- Title
- Index
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- 102-112
- Bibliographic Citation
- Recollections of the War of 1812 / William Dunlop.
- 10168363
- Recollections of the War of 1812 / William Dunlop.
- Type
- Text
- extracted text
Alexander, Sir J. E., 62.
America, 6, 8, 21.
American, 6, 15, 32, 36, 54, 67, 75, 90.
American Army, 9, 18, 41, 51.
American Commander, 18.
American Engineers, 79.
American Newspapers, 17.
American Officer, 78.
American Piquet, 73.
American Regulars, 17.
American Revolution, 8.
American Rifleman, 70.
American Sentries, 69.
American Teutonic Race, 21:
American U. E. Loyalists, 70.
Americans, 18, 19, 22, 23, 71, 90.
Antwerp, ioi.
Army of Occupation in France, Ica.
Asiatic, 78.
Atlantic, 32.
Ftardolph, 29.
Baron of Bradwardine, 8.
Batavian, 21, 24.
Battle of the Falls, 81, 87.
Bay of Bengal, 6.
Bay of Biscay, 6.
Bengal, 31.
Blackwood's Magazine, 3.
British, 22, 36.
British Army, 9, 59, 70.
British Crown, 21.
British North America, 47.
British Subject, 23.
Britishers, 35.
Brockville, 28.
Brotherton, 86.
Buffalo, 58.
Butler's Barracks, 53, 55.
Butler's Rangers, 53.
Byron, 3, 27.
Caesar-like, 5.
Canada, I, 4, 9, 10, 14, 19, 21 ; 35, 44, 53, 6 2 , 63,
72, 91, 97, 'or.
Canadas, Jo, 15.
Canadian, Jo, 63, 96, 99.
Canadian Fencibles, 42, 91.
Canadian French Woman, 99.
Canadian Militia, 61.
Cape of Good Hope, 6, 9, 21, 86.
Catharine, 47•
Catholic, 32.
Catholics, 32.
Cavalry of Tarlton's Legion, 9.
Celtic Moonshee, 31.
Chelsea Pension, 26.
Chinsurhae, 21.
Chippawa, 56, 58, 87, 88.
Chrysler's Farm, 18, 21.
Clyde, 56.
Cobus, 24.
Cockburn, Colonel, 91.
Cockneys of London, 27.
Convan, Major General, 53.
Corbett, Mrs. Boyle, 58.
Cork, 35. 19, 30, 36, 41.
Court of St. James, 47.
Court of St. Petersburg, 47.
Court of the Chateau, St. Louis, 47.
Covington, General, 18.
Drummond, Lieutenant Colonel, 62, 63, 82, 8 3, 86 Drummond, Sir Gordon, 45, 49, 63, 86 .
Dugald Dalgetty, 9.
Dundas, 91.
Dundas, Sir David, 69.
Dunkirk, 7, 9, 264.
Dutch, 22, 23, 24.
Dutchman, 21.
Edgar, 57.
Edinburgh, 32.
4 26. , 35, 6o, 100.
Ettrick Shepherd, 2.
Europe, 61.
European, 78.
Falls of Niagara, 56, 57, 58.
Falstaff, 71.
Ferrara, 83.
Fort Erie, 53, 58, 61, 62, 64, 65, 67, 71, 76, 81,
83, 86.
Fort Niagara, 62.
Fort Wellington, 20, 27, 28.
France, 7, 8.
Frazer Highlanders, 8.
French, 9, 12 , 1 4, 97.
French Canadians, 98.
1 07
French King, 7.
French Service, 8,
Frenchmen, Ico, II, 28.
Gaelic, 42.
Gaelic Bible, 31.
Galt, Mr., 48, 49.
Gananoque, 28.
Ganges, 21.
Garlic Hill, 6.
Garrison of Quebec, 6.
George II., 6 4.
George the Third, 78.
German Contingent, 68.
Glengarries, 65, 70, 73.
Glengarry, 19, 41.
Glengarry Militia, 41.
Glengarry Regiment, 69.
Great Britain, I, 8.
Greenock, 8.
Grenadier Island, 18.
Gulph of St. Lawrence, 6.
Hampshire, 3.
Highland, 31.
Highland Militia, 19.
Highlands, 7.
Holland, 21.
Hollander, 21.
Hindostan, 89.
Homer, 2.
Horace, 2, 27.
Hospital Mate, 26.
Hudson, 21.
