. 11. 246-8. 479.
Alexandria newspaper, quotation, from, Vol. II. 255-9.
city, capture of, Vol. II. 276.
Abroad. Reuben, his desperate wound, Vol. H. 75.
Amherst burg, village of, its size and situation, Vol. 1. 48.
Anaconda, United States' letter of marque, capture of the, Vol. II. 70.
Annual Register, its historical inaccuracy, Vol. II. 305.
Armistice proposed at the first of the war, refusal of the president to ratify, Vol. 1. 15. First
one proposed by sir George Prevost, 78. Its ill effects, ib. and 181. Refusal of the president
to ratify, 80. General Shealfe's, 100. Its termination, 107. Another proposed by sir George
Prevost, 181.
Armstrong, Mr. Secretary, his plan of operations against Upper Canada, Vol. I. in. Changes
his plan to an attack upon Montreal, 302-3. Ills orders to major-general Hampton, 305.
The like to general M'Clure, respecting the burning of Newark, Vol. II. 9. His plan for the
1814 campaign, 79-79.
Army, for the defence of Washington-city, its organization, Vol. IL 274. Its strength at Bladensburg, 284. Its defeat, 286-8. Retreat through Washington, 989. Encamps at Georgetown heights, 496. Its strength and inactive state, lb.
- for the defence of Baltimore, its organization and strength, 311-18. Is defeated, and
retreats to the entrenchments in front of the city, 516-20.
Atlas, United Stites' letter of marque, capture of the, Vol. H. 70.
Aux Canards, river of, skirmish at, Vol. I. 59.



Baltimore, described, Vol. II. 310. Attack upon, 3ie-27. 508-23. Ill effects of its not having
been persevered in, 328-9. 39t.
Barclay, captain, R.N. on his way to Lake ?tie, joins the centre-division of the army, Vol I.
169. Compelled to await the equipment of the ship Detroit, 269. Sails out with her in a
half-fitted state, and is captured, 270-I. Neglect shown to him, 286.
Barney, commodore, his flotilla described, Vol. II. 248. Its retreat up the Patuxent to St.
Leonard's creek, 2.9. Skirmishes with it, 953-4. Is blockaded, 260. With the aid of a
land-battery raises the blockade, and proceeds higher up the Patuxent, 261. His official
letter, ib. Flotilla destroyed at Pig-point, 277-8. Joins general Winder's army, 280. Is
wounded and taken prisoner at Bladensburg, gag.
Barratarian freebooters, invited to aid in the invasion of Louisiana, Vol. II. 341. Trick played
upon the British by their commandant, ib. Join in defending the state, and are pardoned
by the president, lb.
Barrie, captain R.N . his official account of the capture of the United States' ship Adams,
Vol. II. 487. Commands in the Chesapeake, 392. His proceedings there, ib. Departs for St. Mary's river, SSC
Basden, captain, his repulse from a log-entrenchment, at Twenty-mile creek, Vol. 11.96-8. 417.
dauber, major, his imprisonment along with convicts, in Frankfort Penitentiary, Vol I. 299.
Baynes, adjutant - general, his official letter, Vol. I. 413. Remarks thereon, t75. 316.
Beckwith, sir Sydney, his official account of the loss in the attack upon Craney island, Vol. II.
415. Ditto of the attack upon Hampton, ib. and 417.
Benedict, in the Patuxent, proceedings at, Vol. II. 254-9. 277.300.
Bennet, captain, W. P. United States' army, his trial and acquittal, Vol. I. 49.
Biddle, captain, United States' army, differs materially in his statements from colonel Macomb,
Vol. I. 318-19.
Bienvenu creek described, Vol. II. 355.
Bisshopp, lieutenant-colonel, his arrival at Frenchman's creek, Vol. I. 115. Reply to general
Smyth's summons to surrender Fort.Erie, 118. 689. His official account of the repulse of
the Americans near Fort-Erie, 386. Crosses the Niagara, and captures die batteries at Black
Rock, 928-9. Receives a mortal wound, 2211. His character, 280.
Bisset, colonel, United States' army, lands on an island in the St. Lawrence, and frightens
some females, Vol. 1. 321.
Black Rock, village of, its situation, Vol. I. 50.
- batteries, their fire upon Fort-Erie, Vol. i. 105. Capture by the British, 928-30.
441. Destroyed, Vol. Ih 22. Unsuccessful attack upon, by colonel Tucker, 162-4.

VOL. 11.



Black- bird, the Indian Chief, his enterprise, Vol. I. 226.
Bladensburg, battle of, Vol. 1I. e84-91. 492-502.
Boat, an American one, compared in force with a British man-of-war brig, Vol. II. 359.
I. Mr.
Bcerstler, colonel, United States' army, supposed effect of his ' Stentorian voice,' Vol.
Skirmish with captain Kerr's Indians, 215. Surrenders, with his detachment, to a small
British party, 216-8. 436-7.
Bostwick, lieutenant-colonel, captures a gang of American depredators and traitors, Vol. II. 5.
Opinion entertained of the exploit by the presideut of Upper Canada, 395.
Boundary line, where it injures the Canadians, Vol. I. 238.
Bowyer fort, its construction by general Wilkinson, Vol. II. 342. Strength, ib. Is attacked
by four sloops of war, 343. Cuts the cable of the Hermes, and drives her on shore, 344-e.
Its captut e by major-general Lambert, 391-2. 570-5.
Boyd, major-general, United States' army, succeeds to the command at Fort-George, Vol.
219. His misrepresentation, 254. Proceeds with the army of the centre to the attack of
Montreal, 259. Lands near Chryttler's Farm, 321. Attacks colonel Morrison, 329. Is defeated, 330-i. His gross misrepresentations, 333-5. Retires to the boats, 338.
Breaking parole, authorized by the American government, Vol. I. 234-6.
Brisbane, major-general, crosses the Saranac with his brigade, Vol. II. eso. Silences and drives
the Americans from their batteries, 222.
Brock, major-general, his promptitude on bearing of the war, Vol. I. 56. His proclamation to
the Canadians, 358. Its salutary effect, 64. Arrival at Amherstburg and Sandwich, 68. Summons to Fort-Detroit. 69. Capture of the fort, garrison, and Michigan territory. 69-73. 569.
Proclamation to the Michigan people, 70. 368. Intention of reducing Fort-Wayne prevented
by sir George Prevost's armistice, 181. Return to Port-George, 78. Arrival thence at Queenstown, 88. Advance against a superior body of Americans, 69. Death 90. Its immediate ill
consequences, .00. Character, 103-4.
Brooke, colonel, succeeds to the command of the British troops opposite to Baltimore, Vol. II.
317. Defeats the American army, 318. His official account, 508. Re-embarks at Northpoint, 526. In the field at New Orleans, but not at the head of his regiment, 380.
Brown, major.general, United States' army, his curious stratagem to deceive sir George Prevost
with, and
at Sackett's Harbor, Vol. I. 171. Lands near Chrystler's farm, 320. SkirmishesRejoins
is delayed in Isis march by, a small force under brevet-major Dennis, 321-2.
expedition at Barnhart's, 338. Proceeds to Sackett's Harbor, 951. Mistakes his orders, and
marches for Onondago hollow and back, Vol. II. 79. His exaggerated account of the business at Oswego, 105. 430. Proceeds to Batavia, 114. Is ordered to cross the Niagara, Oh
Issues a general order, ib. 430. His force, 115. Crosses the strait, and takes Fort-Foe, I IC.
Defeats major-general Hiatt, 118-25. His force after the battle, 195. Advances to Chippeway and Queenstown, 129. Detaches general Swift to reconnoitre Fort-George, ib. Wants
commodore Chauncey to co-operate in an attack upon Kingston, 130. Calls a council, 133.
Detaches a strong force to invest Fort-George, ib. Advances upon Fort George,
Queenstown, and recrosses the Chippeway, where he encamps, 138. Engages, and is defeated
by lieutenat-general Drummond, at Lundy's
Is wounded, and crosses to Buffaloe, 150. His force in the battle, 154-5. Resigns the
command to major-general Ripley, 446. Resumes the command, and is reinforced, 225. Resolves upon a sortie, 230. His official account, 234. Falsehood in it, 235. Is superseded by
general Izard, 258. Repairs to Sackett's Harbor, 240.
Brownstown, village of, its situation, Vol. I. 49. Skirmish at, 61. Scalps taken by the Americans at, 66.
Bae`a/oe creek, its situation, Vol. I. 50. III effects of not destroying the schooners fitting at,
285. Destruction of three small ones, in 1813, Vol. II. 22.
village, its situation, Vol. I. 50. Attacked and destroyed, Vol. II. 22. 400-4.
Bulger, lieutenant, his successful enterprise against the United Stales' schooners, Tigress and
Scorpion, 197. 201. His official account, 460.
Burdick's Political and Historical Register, extracts from, Vol. I. 43. 287. 291. 294. 296. Vol. II.
Burlington, American troops at, in 1813, Vol. I. '245.
Butler, colonel, United States' army, his official account of captain Basden's repulse, Vol. 1.


Caledonia, N. W. company's brig, her capture, Vol. I. 81-3.
Campaign, Canadian, of 1812, its commencement, Vol.'. 56. Termination, 130.
of 1813, its commencement and progress, Vol. I. 131. to Vol. Ti. 89.
of 1814, its commencement and progress, Vol. TI. 72-843.
Came/be/I, colonel, U. S. army, lands at Dover, in Upper Canada, and burns the houses and
mills of the inhabitants, Vol. II. 109-11. Slight censure passed upon him by ac ourt of
inquiry, ib.
Canadian lakes, briefly described, Vol. f. 46-54.
militia, their deficiency of arms, Vol. I. 74. Good behaviour, 155. 316.
Canada, Upper, general Roll's invasion of, Vol. I. 58-77. General Van Rensselaer's ditto,
143-164. 608-53.
53-10e. General Smith's ditto, It t -20. General Dearborn's ditto,
General Harrison's ditto, '274-287.
, Lower, general Hampton's invasion of, 306-17. See Expedition.
Capitol, at Washington-city, a shot from the, kills one soldier and general Ross's horse, Vol.
293. Is destroyed, ib. Capable of being made a citadel, 294. Contained other public
' buildings, or rooms, ib.
Is desolina, U. S. schooner, her force and destructive fire at New Orleans, Vol, 11, 361.
trotted by hot shot, 363.


