Francis J. Petrie Collection
Item set
- Title
- Francis J. Petrie Collection
- Description
Francis J. Petrie was for many years the City Historian of Niagara Falls, as well as the author of a regular newspaper column in the Niagara Falls Review.
After his death many of his photographs, negatives, slides, and postcards were donated to the Library.
Browse Items
General [Sir Isaac] Brock leaving Niagara on the morning of Oct [October] 13th 1812 for Queenston Heights
General Brock seated on his horse Alfred leads the troops out ; mounted troops behind the General ; foot soldiers in background (centre) visible through door of the fort ; Native American Indians seated bottom right, baby in a papoose ; crest of the Dominion reading "On whose Dominions the sun never sets top left corner ; -
View from Glen Ridge showing bridge and the two highest cement poles in the world, St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
Factories and residential areas in background right, left and centre ; canal in foreground ; bridge in background running left to right ; two cement poles which claimed to be the highest in the world bottom left ; -
Old Welland Canal And Cement High Level Bridge From Glen Ridge St Catharines Ontario Canada
Factories and residential areas in distant background right and centre ; canal in foreground ; bridge in background running left to right ; two cement poles which claimed to be the highest in the world centre left ; -
Looking east on the Old Welland Canal St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
Factories in background right and centre ; canal in foreground ; bridge in background right ; -
The Old Welland Canal from the Burgoyne Bridge St Catharines Ontario Canada
Looking down at Twelve Mile Creek from the new High Steel bridge ; factories and house in background right and centre ; -
New Steel High Level Bridge St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
Long distance view of the bridge as it crosses over Twelve Mile Creek ; factories and house visible in bottom half of image ;four spans of the steel bridge are visible ; lamp standards visible on top of bridge also vehicular traffic ; -
New Steel High Level Bridge St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
Two cars are crossing the steel bridge in either direction ; steel railings along the walkway ; trees and factories visible in background (left) ; bridge provides crossing over Twelve Mile Creek ; -
New Burgoyne High Level Bridge St Catharines Ontario Canada
Cars are crossing the steel bridge in both directions ; pedestrians in background (left) on sidewalk of bridge ; steel railings along the walkway ; trees and factories visible in background (left) ; Twelve Mile Creek bottom left ; -
Boulevard through Martindale St Catharines Ontario Canada
Numerous trees surround the creek at Martindale ; grasses grow along the bank ; the road runs from bottom right to centre left ; crude hydro / telephone ? poles line the dirt road ; -
Picturesque Martindale St Catharines Ontario Canada
Numerous trees surround the creek at Martindale ; grasses grow along the bank ; the road beside the creek in distance (centre right) ; -
A beauty spot at Martindale St Catharines Ontario Canada
Numerous trees surround the creek at Martindale ; grasses grow along the bank ; -
Boys at hockey in the park St Catharines Ont [Ontario] Canada
A group of boys are playing ice hockey on a home made rink located in a city park ; spectators line the rink ; surrounded by large bare trees ; snow on ground ; small pergola type building in background (centre left) ; -
NS&T [Niagara, St Catharines and Toronto] railway bridge old canal St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
The railway bridge is in the centre of the image crossing over the old Welland Ship Canal ; a train of the N,S&T consisting of four rail cars is crossing the bridge ; -
A glimpse of the Old Welland Canal showing home of Lt Col [Lieutenant Colonel] Leonard on right St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
The canal is in the lower half of the image ; a flag pole flying the Union Jack (possibly) is on the right in front of Lieutenant Colonel Reuben Wells Leonard's house ; a small house is the distant background (centre) ; -
View of Old Welland Canal from near the foot of Geneva Street St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
The canal is in the lower half of the image ; a bridge crosses over the canal (lower right) ; houses in distant background ; -
A handsome home on Church Street St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
An elaborate styled house ; with a wrap-a-round porch on the lower level ; striped awnings on each window of the second floor ; a large roof gable (centre) and a multi sided tower complete with turret (centre right) a wrought iron fence surrounds the property and there are stone gate posts ; flowers and shrubs in the garden ; sidewalk boulevard grassed ; a Union Jack flag hangs from the porch and various other smaller flags are hung above the entrance to the house ; -
An old colonial mansion on James Street St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
