Chapter 2
- Title
- Chapter 2
- Identifier
- page
- 24-53
- Bibliographic Citation
- The War of 1812 / James Stevenson.
- 10168087
- The War of 1812 / James Stevenson.
- Type
- Text
- extracted text
Queenston Heights.
the 16th ; Gananoque was raided by Americans on
the 21st ; the British were repulsed at Ogdensburg
on October the 4th ; and several British craft were
captured off Black Rock, Lake Erie, on October
the 9th.
In the early part of October, however, viz., on the
12th, General Van Renselaer, in command of a con
siderable force of American regulars and militia on the
Niagara frontier, prepared to attack the British at
Queenston, opposite Lewiston. He considered his
forces ample to secure success. They numbered more
than six thousand. The British force on the Western
bank of the Niagara river, regular, militia, and Indians,
numbered fifteen hundred. The Indian allies, under
John Brant, numbered about two hundred and fifty
strong. In addition, there was a detachment of the
41st regiment, 380 strong, under Captain Bullock, and
the flank companies of the 49th regiment.
The Americans effected a landing, notwithstanding
a desperate resistance made by the British, and
occupied the heights after a hot engagement, in which
the gallant Brock lost his life ; but they were finally
defeated and driven over the precipitous banks of the
Niagara river at the point of the bayonet. About
1,100 Americans, officers and privates, surrendered
unconditionally as prisoners of war.
Meeting of Parliament—Speech of the Governor—Enlargement of the
Act—Steamboat service between Quebec and Montreal—Capture of
York —Further enlargement of the Act.
The Provincial Parliament of Lower Canada was
summoned for the despatch of business on the 29th
December, 1812. In the Speech from the Throne,
His Excellency Sir George Prevost said :" The complete discomfiture of the plans of the
enemy for the conquest of Upper Canada, by the
capture of Detroit, and by the surrender of the whole
invading army with its general ; the brilliant achievement at Queenston, tho' clouded by death in the
hour of victory, of the gallant and much lamented
Major-General Brock, together with other recent
advantages gained over the enemy, both in Lower
and Upper Canada, are subjects of sincere congratulations, and demand our fervent acknowledgments
to the Great Ruler of the Universe for these undeserved mercies.
" I take also pleasure in acquainting you that the
measure of the issue of army bills, for the circulation
of which you so promptly and liberally provided
during the last session, has been attended with the
Meeting of Parliament.
Enlargement of the Army Bill Act.
happiest effects, both by powerfully aiding His
Majesty's Government to meet the extraordinary
demands of the present crisis, and by materially
facilitating commercial transactions. The experience
of four months having fully shown the utility of the
measure, I recommend to your consideration the
adoption of such further regulations and provisions
respecting it, as, upon a review of the Act passed
upon this head, and of the present circumstances of
the country, may appear to be necessary."
It is manifest, I have said, that the Act to facilitate
the circulation of army bills, proved a complete
success ; but a much larger amount of notes than that
authorized by the Act had been issued during the
recess ; and the exigencies of the public service
rendered it necessary to resort to a further increase
of issue.
At the fourth session of the seventh Parliament
holden in Quebec the 29th December, 1812, "An Act
to extend the provisions of an Act passed in the
fifty-second year of His Majesty's reign, intituled,
" An Act to facilitate the circulation of army bills,"
and to make further regulations respecting the same,"
was passed, and received the royal assent on the 15th
February, 1813. The Act reads as follows :
I. Whereas an Act was made and passed in the
fifty-second year of His Majesty's reign, intituled
" An Act to facilitate the circulation of army bills ; "
And whereas it appears by a message of the Governorin-Chief to the House of Assembly of the 8th
January, 1813, that the exigencies of the public
service have rendered it indispensably necessary for
him as Commander-in-Chief to direct an issue of the
army bills to be made to a greater amount than two
hundred and fifty thousand pounds provided for by
the said Act, and that the further exigencies of the
public service may render a further issue indispensably
necessary ; and whereas it is expedient to subject
such army bills as have been so issued, as well as
such as may be hereafter issued, to the provisions,
regulations, and enactments of the afore-recited Act,
and to make further provisions and regulations
respecting the same ; Be it therefore enacted by the
king's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the
advice and consent of the Legislative Council and
Assembly of the Province of Lower Canada, constituted and assembled, by virtue of and under the
authority of an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain,
passed in the 31st year of His Majesty's reign,
intituled " An Act to repeal certain parts of an Act
passed in the 14th year of His Majesty's reign,
intituled, "An Act for making more effectual provision
for the government of the Province of Quebec ;
in North America ; " " and to make further provision
for the government of the said Province, and it is
hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that all
army bills which have been so issued after the time
at which the army bills then issued, amounted to the
sum of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds, and
each and every of them and all such army bills as
Enlargement of the Army Bill Act.