Carr, lieutenant, U. S. army, his honorable conduct, Vol. I.236,

Cassia, commodore, his bombastical letters, Vol. II. 55. 411. Account of the attack on Cranef
island, 57. 412.
Catalan. See Blenheim.
Cataract, the Niagara, its height, Vol. I. 51.
Camille, Mr. released from American imprisonment, Vol. 11. IS.
Centre- division of the British Canadian army, repulses the enemy at Queenstown, Vol. I. 37102. The like near Fort-Erie, 110-18. Detachment driven from York, 142-9. Mother detachment, after a gallant resistance, retires from Fort-George towards Burlington Heights,
150-60. A third detachment attacks and retreats from Sackett's Harbor, 164-77. Critical
situation of the detachment at Burlington Heights, 203. Its gallant and successful effort,
204-12. Several partial successes, 214-20. 238-30. Its advance to St. David's, 252. Its
total numbers, 253. Makes a demonstration upon Fort-George, 254. Encreased sickness,
257. Effective strength, in September 1813, 258. Retreats to Burlington. Vol. II. 3. Is
ordered to, but does not, retire upon Kingston, 4. Pursues general M'Clure, 7. Enters
Fort-George, Carries Fort-Niagara, 14-18. Enters Lewistown, Black Rock and Buffaloe, 18-25. Goes - into winter-quarters, 27. (Now called right-division.) Defeated at
Steels' creek, le0-8. 431.-6. Defeats general Brosen's army at Lundy's lane, 143-59.
509 ..
436-48. Encamps near Fort-Erie, 161. Fails in an assault upon the works, Io-.77
Its strength in September, 1814, See. Its advance.attacked by the garrison from R
231. Drives the Americans to their fort, 233. Its encreased sickness, 236.
Chippeway, 937. Affair with a detachment at Lyon's creek, 239.
Is re-inforced, 240.
Regains possession of the Niagara-frontier, and goes into winter quarters, 241.
-, American Canadian army of the, its organization and strength, Vol. I. 80. Repulse
near Fort-Erie, 550-18. Success at York, 142-9; and at Fort-George, 150-60. Advance
towards Burlington Heights, 203. Defeat at Stoney creek,s204-12. Retreat to Fort-George,
219-14. Partial losses, 214-20. QM Strengthlin July,. 1813, 253. In September, 859.
Loses the opportunity of capturing the British centre-division, ib. Departs to join the
northern army, in an expedition against Montreal, 259. Its subsequent proceedings, 300-52.
Is re-organized at Batavia, Vol. II. 114. Takes Fort-Erie, 115. Defeats general Riall, 120-7.
Advances to Queenstown and Fort-George, 129. 137. Retires to Queenstown and Chippeway,
137-8. Is defeated at Lundy's lane, 142-7. Retreats to Fort-Erie, 558. Repels an assault
upon the works, 170-7. Makes a sortie upon the British batteries, 931-6. Is re-inforced
by general Izard's army, 238. Evacuates the Canadian territory, 240.
Chambers. captain, his imprisonment along with convicts in Frankfurt Penitentiary, Vol. I.
299. 461.
Champlain, lake, its situation and extent, Vol. I. 237. Belongs wholly to the Americans,
2313. Proceeding upon, in 1813, 239-648.
town entered by the British, it. 1813, Vol. I. 444.
Chandler, brigadier-general, U. S. army, his Captureby the British, Vol. I. 206.
Chapin, major, U. S. militia, identified as the head of a gang of depredators, Vol. 1. 218.
His inhuman treatment of some wounded British prisoners, 297. His vaunting account of
an affair with a British piquet, Vol. II. 6.
Chaptico, proceedings at, Vol. II. 265.
Charges, of unparalleled gallantry, Vol. II. 86-7.
Charlestown, in the Chesapeake, proceedings at, Vol II. 49.
Chateaugay river, battle of the, Vol. I. 306-17. British official account of, 462.
Chauncey, commodore, his arrival at Sackett's Harbor, Vol. I. 141. Commences equipping a
fleet, ib. Attack upon York, U. C. 141-9. 404. Sounds the approach to Fort-George, 150.
Bombards that fort and Newark, I52. Returns to Sackett's Harbor to await the equipment
of the Pike, 212. Sails in her to the head of the lake, 991. Lands troops and seamen near
Burlington Heights, ib. Overrates the British forces and re-embarks the troops, ib. Carries
away, as prisoners, some infirm inhabitants, ib. Proceeds to York, and lands troops neuter
lieutenant-colonel Scott, 232. Empties the gaols, and plunders the inhabitants, 239. Bin
correspondence with general Wilkinson, 30e.
Cheeves, Mr. his speech to congress, Vol. I. 287.
Chesapeake hay, operations in the, Vol. II. 30-69. 848-333.
Chicago packet, her capture, Vol. I. 59.
fort, its abandonment, Vol. I. 6/.
Chippeway river, its situation, Vol. I. 51.
fort, ditto, ib.
village, ditto, ib.
- U. S. schooner, her destruction, Vol. Ii. 29.

Citizens, American, Mr. Madison's charge of impressing " thousands " of them, Vol. los'
Actual number impressed, 42.
, native and naturalized, pretended equality of rights, ib.
Civilization, Indian, how promoted by the American government, 180-3.
Clerk, colonel Thomas, libel upon refuted, Vol. I.. 162. Contributes to the capture of colonel lherstler, 216. His attack upon Fort-Schlosser, e19 . His account of colonel Bisshopp's site. cessful enterprise against Black Rock, 441 - 3.
Clarke, Elijah, an expatriated American citizen, case of, Vol. I. 43. His acquittal by a court.
martial, ib.
Clay, the honorable Henry, his war-speech, Vol. I. 77. Subsequent apostasy, Vol.
Clark, brigade-major, his shameful treatment, while in a wounded state, by the Ainericaes,
Climate of the Canadas, its severity, Vol. II. 7, 8.
Conn river, proceedings at, Vol. 11. 267.






Cochrane, viee•admiral, refuses his consent to one of sir George Provost's armistices, Vol. II.
182. Arrives in the Chesapeake with major-general Ross, 275. Hit ill-advised letter to Mr.
Munroe, 302. 503. Proceeds to attack Baltimore, 912. His official account, 514. Departs for
Halifax, 33 . Effect of his threatening letter at New Orleans, 340. Arrives off the Chandeleur
islands, 348. Detaches a force against the American gun-boats, 949. His official account of
the New Orleans proceedings, 550.
Cockburn, rear-admiral, arrives in the Chesapeake, Vol. II. 32. Proceeds to the head of the
hay, 39. Approaches Frenchtown, 34. is fired upon from a battery, ib. Lands the
marines, ib. Destroys some stores and vessels, ib. His principle of acting developed, 55.
Purchases stock at Turkey point, and Specucie island, a6. Is fired at and menaced from
Havre de Grace, 36-7. Proceeds to attack the place, 37. Is fired upon by the inhabitants,
who wound the bearer of a flag of truce, 38. Lands, ib. Destroys several abandoned
houses, ib. Also a cannon foundry, Si). Detaches a force up the Susquehanna, 40. Proceeds to Georgetown and Fredericktown, 46. Sends two Americans to warn the inhabitants
against making resistance, 47. Is fired upon, and lands, ib. Destroys the abandoned
houses, vessels, and stores, ib. Lands at a town wear the Sassafras, and is well received,
48-9. The like at Charlestown in the neighbourhood, 49. Retires from the head of the bay,
ib. His account of his proceedings, 404-n. Proceeds to Ocracoke harbor, 69. Captures
two fine letters of marque, 70. Lands at Ocracoke and Portsmouth, ib. Lands at Leonard's
town in St. Mary's, 263. At Hominy ferry, ib. At Hamburgh and Chaotic°, 465. Up the
Yeocomico, 966. At Kinsale, ib. Takes a battery on the banks of the Coan river, 267.
Proceeds up St. Mary's creek. Goes on shore to reconnoitre the route to Washington.
875. His plan to prevent surprise, ib. Suggests an attack on Washington, 276. Proceeds
to the attack of commodore Barney's flotilla, 277. Joins major-general Ross at Upper
Marlborough, and decides on immediately attacking Washington, 481. Advances towards
Washington, 283. His account of the battle of Bladensburg, 492. Is near capturing
Mr. Madison, 291. Approaches Washington, 293. Advances with the light-companies on
general Ross's being fired at, ib. Enters thepresident's palace, 294. Its destruction, 298.
Was blamed by his commanding officer for slot having acted more rigorously, 301. His
official account of the business at Washington, 492. Reconnoitres the enemy at Baltimore,
314. His concern at general Ross's death, 915. Official account of the Baltimore demonstration, 517. Sails for Bermuda, 331. heturns to the Chesapeake, 333. Sails to Amelia
island, 334. Arrives at, and takes possession of, Cumberland island, 995.
Colonial Journal, extract from„Vol. I. 258.
Columbian Centinel, extract from, Vol. 11.297.
Congress, secret law of, to take possession of West Florida, Vol. 11.341.
Convicts, list of, in Fankfort Penitentiary. Vol. I. 461.
Council, of war, American, its despatch, Vol. I. 211. 313. Fortunate decision, 339. Ditto,
Vol. H. 12.
British, its firmness, Vol. I. 120. Ditto, Vol. II. 4.
Court-martial upon lieutenant-colonel Mullins, extracts from, Vol. 11.375. 377. 379.
Craney island, unsuccessful attack upon, Vol. II. 56-63. 414-7. Badly managed, 64.
Cririe, lieutenant, R.N. his noble behaviour, Vol. II. 53. 411.
Cumber/and island, taken possession of by the British, Vol. II. 335.
Court of inquiry upon colonel Campbell, its indulgent proceedings, Vol. II. Ill.

Darby's Louisiana, attracts from, Vol. II. 346-7.
Dearborn. major-general, U. S. army, appointed to command the army of the north, Vol. I.
128. Marches to Champlain, 129. Detaches a skirmishing party, ib. Returns to Plattsburg
and Burlington, 130. Places his army into winter-quarters, lb. Proceeds to the attack of
York, U. C. 141. Arrives there, 143. Captures the place, 146. 400. Proceeds to Niagara.
150. His account of the capture of Fort•George, 157. 412. Detaches a strong force in
pursuit of general Vincent, and to take Fort-Erie, 163. Effects the latter, 164. Detaches
two brigadier-generals to capture or destroy the British at Burlington. Heights, 203. Capture of the former, and retreat of the Americans to Tort-George, 204-13. His strange
account, 209. His defensive preparations, and alarm, at Fort-George, 214-15. Detaches
a force against lieutenant-colonel Bisshopp at the Beaver dam, 215. Its entire capture, 416
-18. His official account of the affair, 439. His resignation of the command, 419.
Debartzch, captain, his interview with general Hampton, Vol. I. 913.
Deceptions, military, curious divulgement respecting, Vol. I. 162.
Delaware-town, affair at, Vol. II. 75 -7.417.
Dennis, brevet-major, his skilful arrangements and gallant behaviour at Hoop-pole creek,
Vol. I. 321-2. His sudden promotion by the Americans, 322.
De Rottenburg, major-general, succeeds major-general Sheaffe, as president of Upper Canada,
Vol. I. 219. His departure for Kingston, 261.
of the
De Saluberry, lieutenant-colonel, his force near Chateaugay, Vol. I. 307.
approach of general Hampton, ib. His judicious arrangement to check his advance, 907-9.
Defeats him, 308-17.
Deserters, partial decision respecting, Vol. 1.43. How considered by Mr. Madison, 44.
, British, nurnber from colonel Scott, Vol. 1. 551. Ditto, from sir George Prevost
In the Plattsburg expedition, Vol. II. 223. Bounty offered to, 271.
Detroit, river, described, Vol. 1. 48.
-----, town, ditto, ib.
-, fort, ditto, ib. Summoned to surrender, 69. Attack upon, ib. its easy surrender
70-4. 562-76. British and American force present at, 71-4. Ordnance stores found at,
79. Effect; of its surrender upon the cabinet at Washington, 76. See Michigan.
, brig, (late Adams,) her recapture, Vol. 1. 81-9.