The light coloured colonial style house is partially hidden by the flowering and other trees surrounding it ; formal flower beds and grass ; low stone wall in background (right) ; -
Bird's eye view of the city looking down St Paul Street St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
St Paul Street runs through the centre of the image ; tram tracks are visible along the road ; houses, stores and buildings line both sides of the street ; the brick building (lower right) has a sign reading ? Mahon ? Cheap Clothing House ; -
James Street looking south from Church Street . Court House and City Hall on right St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
St Catharines Court House and City Hall shown (right) ; a man is standing in the middle of James Street (possibly a postman) ; streetcar tracks run the length of James Street ; houses and businesses (left) ; -
New Murray Hotel St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
Four storey brick building ; awnings on lower level to left of entrance and also on the far side (left) ; windows on next floors are arched ; upper level windows small and square ; three chimneys on roof ; horse and buggy (left) ; streetcar partially in view (right) ; -
A beautiful vineyard on boulevard between Niagara Falls and St Catharines Ontario Canada
Long distance view of lines of grape vines ; Niagara Boulevard now known as the Niagara River Parkway ; -
The New Collegiate Institute St Catharines Ontario Canada
Three storey brick building ; windows (right) arched and go from floor 2 to 3 ; central entrance covers all three floors and is supported by six building height columns topped with a portico ; taken during the Fall as the leaves on the surrounding trees are sparse and leaves lay all over the ground ; -
New Terminal Station Can Nat'l Electric Ry [Canadian National Electric Railway] St Catharines Ontario Canada
Two storey brick building ; three pillared entrances across the front of the building ; surrounded by trees and a formal garden ; -
Military Convalescent Home corner Yate and St Paul Streets St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
The convalescent home is mostly obscured by the large trees surrounding the property ; a sidewalk sign reads " Military Convalescent home" ; a low stone wall embedded with iron railings surrounds the property ; hydro /telephone pole (left) ; street lamp in distance (left) ; -
The Market St Catharines Ont [Ontario] Canada
Open air farmer's market ; horses and buggies line both sides of a central walk ; produce is in the back of the buggies ; -
Lake Street showing tower St Thomas' Church St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
Part of a large house is shown left ; upper balcony with wooden railings ; columns either side of entrance steps ; porch / verandah ; formal garden with flowers ; a car is driving down the street ; bell tower of St Thomas' Anglican Church in background (centre) ; -
The Sanctuary St Catharines RC [Roman Catholic} Church St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
Overhead view looking down onto the nave ; pews in an upper balcony and also on the main floor of the church ; ornate candelabra on either side of the altar (right) ; stained glass window behind the altar (right) ; -
Niagara Peninsula Sanatorium St Catharines Ontario
Located on Glenridge Avenue ; three storey brick building ; each room on levels two and three has their own balcony with a central door leading to it ; an entrance is located on the side of the building (left) and a water tower is located on the roof ; -
Golf Club House St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
Single storey white building with open porches along the entire building ; flower beds (right) ; a group of women are posed in front of the porch ; -
Welland Hotel corner Ontario & King Streets St Catharines Ont [Ontario] Canada
5 storey hotel ; top level windows set into roof line ; view partially obscured by trees ; -
The Leonard Hotel St Catharines Ontario
Located on St Paul Street downtown St Catharines a red brick five storey high hotel ; striped awnings on each window ; stores below the hotel complex ; L-R: advertising signs for Drugs, Candy ; Right of hotel entrance Smoke and Gift Shop ; -
Public Library St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
The St Catharines Public Library in centre was a Carnegie Library built in 1903, completed in 1904 both cornerstone & Portico read 1903 ; formal gardens in front of the library, snow on the ground ; brick building is two stories high with double columns at each side of front entrance ; figure standing on entrance steps ; -
Public Library St Catharines Ontario
The St Catharines Public Library in centre was a Carnegie Library built in 1903, completed in 1904 both cornerstone & Portico read 1903 ; formal gardens in front of the library ; brick building is two stories high with double columns at each side of front entrance ; -
Post Office St Catharines Ont [Ontario] Canada
Three storey brick building in foreground ; entrance steps (left) ; bicycles leaning against steps ; hydro/telephone pole in foreground and along the street ; awnings on four windows at side of building ; steep dormer windows set into roof on upper level ; advertising sign on building next to Post Office reads Post Office Book Store ; The low building in background (right) is advertising an Insurance Company ? & Kernahan ? ; -