Incorporated Militia, 72.
India, 9, 86.
Indian, 14, 57, 7 6 , 93•
Indians, 28, 29, 76, 77, 78, 86.
Indian Tribes, 78.
Invernesshire, 6.
Irish, 37.
Irish Brigade, 8.
Irish Subaltern, 25.
Irishman, 71.
Irishmen, 27.
Isle of Wight, 3, 4, 72.
Jacobite, 6.
.lava, 9, 21.
John Bull, II, 95.
Johnson, Sir William, 62.
Johnston, Dr., 30.
Keltic, 62, 63, 86.
King George, 71.
Kingston, 18, 20, 28, 36, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49.
Lachine, 14, 17, 20.
Lake Erie, 90.
Lake Huron, 90.
Lake of the Thousand Islands, 28.
Lake Ontario, Jo, 43.
Lake Saint Clair, 90.
Lake Simcoe, 90, 91.
London, U. C., 62.
Lordship of Craigcrook, 21.
Lower Canada, Jo, 12.
Lower Province, 36.
Machiavel, 21.
Malone, 19.
Mautass, 76, 77, 78.
Meg Dodds, 37.
1 09
Mohawk Indians, 22.
Mohawk River, 62.
Montreal, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 36.
Montreal General Hospital, 26.
Morrison, Colonel, 18.
Moses, 99.
Mother-bank, 4.
Muggridge, Major Spencer, 3.
Muscadines of Paris, 27.
McDonald, John, 41.
Napoleon, 8, 61, 74.
Newport, 3.
New World, 21.
Niagara, 22, 51, 56, 79.
Niagara District, 23.
Niagara Frontier, 31, 35, 42.
Niagara River, 51.
North America, 9, 23.
North American, 23.
North American Continent, 12.
Oeolus, 264.
Ogdensburg, 31.
Old Guard, 28.
Ontario, 36.
Parkhurst, 3.
Pattison, Captain, 75.
Peggy Bruce, 37, 38, 39, 4o, 41, 42.
Penetanguishene, 9o, 100.
Peninsula, 63.
Perthshire, 86.
Plattsburg, 48.
Polar, 42.
Portsmouth, 85, 'oz.
Portuguese, 77.
Prescott, 20.
Prevost, Sir George, 47, 4 8 , 49.
Prince Charles Edward, 6.
Province, 47, 49.
Province of Canada, 47.
Provincial Parliament, 3o.
Prussian School, 68.
Quebec, 4, 6, io, 13, 53, 1 00.
Queenston, 58, 79, 88, 89.
Queenston Heights, 51.
Regiment, 32nd, 62, 69.
Regiment, 82nd, 75, 76.
Regiment, 89th, 18, 87.
Regiment, Tooth, 42, 88.
Regiment, 103rd, 84, 85.
Regiment, 104th, 62.
Regiment de Dillon, 8.
Revolutionary War, 21.
River Detroit, 9o.
River Saint Clair, 90.
River St. Lawrence, II.
Ross, Sir John, 42.
Rotenburg, General de, 18.
Sackett's Harbour, 48.
Sacs, 78.
Salmon River, 18.
Scotch, 37.
Scotch Regiment of Guards, 7.
Scotland, 8, 53.
Scott, Colonel, 86.
Scott, Major General, 51.
Scott, Sir Walter, 3.
Sheridan, Tom, 16.
Snake Hill, 81.
Snow Hill, 6.
Soc Chief, 76.
Socs, 78.
Sorel, ioo.
South America, 9.
Spain, 45.
Spithead, 4.
St. Andrew, 37.
State of New York, 19.
St. Helens, 3.
St. Lawrence, io, 28, 36, 41.
St. Patrick, 37.
St. Regis, 33, 34.
Table Rock, 56.
Three Rivers, 11.
Toronto, 44, 48, 50, 51, 89, 9o, ioo.
Tweeddale, Marquis of, 88.
United States, mo.
Upper Canada, 36.
Utica, 22.
Vermont State, 33.
Washington Irving, 21.
Waterloo, 27.
Watteville, De, 42, 61, 74, 80.
Wellington, Duke of, 45, 63, 88, Ica.
West Indies, 9, 21.
Wilkinson, General, 9, 17, 41.
Williamsburg, 23.
Wood, Colonel, 79.
Woolwich, 66.
Yankee, II 33, 71.
York, 50, 56, 89, 100.
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