De Walteville, major-general, his official account of the sortie from Fort-Erie, Vol. IL 469.
Dickson, Mrs. inhuman treatment of her, when ill in bed at Newark, Vol. II. 8.
counsellor, destruction of Isis library by the Americans, ib.
, Mr. Thomas, released from an American prison, lb.
, colonel, differs with colonel Thornton as to the force required to hold general
Morgan's lines, Vol. II. 386. 546. 549.
Dobbs, captain, R.N., conveys five boats over land to Lake Erie, and captures, in a gallant
manner, the U. S. schooners Somers and Ohio, Vol. II. 166-8. 449.
Don Juan De Anaya, the Mexican field-marshal, assisted in defending New Orleans,Vol. 11.389.
Don Quixote, quotation from, Vol. II. 95.
Dover, on Lake Erie, attack upon, Vol. II. 109. Destroyed under the orders of eoloncl
Campbell, U. S. army, 110-12.
Downnie, captain, R.N., his co-operation requested by sit George Prevost, Vol. II. 212. Urged
by a letter, 214. Harrangues his men, 413. Dies,
Doyle, his celebrated wife, Vol. I. toe.
Drummond, lieutenant-general, his arrival from England, Vol. II. 12. Is sworn in as president
of Upper Canada, ib. Joins the centre-division at St. David's, ib. Permits colonel Murray
M pursue his plans of annoyance, ib. Advances to Chippeway, 20. Detaches major-general
Riall to Buffaloe and Black Rock, 20-I. Places his army into comfortable winter-quarters,
26. Detaches a force towards the Detroit, 75. Arrrves at the Niagara from York, 141.
Detaches a force to Lewistown, ib. Arrives at Lundy's lane, 142. Defeats general Brown,
143-59. His official account, 436. Arrives opposite to Fort.Erie, 161. Detaches lieutenantcolonel Tucker to attack Black Rock, 162. His failure, 163. Opens his batteries on FortErie, 168. Fails in a storming attack, 169-77. His official account, 450. Blamed by sir
George Prevost for making the attack in the dark', itio.
, major, offers to put sir George Prevost in possession of Sackett's Harbor, 171.
(Lieutenant-colonel.) His heroic behaviour and death at the assault of Fort-Erie, Vol. ii.
Duc•oss, Mr. deceives the British commanders at New Orleans, Vol. II. 960.
Dudley, colonel, U. S. army, his defeat and death, Vol. I. 198.
Duke of Gloucester, brig, her capture, Vol. I. 148.

Eagle, U. S. cutter, her capture, along wills her companion, by three Canadian gun-boats,
Vol. I. 240. 445-7. Her armament, 240-i. 447.
Earle, commodore, not an officer of the royal navy, Vol. I. 121. His incompetency, ib.
Eaton's life of Jackson, extracts from, Vol. 11, 353. 371. 374. 982.
Effective, its unsettled meaning, Vol. I. 71.
Eldridge, lieutenant, U. S. army, misrepresented story about, Vol. I. 223-6.
Elizabeth- town, now Brockville, incursion into, by the Americans, Vol. I. 194.
Erie, lake, its extent and situation, Vol. I. 42.
-, town, its situation, ib.
fort, its situation Vol. I. 50. Fires upon the fort at Black Rock, 105. Its garrison, in
November, 1812, 110. Abandoned, 158. Entered by the Americans, 164. Repossessed by
the Britigh, Vol. II. 20. Its defenceless condition, 116. Taken by the Americans, 117.
Enlarged and strengthened, 16i. Is assaulted by general Drummond, 168. Terrible explo.
sion of one of the bastions, 177. Repulse of the British, ib. Repaired and fresh mounted,
228. Strengths of the garrison, 229. Sortie from, upon thei Br tish batteries, 231. Its partial
success, 23e-9. Is destroyed and evacuated by the American troops, 240.
Evans, major, his imprisonment along with convicts in Frankfort Penitentiary, Vol. I. 299.
Everard, captain, leaves his brig, the Wasp, at Quebec, and volunteers his services on LakeChamplain, Vol. I. 942. Takes troops under colonel Murray, and lands them at Plattsburg,
ib. Re-embarks them, and proceeds to Swanton, Vermont, 643. Then to Champlaintown and Burlington, '244-5. 449. Tries, in vain, to provoke commodore Macdonough to
come out, 246. 449. Returns to Quebec, 247.
Eustis, doctor, his war-speech, Vol. 1. 77.
Exchange of prisoners, agreed upon between general Winder and colonel Baynes, Vol. II. HO.
Its shameful violation on the part of the Americans, 183-4.
Expedition, the Willtkisonian, its object, Vol. I. 255. Sets out from Fort-George, 260. Is
driven back, ib. Starts a second time, ib. After suffering by weather, arrives at Henderson's
bay and Socket's Harbor, 961, Its rendezvous at Grenadier island, 901. Its exact strength,
ib. Proceeds to French creek, 303. Is attacked by British, gun-boats, ib. To be joined by
general Hampton, 304. Arrives at bloag's, near Morrisville, 317. After landing the troops
and ammunition , passes Prescot, 318. Halts opposite to Matilda, 319. Arrives at Williamsburg, 320. Its strength at this time, ib. Detachments from it, ib. Affair at Hoot,pole creek, 322. Defeat of general Boyd, 323-58. Progress of the expedition to Cornwall. Hence to French mills, 340. Its total failure, 341.
to recover Michilimacinac, its proceedings and failure, Vol. II. 190-201.
Explosion, its fatal effects, at York, U. C. Vol. I. 145. At Fort-Erie, Vol. II. 177.

Field- officers, British and Canadian, their firmness, in council, Vol. I. 140.
Fischer, lieutenant-colonel, his official account of the attack on Oswego, 426. (Colonel) Attacks the American entrenchments at snake-hill, with inefficient scaling , ladders, 163.

repulsed, 170. His official account, *53.

Fisk; Mr. of Vermont, his resolution about British deserters, Vol. 11. 471.
Fitzgibbon, lieutenant, his capture of colonel Bcerstler and his detachment, Vol. 1. 416-8,
Plug of truce, scheming one, sent by the American commodore, at New Orleans, Vol. II.
Fleet, British, on Lake-Ontario, its state in October, 1812, Vol. I. 191.
Forsythe, captain, U. S. army, his incursion into Gananoque, Vol. I. 122. Other predatory
attacks, 133-4. His boastful behaviour to a British flag of truce, 135.
Fort, what so called, in the Canadas, Vol. I. 50.
Foundery, cannon, destroyed near Havre-de-Grace, Vol. II. 39. 44. 407.
Frankfort Penitentiary, list of convicts in, Vol. 1.'461.
Fraser, serjeant, Isis capture of the American general Winder, Vol. 1. 206.
Frederick-town; Chesapeake-bay, proceedings at, Vol. 11. 46-8.
French-town, Michigan, battle of, Vol. I. 1,44-5.
, in the Chesapeake, proceeding. at, Vol. II. 39-5.
French-creek, its situation, Vol. 1. 303. Cannonade of the American encampment at, ib.
Frigate, American, destroyed at Washington, Vol. II. 297.

Gaines, major-genera), U. S. army, relieves general Ripley at Fort-Erie, Vol. II. 164. His
mis-stated account of the assault upon the works, 179. 455.
pales, the editor of the National Intelligencer, a British subject, Vol. II. 295. His atrocious
behaviour, ib.
Gananoque, a Canadian settlement, described, yol.i.:125. Midnight incursion into, ib.
George-town paper, extract from,Vol. II. 300.
George, fort, its situation and strength, in June, 1812, Vol. I. 52. Cannonade between it and
Fort-Niagara, 106. 108. Its strength in May, 1813, 151. Attack upon, las. Want of ammunition, ib. Possession taken of it by the Americans, 159.407. 419. Loss in defending it,
159. 110. American loss in the attack, 161: 413. Is abandoned by general M'Clure, and entered by colonel Murray, Vol. It. 11.
tows, Chesapeake-bay, proceedings at, Vol. II. 46-8.
Gibbs, major-general, his arrival before New Orleans, Vol. II. 363. Complaint against lieutenant-colonel Mullins, 975. The like of the disobedience of the troops, 376. Is mortally
vioanded, 379.
Gibraltar point, its situation, Vol. I. 59,
Goat-island, its situation, Vol. I. 51.
Goose-creek, affair at, Vol. I. 450-9.
Government, the American, makes allies of the Indians, yet blames us for employing then).
Vol. I. 180. 920-1. Its friendly moderation, 139. Orders its officers to break their parole,
Greenleaf's-point, serious accident at, Vol: 11. 296.
Grenadier island, its situation, Vol. 1. 301.
Growler, U. S. cutter, her capture, along with her companion, by three Canadian gu•boals,
Vol. I. 240. 445-7. Her armament, 940-1. 447.
, U. S. schooner, her destruction, Vol. 11. 107.
Can boats, American, near Lake-Borgne, their capture, Vol. 11. 348-58. Curious statement
respecting, 353. Their excellent equipment,

_Hamilton, lieutenant-colonel, gross libel upon him refuted, Vol. II. 18.
village, entered by the British, Vol. I. 340-1. 465-6.
Hampton, village of, attacked and carried by the British, Vol. II. 64-8. 415-17. Shameful prps
ceedings at, 66. Gross exaggerations of the American editors, 67-8.
s major-general, U. S. army, commands the American northern army, Vol. 1. 245.
Is ordered to join general 'Wilkinson, 304. Advances to effect that object, 305. 507. Encounters a small force under colonel De Saltiberry, and is repulsed, 306-17. Retreats to Fours
corners, and thence to Plattsburg, 317. His consolatory assurance to general Wilkinson,
Hamburg, Chesapeake, proceedings at, Vol. II. 265.
Hanchett, captain, R. N. His severe wounds and gallant efforts at Craney island, Vol. II. 59.
Handcock, major, his gallant defence of La Colle mill, Vol. II. 83-9. 421.
rianirs, lieutenant, U. S. army, his official letter, Vol. 1. 355. Remarks thereon, 57.
Harrison, major-general, U. S. army, takes the command of the right wing of the American
north-western army, Vol. I. 179. His relief of Fort-Wayne, and cruelties against the Indians, 181-2. Determines to winter in a Canadian garrison, 164. Separation of the wings,
with orders to re-unite at Presqu'isle, ib. 111 consequences to him of the loss of the left wing, 194.
ConstructsFort-Meigs, and another fort at Upper Sandusky, 194. His indulgencies' against
the Indians, 195. Is attacked at Fort- Meigs, 196. Receives a strong reinforcement, 197.
Detaches a force to storm the British batteries, while a sortie is made in the rear, ib. -Succeeds at first, but is afterwards repulsed, 198. 201. is strongly reinforced, 272. Abandons
forts Meigs and Stephenson, ib. Lands at Amherstburg, 273. Amount of his force, 274.
c e,
Pursues major-general Proctor, 275. Skirmishes in,the route, 977-8. Draws up his for
250. Attacks and defeats major-general Proctor, 281-8. Destroys the Moravian-town, 994;