Collegiate Institute St Catharines Ont [Ontario] Canada
front view of school ; two story brick ; peaked gable (left) central bell tower ; formal gardens and trees ; -
YMCA St Catharines Ont [Ontario] Canada
Side view of three storey red brick building ; roof line includes one large central gable with smaller ones either side ; ivy partially covers the arched main entrance; formal planted garden and trees surround ; -
The Armoury St Catharines
Red brick and white stone building located at the corner of Welland Avenue and Lake Street ; flag pole attached to turret at the right side of the main entrance ; -
Carnegie Library St Catharines Ontario Canada
The St Catharines Public Library in centre was a Carnegie Library built in 1903, completed in 1904 both cornerstone & Portico read 1903 ; formal gardens in front of the library ; brick building is two stories high with double columns at each side of front entrance ; unidentified church (left) ; -
Public Library, St Joseph Academy and St Catharines R C [Roman Catholic] Church, Church Street St Catharines Ont [Ontario] Canada
The St Catharines Public Library in foreground was a Carnegie Library built in 1903, completed in 1904 both cornerstone & Portico read 1903 ; formal gardens in front of the library ; St Joseph's Academy and church in background (centre) ; -
Ridley College St Catharines Ontario Canada
L shaped three story red brick building ; grass in front of the building and trees lining the driveway ; -
Memorial Chapel Ridley College St Catharines Ontario Canada
L shaped white stone turreted church /chapel ; high arched windows front and side -
Junior Ridley College St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
Front view of the college ; three story brick building ; four gables set into roof ; walls (right) ivy covered) ; -
City building St Catharines
Oval frame surrounds the image of a red brick two story building surrounded by trees ; -
Montebello Park St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
Park situated in the heart of a St Catharines residential neighbourhood on Ontario Street ; pavilion in distance (left) ; bandshell in distance (right) benches line the path ways ; large mature trees ; park designed by Frederick Law Olmstead in 1887 ; -
Montebello Park St Catharines Ontario
Park situated in the heart of a St Catharines residential neighbourhood on Ontario Street ; bandshell in distance (left) partially obscured by trees a union jack flag is hanging on the railings around the bandshell; pavilion in distance (right) ; large mature trees ; park designed by Frederick Law Olmstead in 1887 ; -
Montebella [sic] Montebello Park and Rose Garden St Catharines Ontario
Park situated in the heart of a St Catharines residential neighbourhood on Ontario Street ; rose arbours in distance (right) ; formal rose gardens centre and left ; large mature trees ; park was designed by Frederick Law Olmstead in 1887 ; -
Montebello Park St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
Park situated in the heart of a St Catharines residential neighbourhood on Ontario Street ; bandshell in distance (centre) ; pavilion in distance (right) ; large mature trees ; park designed by Frederick Law Olmstead in 1887 ; -
Entrance to Montebello Park St Catharines Ontario
Park situated in the heart of a St Catharines residential neighbourhood on Ontario Street ; pavilion in distance (left) ; benches line the path ways ; large mature trees ; park was designed by Frederick Law Olmstead in 1887 ; -
Ridley College St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
L shaped brick 3 storey building ; chapel right ; -
Ridley College St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
Group of people seated on the grass in the foreground ; a game of what is possibly cricket is being played in background centre ; Ridley College main building in background ; a very large brick building with three stories ; -
Canadian Henley Rowing Course St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
Recreational boaters in row boat (foreground) lady holding parasol ;crowds watching a race line the bank and the grandstand ; two rowing eights in far distance (left) ; -
Canadian Henley Regatta Course St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
Recreational boaters in row boat (foreground) ; club house (left) ; -
Canadian Henley Regatta Course St Catharines Canada
The course is empty of rowers ; the large ship (right) is possibly the steam ship Dalhousie City which made regular trips from Port Dalhousie to Toronto ; -
The Canadian Henley St Catharines Ont [Ontario]
A men's rowing eight in foreground seated in boat ; cox in bow of boat with megaphone held to face ; -
Famous Rose Garden Montebello Park St Catharines Ontario Canada
A formal rose garden is situated in the middle of the Montebello park ; an arbour (centre) ; a large metal structure (top left corner) ; 3 people are standing in front of the metal structure ; -
New Union School Stamford and southend Ontario
Two story red brick building ; peaked roof with small tower with flag pole ; trees ; -