Enlargement of the Army Bill Act.
shall be issued during the next twelve months, from
and after the passing of this Act, shall be deemed and
taken to be within the purview of the Act made and
passed in the 52nd year of His Majesty's reign,
intituled, An Act to facilitate the circulation of
army bills ;" and that all the provisions, regulations
and enactments in the said last-mentioned Act contained, and each and every of them, shall be applied
and put in force in respect to all and every such
army bills so issued, or that may hereafter be issued,
as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as
if the same were severally and separately repeated,
and herein recited, and made part of this Act under
the restrictions hereinafter mentioned.
II. Provides for the payment out of all and every
and any the monies, customs, taxes and revenues
this province, and in preference to all other claim
and demands whatsoever, all such interest at the rate
of fourpence per one hundred pounds per diem, as
shall arise and grow due upon all and every and any
army bill or bills, which have been issued, or shall
hereafter be issued.
III. Provided always that the sum so to be paid
out of and from the customs &c. aforesaid, with interest as aforesaid, shall not on the whole and together
exceed the sum of fifteen thousand pounds currency
per annum.
IV. Provided also, and be it further enacted by the
authority aforesaid, that the amount of army bills in
circulation as well as those already issued or such as
may be hereafter issued, shall not at any one period
exceed the sum of five hundred thousand pounds
V. And be it further enacted by the authority
aforesaid, that interest upon such army bills as have
been, or shall hereafter be issued, shall run from the
day of the date of such bill or bills, until the same
shall be paid, and that the holder or holders of every
such bill or bills shall be entitled to demand and
receive payment of all such interest at stated periods,
once in every six months, at the army bill office in
the city of Quebec, and further, that public notification shall be given in the Quebec Gazette immediately after the passing of this Act, by order of the
Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, or the person administering the government for the time being, of the
periods at which such payments shall be made.
VI. And whereas it is expedient in order that the
public confidence in such army bills may remain
undiminished, that the holders thereof may be assured
of the punctual payment of all interest that may
become due and payable on army bills ; and whereas
the sum of fifteen thousand pounds per annum herein
before provided, may not suffice for the full payment
thereof on the whole amount of bills so issued or to
be issued, Be it therefore enacted, by the authority
aforesaid, that the provisions, regulations and enactments of the Act herein before cited, intituled, "An
Act to facilitate the circulation of army bills," shall
not extend or be construed to extend to a greater
Enlargement of the Army Bill Act.
amount of army bills in circulation at any one time,
during the next twelve months after the passing of
this Act, than two hundred and fifty thousand pounds
currency, unless public notification shall be given in
the Quebec Gazette within one month after the
kim passing of this Act, by the Commander of His
Majesty's forces in this province for the time being,
that all such interest as aforesaid shall be paid at the
army bill office at the like stated periods.
VII. And be it further enacted, that the five Commissioners heretofore appointed for the purpose of
certifying the current rate of exchange, at which bills
of exchange on London were and are to be given in
payment of army bills, and their successors, or any
three of them, shall continue to meet and certify
under Oath the rate of exchange in like manner, and '
that in due execution of their office, as aforesaid,
they shall be guided by the fair current rate of bills
of exchange at thirty days' sight, and by all such
other information as they may be able to procure, so
as to enable them to do substantial justice to the
holders of such bills, and to the government.
VIII. And be it further enacted, that it shall be
the duty of the officer or officers to whom it may
appertain as having the direction of the army bill
office, to lay before the Commissioners immediately
after the passing of this Act, a correct account of the
amount of all such army bills as shall then be in
circulation, and at each second subsequent meeting
of the said Commissioners, a true and correct account
Enlargement of the Army Bill Act.
of all such bills as shall have been issued and put
into circulation from the date of the last account
rendered, in order that the same may be laid before
the Legislature, at its next ensuing meeting.
IX. And be it further enacted, that all sheriffs
and bailiffs who shall or may receive army bills upon
execution, shall be accountable for the interest on all
such bills which by them or any of them shall be so
received for, and during the time that such bills
remain in their hands, to the persons interested
therein, and to this end the said sheriffs and bailiffs
shall mention in their respective returns, whether
they received the amount or any part of the amount
of such executions in money or in such bills, and also
the day on which they received it.
X. And be it further enacted, that no public
officer whatsoever shall profit by the interest on the
army bills which may be placed in his hands as such
public officer, to be given in payment, and shall
render an account of the said interest, annually, on
the first day of November, to the Receiver-General
to be employed according to the dispositions of the
fourth section of the aforesaid Act, passed in the fiftysecond year of His Majesty's reign.
