Part 2

Part 2
extracted text

, 28
FORT GEORGE, 1St September, 1812


The 41st Regiment will take the whole of the garriso
n d uti
until further orders.


ent, will on Mr. Steel's arrival proceed to join the diviof his regiment at Fort George.
acting Staff-Surgeon Thom will give any further necessary


tions to these officers.


2nd September, 1812.





The Detachment of the 49th Regiment on board the
George and Earl Moira, under the command of Major Plend
leath will disembark this forenoon and until further orde
will occupy the council house and store at Navy Hall.

FORT GEORGE, 4th September, 1812.
No. 1. The Detachment of the 49th Regiment, will take
"r share of the garrison duties at Fort George, agreeable to

By order,

2. An intelligent person from heads of Departments, Corps
d Detachments will attend every day at 2 o'clock at the orderroom in the Fort for the purpose of receiving orders.
Captain Vigereaux will be pleased to order a person in atdance at the hour pointed out in the D.G.O. of the 5th ultimo
to receive the men and point the fatigues, for the performance
of which the party is furnished.

(Signed) Tilos. EVANS, B.M.
Heads of Departments and Officers commanding corps wil
attend at the Government House at 11 o'clock this day.
By order,

(Signed) Tilos. EVANS, B.11.1

By order,

FORT GEORGE, 3rd September, 1812.


No. 1. Captain Chambers, of the 41st Regiment, will r
sume the command of the second division stationed at Queenston on Monday, 7th inst.
Captain Saunders will immediately afterwards join
part of the 41st Regiment stationed at Fort George.
2. 'Civilians and aliens taken upon suspicion, or for harm
ing committed offences liable to military cognizance, are to b.
brought to Fort Major Kemble to whom every necessary infor
mation concerning them is to be given, and he will report thei
cases without delay to the officer commanding that he may
ceive his further directions thereon.
3. Hospital Mate Steel will proceed and do duty with
division stationed at Fort Erie and Acting Surgeon Moore, 4




5th Sept., 1812.

An intention of renewing hostilities having been declared by
General commanding the forces of the United States, the
istice will terminate at noon on the 8th inst; after which
most active operations may be expected on the part, of the
y, to counteract which, the utmost vigilance and activity
be requisite and are confidently expected.
Commanders of Corps by personal inspection will immely ascertain the state of their arms, accoutrements and
ment in general, and whatever may be requisite to put
a fit state for active service it is to be provided with all
e expedition.


Returns of the ammunition in the possession of each 4'
and requisitions for such articles as they may want fro 0
of the departments are to be sent to Headquarters without del
The Major-General will inspect the part of the 41st
egiment stationed at Fort George at 3 o'clock to-morrow afternoon
in marching order, after which he will inspect the flank c
panies of the 49th Regiment in similar order. He also proposes
inspecting the Corps of Militia and other troops of the line i
the district, the periods for which will hereafter be notified. n
By order,
(Signed) Tnos. EVANS, B.M.
D. G. 0.

FORT GEORGE, 4th Sept., 1812.

It having fallen under the observation of Major-General
Brock that a considerable portion of the men of the Newfound.
land Regiment doing duty on board the vessel of war on Lake
Ontario, are by no means calculated for that service, it is his
order that Colonel Vincent maybe pleased to take the earliest
opportunity of selecting from that corps in the district under
his command such men as appear the most efficient for the performance of that important duty, as well as from their bodily
strength, as from the knowledge of the particular service in
which they are to be employed. Lieutenant King, Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General at Kingston; will, with officers
commanding the vessels, make a minute inspection of the men
now on board them, and report thereon to 'Colonel Vincent,
furnishing him with the names and companies of those whom
they consider as unfit for their present situations, in order that
they may be exchanged for those more effective.
Major-General Brock having observed that the system of
discipline amongst the men of the Newfoundland Regiment
on board the vessels of war on Lake Ontario is extremely
relaxed and irregular, he calls upon the officers to use their

t exertions to render them perfectly effective, and by
*r own personal efforts and example to support the Officers
the Marine in establishing that energy and zeal on board
several vessels, which can alone ensure success against the
moments of otrial.
ding having witnessed the
c man
T he
most shameful blasphemy on board the vessels without it
being noticed by the officers, he desires that those of the Newfoundland Regiment and of the Marine do use their best endeavqrs to put a stop to so disgraceful a practice; and he is
pleased to order that Divine Service be regularly performed
by an officer on board each vessel every Sunday.
( Note on margin states that " This D.G.O. is by MajorGeneral Sheaffe. ")
By order,
(Signed) Tnos. 'EvANs, B.M.
FORT GEORGE, 7th Sept., 1812.
All officers and soldiers belonging to the different corps
stationed at Fort George not employed on other duties are directed to attend the works going on in the Garrison until they
411 be completed.