Lodge cottage and entrance to grounds of Sir Peregrine Maitland Governor of Upper Canada built about 1820 Stamford Village Ontario
Surrounded by mature trees and a picket fence ; the cottage is partially obscured by the trees -
St David's Ontario, Queenston Grimsby Stone Road looking east Presbyterian and Methodist Churches in distance
The dirt road is lined with mature trees and hydro/telephone poles a white fence is in the centre of the image built next to a creek ; residential houses are partially hidden by the trees on either side ; tracks can be seen in the dirt road ; a horse and buggy is crossing over the creek bed ; -
The Shamrock Inn the Tourists' home St David's Ontario
Four large mature trees line the sidewalk ; the inn is partially obscured by the trees ; two story frame house with side/front porch ; two cars are parked (centre right) ; -
St David's Ontario
The card is divided into 4 sections with 4 individual images ; Top Row L-R: Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Manse ; Bottom Row L-R: Methodist Church, Methodist Parsonage ; text in red ; -
Stone Road (looking east) St David's Ontario
The entire dirt road is lined with mature trees ; residential houses are partially hidden by the trees ; tracks can be seen in the dirt road from either a car or a wagon ; -
Ravine Hill and tunnel under GTR [Grand Trunk Railroad] tracks between Stamford and St David's Ontario
Looking north toward St David's ; the tunnel and bridge made of stone are located at the bottom of Ravine Hill ; a train is crossing on the tracks ;many trees line the dirt road ; wooden hydro poles (right) ; a woman is standing under the trees to the left ; -
Hillbrow Tourist Camp Highway No 8 between St Catharines and Niagara Falls. Mrs R E Cudney Prop [proprietor]
Six small cabins are set amongst flowering trees ; picnic benches in front of some cabins and on the grass ; -
The Old Mill Inn St David's Highway No 8 near Niagara Falls Canada
A two story frame house with a large porch addition to the front serving as the entrance to the inn ; picket fence to the right ; a roof top sign advertises "Blacks The Old Mill Inn" ; advertising above the entrance doorway for "English Sausage Rolls" ; sign advertising "Rooms" on the right of the building ; -
Crusher plant of Queenston Quarries St David's Ontario
The crushing plant is located on a hill side ; trees surround it ; -
Main Street (looking north) residential section of St David's Ontario
Large mature trees line the dirt road that is Main Street ; houses are partially obscured by the trees ; a fence made of simple posts line the roadway ; hydro poles and telephone poles visible right ; -
Main Street looking south showing business section St David's Ontario
Stores line the dirt road which is Main Street ; a horse and cart is outside a store (left) ; the pole in the foreground (left) of the image reads "Bell Telephone Co. ; trees are on both sides of the street ; -
Presbyterian Church St David's Ontario. Headquarters of de Rottenberg 1812
Brick single story building ; six steps lead to main entrance ; church is surrounded by trees and a dirt roadway runs in front ; -
St David's Methodist S S Cot.
A small girl dressed in night clothes and clutching a doll is in a hospital bed ; surrounded by screens ; -
Dalhousie City leaving wharf Port Dalhousie Ont [Ontario]
The steam ship Dalhousie City laden with passengers probably returning to Toronto pulling away the dock ; smoke is pouring from the single funnel ; people are on the dock watching the ship pull away ; -
Dalhousie City arriving at Port Dalhousie Ont [Ontario]
The steam ship Dalhousie City laden with passengers probably from Toronto pulling into the dock ; other people are waiting on the dock either to meet arrivals or to take the outbound boat ; Port Dalhousie light house centre ; -
Steamer Dalhousie City arriving at Port Dalhousie Ontario Canada
The steam ship Dalhousie City laden with passengers probably from Toronto pulling into the dock ; other passengers are awaiting boarding on the dock; a smaller ship in background left ; -
Dalhousie City at dock Port Dalhousie Ont [Ontario]
The steam ship Dalhousie City at the dock ; passengers are awaiting boarding ; Toronto painted on bow of ship ; -
Bathing scene at Lakeside Park Port Dalhousie Canada
rowing boats row -
Bathing beach [Lakeside Park] Port Dalhousie Ont [Ontario]
rowing boats row -
Roadway to Sugar Loaf Hill Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
A winding dirt road leads uphill toward Sugar Loaf Hill (top right) ; scrub and bushes line the roadway and hydro poles are located at intervals ; heavier tree growth (left) ; -
Sugar Loaf Point Port Colborne Canada
Situated on the north shore of Lake Erie Sugar Loaf was the original name of the settlement that later became Gravelly and then Port Colborne ; sandy beach lines the shore ; two houses can be seen in background (centre) ; and a dock extends into the Lake (centre) ; -
Solid Comfort East End Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
A very large two story house nestled amongst trees ; wrap around verandahs on both levels of the house, central wooden staircase leads to main entrance and a large turret is to the left ; a smaller version of the house is to the extreme left ; -