XI. And be it further enacted, that the interest
for which the Receiver-General and collector and all
public officers are accountable to the province, shall
be employed and applied in the payment of the
interest wherewith the Province is by this Act
Enlargement of the Army Bill Act.
Enlargement of the Army Bill Act.
X11. Provided always, and be it further enacted,
part of the sum of five hundred thousand pounds, at
that nothing in this Act contained shall extend or be
construed to extend or entitle any holder or holders
of any such army bills as aforesaid, as may at any
time hereafter, remain unpaid or unsatisfied (save and
except the holder or holders of such army bills as
were heretofore issued, subsequent to the passing of
the Act, to facilitate the circulation of army bills and
until the same exceeded in the whole the sum of two
hundred and fifty thousand pounds, and which now
remain unpaid and unsatisfied) to receive out of or
from any monies that may then be in the hands of •
the Receiver-General of this Province, or from any
monies that may hereafter come into his hands
arising out of any taxes or duties heretofore imposed
or that may hereafter be imposed, levied, or raised by
virtue of any Act of the Provincial Legislature, or
from the rents and revenues of His Majesty's territorial domains in this province, or from any other
monies in the hands of the Receiver-General, payment of any such army bill or bills, as aforesaid.
XIII. And be it further enacted, that should the
Governor-in-Chief deem it expedient, to cause the
whole or any part of the army bills to be hereafter
issued to be signed by any other person or persons,
by and under his authority ; public notice shall be
given during one month in the Quebec Gazette, of
the name or names of such person or persons so
authorised, and that all army bills signed by such
person or persons, shall be considered as forming
which the whole amount of army bills to be circulated at the same period is hereinbefore limited.
XIV. And be it further enacted, that the sum of
five hundred thousand pounds, at which the amount
of army bills to be in circulation at one period is
li mited, such amount may be issued in army bills of
one, two, eight, ten, twelve, sixteen and twenty dollars
each, as the Commander of the forces may deem
expedient and necessary, such bills bearing no interest
and payable in cash on demand at the army bill
office. Provided always that the amount of such
bills, and of bills of four dollars each, shall not in the
whole and together exceed the sum of fifty thousand
XV. And be it further enacted, that it shall and
and may be lawful for the Governor, as Commander
of the forces, to establish such other office or offices
at Montreal or elsewhere in the Province as to him
may seem expedient and necessary for the payment
of all such bills as have, or may hereafter be issued,
payable in cash on demand. Provided that the whole
expense thereby incurred, together with the expense
of the office already established, do not in the whole
exceed the sum of two thousand five hundred pounds
per annum, appropriated by the Act herein before
The following is a copy of advertisement respecting
the adjustment of the rate of exchange :
Rate of Exchange.
"Quebec, 15th March, 1813.
"The Commissioners appointed by His Excellency Sir George
Prevost, Governor-in-chief and Comminder of the Forces, in virtue of
the Provincial Act of the 52nd year of His Majesty's reign, intituled,
"An Act to facilitate the circulation of army bills,' (the provisions
thereof being extended, and further regulated by an Act of the 53rd
year of His Majesty's reign) have fixed on the rate of exchange for
government bills, at 30 days sight, at twenty per cent for the next
fortnight from this date."
N.B.—" The said Commissioners meet every Monday fortnight at
io o'clock, at the house of Mr. Blackwood, St. Louis Street, where
written communications on the subject of exchange will be received
and duly attended to."
The army bills of the denominations $400, $100,
$50 and $25, were signed, as I have already stated,
by His Excellency as Commander of the forces, by
the Director, and by the Military Secretary, and
made payable as provided for in the Act. The four
dollar bills were signed by the director of the Army
bill office, the Cashier and the military secretary only.
The whole of the bills were deposited in the military chest, from whence they were issued in payment
of whatever demands were required to be made on
the Commissary-General or Paymaster-General, on
account of the public service.
The signing of these bills by His Excellency was
apparently found inconvenient, for, under date of
23rd March, 1813, I find the following notice :
" His Excellency has directed that public notice be given, and the
same is hereby given, that all such army bills, will, from and after the
24th day of April, instead of bearing the signature of His Excellency
the Commander of the forces, be signed under the authority of His
Excellency, by James Green, Esquire, director of the said army bill
Army Bill Office.
office, or by the director of the said office for the time being, by the
command of His Excellency, and by Louis Montizambert, Esquire,
cashier of the said office for the time being, and by those persons only."
And on the 22nd of April, further notice is given
as follows :
"And whereas certain army bills now bearing my signature still
remain to be issued, and will be issued, nothwithstanding the said
notification, after the said 24th instant. I have therefore thought fit,
by this proclamation, to make known the same, and the same is hereby
made known accordingly."