His official letter, 453. Gasconading accounts of his victory, 296. Detains a flag of truce,
297. His insolent letter to general Vincent, ib. Discharges his volunteers, and repairs to
the Niagara, 298. Arrives at Fort-George, and afterwards at Sackett's Harbor, Vol. 11. 6.
Harvey, lieutenant-colonel, reconnoitres the American entrenched camp, near Stoney creek,
Vol. I. 404. Suggests a midnight attack upon it, ib. Leads the advance, 905, Succeeds in
the enterprise, capturing part, and driving away the remainder, of the American force,
206-ie. Important consequences of the vietory,1215. His services at the battle of Chrystler's, 468. At Oswego, Vol. 11. 495. At the battle of Lundy's lane, 439. At Fort-Erie,
Havre-de-Grace, village of, its situation and size, Vol. II. 36. Treatment of a flag of truce at,
38. Fires upon the British, 37-8. Is entered, and partly destroyed, 38-44. American
calumnies respecting, refuted, 40-6.
Heald, Mrs. her wounds, and reception by captain Roberts, Vol. I. 67.
Henley, captain, U. S. navy, his account of the loss of the Carolina, Vol. II. 537.
Hermes, H.M.S. has her cable cut at Fort-Bowyer, Vol. II. 344. Drifts on shore within gunshot, and is blown up by her commander, ib.
History of the War, an American publication, extracts from, Vol. I. 57. 63. 76. 97, 128. 145.
156-7.162. 193. 200. 225. 2.31.,-3. 9.43-7. 267. 314. 316. 334. 937. 539. 344. Vol. II. 3. 4. 9.12.
17. 90-1. 24. SA. 41-2. 69. 71. 93. tOl.-5. 108. 126. 158. 164. 179-80. 192. 201. 494,233. 255,
249. 952. 264. 268-9. 313. 3£ 1. 394. 348. 374. 391.
United States, an American publication, Vol. I. 57. El. 96-7. 102. 119. 117.
164. 186. 193. 290-1. 297. 247. 297. 338. Vol. 11. 35. 40. 42. 50. 60. 105. 108. 159. 154. 179-80.
444. 949-50. 252. 282-5.690. 293-4. 299. 300-1. 313. 916. 399.
Historians, American, their mistatements exposed, Vol. I. 57. 69. 65,-6. 74. 81. 94-3. 97. 99.
101-6. 108. t 15-17. 123-6. 198. 130. 134. 159. 144-6. 155, 160-3. 189. 184. 197. 189. 196. 193,
199. 208 - I 1. 216. 2(8. 229-6. 241-4. 249. 958. 264. 967. 277. 986. 290. 313-15. 325-8. 594.
356-8. 951. Vol. II. 3. 9. 19. 16. 18. 99. 95. 49-6. 49-50. 61-3. 67. 91-3. 04. 109. 105. 108.
112. 119. 122. 125. 130. 150-0. 165. 178.-9. 200-2. 991. 244. 435. 240. 247. 252-4.276 300. 909.
313. 316. 320. 394. 347. 343-5. 351-4, 360. 372. 389. 390-9. 394.
Holmes, major, U. S. army, his brutal proceedings at St. Joseph's, Vol. 14191-2.
Hoop-pole creek, skirmish at, Vol. I. 321-9.
Hopkins, a Canadian traitor, conveys information to the enemy, Vol. I. 957. Is hung, 238.
Hudibras, extracts from, Vol. I. 356. 398. Vol. IL 236.
Hall, general, U. S. army, Vol. I. 57. His arrival at Detroit, 58. Proclamation to the Canadians, ib. and 355. Capture of Sandwich, 58. Inactivity, 59. His behaviour to the Canadians, 63. His return, across the river Detroit, to the fort, 64. His answer to general
Brock's summons, 69. Retreat to the fort, 70. His tame surrender, ib. Official letters, 369.
His trial, and sentence, 75-6.
Humbert, the celebrated French general, assisted in defending New Orleans, Vol. II. 389.
Minter, Mr. of Alexandria, his cowardly and cruel behaviour, Vol. II. 958,
H .B. M. brig, compared in force with an American boat,' Vol. II. 359.
Huron, lake, its extent and situation, Vol. I. 47. Opelations upon, Vol. II. 185-202.


'Jackson, major-general, U.S. army, succeeds general Wilkinson in the command at New
Orleans, Vol. 11. 345. Takes possession of Pensacola, ib. Arrives at New Orleans, 346.
Places the city under martial law, 354. Sends to reconnoitre the British advanced division,
s -ss
961. Attacks It and retires, 964. 533. His lines in front of New Orleans, 364-7. Receives
F' " ' a reinforcement, 371. Is attacked by the British 374-85. His official accounts of their repulse, 538. 557. Quick re-occupation of the abandeaed right bank, 586. 559. Considers he
outwitted the British general, 387. His official account of the departure of the British, 569.
Some particularly of his family, 389. His designation of England, 390. His honorable conduct
at New Orleans, ib: Account of the loss of Fort-Bowyer, 574.
Jenkins, captain, his dreadful wounds, and heroic behaviour, Vol. I. 138. Some account of his
family, 140.
lndependentforeigners, a corps so named, fired upon, when struggling in the water, Vol. II. 60.
Enormities committed by that corps at Hampton, 66. Placed under a guard by the British
officers, 67. Sent away from the Chesapeake, and not employed again, 69.
Indians, treatment of the, by the Americans, Vol. I. 45. Their disghst at sir George Prevost's
first armistice, 78. Intrepid behaviour at Sackett's harbor, 165. Its consequences, 166. First
called in aid by the United States, 180. Their bravery at French-town, 184-5. The difficulty
of restraining them at the river Raisin, 199. Cause of their hatred to the Americans, 194.
Their gallant behaviour at Fort-Meigs, 197-001. Called in aid by the United states on the
Niagara, 2S0. Curious reasons given in support of the measure, 290-1. Their dislike to attack fortified places, 267. Accumulated numbers at Detroit, 969. Most of them abandon
major-general Proctor, after the loss of captain Barclay's fleet, 675. Remainder make a gallant resistance at the battle of the Thames, Sfig.
John, colonel, his official account of the capture of the U. S. ship Adams, Vol. II. 479.
Jones, lieutenant, U. S. navy, his official account of the loss of his five gun-boats, Vol. II.
550-2. 526.
Expedition planned
.Isle aux Note, its situation, extent, forts, and garrison, Vol. I. 249.
against, 346.
Junon, H.M.S. her affair with the American gun-boats, Vol. II. 54-6. 412.
hard, major-general, U. S. army, has served in the French army. Vol. I. 306. Commands
general Hampton's advance, ib. Moves from Champlain to Sackett's Harbor, with nearly the
whole of the northern army, Vol. II. 906. Proceeds to the Niagara, 297. Crosses to FortErie, and supersedes general Brown, 238. Advances along the road, ib, Returns to Fug.
Erie, 210. Destroys the works, and evacuates the Canadian territory, lb.




Louisiana state, its conquest early submitted to the British government, Vol. II. 399. Ex.
eeted aid from its inhabitants, 240. Its rich cotton crops, ib. Address to the inhabitants of,
by British officers, 341. Defensive preparations by the governor of, 346. Its frontiers described,
346-7. Its evacuation by the British, 387.
U S ship, tier armament and crew, Vol. II. 362. Joins the Carolina schooner, 963.
' Opens upon the British troops, ib. Ought to have been fired upon immediately, lb. Towed
away after the Carolina's explosion, ib. 111 effects of her escape, 368.
Lower Canada, inhabitants of, their patriotic behaviour, Vol. 1. 308-13. 312. 345.
Lundy's-lane, battle of, Vol. II. 142-59.436-48.
Lyon's creek, skirmish at, Vol. II. 238.

Keane, major-general, his exact force nt New Orleans, Vol. II. 962. His official account of the
attack upon him on the 43d of December, 529-33. Is wounded in front of general Jackson's
lines, 379. . .
Kentuckians, their proceedings against the Indians, Vol. I. 179. Dread in which they were
held by the latter, 184. Indulged' by major-general Harrison, 195. Their treatment of
Tecumseh, 03-6. Their dastardly flight on the right bank of the Mississppi, 386. 558. 560.
Kentucky too-much,' an Indian phrase, illustrated, Vol. I. 184.
Kerr, captain, his skirmish with the Americans, Vol. I. 215.
King, colonel, U. S. army, his opinion of general Hampton's defeat, Vol. I. 315,
Kingston, harbor and town described, Vol. I. 54. Approached by commodore Chauncey, 122,
Small force at, 130. 256. Intended expedition. against, 256. 348-9.
Kinsale, proceedings at, Vol. II. ess.


La Colle rialto, manner of its construction, Vol. II. 83. Is attacked by general Wilkinson, 85,
Gallant defence by ha garrison, 86-9. Repulse of the assailants, 90.
Ladders. See Scaling-ladders.
Lake superior, its extent and situation, Vol. I. 47.
-- Huron, ditto, ib.
Michigan, ditto, 48.
--- St. Clair, ditto, ib.
--- Erie, ditto, 49.
Ontario, ditto, 53.
Champlain, ditto, 237.
Lalla Rookh, its author cited, Vol. Ii. 292.
Lambert's travels, quotations from, Vol. II . 8. 153.
.Lambert, major-general, orders the right bank of the Mississippi to be evacuated. Vol. 11. 386.
Applies to general Jackson for a suspension of hostilities, 387. Retreats from his position
before New Orleans, lb. His official letters, 543. 565. Detaches a twee against FortBowyer, 391. His account of its surrender, 570.
Unveil, lieutenant, U. S. army, Isis capture, along with his detachment, by Canadian militia, Vol II. 73 -4.
Latour, major, his opinion of the attack upon general Jackson's lines at New Orleans, Vol. 2.
Latour's ' War in Louisiana,' extracts tram, Vol, II. 349-3. 349-52. 354. 360-1. 363, 367-9.
371-2. 380. 589-4. 327. 360. 391.
Lawrence, captain, U. S. army, his account of the loss of Fort-Bowyer, Vol. I I. 391.
Left diiiision of the British Canadian army, its approach towards the American northern army,
in 1814, Vol. 1. 129. Detachment from itcaptures Ogdensburg 137-40. Another detachment
enters Plattsburg, Swanton and Champlain-town, 242-5. Proceedings of its advance near
Chateaugay. 306-17. Strongly reinforced from Europe, Vol. 11.205. Its efficient state,206,
/larches to Plattsburg and back, 207-27. Retires to winter-quartets, 228.
Leonard's town, Potomac, proceedings at, Vol. 11. 962.
Lewistown, village of, its situation and size, Vol. I. 51. Shares the fate of Newark, Vol. 11. 19.
Lines, general Jackson's, on the left bank of the Mississippi, described, Vol. II. 364 - 7. First
unsuccessful attack upon, 365. 5291-36. Second ditto, 374-85. 598-43. Major Latour's,
and major-general Wilkinson's, opinions respecting the attack , 309-5.
.--- major general Morgan's, on the right bank of the same river, Vol. II. 367. 371. Assaulted and carried, 365 - 6.
Little Belt, U.S. schooner, her destruction, Vol. II. to.
Lockycr, captain, R. N. departs in boats to attack five American gun-boats, Vol. II. 349. His
official account of their capture, 350. 593.
T.ogan, the Indian chief, his alliance with the United States, Vol.!. 180.
London editors, their premature rejoicings, Vol. 11. 227. Their erroneous statements respecting
the proceedings at Washington, 994. 305.
Long point, American expedition against, Vol. II. le9-12.
Loss, British and American, at Brown's-town, Vol. I. 65. At Queen's-town, 97. At forts George
and Newark, 508. Near to Fort-Elie, 117. 390. Ogdensburg, 139. 396. At York, 146-7.
398. 403. 406. At French-town, 185. At the river Raisin, 190. 420. 423. At Fort-Meigs,
900-1. 490. At Stoney-creek, 207. 434. At Black Rock, 220-30. 442. In capturing the
Growler and Eagle on Lake Champlain, 240. 447. At Goose-creek, 251. At Fort-Stephenson,
966--7. At the Thames, U. C. 282-3. At Chateaugay, 319. 464. At Hoop-pole creek,
341-2. At Chrystlers, 332-3. 469. 475. At Fort Niagara, Vol. II. 4-5. 398. At Black
Rock and Budaloe, 93. 403-4. At Havre de-Grace, SS. 405. At George-town, 48. 411. At
Craney-island, 61. 414-15.
At Hampton, 65. 417. At the Twenty-mile creek, 77.419. At
La Colle mill, 90. 422. At Oswego, 105. 407. 499. At Street's-creek, 194,-5. 434-6. At
Lundy.s.lane, 147-8. 441-0. 448. At Black Bock, 164. At Fort-Erie, 177. 454-5. In capturing U. S. schooners, Somers and Ohio, 449. At Michilimacinac, 195. In capturing the
U. 8. schooners, Tigress and Scorpion, 198. 961. At Plattsburg, 993-4. 464. At the sortie
train Fort-Erie, 234. 471. At Lyon's-creek, 239. At Bladensburg, 990. 499. At Moor's-fields,
309. At Baltimore. 321. 326. 519. Up St. itlary's river, 336. At the bombardment of Fort.;
Bowyer, 944. At the capture of the gun-boats near Lake-Borgne, 350. 595. At the several attacks near New Orleans, 588. 594-3. 535. 540. 342,4. 54-7. At the surrender of Fort.
Bowyer, 391. 572,