Sugar Loaf Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
Sugar Loaf Hill is in the centre of the image ; the house known as the Sugar Loaf home is partially visible (bottom left), part of the porch and verandah are shown ; -
Sugar Loaf Hill Port Colborne Ontario
Pastoral scene with trees bushes and grass -
The Sugar Loaf Home Port Colborne Canada
A two story home with dormer windows in the roof and a large front verandah and porch ; two people are on the porch and another four possibly children are leaning against the porch ; trees in background and grass in foreground ; -
Rear view Maple Leaf Mill, Government Elevator & Niagara Grain & Feed Co [Company] Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
On the north shore of Lake Erie, on the Welland Canal -
Front view Maple Leaf Mill, Government Elevator & Niagara Grain & Feed Co [Company] Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
On the north shore of Lake Erie, on the Welland Canal -
Plant of Canada Furnace Co [Company] Ltd [Limited] Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
Welland Canal in foreground, mounds of coal line the bank of the canal ; a very large steel structure is in centre of image, ; sign for C F Co Ltd attached to top of first steel structure ; a large lake boat (laker) is docked underneath the steel structure ; -
Grain Elevator Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
Massive brick building more than four stories high ; a large steel structure is attached to the near side of the building ; railway box cars from Great North West and South Western Pacific are under the steel structure ; -
Maple Leaf Flour Mill Port Colborne Ontario
On the north shore of Lake Erie, a large lake grain boat is docked on the near side of the first building ; smaller buildings line the bank of the canal and larger ones in background ; -
Government Elevator and Maple Leaf Milling Co [Company] Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
On the north shore of Lake Erie, a large lake grain boat is docked next to the Government Elevator (left) Maple Leaf Mill is right ; -
Canada Furnace Co [Company] Plant Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
Welland Canal in foreground, mounds of coal line the bank of the canal ; two very large steel structures in centre of image, small hoppers can be seen within the steel structures ; sign for C F Co Ltd attached to top of first steel structure ; -
Government Elevator and Maple Leaf Flour Mill Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
On the north shore of Lake Erie, a large lake boat is docked next to the Government Elevator (left) Maple Leaf Mill is right ; -
Maple Leaf Mill, Government Elevator & Niagara Grain & Feed Co [Company] Port Colborne Canada
On the north shore of Lake Erie, from L-R Maple leaf Mills, Government Elevator, Niagara Grain & Feed, canal running through centre of image and railway tracks to the left ; -
Plant of Canada Furnace Co [Company] Ltd [Limited] Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
On the north shore of Lake Erie which is visible in the foreground, smoke stacks and mounds of coal ; a lake boat in distance (far right) and a tug boat is (centre right) -
Plant of International Nickel Co [INCO] Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
Distance view of the factory buildings and smoke stacks ; grass and trees surround the plant -
Canada Portland Cement Co [Company] Port Colborne Ont [Ontario]
Long view of the factory surrounded by grass -
When in North Bay visit "The Chicago" the only air-conditioned restaurant in the North
A red brick building with an art deco entrance to the restaurant, port hole windows ; a large sign running the lengthwise down the building advertises restaurant and soda fountain ; a horizontal sign above the entrance advertises the air-conditioning as being by H H Lock and Sons Toronto ; -
The Erie Belle Chippawa 1911
In background left is shown the original mouth of the Welland River where it joins the Niagara about one mile above the famous cataract ; to the right are shown the man-made Hog Island and channel dug in 1827 ; the smoke stack in the background is from a factory on the American side of the Niagara River -
Tourist Home Of Mrs M W Schrader Bridgewater Street Chippawa Ontario Phone 3519 Ring 22
A two story brick home surrounded by trees and garden ; a dormer window set into the roof line and awnings on each of the windows ; -
Holiday Sports At Chippawa Ontario
Motor boats and row boats in the Chippawa Creek ; people in the boats very formally dressed ; houses along the creek bank in the background ; -
Boating at Chippawa Ontario
Five canoes are shown boating in Chippawa Creek, The MCR [Michigan Central Railway bridge is in the background ; Left front canoe inlcudes: Thomas Greenwood, Louise Ackerman, Mrs. Greenwood; Left Upper Canoe: Thomas Downey & unknown; Upper right canoes': Hardy Gerber & Deak Greenwood ; tw small motor boats are shown tied up at the boat house centre right ; -
View of Welland River from Old Manor Camp Niagara River Boulevard Canada
Welland River seen from the old Macklem House -
Trinity Church Chippawa Ont [Ontario]
Ivy covered one story stone building with central spire and bell tower surrounded by trees