Given &c.,
In 1813 the passenger traffic or intercourse between
Quebec and Montreal was carried on by a line of
stages, which set out every morning at four o'clock
during the summer season, Mondays excepted ; but
in the early part of May a steamer, named the
" Swiftsure," was put on the river line. She started
from Montreal at five o'clock on Saturday morning,
anchored at eight o'clock the same evening near
Three Rivers, which she left on Sunday morning at
five o'clock, and arrived at the King's Wharf, Quebec,
at half-past two ; being only about twenty-four hours
and a half under way between the two cities, with a
strong head wind all the way. The advertisement
sets forth that she is superbly fitted up : " twenty-two
berths in the great cabin, each sufficient for two
passengers, besides four for ladies in the state room,
and a separate room for families. In the steerage, a
great number of passengers can be accommodated.
America cannot boast a more useful and expensive
undertaking by one individual than this of Mr.
Blockade of Ports.
Capture of York,Toronto.
" His Excellency the Governor-in-Chief set out for
Montreal on Tuesday afternoon in the Steam Boat."
On March the 20th, 1813, it was announced by the
Foreign Office in London that the necessary measures
had been taken for the blockade of the ports and
harbours of New York, Charleston, Port Royal,
Savannah, and of the river Mississippi. There was
no lack of energy on either side in the prosecution
of the war. Great activity prevailed in the port of
Quebec. Between the 5th and 16th of June, sixtyone vessels in all arrived ; twenty-six in ballast, sixteen with general cargoes, five with government
stores, and thirteen with passengers and troops ; the
troops consisted of the Wattville regiment, the 89th,
the to4th ; and one vessel had soldiers belonging to
different regiments and some artillery on board.
Halifax was also a busy port during the war ; there,
ships of war held themselves ready for any emergency ; thither ships of war and privateers took
the prizes taken at sea. In the cargo of one prize,
the " Marquis de Somerlos," a case containing
twenty-one paintings and fifty engravings, shipped
To the
by a Mr. J. A. Smith, was found, addressed,
Academy of Arts, Philadelphia," a gift to that institution. The authorities at Halifax released the works
of art and forwarded them to Philadelphia, " with the
sincerest wishes for the success of the infant society,"
—in striking contrast to the conduct of Napoleon,
who plundered the National Galleries of Europe, not
even sparing the Vatican, and sent the paintings and
statuary to Paris. But time at last makes all things
even. "The Transfiguration and the Last Communion
of St. Jerome resumed their place in the Vatican ; the
Apollo and the Laocoon again adorned the precincts
of St. Peter's ; the Venus was enshrined anew amid
beauty in the tribune of Florence ; and the Descent
from the Cross, by Rubens, was restored to the
devout worship of the Flemings in the Cathedral at
The Americans were nothing daunted by the reverse
at Queenston. The authorities, as well as the writers,
spoke of the death of Brock as equivalent to a
victory. At the end of April, 1813, a joint land and
naval expedition was organized to capture York (now
Toronto) the capital of Upper Canada. The American
fleet appeared before the town on the 26th, conveying
a land force of 2,500 men. Toronto had for defence,
under Major-General Sheaffe, less than boo men,
consisting of regulars and militia. General Pike, of
the American army, at the head of a division of at
least i,000 strong, landed, in spite of a spirited resistance. The Americans swarmed into the old French
fort and harbour defences, fiery with fighting, and
flushed with success, when suddenly,—with the crash
and concussion of an earthquake,—the powder magazine exploded at their feet, spreading havoc through
their ranks. Of the assailants, 25o were instantly
killed or wounded,—General Pike amongst the killed ;
of the defenders many perished. The contest itself
was stayed by the catastrophe ; it had endured eight
Americans Victorious.
Chateauguay, Defeat of Americans.
hours. The surviving British troops had withdrawn ;
all that could be done had been done, and York
capitulated through the local officers of militia.
Sheaffe left behind him, of regulars sixty-two killed
and seventy-two wounded. The Americans kept
possession, but evacuated York on the 2nd of May,
The complete victory of the Americans over the
British at York atoned in some measure for the
reverse they had suffered at Queenston Heights. I
might now. allude to the success of the Americans at
sea, to their victory over the British frigate Guerriere;
to the naval duel between the British ship Shannon
and the American Chesapeake, to the defeat and
capture of the latter after a sanguinary engagement ;
but it is not my intention to refer to the stirring
events of the war, further than may seem to me desirable to show the necessity which existed for the
Army Bill Act, and for the subsequent enlargement
of its provisions to meet the exigencies of the public
Several raids or attacks were made from both sides
of the lines with alternate successes and defeats.