FORT GEORGE, 8th Sept., 1812.

Captain Williams, of the 49th Regiment, with the light
company under his command, will march from Chippewa tomorrow morning at daylight for the camp at Queenston, where
be will be stationed till further orders. Captain Chambers
with the whole of the detachment of the 41st Regiment will
. from Queenston to Chippewa at 3 o'clock to-morrow
Captain Bullock will select sixty men of the 41st
Iletrunent and order them to march early to-morrow in charge



of a subaltern to the head of Navy Island ; application
made to Deputy Assistant Quartermaster Fowler for
ters for this Detachment.
Major Plenderleath is appointed to command the who
the forces from Browns on this side Queenston to
the F
the troops at both of these posts included.
Captain Chambers on his arrival at Chippawa, will, hi
proceed to the head of Navy Island and assume the c o
of the troops stationed at that post.
By order,
(Signed) Thos. Evans, B.M.

FORT GEORGE, 8th Sept., 1812.

Major-General Brock was disposed to view the Armistice as
the forerunner of a restoration of peace and amity with the
United States, the pretext on which their declaration of war
was chiefly founded having been removed by the British Government and an opening offered by it to an adjustment of all
differences of minor importance between the two countries; but ,
in vain has Great Britain thus held out the hand of conciliati
it has been rejected. The President of the United States ha
ing thought fit to direct their troops to resort again to active
warfare and what motive can now exist for his authorizing a
renewal of hostilities at the time too (as is confidently asserted
that he has sent an ambassador to treat for peace. Is it
facilitate its attainment, that he, by his own voluntary
places two countries in a situation to inflict mutually the ho
of war, thereby to have their minds more embittered towa
each other; perhaps he may imagine that by conquest on the
side of Canada he can indemnify the United States, for the loss
to which they are exposed on the Atlantic side from the super
iority of the naval power of Great Britain, and that with a
proportion of her Provinces in their possession more favorable

would be obtained for negotiating for peace. But the
f the Province have too just and manly a sense of what
we to their own personal dignity and independence to subo
be disposed of at the will of the Chief Magistrate of any
country, they will not sink to the degradation of being
a weight to be thrown by his hand into the scale.
baseness belongs not to them, they have already offered to
Id an instance of what can be effected by the aid of their
and valour, and Major-General Brock relies with conon their continued exertion of those ennobling qualities
eating any designs on this Province, and for contribute less honorably for themselves than useful to their families
to their King and country towards bringing the contest, in
which the implacable enmity of the American Government has
engaged us to a favorable issue.
By order,
(Signed) Thos. EVANS, B.M.
FORT GEORGE, 9th Sept., 1812.
Captain Saunders is substituted for Captain Chambers in
command of the forces stationed at the head of Navy Island as
expressed in D. G. 0. of 8th September and will proceed to
ton without delay. Captain Chambers will return to
uarters at Fort George.
His Honor the President has been pleased to confer the rank
Lieutenant-Colonel on Major Plenderleath, 49th Regiment,
ng the local service on which he is employed.
By order,
(Signed) Tiros. EvaNs, B.M.

FORT GEORGE, 9th Sept., 1812.
' No. 1. The detachment of the York Militia under the cornd of Capt. Cameron, will march forthwith to Brown's
int where quarters are prepared for their reception, the



Deputy Commissary General will be pleased to fu
waggon for the conveyance of their baggage.
2. The Deputy Commissary General will give di
that the whole of the scarlet and other cloth for military
poses and all military appointments in the possession of
ccmniissariat now in store in York may be brought over to
George by the first opportunity.
By order,
(Signed) Tnos. EvAxs, 13 M.

