'Green energy capital of Canada' : Groundbreaking for Atura Power's facility at Sir Adam Beck station expected this summere
- Title
- 'Green energy capital of Canada' : Groundbreaking for Atura Power's facility at Sir Adam Beck station expected this summere
- Date
- 22 April 2023
- page
- A6
- Source
- Niagara Falls Review
- Creator
- Forsyth, Paul
- Type
- Newspaper Article with photo
- Description
- Atura Power / Fralick Smith, Chris / Penny, Christopher / Niagara Hydrogen Centre / Niagara Parks Power Station / Earth Day
- Subject
- Biography
- Ontario Hydro (Hydro One, Ontario Power Generation, OPG)
- Environment
- Power Plants - Sir Adam Beck II Generating Station
- Item sets
- Newspaper Index