Among the most memorable were the attack on
Sackets harbour by the British, without any satisfactory result ; the capture of Fort George by the
Americans ; the subsequent night attack by the British
upon the American army encamped at Stoney-creek,
where deadly work was done with the bayonet, in
the lurid light of the watch-fires, as the sleepers
aroused, rose stumbling and dazed. Two American
Generals, caught napping, and one hundred soldiers
were made prisoners of war. The rest of the
American Army made a hasty retreat, never halting
till safe within the works of Fort George. But the
most memorable of all the engagements was the
battle of Chateauguay in October 1813, when a
powerful invading force of Americans, bent upon the
subjugation of Lower Canada, was beaten back and
signally defeated by a 'small force, consisting chiefly
of French Canadian militia, led by Colonel de Salaberry. There was also a minor engagement at
Cryslers farm, in which the Americans were defeated.
The expenses connected with the war were so
great that it is difficult to conceive how it could have
been carried on without the operation of the Army Bill
Act. We are, I believe, as much indebted to the
authors of that measure for, the preservation of our
connection with the British Empire, as we are to the
valour of our soldiers and sailors in repelling a cruel
and unwarrantable invasion.
The Provincial Parliament again assembled on the
13th of January, 1814. His Excellency Sir George
Prevost, after alluding in his Speech from the throne
to His Majesty's victorious arms in Europe, said: "In
turning our eyes to our own shores, we have abundant
cause for gratitude to the Supreme Giver of all good,
for the termination of the late campaign in a manner
c • Colonel Coffin, "1812, Chronicle of the War."
Colonel de Salaberry.
so glorious to the British arms, and so disastrous to
those of the enemy.
"The defeat sustained by him on the Chateauguay,
where a handful of brave Canadians repelled a powerful division of his army ; and the brilliant victory
obtained by a small corps of observation on the
banks of the St. Lawrence, (Crysler's farm) have at
the same time upheld the honour of His Majesty's
arms, and effectually disconcerted all the plans of
the enemy for the invasion of the Province."
On the 25th of January, 1814, the thanks of the
House of Assembly were voted to Lieutenant-Colonel
de Salaberry, and to the officers and privates under
his command in the engagement at Chateauguay on
the 26th October, 1813 ; and to Lieutenant-Colonel
Morrison of the 89th regiment, and the officers and
privates under his command at Crysler's farm on the
i ith November.
On the 5th of February, the speaker informed the
House that he had received from Lieutenant-Colonel
de Salaberry a letter, in return to the thanks of the
House to him, which he read.
The letter is a remarkably able composition, of
which I cannot refrain from inserting one paragraph :
" In preventing the enemy from penetrating into the province, one
common sentiment animated the whole of my three hundred brave
companions, and in which I participated, that of doing our duty, serving
our Sovereign, and saving our country from the evil of an invasion.
The satisfaction arising from our success was to us adequate recompense ; but we now enjoy another of inestimable value, in the distinguished honour conferred in the thanks voted to us by the House of
Further Enlargement of the Army Bill Act. 41
Assembly. This generous proceeding leaves in our minds an impression,
deep, lively, and indelible. The country, through its representatives,
evincing itself thus nobly grateful, requites the service of its children
with the highest and most flattering reward."
On the 17th of January, 1814, His Excellency sent
a message to the House, stating that the exigencies
of the public service rendered it necessary that he
should direct a further and more extensive issue of
army bills. Accordingly an Act, further to extend
the provisions of the two Acts for facilitating the
circulation of army bills, was introduced.
The preamble runs as follows :" Whereas an Act was made and passed in the
fifty-second year of His Majesty's reign, intituled,
" ' An Act to facilitate the circulation of army bills,'"