Macdonnell, major, his mission to Ogdensburg, as a flag of truce, Vol, I. 135. Treatment he
experienced, ib. Succeeds to the command at Prescott, ib. Is denied permission to attack
Ogdensburg, but gets leave to make a demonstration upon the ice, 156. Collects his force and
Is fired upon from Ogdensburg, 138. His capture of Ogcrosses the St. Lawrence, 1 37.
densburg, and eleven pieces of cannon, 199. His official letter to sir George Prevost, 393.
Alteration made in it, 140. (Lieutenant-colonel.) Commands a force near Chateaugay, 307.
Practises a successful ruse de guerre upon general Hampton, 310.
Macdonough, commodore, his cautious behaviour, Vol. I. 246-7. Hears of the departure of
captain Everard from Lake-Champlain, and then sails out, 648. His boastful letter, 450.
Launches his ships at Vergennes, Vol. If. 96. His designation of two cutters, 359.
Macfarlane, Mr. John, released from American imprisonment, Vol. II. is.
Machadie-river, proceedings at, Vol. II. 265.
Macomb, colonel, U. S. army, advances to the attack of Matilda, Vol. 1. 918-19. His curious
account, as contrasted with captain Biddle's, ib. (Major-general.) Retires before sir George
Prevost, Vol. II. 207. Crosses the Saranac, and fortifies his position, 209. His state of despair, 216. Sudden exultation, ib. His official letter, 220-4. 965.
Macrae's house, gallant affair at, Vol. II. 74.
Madison, Mr. his war-manifesto, Vol. I. 2-15. Reply to it, 16-40. His profitable versatility,
44. Charges the British with what he himself openly practices, 180. His ludicrous boast of
having the command of Lake-Huron, Vol. II. 199. Was on the field at Bladensburg, 285.
His narrow escape, 491. Flight, ib. Designation by an American general, ib. His proclamation, 903. 506.
Maguaga, skirmish at, Vol. I. 64-7.
Manchester, American village of, shares the fate of Newark, Vol. II. 19.
Manifesto, Mr. Madison's, Vol.1. 2-15.
, the prince regent's, Vol. I. 16. Compared with Mr. Madison's, 41.
Manners, captain, exchanges parole with an American captain, while both lie wounded on the
field at Stoney-creek, Vol. I. 208. American misrepresentation corrected, in.
Marlborough, Lower and Upper, proceedings at, Vol. 11. 259. 279.
Marque and reprisal, American letters of, Vol. 1. 15.
, British ditto, Vol. I. 16.
Maycau r, serjeant, his heroic behaviour, and dastardly murder, Vol. II. 255-9.
M 'Arthur, general, U. S. army, his miraculous' escape, Vol. I. 61. His disgraceful proceedings in the western district of Upper Canada, Vol. If. 241-3.
Clure, major-general, U. S. militia, marches from Fort George, as if in pursuit of general
, Vincent, Vol. 11. 3. Retreats to Fort-George before colonel Murray, 7. Gives half an hour's
notice to the inhabitants of Newark, and then sets fire to their town, 8, 9. Abandon's FortGeorge and retreats across the river, li. Orders the commandant at Fort-Niagara to prepare
for an attack, 16. 398. 400. Is justly charged by his countrymen as the cause of the desolation of their villages, 26.
itt cuusch, captain, U. S. Army, his letter to his wife, Vol. I. 62.
M‘Dongal, major, his evidence at colonel Mullins's court-martial, Vol. II. 377.
N'Donall, lieutenant-colonel, his boisterous passage across Lake-Huron, Vol. II. 186-7. At*,
rives at Michilimacinac, ib. Detaches a force against Prairie du Chien, ib. His gallant
defence of Michilimacinac, 193. Official account of the repulse of the Americans, 400.
Gross libel upon him refuted, 201-2.
1 f ' Kay, lieutenant-colonel, of the Michigan fencibles, departs for, and attacks and carries, th
fort of Prairie du Chien, on the Mississippi, Vol. II. 187-90. His official account of the en,
terprise, 956.
N Wicking, Mr. Peter, released from American imprisonment, Vol. II. 18.
P`Pherson, lieutenant-colonel, U. S. army, his opinion of the conduct of the British at L
Colle mill, Vol. 11. 87.
Al 'Queen, serjeant, of the Canadian militia, his gallantry, Vol. II. 74.
Medcalf, lieutenant, of the Canadian militia, his enterprising spirit, and gallant capture of a
' body of American regulars, Vol. 11. 73-4.
Prigs, fort, its construction, Vol. I. 194. Strength, 196. Attack upon, by colonel Proctor, ib.
, Sortie from the garrison, 1 99. Repulse of the Americans, 200. Reinforcement to the garrison, 197. The fatter storm and carry the British, batteries, 198. Batteries re-taken, ib. Capture or destruction of nearly the whole American storming party, ib. 418.
Memoirs, Wilkinson's, extracts from, Vol. I. 80. 65. 66. 87. 90. 92. 193. 153. 170. 171. 172.
233 - 0. 254. 255. 257 - 9. 302-4. 315. 318-22. 566-9. 339. 355. 338. 393. 546-7.
300. Vol. 11.
56. 62.78. 79. 89. 85-9. 91. 94. 102. 109. 108. 114. 117. 121-3. 126. 127. 131-5.
140. 144. 148.
155. 156-7. 159. 278-81. 289. 256. 290. 293-5. 303. 342. 360. 385. 389. 392.
iltterchandize, admitted by the Americans to be ' good prize,' Vol. II. 192. 333,
iami river, its situation, Vol. 1. 50. Bee Meigs.




Michigan, lake, its situation and extent, Vol. 1.48.
territory, surrender of the, to the British, Vol. I. 70. 361. First American attempt at,
579. Is recovered by major-general Proctor's defeat, 985.
Michilimacinac, island of, its situation, Vol. I. 47.
fort, its situation, Vol. 1. 48. Its capture, 56. 353-5. Meditated recovery.
Vol. II. 185. Its garrison reinforced, 187. Attack upon it by the Americans, 193. Their repulse, 195-6. 458. Restored by the treaty of peace, 393.
Mills, captain, U. S. army, exchanges parole with captain Manners, Vol. I. 206. Is sent to the
American lines by a flag or truce, lb.
Mohawk Indians, their faithfulness, Vol. I. 992.
Montreal, in Lower Canada, expedition against determined upon, Vol. I. 255.

general Wilkinson, Vol. II. Al. Is repulsed at La Colic mill, Sh-95. Retreats to Champlain, 95. Principal part carried to Sackett's Harbor by general 1 zard, 206. Remainder,
under major-general Macomb, retires to Plattsburg, 207. Its extraordinary good.fortune ,
North-west, U. S. army of the, its first proceedings, Vol. I. 58. Surrender to the British,
70. Renewal, 178. Its division into two wings, 179. Proceedings against the Indians, 189.
Number of tomahawks supplied to it, 183. Its great augmentation, 463. 272. Lands at
Amherstburg, 673. Its strength, 274. Defeats the British right-division, 981-8. Is dismembered, 298.
Norton, the ' Indian chief,' a Scotchman, Vol. II. 16.


, strength of the city, Vol. I. 304.

Ocracoke harbor, proceedings of the British at, Vol. II. 69-71.
Officers, British, their imprisonment among convicts, Vol. I. 296-9. 461.
Ogdensburg, an American village, its situation and size, Vol. I. 124. Unsuccessful attack
upon by colonel Lethbridge, 128. Attacked and carried by major Macdonnell, 137-40.
Entered again by the British, 941.
,Ogilvie, major, his gallant behaviour at Fort-George, Vol. I. 157. Ditto, at Stoney creek,
Ohio, U. S. schooner, her capture, Vol. 11. 167. 449.
O'Neill, Mr. taken at Havre de Grace, his contemptible behaviour, Vol. II. 45. Ludicrous
threat respecting his detention, 46.
)Ontario, lake, its situation and extent, Vol. I. 53. Operations on in 1813, 259.
Orders in council, their revocation, Vol. I. 15.
Oswego, fort and river, their description, Vol. II. 99. Attack upon the fort, 100-8. 422-30.

Moor's-fields, skirmish at, Vol. II. 308.
.Moose-island, its capture, Vol. II. 445-6. 472-5.
Moravian village, its situation, Vol. I. 284. Destruction by general Harrison, ib. See Thames.
Morgan, major-general his lines at New-Orleans, Vol. II. 967. 371. Is driven from them, 385-7.

547. 558-62.
Morrison, lieutenant-colonel, proceeds from Kingston down the St. Lawrence, to annoy general Wilkinson's rear, Vol. 1. 393. Lands at Point.lroquois, 944. His exact force, 326•
Draws up his small army near elaystler's fapnr, 328. Is attacked by general Boyd, 349.
Defeats him, notwithstanding Ids great superiority of numbers, in a masterly style, 329-39.
His official account, 467-70. Proceeds further down the river, 399. Arrives at Cornwall,
940. Detaches a force to Hamilton and Ogdensburg, 340-1. 465.
Muir, major, his imprisonment: along with convicts in Frankfort Penitentiary, Vol. I. 999. 463.

Mulcaster, captain, R. N. his passage down the St. Lawrence from' Kingston, Vol. I. 323. Ar-

rives at Fort-Wellington, 944. Lands troops at Point-I roqw ib. Cannonades the armed
gun-boats, 325.
Mullins, lieutenant colonel, of the 44th regiment, bis fatal misunderstanding respecting the
facines and ladders, Vol. 11. 375. His reported neglect, ib. Extracts from the court-martial
upon him, 975-9.