11th Sept., 1812.
No. 1. Major-General Gordon and Mr. Conductor B
of the Field Train Department, will be allowed forage for
horse each on furnishing the usual certificate.
2. The attention of heads of departments and officers
manding Corps, is called to the D.G.O. No. 4 of the 22nd July.
3. Commanding Officers of Corps, Detachments, etc.,
directed to adopt every possible precaution for turning out
men at a moment's warning, either by night or day; for
purpose it is essentially necessary that each man's arms
appointments should be so arranged that in case of alarm
might know where to seize on them in an instant. It is also
the utmost importance that the officers of the militia gene
should satisfy themselves that the arms of the men are at
times in good and efficient order.
4. One subaltern, one sergeant, one corporal and tw
privates from the Militia stationed at Fort George to be
nished a guard over the Batteaux at two mile Creek, their
will be to furnish sentries and patrols for the protection of
Batteaux and coast during the night.
By order, (Signed) THOS. EVANS,

FORT GEORGE, 13th Sept.,
Lieutenant-Colonel Short and Lieutenant Taylor, 41st Regi
ment, with the detachments of the 41st and 49th Regiments

ordered, will embark on board the Earl of Moira this
0 o'clock, the Darlington Company of Militia, stationed
Point, will march so as to arrive at Fort George to
gt the same time ; the necessary boats will be furnished
artermaster General's Department.
By order,
(Signed) THOS. EVANS, B.M.
FORT GEORGE, 14th Sept., 1812.
ppointments in the Commissariat from 25th June;
a, Jacob Natharvit to be storekeeper at Queenston at 4s.
per day.
Edward Hartney to be clerk at York at 5s. per day, Chas.
Benin to be issuer at Fort George at 2s. 6d. per day.
ewer a corps or detachment is ordered to march from
tion to another or to embark or disembark within the
the officers commanding such corps or detachment will
ately transmit to Lieutenant-Colonel Myers, the Deputy
rmaster-General and to the Brigade Major, an exact reof the number to move agreeable to such order.
Augustus Thompson is attached to the 49th Regiment
olonteer and will do duty with the detachment of that
stationed at Fort George.
r. t 8. Jarvis is attached to the 49th Regiment as a
and will do duty with the detachment stationed at
DePartments, staff and other officers of the line stationed
the limits of the upper Province and entitled to forage
ses, will transmit returns for the same to the 24th to
George, addressed to Lieutenant-Colonel Myers, Deputy
t Quartermaster-General, and will henceforth continue
at the regular periods until further orders.
By order,
(Signed) Tilos. EVANS, B.M.



FORT GEORGE, 16th Sept., 1812,

No. 1. The detachments of the Royal Newfoundland
ment, arrived in the Royal George, will disembark
delay ; the Deputy Quartermaster General will furnish the
for this service, and will fix a spot for their encampment
2. In cases of alarm a blue pennant will be hoia
on the flag staff at Fort George, and a field gun fired from
of the batteries ; if by night a lanthorn and a gun, on which
ing done, every officer in command will repair to his post
be ready with the men to act according to circumstances and
the orders which they shall receive from their superior o
Captain Holcroft, of the Royal Artillery, will be pleased
give such directions as in his judgment will ensure most p
attention to the making of the above signals when necessary.
By order,
(Signed) Tnos. EVANS, B.M.

FORT GEORGE, 17th Sept., 1812.

The detachment of the 10th R. V. B.,* arrived from Kingston, will march this morning for Chippewa and will proceed
to-morrow morning for Fort Erie, where they will embark on
board the Queen Charlotte, the Deputy Quartermaster General
will provide the requisite means for the conveyance of their
baggage, etc.
Major-General Sheaffe will inspect the detachment of the
Royal Newfoundland Regiment at 3 o'clock this day, in march"
ing order, at the garrison at Fort George.
By order,

(Signed) Thos. EVANS, B. Major.
• 10th R.V.B. Royal Veterans Battalion.