and whereas, another Act was made and passed in
the fifty-third year of His Majesty's reign, intituled,
" ' An Act to extend the provisions of an Act made
and passed in the fifty-second year of His Majesty's
reign, intituled, "An Act to facilitate the circulation
of army bills," and to make further regulations
respecting the same,'" and that by the fourth clause of
the last mentioned Act, it is provided and enacted,
that no greater sum than five hundred thousand
pounds currency in army bills, shall be in circulation
at any one time. And whereas it appears by His
Excellency the Governor-in-Chief's message to the
House of Assembly of the 17th January, that the
exigencies of the public service render it indispensably
necessary that he, as Commander of the forces, should
42 Further Enlargement of the Army Bill Act.
direct a further and more extensive issue of army
bills to be made. And whereas it also appears by
the accounts of the Director of the army bill office
laid before the House of Assembly, that a greater
sum in army bills has been and now remains in circulation than the aforesaid sum of five hundred thousand
pounds, and that it is expedient and necessary to
extend the provisions of the said Acts to all such
army bills as now are in circulation, and to a further
issue to be made, to make further regulations respecting the same, and also to indemnify all persons
concerned in the making and issuing of army bills,
over and above the said sum of five hundred thousand
pounds ; be it therefore enacted, by the King's Most
Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of the
Province of Lower Canada. It is hereby enacted that
from and after the passing of this Act, all army bills
issued heretofore and now in circulation, or which'
shall be made and issued at the army bill office in
the City of Quebec, from and after the passing of
this Act, until the first day of February, 1815, shall
be deemed and taken to be within the purview of the
Act made and passed in the fifty-second year of His
Majesty's reign, intituled, "An Act to facilitate the
circulation of army bills," subject, nevertheless, to the
restrictions contained in the Act made and passed in
the fifty-third year of His Majesty's reign, intituled,
"An Act to extend the provisions of an Act made
and passed in the fifty-second year of His Majesty's
Further Enlargement of the Army Bill Act. 43
reign, intituled, "An Act to facilitate the circulation
of army bills," and to make further regulations
respecting the same," and that all provisions, regulations and enactments in the said Acts contained,
(save and except as aforesaid) and each and every of
them shall be applied and put in force in respect to
all and every such army bills so issued, or that may
hereafter be issued, as fully and effectually to all
intents and purposes as if the same were severally
and separately repeated, and herein recited and made
part of this Act, in so far as the said provisions and
enactments are not hereinafter altered or repealed.
II. Provided always, and be it further enacted by
the authority aforesaid, that the amount of army bills
in circulation, as well those already made and issued
as such as may hereafter be made and issued, shall
not at any one period exceed the sum of fifteen
hundred thousand pounds, current money of this
III. And whereas it is essential for the security
of the persons who may become possessed of army
bills to be issued as aforesaid, and in order to assure
to such persons the advantages conferred on the said
bills by this Act, and to promote the public confidence in the said bills, that the aforesaid limitation
prescribed to the issue of the said bills shall be
strictly adhered to, and under no circumstances infringed ; Be it therefore enacted, by the authority
aforesaid, that the Director of the army bill office,
the Cashier of the said office, and any other officer or
44 Further Enlargement of the Army Bill Act.
officers concerned in the making, signing and issuing
of the army bills to be issued as aforesaid, for the
time being, shall in no instance and under no circumstances whatever, make, sign or issue any such army
bill or army bills, when and so long as the army bills
in circulation shall amount in value to, and not be less
than fifteen hundred thousand pounds, current money
of the Province ; and that if the said Director of the
army bill office, the Cashier of the said office or any
other officer or officers concerned in the making,
signing or issuing of army bills so to be issued as
aforesaid for the time being, shall make, sign, or issue
any army bill or army bills after the said army bills
already issued and to be issued and in circulation at
the same time, shall amount to fifteen hundred
thousand pounds, such Director of the army bill
office, Cashier of the said office, and other officer or
officers concerned in the making, signing, or issuing
of army bills beyond that amount, shall thereby be
rendered incapable of serving His Majesty, in any
office, civil or military in this Province ; and shall
moreover severally and respectively forfeit to His
Majesty, his heirs and successors, the amount of all
such army bills as shall have been made, signed and
issued over and beyond the said limitation of fifteen
hundred thousand pounds, to be recovered by action
of debt, bill, plaint or information in any of His
Majesty's courts of Record in this Province ; one
moiety whereof, when recovered, shall be to and for
the use of our Sovereign Lord the King, his heirs and
Further Enlargement of the Army Bill Act. 45
successors, and the other moiety thereof (with all
costs of suits) to and for the use of such person or
persons as shall inform or sue for the same ; and that
in default of goods, chattels, land and tenements out
of and from which the money so forfeited may be
levied, such Director of the army bill office, Cashier,
officer or officers as aforesaid, against whom judgment
may be rendered for the money so forfeited, shall be
taken and conveyed into the common gaol of the
district in which such judgment shall be rendered,
and there detained, until he or they, respectively, do
pay the amount of such judgment, any law, usage, or
custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
I V. And be it further enacted by the authority
aforesaid, that each and every of such army bills, as
aforesaid, shall and may be received and taken, and
shall pass and be current to all and every the collectors and receivers in this Province of Lower Canada,
of the customs or any revenue or tax whatsoever
already due or payable, or which shall or may hereafter be granted, due or payable to His Majesty, his
heirs and successors, under and by virtue of any Act
of the Parliament of Great Britain, or of the Provincial
Parliament or otherwise ; and also at the office of the
Receiver-General of this Province, from the said
collectors and receivers, or from any other person or
persons, bodies politic or corporate whatsoever making
any payments whatsoever to His Majesty, his heirs
and successors, for, upon any account, causes or
occasion whatsoever, and that the same in the hands
Further Enlargement of the Army Bill Act. 47
46 Further Enlargement of the Army Bill Act.
of such collectors and receivers, and in the hands of
the Receiver-General of this Province, shall be deemed
and taken as if paid in the gold or silver coin passing
current in this Province, and as such, shall be charged
against and credited to such collector and receiver,
and to such Receiver-General as aforesaid, respectively, in their respective accounts with each other,
and with His Majesty, his heirs and successors.