Mr/;77t, Mr. approves of the burning of Newark, Vol. II. 11. His convenient designation of
the inhabitants of Havre-de-Grace, 49. 505. Clumsy excuse for the burning of St. David's,
136. His reply to Admiral Cochrane's letter, 304-3. 504.
Murray, colonel, embarks at I sle-aux.Noix, and lands at Plattsburg, Vol, I. 242. Destroys the
arsenal and barracks up the river Saranac, ib. Re-embarks, bringing away a quantity of naval
stores,943. 448. Marches against general M'Clure, Vol. 11.7. Enters Fort-George, .11. 396,
Crosses to the attack of Fort-Niagara, 13. Storms and carries the fort in a few minutes,
14-18. 396--8.
sir George, his arrival in the Canadas, Vol. 11. 393. Immediate return on account of
the prce, ib.

Otter creek, Lake Champlain, unsuccessful attack upon, Vol. II. 96-7. Ill consequences of
with-holding troops from, 97.
pvier.to5n68, .major, U. S. army, his official account of the bombardment of Fort St. Philip, Vol.

Painting, an American, of the Plattsburg battle, Vol. II. 425.
Palcritham, major-general, his arrival on the left bank of the Mississippi, Vol. II. 363.

Amount of his force, lb. Determines to attack the American lines in front, ib. Makes an
unsuccessful demonstration, 368-9. Is cannonaded by commodore Patterson's guns on
the right bank, 369. Receives a reinforcement, 971. His exact force, 373. Attempts to
carry general Jackson's lines, 374. His death, 376,-8. Exact spot where he fell, 378. The
chief cause of it, 379. His good moral character, 390.


National Intelligencer, extracts from, Vol. II. 196. 971. 296. 333.
Native, and adopted American officer, their letters compared, Vol. II. 261.

Pa/ace, the president's, at Washington, a guard of soldiers stationed at, Vol. II. 494. Abandoned, ib. Its destruction justified, 995. 305.
parker captain, R.N., Iris gallantry and death, Vol. II. 308-9.
Parliamentary proceedings, extracts frosts, Vol. II. 305.
parole, form of one, Vol. 1.234. Duties imposed by, 235. How considered by tire American
government, 934-5.

Negroes, in the Chesapeake, mistatements respecting, Vol. II. 268-71. 939.
Newark, village of, its situation and size, Vol. I. 52. Injury received by shot from Fort..

Paroling the Canadians, American method of, Vol. 1. 160.
Party-spirit, its occasional use, Vol. I. 182. Its height in America, Vol. II.
Patent-office, at Washington, not destroyed, Vol. II. 904.
Patterson, commodore, orders out his gun-boats to defend the passes into Lake Borgne, Vol.
11. 347. Sends a purser and doctor to pump admiral Cochrane, 354. His official accounts of



Nava/ Monument, an American publication, extracts from, Vol. 1. 949. Vol. II. 53. 240.
Occurrences, James's, referred to, Vol. I. 194. 174. 909. 991. 94J-1. 247. 252. 260,
971-4. Vol. II. 29. 32. 56. 97. 101, 109. 193. III. 167. 190. 200. 41 1. 420. 926. 947. 250.
276-7.702. 353.
History of the United States, extracts from, Vol. I. 247-9. Vol. II. 23. 353.

and countersign, none used at New Orleans, Vol. II.990.

the cooperation of his ship and schooner, 536. 599. 541. Constructs a battery on the
opposite bank, and fires upon the British, 969-70. His official account of colonel Thornton's
exploit on the right bank of the Mississippi, 559.
Peace, treaty of, Vol. II. 575. Some remarks upon it, 393.
Pensacola, taken possession of by the U. S. troops, Vol. II. 945.
Percy, W. H. captain, R.N. his attack upon, and repulse at Fort-Bowyer, Vol. II. 949-6.
Perry, commodore, his appearance on Lake Erie, Vol. I. 269. Defeat of the British flotilla,
271. Effects of his victory on the rival armies, 271-9. Accompanies major-general
Harrison up the Thames, 976.

Niagara, 108. Entered by the Americans, 159. Burnt by the Americans, Vol. II. 8-11.

New Orleans, city of, its richness, Vol. II. 940. Menaced with an attack, ib. Its line of

maritime invasion, 346. Its extent and population, 347. Defensive preparations at, 348.
Consternation of the inhabitants at the loss of she gun-boats, 354. Placed under martial
law, Om Description of the surrounding country, 355-7.
New York, plan of the city described, Vol. II. 499.
Niagara river, its situation, Vol. I. 56-53.

falls, their height, Vol. I. 51.
fort, its situation and strength, Vol. 1. 52. Vol. 11. 15. Cannonade between it and
Fort-George, Vol. 1. 102. 108. Bombards Fort-George, 159. Is stormed, and carried by
colonel Murray, Vol. II. 13-18. 906. 400. Its recovery contemplated, 78. Restored at the
peace, 393.
frontier, British, its regular force in September, 1812, Vol. 1.80.
, American, alarm caused by its exposed state in December, 1613, Vol. 1.
of the U. C. militia, his dwelling-house, distillery, and other
buildings, destroyed by the Americans, Vol. II. 109-19. Points out a route for the carriage
- of captain Dobbs's boat to Lake Erie, 167.
Nominy ferry, proceedings at, Vol. II. 263.
Norfolk Herald, newspaper, curious extract from the, Vol. II. 269.
1Vorth, U.S. army of the, its station and strength in 1819, Vol. I. 128. Advances towards the
"boundary line, 199. Retreat into winter. quarters, 130. Re-advance in October, 1813, to join
general Wilkinson, 305. Its strength, ib. Attacks a small British torce at Chateatial/5
and is driven lot& to Four Corners," 306-17. Retreats to Pluttsburg, ib. Advance Under

Petite-Coquille fort, British deceived as to its defences, Vol. II. 358. Real strength known, 364.
philadelphia'Cazette, extract from, Vol. II. 44.
Phillipsburg, .Lower Canada, incursions into by the Americans, Vol. II. 81.
Pike, lieutenant-colonel, U. S. army, is detached against a British piquet, Vol. I. 120. His
men wound each other, 190. Returns unsuccessful, ib. (Major-general.) His action at
York, 143. His death by an explosion, 145.

-, U. S. ship, set on fire by the Americana at Sackett's Harbor, Vol. I. 170. Fire extinguished, 179. Her appearance on the lake, 230.


,pilkington, lieutenant-colonel, his official account of the capture of Moose island, Vol. II.
plattsburg, village of, entered by colonel Murray, Vol. II. 442. Its situation and size, 209.
Details of the unsuccessful expedition against, 207-98. 461-9.


plenderleath, lieutenant-colonel, his gallant conduct at Stoney creek, Vol. I. 206. Al ChrySti
lei's, 468. Did not report his wound, 333.

rueket-handkerchief, converted into A stand of colours, Vol. I. 106.

Poiat-Pedee fort, its strength, Vol. 1I. 394. Taken possession of by the British, ib.
Porter, major-general, U. S. militia, his address to his countrymen, Vol. I. 109.
Portsmouth, N. Carolina, British land there, Vol. 11. 70. Quiet behaviour of the inhabitants,
Port-Tathot, 50 heads of families robbed and ruined at, by a detachment of Americans, Vol.
II. 181-4.
Poulson's Philadelphia paper, extract from, Vol. 11. 293.
Prairie du Chien, fort, attacked and carried by a detachment from Michilimacinac, Vol. IL
Prescott, or Fort- Wellington, its situation, Vol. I. 126. State of defence in October, 1812,
127. Fruitless cannonade against Ogdensburg, ib. Its fortifications described by an American officer, 349. Intended expedition against, 348-9.
President's speech, extracts from, Vol. II. 1e9.
Presq' isle harbor, its situation, Vol. I. 49. III effects of not destroying the American fleet at
anchor there, 286.
Eyespot, sir George, his omission to send notice of the war, Vol. I. 68. His first impolitic
armistice, 78. Ill effects of his defensive measures, 89. Arrives at Ogdensburg, 13 5.
Verbally refuses to allow major Macdonnell to attack Ogdensburg, 136, Consents to a demonstration, ib. Writes an order against the attack, 140. His private letter to major Macdonnell
after the attack had been made, 141. Embarks at Kingston for the attack of Sackett's
Harbor, 165. Proceeds off the port, ib. Is induced to return, ib. Stands back for that
purpose, ib. Is invited from the shore to save a party of American dragoons from the fury
of Indians, 166. Stands in again for that purpose, and brings off 70 prisoners, ib. Resolves
to make the attack, ib. Loses the benefit of the wind, ib. Lands with the troops, 169.
Experiences little opposition, ih. Compels the enemy to net fire to his ships and naval
stores, 170. Orders a retreat, 171. Rejects the offers of major Drummond, ib. Returns
to Kingston, 173. Remarks upon his proceedings, 173-7. Makes a demonstration upon
Fort-George, 254. His official account of major-general Proctor's defeat, 431. Passes a
severe censure upon the right-division, 983. His previous neglect of it, ib. Arrives at
Chatcaugay . at the close of the battle, 316. Writes the official account, 916. 462. Orders
the evacuation of all the British ports beyond Kingston, Vol. 11. 4. His intercepted
letters to general Drummond, 180. Disapproves of night-attacks, ib. Hints at the
insufficiency of the scaling-ladders, and at the men being deprived of their flints, oil. Proposes another armistice, 182. Commences his march for Plattsburg, 407. Enters an
American abandoned camp, ib. Arrives at Plattsburg, 208. Calls for the fleet to co-operate,
910. Remarks of Veritas on sir George's proceedings, 411-40. Sets off for Montreal,
428. His official account, 461.
Prints, 'known to be friendly to the war,' their use in the United States, Vol. I. 162.191.
Prisoners, American, plan adopted by the British to protect them from Indian fury, 246.
, British, most inhuman treatment of, by the American major Chapin, 297. March
into the interior, and imprisonment of, among convicts, 298-9. 461. Confinement of
Canadian inhabitants as, in Fort-Niagara, Vol. II. 18. in exchange for all agreed upon,
183. its shameful violation, 183-4.
Proclamation, general Hull's, Vol. 1. 58. 356.
Brock's, ditto, 68.70. 358. 368.
Smyth's, ditto, 509. 391.
Wilkinson's, ditto, 317. 466.
Proctor, colonel, commanding the British right-division, is ordered by sir George Prevost
to refrain from acting, Vol.!. 181. Its ill effects on our Indian allies, ib. His advance to
Brownstown, and attack of general Winchester, 187. His defeat and capture of the latter
and his army, 188-94. His official letter, 418. His return to Sandwich, to await reinforcements, 194. Proceeds to attack major-general Harrison, at Fort-Meigs, 195. Erects
batteries, and opens an ineffectual fire upon the fort, 197. His batteries are stormed, but
retaken, 198-901. He retires to Sandwich, 401. His official letter, 424. is reinforced,
963. Advances to the attack of Fort-Stephenson, 264. Fails in an attempt to storm the
fort, 265-7. Returns to Sandwich, ib. Is reinforced, 269. Sends a detachment on board
captain Barclay's fleet, 270. Retreats after the latter's capture, 974. Is abandoned by the
Indians, 275. Draws up his force near the Moravian village, 478. Is defeated by general
Harrison, 981. Escapes to Ancaster with a small part of his army, 284-5. Sir George
Prevost's account of his defeat, 451.
Proceedings of congress, extract from, Vol. 11. 25.
Public buildings, at Washington, misstatements respecting their destruction, corrected, Vol.
11.293 - 7.802-6. Their value, 297. 503.
Purdy, colonel, U. S. army, his operations at Chateaugay, Vol, I. 908. His opinion of general
Hampton, 914. Want of promptitude, 915.
Put-in-Bay, its situation, Vol. 1. 49.
Putman, major, U. S. army, his letter, surrendering Moose island, Vol. II. 474.