FORT GEORGE, 18th Sept., 1812.
1. An arrangement having been entered into between
• r General Brock and Major-General Van Rosselear (Van
laer), c ommanding the American forces stationed on
Niagara Frontier for the mutual prevention of so unmilitary
degrading a practice as that of individuals indiscriminatfiring across the river without orders:—
The Major-General henceforth positively forbids a continuation of such practices, and calls upon officers in command
f posts to give directions to every individual under their oro
that no one can plead ignorance of the Major-General's
tions and instructions on this head. The officers in charge
the Indian Department will take every pains to explain and
pent the Indians from a commission of this wanton practice.
2. The detachment of the Royal Newfoundland, stationed
at Fort George, will take their proportion of the duty and
fatigues of the garrison; an effective return of their strength
will be sent to the Brigade Majors this evening and an intelligent person will attend at the orderly room in the garrison every
evening at 2 o'clock for the purpose of receiving orders.
By order,
(Signed) THOS. EVANS, B.M.

FORT GEORGE, 20th Sept., 1812.

No. 1. The Grenadier Company of the 49th Regiment will
hold itself in readiness to march in an hour's notice for Queendon, where it will remain under orders of Lieut.-Col. Plenderth.
. 2. Sixty men of the 41st Regiment under the direction of
ut. Bullock will march for Chippewa, and on their arrival
at that place Captain Bullock will be pleased to strengthen the
detachment stationed at the head of Navy Island under. Captain
tinders, with 20 additional men from the 41st Regiment.
3. Captain Selby's company of York Militia will hold itself


in immediate readiness to march to Brown's Poi
n t*
Deputy Quartermaster-General will be pleased to signif
route of march and point out the quarters to be occupi y'
ed b
above detachment, the Commissariat will provid
e for the
sary conveyance for the baggage.
4. A Board of Survey to assemble at 10 o'clock to
morning at the Barrack Master's quarters for the purpo
ascertaining the extent of damage done to barrack articles. se o
By order,

(Signed) THOS. EVANS, B.M.
D.G.O. FORT GEORGE, 20th Sept., 1812.
No. 1. The Major-General Commanding most earnestly
calls the attention of the officers in command of divisions, and
that of the officers in general, to the state of the men's arms,
ammunition, and appointment under their immediate superintendence as he expects every soldier, whether of the line or
• militia, will be at all times in the most efficient state in •
essential particular, and every way prepared to meet
enemy's attack should he venture to make it.
2. The Major-General trusts that the officers in charge of
the different divisions use their best exertions in forwarding
the drill of the several detachments of militia placed under
their orders, and that the non-commissioned officers and
selected by them from the line for this important duty are :3
qualified to give the instruction required.
3. It is expected that officers in command of companies
;both of the line and militia are provided with orderly books,
and that the orders are regularly read to the men, in c onformity
to No.. 3 of the D. G. 0. of the 31st July.
The Major-General cannot too strongly impress on the minds
of the several commanders the necessity of their attention
punctuality in this part of their duty.
*Probably near Stamford, where the road branched toward the
Falls passing Brown's at an angle. Barracks not far distant covered
the road leading to interior.

Major-General acknowledges with thanks the willing
in which that portion of the troops stationed at Fort
ontributed by their exertions to the accomplishc
George have
the present works established there, and directs that
(Ina ofre as small a number as possible may be furnished in
them, in order that the militia last joined may have
opportunity of perfecting themselves in their drill.
By order,
(Signed) Taos. EVANS, B.M.
FORT GEORGE, 22nd Sept., 1812.
The Major-General Commanding returns his particular
thanks to the militia for the handsome manner in which they
have on all occasions volunteered their services for duties of
fatigue, and is pleased to direct that for the present, service for
eh duty shall be dispensed with.
No. 2. Colonel Claus will give the necessary directions for
hour and place of drill for the militia, and Sergts. Lyons,
fit Regiment, and Thomas, Royal Newfoundland Regiment,
attend as instructors at the hours pointed out by Colonel
Otis; the 41st will also furnish a second non-commissioned
officer capable of instructing the men for this particular duty.
By order,
(Signed) Tnos. EVANS, B.M.
FORT GEORGE, 25th Sept., 1812:
No. 1. Major Merritt will be pleased to furnish daily an
orderly dragoon to be at the Brigade Major's office by 12
o'clock each day for the transmission of orders, etc. Heads of
departments, officers in command of corps and others having
on the public service to forward to any part of the line
xt this post and Fort Erie, and to Amherstburg and Deit will send to the Brigade Major's office any time before half
Post 11 o'clock. Officers in command of divisions and posts



stationed along the line will avail themselves of this orderly
express to forward their communications to headquarters.
No. 2. Until further orders the tattoo will beat at 8 o'clock
in the evening.
By order,
(Signed) Thos. EVANS, B.M.

the arrival of this detachment at Chippewa Captain Bullock
will detach one subaltern, 2 sergts., and 40 rank and file of the
41st Regiment to Millers,* where they will receive their further
orders from Major-General Shaw. The Deputy Quartermaster
General will be pleased to have the necessary conveyance prepared for the carriage of the baggage of this detachment.
(Signed) Thos. EVANS, B.M.