V. And be it further enacted by the authority
aforesaid, that the interest which from time to time
shall be due upon any such army bill, as aforesaid,
shall be allowed to all persons, bodies politic and
corporate, paying the same to the Receiver-General
of this Province, or to any collector or receiver of any
of His Majesty's customs, revenues or taxes up to
the respective days whereupon such bill or bills shall
be so paid ; provided always, that every such ReceiverGeneral, collectors and receivers as aforesaid, shall be
accountable for the interest on every such bill by
them or either of them received, for and during the
ti me during which such bill shall remain in their
VI. I mposes penalty on forging bills, and provides that such person or persons so forging and
offending, being thereof lawfully convicted, shall be
adjudged a felon, and shall suffer as in cases of felony,
without benefit of clergy.
VII. Sets forth the penalty in persons stealing
army bills.
VIII. Enacts that contracts shall be void in which
any distinction shall be made between army bills
and cash.
IX. Provides that no arrest shall be made if a
tender in army bills be made.
X. No attachment shall issue if there be not an
affidavit of no tender in army bills.
XI. On capias ad sati sfaciendum, a deposit of the
debt and costs in army bills shall stay proceedings.
XII. On fieri facias, etc., a deposit of the debt and
costs in army bills shall stay proceedings.
XIII. And be it further enacted by the authority
aforesaid, that of the amount of army bills now in
circulation, and hereafter to be issued •a sum no less
than two hundred thousand pounds, and not exceeding five hundred thousand pounds, shall be in bills of
one, two, three, five and ten dollars, such bills payable
as those of larger denominations, in bills of exchange
on London, and not bearing interest, and that the
holders of such bills shall be entitled to demand, and
receive at the army bill office on demand, army bills
of fifty dollars and upwards, bearing interest for the
amount of all such bills.
XIV. And be it further enacted by the authority
aforesaid, that during three months, to be computed
from the passing of this Act, it shall and may be
lawful to and for all and every person in possession
of army bills of the value of twenty-five dollars only,
bearing interest to have and receive at the army bill
office on demand, bills of one, two, three, five and ten
dollars, in exchange for such army bills of twenty-
48 Further Enlargement of the Army Bill Act.
five dollars, together with the interest due and payable
thereon, up to the day of making such exchange.
Provided always that the Director of the army bill
office, or those employed under him, in exchanging the
said army bill, shall not, during the said three months
next after the passing of this Act, be bound so to
exchange such army bills to a greater amount in any •
one day than that of two hundred and fifty pounds ;
provided also, that the same person shall not, in any
one week, require to be so exchanged, more than one
army bill of twenty-five dollars, bearing interest as
XV. And be it further enacted, that it shall be
the duty of the officer or officers to whom it may
appertain, as having the direction of the army bill
office, to lay before the commissioners immediately
after the passing of this Act, a correct account of the
amount of all such army bills as shall then be in
circulation, and at each second subsequent meeting
of the said commissioners, a true and correct account
of all such bills as shall have been issued and put in
circulation from the date of the last account rendered,
in order that the same may be laid before the legislature at its next ensuing meeting.
XVI. Provided always, that nothing in this Act
contained, shall extend or be construed to extend
to entitle any holder or holders of any such army
bills as aforesaid, as may, at any time hereafter remain
unpaid or unsatisfied save and except the holder or
holders of such army bills as were heretofore issued,
Further Enlargement of the Army Bill Act. 49
subsequent to the passing of the " Act to facilitate the
circulation of army bills," and until the same exceeded,
on the whole, the sum of two hundred and fifty
thousand pounds, and which now remain unpaid and
unsatisfied, to receive out of or from any monies that
there may be in the hands of the Receiver-General
in this province, or from any monies that may hereafter come into his hands, arising out of any taxes or
duties heretofore imposed, or that may hereafter 132
i mposed, levied or raised by virtue of any Act of the
Provincial Legislature, or from the rents and revenues
of His Majesty's territorial domains in this province,
or from any other monies in the hands of the
Receiver-General, payment of any such army bill or
bills as aforesaid.