Quarterly Review, reference to Vol. II. 10.
Quebec journalists, their indiscreet impatience, Vol. II. 226-7.
Queenstown, village of, its situation, and size, Vol. 1. 51. Plan of attack against, 85. Force
at, in October, 1812, 87. Attack upon by the Americans, 88. Details of the battle at, S9
-102. Force of the invading army, 99. Its surrender, 95. British official account, 376.
American ditto, 379. 3.14.

Raisin, river, its situation, Vol. I. b0. Battle of the, 187-94. British official accouat, 418.
420. American ditto, 421. 424. American calumnies against the British refuted, 19.-4.

Rappahannock river, exploit in tile, Vol. II. 92.
Rarees described, Vol. 11.253. American mistake respecting them, ib.
Reab, lieutenant, U. S. army, his readiness to break his parole, Vol. I. 285.
Regular force, British, in the Canadas, at the first of the war, its amount and unequal dis.
tribution, Vol. 1.55. Respect paid to it, 133.
Rennie, colonel; his intrepid behaviour and death, Vol. II. 381.
Review, North-American, extracts from, Vol. II. 35. 41-9. 52.
Reynolds, major, U. C. militia, his gallant behaviour at Frenchtown, Vol. I. 185.
Mall, major-general, arrives from England, and joins the centre-division, at St. David's, Vol.
11. 12. Crosses to Lewistown, 18. Orders it to be destroyed in retaliation for the burning
of Newark, 19. Proceeds to, and destroys Fort-Schlosser, ib. Returns to Queenstown, ib.
Re-crosses to Black Rock, 20. Attacks and defeats the Americans there and at Buffaloe, 21
-25. 400-3. Destroys the two villages, 22. 402-4. Evacuates the American territory, 25.
Is attacked and repulsed by major-general Brown, 120-8. Retreats to Chippeway, 124.
Thence to Fort-George, les. Proceeds to Burlington Heights, in his way to which he is
reinforced, 132. Is superseded in the command by general Drummond, 142. Is wounded
• and made prisoner, 146.
Richelieu river, its situation and extent, Vol. I.298.
Right.division of the British Canadian army, its early proceedings detailed, Vol. I. 56-68.
Captures Detroit, and the first American north-western army, 68-74. Attacks and captures
the left wing of the second, 186-194. Attacks the right wing in Fort-Meigs, 196-201.
Retires from the siege, 201. Is reinforced, 269. Fails in an attack upon Fort-Stephenson,
265-7. Is further reinforced, 269. Straitened for provisions, ib. Detachment sent on board
captain Barclay's fleet, 270. Sad effects of the loss of that fleet, 471. Severe privations
under which the right-division labored, 271-1. Abandons Amherstburg, 274. Retreats
towards the Thames, pursued by general Harrison, 275. Is deserted by the principal part of
the Indians, ib. Drawn up near the Moravian village, 278. Surrenders after a slight
resistance, 289. 451. is censured by the commander-in-chief, 483. Its name given to the
late centre-division, Vol. 11. 494.
Ripley, major-general, U.S. army, reconnoitres the British after the battle of Lundy's lane,
Vol. II. 158. Retreats to Fort-Erie, ib. Enlarges and strengthens that fort, 161. Is
relieved by general Gaines, 164.
Roberts, captain, his capture of Fort-Michilimacinac, Vol. 1.56. His official letter, 353.
Roman valor, not equal to American, Vol. II. 45. Want of it at Bladensburg, 291.
Ross, major-general, arrives in the Chesapeake, Vol. II. 275. Lands to reconnoitre, ib.
Determines, upon rear-admiral Cockburn's suggestion, to attaek Washington, 276. Encamps his army at Upper Marlborough, 273. Is joined by rear-admiral Cockburn, 281.
Advances towards Washington, 298. Arrives at Bladensburg, ib. His official account of
that battle, 496. Is near taking the president of the U. S. 291. Advances to Washington,
293. Has his horse shot under him, ib. Enters the city, 294. Departs from it, 300. Lands
at North point, 313. Advances to reconnoitre, 314. Is skirmished with, 315. Returns for
a reinforcement, ib. Is shot on his way, ib. His affecting end, 509. 514. 517. Effect of his
death upon the expedition, 315. His character, 349-31.
Round-head, the Indian chief, his capture of the American general Winchester, Vol. I. 188.
Safe delivery of his prisoner to colonel l'roctor, ib.
Rouse's point, projected battery at, Vol. I. 258.
Royal George, ship, attack upon the, Vol. I. 122.

Sackett's Harbor, village of, its situation, Vol. I.54. 167. Size, and the strength of Its defences,
167. Attack upon, by sir George Prevost, 168. Its weak resistance, 169-74. Extraordinary
retreat from, 171. 413. British loss at, 173. 417. American ditto, 173. Importance of that
station to the British, 174. American remarks upon the subject, 175. 111 effects of not
holding the post, 285. Defenceless state in January, 1814, Vol. I I. 98.
Saevda,nasa3 171,. its Georgia, described, Vol. II. 336. Meditated expedition against, ib. How defeat.
Sandwich, village of, its situation, Vol. I. 43.
Sandusky, river, ditto, ditto, 50.
Saranac, river, on Lake Champlain, ascended by colonel Murray, and American arsenal and
byaorir.a lck1.8 20t19-g
iere 7.situated, destroyed, Vol. 1. 942. Proceedings there by sir George Prevost,
Scaling ladders, their shortness, one cause of the failure in the assault of Fort-Erie, Vol. II. 169.
172. isl. Neglected to be placed at the attack of New Orleans, Vol. 11. 375. Made of ripe
canes, 383.
Scalp, first that was taken in the war, Vol. I. 59. American reward offered for taking, its.
Mode of extracting it, 293.
Schlosser, fort, captured, Vol. I. 50. Surprised by colonel Clarke, 4 19.
Scott, lieutenant-colonel, United States' army, his attack upon York, Vol. I. 292-3. Is
charged with a breach of his parole, 291. 444. His excuse, 436.
Sentinel, Brt\ 11, anecdote of one at Washington, Vol. II. 296.
Shealfe, major-general, his arrival at Queenstown, Vol. I. 94. Official account of the battle,
376. Impolitic armistice, t 00. Lenity to the Americans, 101. His action at York, 143. Retreat towards Kingston, 146. Account of the capture of York, 397.
Sherbrooke, sir John C. his official account of the proceedings up the Penobscot, Vol. 1 f. 475.
Shields, Mr. purser, United States' navy, his trick upon the British commanders at New Or.
leans, Vol. I I. 360.
Awl, lieutenant-colonel, his eallant behaviour, and death, Vol. I. 966.



Sham/ids, Mr. Wm. his testimony respecting Washington, Vol. 11. 291 5.
Sinchzir, catpain, United States' navy, attacks, and is repulsed at, Fort-Michilimacinac, Vol. II.
993-5. Captures the Nancy schooner, 197. His bombastic designation of his prize, ib.
Six Nations' of Indians, their pretended declaration of war, Vol. I. 222.
Sketches of the War, an American publication, extracts from, Vol. I. 60-1. 64. 66.71-5.
89. 93-5. 97-9. 101-9. 508-9. I11-19. 115. 117-18. 123. 125. 198. 134. 199. 143-5. 197-9.
152-3. 155. 159-60. 169. 172-9. 177. 179-80. 182. 184. 188-9. 192. 195-6. 198 200. 208.
210-11. 219. 217 220. 994. 031 247. 255-4. 964. 267. 279. 879-5.9.76. 262-4. 990. 297.
299. 308. 313. 990-1. 552. Vol. II. 9. 12. 18. 24. 40-I. 44-5. 48. 59. 57. Gt. 63. 65-6. 71.
91. 102. 105. 108. 110-11. 118-19. 122. 127. 129-30. 138. 146. 159.•153. 154. 159. 161.
169. 165-6. 168. 171. 177-8. 195. 201. 208. 222. 299-5. 229. 231. 239. 996. 939-40. 249.
248-9. 152. 254. 279. '299. 301. 304. 389. 319. 915-16. 518. 320. 324. 527. 345.
official account of the battle of Baltimore, V01:
Smith, general, United States' army,
516. 221.
Smyth, general, United States' army, his appointment to the command of the American army
of the centre, Vol.!. 107. Cunning way of giving notice of the termination of general Sheaffe's
armistice, ib. Proclamation for volunteers, 109. 391. Amount of his force, 109. His preparations for the second invasion, ib. Crosses over the advanced division, I to. Strength of
the latter, i 1 1 . Progress on the Canadian shore, 114-14. Fails in his expedition, 115r
Sends a summons to Fort-Erie, 118. 393. The answer he obtained, 118. 989. Intends a fresh .
attack, 119. Trifles with his troops, ib. Abandons the invasion, ib. His reasons, ib. Beha- •
viour of the troops, ib. Nick-name given to him, 120.
Soldiers in citizens' dresses, remarks upon, Vol. II. 52.
Somers. United States' schooner, her capture, Vol. II. 167. 449.
Specucie island, proceedings of the British at, Vol. II. 96.
State.paper, American, Vol. 1. 192.
St. Clair, lake, its situation and extent, Vol. I. 48.
, river, its situation and extent, ib.
St. David's, village of, its situation, Vol. 1. Se. Burnt by the Americans, Vol. II. 134-5.
Stephenson, or Sandusky, fort, its construction, Vol. 1. 194. 263. Unsuccessful assault upon,
Stewart. general, U ni ted States' militia, his shameful behaviour to a British serjeant of Marines,
St. George, colonel, his capture of the Chicago packet, Vol. 1. 59.
St. John's, Lower Canada, its situation, Vol. I. 239.
St. Joseph's, island of, captured, Vol. I. 47. Shameful proceedings of the Americans at,Vol.II.
191 -9.
St. Lawrence, river, when open for navigation, Vol. I. 199.
St. Mary's, river of, in Upper Canada, its situation, Vol. I. 47.
, in Georgia, its situation, Vol. II. 995. Expedition up, ib.
, captured, Vol. II. 935.
Stone, Mrs. her shameful treatment by the Americans, and heroic behaviour, Vol. I. 195.
lieutenant-colonel, United States' army, how treated for burning St. David's, Vol. 1 1.
Stoney creek, battle of, Vol. I. 204-11. 491-6. Mutual loss at, 207. 434-5.
St. Philip, fort, unsuccessful bombardment of, 587. 568.
St. Regis, village of, its situation, Vol. I. SS.
Street. M r. Samuel, relea-ed from Americhn imprisonment, Vol.
Street's creek, battle of, Vol. II. 120-8. 431-6.
Superior, lake, its situation and extent, Vol. 1. 47.
Surveyor, United States' schooner, her capture, Vol. 11. 53.
Swanton, village of, barracks destroyed at, Vol. 1. 945.
Swift, brigadier-general, United States' army, his death, Vol. 11. 129.