FORT GEORGE, 27th Sept., 1812.
No. 1. The Major-General having observed great deficiencies in the ammunition issued generally to the troops of the
militia, he cannot too strongly impress on the minds of the
officers commanding divisions the necessity of their explaining
to the men under their orders, that at a period like the present a
greater military offence cannot possibly be committed than a
careless negligence or wilful waste of any ammunition that may
he delivered out to them for the use of the public service.
2. Whenever cartridges may be injured by wet or otherwise
the balls of such cartridges will be carefully preserved and sent
in with an account of their number to the ordnance storekeeper,
who will give a receipt for the same.
By order,
(Signed) THOS. EVANS, B.M.
FORT GEORGE, 29th Sept., 1812.
Until further orders the Grand Rounds will go their rounds
betwixt the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock, and the visiting rounds
betwixt 2 and 5 in the morning.
By order,
(Signed) Thos. EVANS, B. Major.
FORT GEORGE, 30th Sept., 1812.
A! subaltern and 30 privates, with a due proportion of noncommissioned officers of the 41st Regiment, will march this
day, immediately after the men have dined, for Chippewa. On

FORT GEORGE, 16t Oct., 1812.
The Major-General Commanding forbids the practice of
individuals firing in the swamp, or in any other place within
the limits and neighborhood of the garrison.
(Signed) Thos. EVANS, B.M.

FORT GEORGE, 2nd Oct., 1812.

No. 1. Major-General Sheaffe, having noticed in the reports frequent inattention of the visiting rounds in not visiting
the different batteries established at the head of the lake, he
trusts that in future they will be more exact in their performance of this essential part of their duty.
2. Until further orders one third of the troops off duty will
sleep in their clothes fully accoutered and ready to turn out at
st moment's notice.
(Signed) Thos. EVANS, B.M.
FORT GEORGE, 5th Oct., 1812.
Quartermaster-sergeant Pointer, of the 49th Regiment, is
appointed to act as barrack master at Fort Erie with an allowsue of 1s. 6d. per day.
(Signed) Taos. EVANS, B.M.

Millers' store between Palmer's and Fort Erie, on the line of communication.


D.G.O. FORT GEORGE, 6th Oct., 1812.
No. 1. Until further orders the regular troops and militi
force in this command are to be under arms in their quarters
at the first break of day, and are not to be dismissed till broad
daylight and distant objects seen. The guards are to turn out
and mount as usual, and the strictest attention is enjoined to the
order requiring one-third of the men in quarters to be clothed
and accoutered during the night with their arms at hand, in
readiness to turn out in a moment's warning, which commanders of corps or detachments are directed to regulate in
such a manner as to avoid, as much as may be practic,able, inchiding men for guards in that number.
2. The 41st Regiment will give up the quarters lately occupied as a hospital to the detachment of the Newfoundland Regiment, who will occupy it this evening.
The commanding officer of the 41st Regiment will distribute
his men in the most convenient manner in the barracks now
occupied until additional rooms can be appropriated for them.

_(Signed) THOS. EVANS, B.M.

8th Oct., 1812.

The undermentioned gentlemen are appointed volunteers in
his Majesty's regular forces from the period specified opposite
their respective names, they will continue to do duty with the
41st Regiment until further orders.
Henry Proctor, gentleman, 1st July, 1812 ; Alexander Wilkinson, 1st July, — Richardson, 9th July.
Tnos. EVANS, B.M.