XVII. And be it further enacted, that the director
of the army bill office, and all and every person or
persons aiding or assisting him in the issuing of army
bills over and above the sum of five hundred thousand pounds, as limited by the Act fifty-third, George
III., Ch. III., shall be freed, discharged and indemnified as well against the King's Majesty, his heirs and
successors, as against all and every other person or
persons, of, for, or concerning the making and issuing
of all, any and every such army bills, as shall have
been so made and issued beyond the said limitation.
The pacification of Europe did not now appear to
be a remote issue. The disastrous defeat of the
French army at Leipsic, and subsequent reverses,
had weakened the resources of Napoleon. The
Abdication of Napoleon.
Discount on Treasury Bills.
alliance between Austria, Russia and Prussia, proved
a too formidable combination for him to cope with.
Wellington was driving Soult from Spain, and British
troops entered France on the 7th October, 1813.
Paris surrendered to the allies on the 31st of March,
1814. The abdication of Napoleon was negotiated
at Fontainebleau on the 5th of April, 1814. Louis
the XVIII. arrived in Paris on the 3rd of May, and
on the 4th, Napoleon embarked on board the British
frigate Undaunted, an exile for Elba.
Great Britain, in prolonged conflict with France
and her allies, under so great a leader of armies as
Napoleon, had become burthened with a heavy debt.
The bank of England had suspended specie payments.
Gold in relation to the currency of the realm was at
a high premium.
In October, 1813, the ounce of standard gold stood at .4 5 9s. currency.
In March, 1814,
5 5s.
In April, "
4 los.
In June,
and the average price for the months of September, October, November
and December, was 4.7s. currency.
From February, 1814 to July 1814, the rate of
Exchange on London in Quebec for 3o days sight
bills, was announced by the commissioners from time
to time at I9% discount, but the prospect of peace
sent the rate down. The rate of exchange in those
days was not governed by the balance of trade, but
by the issue of battles.
In August 1st, 1814, the discount was 16%.
15th, ''
29th, "
Septr. tzth, "
1 0°/°
Octr. 11th, "
24th, "
Deer. 6th, "
The escape of Napoleon from Elba, on the first of
March, 1815, and the consequent apprehension of a
renewal of hostilities, sent the price of gold in England
again up to ,5.7s. ; and in sympathy with the fall in
the value of current money in England, the discount
on bills of exchange in Canada rose in July to 15%,
but rallied towards the end of the month, when the
rate was quoted at io% discount.
On the 21st of January, 1815, at one o'clock, His
Excellency the Governor-in-Chief came down in
state to the Legislative Council to open the first
session of the eighth Parliament. The Gentleman
Usher of the Black Rod was sent down to the
Assembly to command the attendance of that House,
and the members being present, the Honourable
Speaker of the Legislative Council signified His
Excellency's pleasure that they should return and
choose a fit person to be their Speaker, and present
him to His Excellency on Tuesday the 24th, at one
On that day, His Excellency being seated on the
throne, and the Assembly, with Mr. Papineau, their
speaker elect, being in attendance below the Bar, the
Honourable the Speaker of the Legislative Council
Meeting of Parliament.
expressed His Excellency's allowance of the choice
of the House of Assembly.
In the Speech from the throne, His Excellency
alludes to the reinforcements he had received from
His Majesty's Government, which enabled him to
diminish the pressure of war on the inhabitants of
the Province—and also to the demands of " the public
service continuing various and large," and that he
looks to Parliament for continued exertions to meet
them,—for a renewal of a productive revenue bill, and
of such of the provisions of the army bill act, as it
shall be deemed expedient to adopt for the future.
With reference to the " Act to facilitate the circulation of army bills " and the two subsequent Acts
extending the provisions thereof, I may remind my
readers that the original act provided that a sum of
fifteen thousand pounds should be forthcoming from
the Provincial Exchequer, for the payment of interest
on the first issue of army bills, amounting to two
hundred and fifty .thousand pounds, and also provincial security for the ultimate payment of army
bills to that amount, if such army bills should remain
unpaid at the expiration of five years.
The first Act to extend the provisions of the
original Act, which authorizes an increased issue of
army bills to the amount of two hundred and fifty
thousand pounds currency—the whole issue not to
exceed five hundred thousand pounds, limits the
whole provision for interest to be paid out of the
Provincial Exchequer to fifteen thousand pounds
Provisions of Army Bill Act.
currency per annum, and gives no security or pledge
for the ultimate payment of army bills beyond that
for the first issue of two hundred and fifty thousand
big The second Act to extend the provisions of the
original Act, authorizes an issue, in all, of fifteen
hundred thousand pounds ; but gives no security for
the payment of interest on any amount of army bills
' excess
of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds
as set forth and authorized in the original Act of 1st
of August, 1812.
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Chapter 2