Tappahannock river, entered by the British, Vol. II. 933.
• Tarbin, captain, United States' navy, his attack upon the Junon, 54-6.
Taylor, major, his capture of the Growler and Eagle cutters, Vol. 1. 240-1. 445.
Tecumseh, the Indian Chief, his action at Aux Canards, Vol. I. 61. Advances upon Detroit, 69.
His fidelity at Fort-Meigs, 901. Kills one of his warriors for massacring an American ',Harmer, ib. His bravery at the battle of the Thames, 082. Is killed by colonel Johnson, 287'.
His person and character. ib. Skill as a diplomat ist, 285. Plainness in dress, ih. Tempe-'
ranee, 289. Warlike qualities, lb. Hatred to the Americans. 290. Their libels span him,
ih. His forbearance to ill-treat them, ib. Judgment in the field, 291. Travels, lb. Talents
as a draftsman. ese. Modesty, ib. Compared with his son. 293 His majestic features
after death, 294. His scalp taken, and skin flayed, 995. His death not mentioned by
general Harrison, 996. Probable reason, ib.
Thames, river, Upper Canada, its situation, Vol. I. 48. Battle of the, 278-99.' British official
account of the, 4511 American ditto, 953.
Thermopylre, curiously compared, Vol. H. 157.
Thompson, M r. John, released from American imprisonment, Vol. II. IR .
Thornton, colonel, leads the left wing at the battle of Bladensburg, Vol. II. 286. Drives the
enemy before him, 297-9. Lands with the advance at Viller6's canal, New Orleans, 355.
Llivourteks near the banks of the Mississippi, 958. Crosses the Mississippi, and carries gene-

tal Morgan's lines, and commodore Patterson's batteries, 385-6. 559. His official account,
547. Returns to have his wound dressed, leaving lieutenant-colonel Gubbins in charge of
the captured works, 986. His opinion about the possibility of' retaining them, 386. 549.
Tomahawks, number furnished to the American north-western army, Vol. 1.183.
Totten, lieutenant-colonel, United States' army, his opinion of the British charges at La Colle
mill, Vol. II. 88.
Treasury-office, at Washington, its destruction justified, Vol. II. 504.
Trippe, United States' sloop, her destruction, Vol. II. 22.
Tacker, lieutenant-colonel, crosses to Lewistown, Vol. II. 142. His unsuccessful attack upon
Black Rock, 162-4.
Turkey-paint, proceedings of the British at, Vol. II. 96. ,
Tuscarora, Indian village, shares the fate of Newark, Vol. 11. 19.
Tylden, major sir John, his evidence at colonel Mullins's court.martial, Vol' II. 375.

Underhill, his forcible seisure as a deserter, and death, Vol. I. 431

Valor, American, superior to Roman, Vol. 1. 25.
Van Rensselaer, general, United States' army, his command of the American army of the centre,
Vol. I. 80. Intended plan of invasion, 89. Hoy, defeated, 85. Crosses the strait to encamp
there, 9r. Official account of the Queenstown battle, 379. Secession from the command,
l'arnam, general, United States' army, his letter about the sortie at Fort-Erie, Vol. II. 295.
' Yentas,' his remarks upon the Plattsburg expedition, Vol. II. 211-20.
Village, what so named by the American editors, Vol. I. 126.
Vincent, major.general, his defence of Fort-George, Vol. I. 153-8. RetreatS to the Beaver dam,
159. Is joined by a small reinforcement, 163. Destroys part of his stores, ib. His want of
ammunition, and retreat to Burlington Heights, 164. His critical situation, 203. American
force sent against him, ih. Its near encampment, ib. Listens to the suggestion of lieutenant-colonel Harvey, and proceeds with a detachment, headed by that officer, to storm the
American camp, 204. Success of the enterprise, 594-9. His official letter, 431. Gives up
the command of the centre-division to major-general De Rottenburg, 219. Resumes it, 961.
_Retreats to Burlington Heights, Vol. 11. 3. Returns to St. David's, and is superseded by
general Drummond, 12.
Voyageurs, Canadian, capture of a party of, Ly the Americans, Vol. I. 106.

War, American, origin of the, Vol. I. 1. Declaration of, 15. Time of its arrival at Queensstown, Montreal, and Quebec, 55. Also in Englund, 15. Early preparations for, by the Arnecan governtnent, 57.
Warburton, major, his imprisonment along with convicts, in Frankfort Penitentiary; Vol. 1,,
299. 461.
Warren, admiral, arrives in the Chesapeake, Vol. II. 92. Detaches a force up the Rappahannock, ,b. Orders rear-dmiral Cockburn to the head of the bay, 33. Sends a force against
Craney island and Hampton, 57-61. His official letters, 419-6.
Washington city, an attack upon anticipated by the American governthent Vol. II. 274.
Army prepared for its defence, ib. Different routes to, 276. Filled with defiles, 980. Its
size and population, 292. Is entered by a small party of British, 993-4. Proceedings there
folly detailed, 293-306. 492-305. See Army.
gazette, extract from, Vol. 11. 169.
Wayne fort, its reduction prevented by sir George Prevost, Vol. 1. 181. Is relieved by majorgeneral Harrison•, ib.
Western militia, the American, how equipped for service, Vol. I. 183. Their dexterity in the
use of the tomahawk and scalping .knife, ib.
West Florida, secret act of Congress to take possession of, Vol. II. 349. Is taken possession
of by United States' troops, 349.
Westphall, captain, R.N. is wounded while bearing a flag of truce, Vol. II. 58. Captures, with
his remaining hand, an American captain of militia, as. 407.
Wilcocks, colonel, his character, Vol. 1. 258.
Wilkinson, general James, United States' army, appointed to command the American northern
frontier, Vol. I. 255. Directed to attack Kingston, ib. Determines, by the advice of a
council, to attack Montreal, ib. Prepares for the expedition, 256. Arrives at Fort-George,
ib. Departs for Sackett's Harbor with the chief part of the army of the centre, 260.
Corresponds with commodore Chauncey, 902. Proceeds with the expedition, 305. Issues a
proclamation to the Canadians, 317. 466. Detaches colonel Macomb to take Fort-Matilda,
518. Calls a council of war, 319. States his own and the enemy's forces, ib. Detaches colonel Bissel to reconnoitre an island, seo. Also major-generals Boyd and Brown, to protect the
expedition, 361. Complains of being' sciatched,' 325. His various accounts of the British
force, 325 - 6. Sends a reinforcement to general Floydv.328. His exaggerated account of colonel Morrison's loss, 333. His inconsistencies, 354. 473-6. His designation of ' temerity,'
'135. Summons another council, 939. His arrival at French Mills, and
account of the expeAtkin. 340. 470-6. Despatches the dragoons to Utica, and commences upon defensive
measures, 941. Why lie did not succeed in the expedition, 343-4. Projects an expcdi-


Also against Kingston and Prescott, 546-9.
tiou against Isle aux Noix, &c. 346-7.
Burns his water-craft, huts, &c. and, after detaching a force to Sackett's Harbor, retreats to Plattsburg and Burlington, 351. Reconnoitres Rouse's point, Vol. II. 80.
towards the Canadians, ib. Detaches a force to Phillipsburg, 81. Advances to Champlain,
ib. Calls a council, and states his force, ib. and 418. Determines to attack the British at
La Colic mill, 81. 419. Marches to the attack, 82. Attacks the mill, and is repulsed, 65-95.
His curious simile, 94. Retreats to Champlain and Plattsburg, 95. Compared with Don
Quixote, ib. Turns historian, 155. While commander at New Orleans, took possession of
West Florida, 345. Erected Fort-Bowyer, ib. Was superseded by major-general Jackson,
945. His opinion of the route to New Orleans selected by the British, 958. Also of the
attack upon general Jackson's lines, 384.
Williams, lieutenant-colonel, his official account of the defence of La Colle mille, Vol. II. 421.
Winchester, major-general, United States' army, takes the command of the left wing of the
American north-western army, Vol. I. 179. Detaches a force against a few British and Indians, at Frenchtown, 184. The latter are repulsed, 185. Joins with the main body, 186.
Is attacked at the river Raisin, and defeated by colonel Proctor, 187-94. His capture by an
Indian Chief, and delivery in safety to the British Commander, 188.
Winder, brigadier-general, United States' army, his capture by the British, Vol. I. 206. Bears
a proposal for an armistice from sir George Prevost, Vol. II. 162. Agrees with colonel Baynes
for an exchange of prisoners, 189. His account of the battle of Bladensburg, 500.
Winter, Canadian, of 1819, its early setting in, Vol. II. 7-8.
Wool, captain, United States' army, his official letter, Vol. I. 384. Remarks thereon, 90.
Worseley, lieutenant, R.N. his escape from Nattawassaga, Vol. II. 197. Successful enterprise
against the United States' schooners, Tigress and Scorpion, 197-201. 46t.
Wright, Mr. of Maryland, his comparison between Roman and American valor, Vol. II. 24.

Yea, sir James Lucas, his arrival at Kingston, and immediate active service, Vol. I. 164. Sails
out with his fleet, having on board sir George Prevost and troops, for Sackett's Harbor, 16i.
Arrives off, and stands in to reconnoitre the port, ib. Embarks the troops in the boats, ib.
Is ordered to re-embark them, and to stand back for Kingston, ib. Accidental cause of his
return off Sackett's Harbor, 166. His capture of some American dragoons, ib. Inability to
approach the shore, owing to a change of wind, ib. Re-embarks the troops in the boats, ib.
Lands them, 168. Had taken on board shipwrights to launch the Pike, 172. Returns- to
Kingston with the troops, 179. Sails out to co-operate with major-general Vincent, Me.
Drives the Americans from their camp at the Forty-mile creek, capturing part of their campequipage, 219. Lands a detachment of troops at the Forty-mile creek, 214. Sails with troops
to Oswego, Vol. II. too. Lands them, 104. His official account of the capture of the place,
428. Ditto of the loss of the Lake Champlain fleet, 465.
Yeocontica, river, proceedings at, Vol. II. 266.
York, city of, Upper Canada, its situation and size, Vol. I. 59. Strength in 1813, 149. Attack
upon, 149. Explosion at, 145. Capitulation of, 146. 400. British official account of action
at, 997. 400. American ditto, 143. 407. 404. British and American loss at, 140-7. Destruction of the public buildings at, 148. Evacuation of, 149. Second attack upon, SW. Defenceless state, owing to the militia being still under parole, ib. Plunder of the inhabitants, and
departure of the expedition, 239.
Youngstown, American village, destroyed, Vol. H. 10.


Vol. I. p. 54, last line, after II. read III. and IV.
303, last line, dale and III.
344, last 2 from bottom, for 175 read 304.
Vol. II. 292, last line, for 4 read 5.
293, line 1, for less read not many more.
347, - 2, for Lefourche read Lafourche.

Printed by Joyce Gold, 103, Shoe Lane, Fleet-street, London.