Surgeons at the several posts where hospitals are established
will receive from the Commissariat stores as much fresh beef
as they may judge necessary for the use of the sick.
The remainder of the rations due to the sick will be left in

store and paid for to the surgeons at the contract prices. For
the future 72 an ounce of salt will be added to the rations of
the fresh meat.
FORT GEORGE, 9th Oct., 1812.
The flank companies of the Newfoundland Regiment will
march at 2 o'clock to-morrow morning for Fort Erie, and on
their arrival there will receive further orders from MajorGeneral Shaw; the Deputy Quartermaster General will have the
requisite conveyance ready for the carriage of their baggage.
The 41st Regiment will relieve the men of the Newfoundland
on duty after the men have dined this day.
FORT GEORGE, Oct. 9th, 1812.
Officers in command of the several divisions will call for,
from officers in command of corps and detachments serving
under their orders, a return of armourers belonging to the
same, which will be transmitted to the Brigade Major's office
without delay.
(Signed) Thos. EveNs, B.M.

FORT GEORGE, 12 th Oct, 1812.

Major-General Brock directs that no communication be held
with the enemy by flag of truce or otherwise than by his special
permission unless such an occurrence should arise as to render
delay prejudicial to the service, of which officers commanding
posts are to be the sole judges. It is understood that in the
boat captured on the morning of the 9th from the enemy, arms
of various descriptions were found which have not been accounted for. Major-General Shaw will institute the necessary
inquiry and retain them for the Major-General's disposal, and



it must be clearly understood by every officer and soldier that
all property taken from the enemy must be reported to the
Major-General before they can be applied to any purpo se , an d
that arms in particular are at all times to be returned for the
public service.
Major-General Brock receives Major-General Shaw's report
of the spirited conduct of the troops of the militia on the morning of the 9th with the utmost satisfaction. Cornet Pill Major
was particularly conspicuous, and he has much pleasure to find
that the wounds he received on that occasion are not likely to
deprive the service very long of his gallant exertions.

FORT GEORGE, 13th Oct., 1812.
A cessation of firing having been agreed on by MajorGeneral Sheaffe and Major-General Van Ransselear, commanding the American troops at Lewiston, etc., for 3 days ending on
Friday, the 16th inst., at 4 o'clock p.m. The officers commanding the several posts on the line will regulate their conduct accordingly.

FORT GEORGE, 14th Oct., 1812.
A return of the general and regimental staff officers, also one
from the different corps and detachments engaged in, the action
of the 13th Oct., of the killed, wounded, and missing will be
i mmediately sent in to the Brigade Major's office.

FORT GEORGE, 14th Oct., 1812.
Major-General Sheaffe offers his best thanks to the troops
for the bravery and good conduct so eminently displayed by all
ranks and descriptions in the action of yesterday, which terminated in the complete overthrow of the enemy, their General

with many officers and about 800 men having been made
prisoners, and a considerable number killed and wounded, and
a stand of colors and 6 prisoners taken.
This brilliant success is, however,, clouded by the ever-to-belamented death of Major-General Brock, who gloriously fell
whilst foremost in the ranks gallantly cheering his troops whilst
opposing far superior numbers. The zeal, ability, and valour with
which he served his King and country render this a public loss
which must be long deplored, and his memory will live in the
hearts and affections of those who had an opportunity of being
acquainted with his private worth.
Major-General Sheaffe has also to regret that Lieut.-Col.
McDonald, aide-de-camp to Major-General Brock, whose gallantry and spirit rendered him worthy of his chief, received a
wound in the action, and which there is reason to fear will prove
All arms, accoutrements, ammunition, and articles whatever
of a public nature taken from the enemy in the action of yesterday to be delivered into the ordnance store without delay.
In consequence of the death of Major-General Brock, the
command of his Majesty's troops serving in U. Canada devolves
on Major-General Sheaffe, to whom all reports and communications will be made accordingly.
Lieut.-Col. Myers will take upon himself the superintendence of the troops of the line from Fort George to Chippewa
inclusive, all reports and details for that portion of the Niagara
district to be made to him and for the greater facility and despatch of the public service Major-General Shaw, acting as CoL
of Militia, and commanding between Chippewa and the Sugar
Loaf, will be pleased to report to and communicate with MajorGeneral Sheaffe through Lt.-Col. Myers as Deputy Quartermaster-General.
(Signed) THOS. EVANS, B.M.
kSugar Loaf a conical hill north side Lake Erie.



FORT GEORGE, 16th Oct., 1812.
A prolongation of the cessation of hostilities having been
agreed upon between Major-General Sheaffe and Major-General
Van Ransselear for an undefined period, the officers commanding posts along the line will strictly govern themselves accordingly until further orders.
Captain Glegg, 49th Regiment, aide-de-camp to the late
Major-General Brock, will be pleased to act in that capacity
with Major-General Sheaffe until further orders; Lt. Win.
Kerr, of the Glengy. Lt. Infantry, when his duty of assistant
engineer will permit will attach himself to Lieut.-Col. Myers,
and will receive his directions.

By Order,
(Signed) THOS. EVANS, B.M.

General Brock's last instructions to Officers
Commanding Forts.
This MS. is labelled:—" 1812. Instructions sent to Officers
commanding Forts, by Major-General Brock, some days prior
to the attack on Queenston."
Should the enemy determine on a serious invasion of this
part of the Province, it appears likely to me (now that the
season is so far advanced as to render any attempt to turn
either of our flanks extremely dangerous) that his principal
attack will be made between Fort Erie and Palmers.* He may
at the same time attract our attention by sending a small force
in light gun boats up the channel between Navy and Grand
Island with a view likewise of impeding our retreat to ChipNotes, p. 2, Palmer's Tavern not far from Black Creek on a creek
opposite Grand Is.

pewa, but I cannot imagine that a force of any magnitude will
attempt in crowded boats to stem so strong a current, and expose itself to an attack in that situation.
The imminent danger which boats liable to attack from
our batteries would encounter from the rapidity of the waters,
and vicinity of the Falls, in crossing from the north point of
Navy Island, would almost lead one to conclude that no officer
could be found hardy enough to direct an enterprise from that
quarter. But if we weigh well the character of our enemy we
shall find him more disposed to brave the impediments of
nature when they afford a probability of accomplishing his end
by surprise in preference to the certainty of encountering British troops ready formed for his reception.
The prospect of success by this route is not only more probable than the tedious course of the south channel, but the
incitements to undertake it are so great, that no officer will
allow himself to be lulled into security, under pretense, by the
evident risk attending such an attempt.
Once in complete possession of both sides of the Chippewa
the enemy would obtain an advantage, not only as it regards
military operations, but likewise over the feeling of the militia
that might be productive of fatal consequences. It is, therefore, our first object to prevent by every means such an occurrence—so long as he is confined between Fort Erie and the river
we may confidently look for hourly support, but if allowed to
spread, the disaffected will assume a tone and posture that cannot fail to operate in deterring the loyal from active exertions.
Should the enemy, however, reject such a hazardous mode
of attack and confine his operations, as has already been suggested, to the upper part of the river, under cover of his artillery, the officer in command will, of course, oppose him to the
utmost in his endeavors to obtain a footing, but should he be
at length compelled to retire, he will, if practicable, fall back
upon Chippawa disputing manfully every step. The nature of

the ground is particularly favorable for a small force to impede
the rapid advance of any number. The several detachments
stationed along that line will arrive in rotation to his support,
and will enable him to check the enemy until such a force is
collected as cannot fail making him repent his temerity.
Sufficient attention has not been paid to ensure the destruction in case of necessity of the numerous bridges upon that
Should the troops composing the garrison of Fort Erie be
cut off and prevented joining and retreating with the detachment stationed at the Ferry side, the officer commanding will
be left in a situation requiring his utmost prudence and activity.
He will have either to annoy the enemy as he advances, or to
retire before a superior force; the fort is only tenable against
musketry, it will therefore be most expedient to give up the
place rather than expose the troops to capture. The back road
leading to Palmers has, of course, been minutely examined,
and although, at this season very bad, may afford a safe retreat. Temporary footbridges might likewise be constructed near such places along the skirts of the wood as are
otherwise impassable, this precaUtion may be the means of
preserving the detachment.
An alarm from the right will not induce the force at Navy
Island to move until it be ascertained that no attack is meditated in that direction, and measures are taken to station sufficient parties to watch narrowly the approach of any enemy.
The possession of and safety of Chippewa must be considered a primary object, consequently only such portions of
its force will march as can with perfect safety be spared.
On the contrary the troops quartered on the road between
Queenston and Chippewa will repair thither with the utmost
rapidity on the first alarm, and half of the force A Queenston
will follow the same route without waiting for further orders.

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